If I were ranking the Star Wars series thus far, it would look like this:
1. Empre Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. Return of the Jedi
4. Attack of the Clones
5. Phantom Menace
I know a lot of people don't lilke the new series, but I still enjoy it. Is it the same Star Wars we knew when the Originals were released, well, yes and no. Lucas has fucked with some things, and people like to complain about the dailog in the newer films, but really, the dialog wasn't that great in the first films either. The OT had Han, Luke, and Leia, who were just so good together as characters and actors. And at the time, it was pretty orginal, with little Sci fi actually making it to the big screen, but times have changed and we get a lot of sci-fi these days, some good, a lot bad.
The new trilogy has a lot going for it as well. I've found it fun to watch the Emperor rise to power and manipulate everything. It's also been great to see the Jedi really show their stuff and learn more about the Sith. The sabre duels have been excellent, and the final battle in Attack of the Clones was pretty cool too. But when you sit back and see the moves that Palpatine has made, it's actually pretty cool how he has manipulated others to put him in a place to take power. The bad for the new triliogy included terrible acting by Jake Lloyd and Hayden Christensen, and at times, Natlie Portman. The whole Midicholorians thing kinda took a little mystique away from the Force, and of course, Jar-Jar.
Overall, I still enjoy the new flicks, even though it's en vogue now to bash on them. I'm really looking forward to Revenge of the Sith, and I think it will vindicate these newer films to a certain degree. It's just a shame that what we've all wanted to see, the Fall of Anakin, has to be shown in the final movie. I'd like to have had Attack of the Clones be the first film of the series, Revenge of the Sith as the second, with Anakin becoming Vader, and a Third film, call it The Rise of the Empire, showing Vader and the Emperor hunting down and destroying the Jedi.