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I have been playing WAYYY too much "Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes"


Ummmm..... like, don't you have something better to do with your time? Maybe you can go tell some chick how much smarter than her you are.


We are now entering...
pops619 said:
Ummmm..... like, don't you have something better to do with your time? Maybe you can go tell some chick how much smarter than her you are.

It was the middle of the night, plus I have soccer in the morning, so I had really nothing else to do. Also, please keep certain things in their respective threads. Thanks.


Ok i can agree when you play too much freaking MGS it goes to your head. I rolled out of bed one night cause i heard my cell phone beeping like in the game (yeah its on defaul and sounds just like the com, which is freaky) I started to look around in my room pick up the phone and said: Yeah its me.... I was expecting it to be some MGS character but it was a telemarketer.

Nice performance though man.
Yeah, I kinda have a lisp, to compensate I sometimes speak outta the side of my mouth... that's what the hissing sound sometimes is. But I useto do it really bad. I would day church chhhurshh. Anyway, the game is pretty fun. I may pick up a PS2 to play "Son's of Liberty" and "Snake Eater"


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
The Black Stallion said:
Yeah, I kinda have a lisp, to compensate I sometimes speak outta the side of my mouth... that's what the hissing sound sometimes is. But I useto do it really bad. I would day church chhhurshh. Anyway, the game is pretty fun. I may pick up a PS2 to play "Son's of Liberty" and "Snake Eater"

I think you'll enjoy those even more. I felt that MGS2 uses its features better than Twin Snakes, at least thats how I've seen it. And have fun doing those voices.
Okay, I just read some posts, and I would have you know that I am pretty active outside. But again, this was done in the middle of the night after a 2hr MGS gaming session. Also, I hate fanfics :p

I like MGS because of the story and the characters. Gameplay wise, it's abit average. I liked sneaking arround in "Everything or Nothing" way better. Despite this, the story is great. I really want to learn more about the characters and their history, which I can't say is the case for most games I play. I can't wait to get my hands on "Snake Eater" the new trailer makes the story seem so interesting.


This post + your other post = (The conclusion that) You're an insanely big dork, regardless of the amounts of physical activity you participate in. You're still a HUGE dork.
Wtf? What business do you people have telling me that I am a bigger nerd/dork than either of one you shut-ins. Because I like to fool around with voicerecorder for 5 mins at 1:30 in the morning? Puh-leez
I'll program the nanomachines in your blood to administer a pain killer... to kill the pain (make it his tag mods, do it for the good of the land!)


U shud do Hentai voiceovers


The Black Stallion said:
Wtf? What business do you people have telling me that I am a bigger nerd/dork than either of one you shut-ins. Because I like to fool around with voicerecorder for 5 mins at 1:30 in the morning? Puh-leez

either of one you shut-ins? And you have the gall to belittle someone else's english skills? Haha.
I'm sorry, I can not understand your post. Last time I checked I spoke and read English, not this "english" you speak of. But I fail to see how I am such a huge dork for messing around with a recorder... anyway, can we please keep the chatter reserved to their respective threads.

That being said, I ask the question: What the heck do you mean by "Hentai voiceovers" aren't those handled by pornstars ?_?


Out of a possible 100 you've only banked 12. That was horrible.

/me pours ketchup onto the floor and pushes Stallion in it.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
The Black Stallion said:
I'm sorry, I can not understand your post. Last time I checked I spoke and read English, not this "english" you speak of. But I fail to see how I am such a huge dork for messing around with a recorder... anyway, can we please keep the chatter reserved to their respective threads.

That being said, I ask the question: What the heck do you mean by "Hentai voiceovers" aren't those handled by pornstars ?_?

90% of the people in the porn industry get tricked into it. Its a trap, RUN!!!

aoi tsuki

Grizzlyjin said:
90% of the people in the porn industry get tricked into it. Its a trap, RUN!!!
You know, every time i see your name, i think it says "Jizzlygrin". No offense, i just needed to get that out.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Christ I haven't even listened to the file yet and this thread is already making me laugh my ass off.
Why the fuck are these little kids(Black Stallion and Lemurs) so defensive and angered over little comments? If you don't want to be called a dork, then don't make FANFICS.


If you don't want your English made fun of, then don't criticize others only for you to fuck up every other sentence.

If you don't want your social life questioned, then STOP POSTING THE MOST RIDICULOUS THREADS EVER.

"Don't fuck with me."

Ha. That's rich. What if we were in the cafeteria and I threatened to whoop your ass in front of all your friends? What would you do?

Oh, that's right.

Apologize and walk off.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
aoi tsuki said:
You know, every time i see your name, i think it says "Jizzlygrin". No offense, i just needed to get that out.

...your scaring me. I think I have to be somewhere, like anywhere but here.
HalfPastNoon said:
Ha. That's rich. What if we were in the cafeteria and I threatened to whoop your ass in front of all your friends? What would you do?

Oh, that's right.

Apologize and walk off.

The only way you could scare me is if you threatend to hit me with that gigantic shoe you got from the "Make your Last Wish Foundation" You are hardly a frigtening person Lonestar. I would slap the zits right off your face. I may apologize for making you cry in public, but that's because I am such a nice guy. You are a troll in every sence of the word. You troll other's threads, and you LOOK like a troll. Leave me alone. Please.

Also, the thing is NOT A FANFIC, Jesus. :p
Funny stuff, Sho Nuff.
To KING LEBRON JAMES: Unless you're colour blind, you can clearly see that I am in fact very black.

Sho Nuff

The Black Stallion said:
Funny stuff, Sho Nuff.
Unless you're colour blind, you can clearly see that I am in fact very black.

And you can see that I am very white!!! I'm just flexing my POWERFUL MUSCLES in a mighty display of STRENGTH.
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