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I have mixed feelings about Attack on Titan

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So for my latest anime binge after Gurren Lagan I decided to give Attack on Titan a go, since the English dub is now on UK Netflix and the concept seemed fairly original and interesting.
After watching it all the way through though, I'm honestly not totally sure if I like it overall or not. Don't get me wrong, there was plenty to love, but there seemed to be just as much to hate.

Things to love,
The in-episode music, but not the intro or ending songs. The in-episode music was absolutely fantastic, especially during the action sequences. I found myself re-watching some scenes not just for what was happening but for the music since it just made everything feel even more huge and grand, somewhat impressive for an episode about fighting giants.

Some of the characters. I do like some of the characters, Mikasa and Levi in particular would two favourites, along with Sasha and Zoe (though telling them apart visually could be tricky sometimes if it weren't for Zoe's goggles). I can't really think of any characters I particularly hated as such, though I did find Armin to be too whiny for my tastes, at least until just some switch goes off and he suddenly seems to be perfectly fine with everything.

The ODM. I gotta say, I LOVE the Omni Directional Movement gear. It's a great way of getting normal people to be able to pull off manoeuvres like they do when fighting Titans without giving them actual superpowers (though of course being anime there are still huge exaggerations in physical ability). If I could use one of these to get to work, I totally would.

Things I really didn't like,
The pacing. Or more specifically, the incredible reliance on flashbacks for exposition. Seriously, the second half of the seemed like every episode had at least one flashback. It just felt like the writer had suddenly thought of some exposition or character development that would have been great 10-15 episodes ago, so decided to shoehorn it in now to pad things out a bit. Cutting away from what's going on right now, particularly action scenes, just to have a flashback to people sitting/standing around talking seriously killed the momentum for me. Even worse was when we were getting flashbacks to events that happened barely 1 or 2 episodes ago. Once or twice wouldn't have been so bad but it was happening way too much for my liking. And in all this flashback/exposition work, there was no time to take a peek back at when the Titans first appeared? That's pretty much the only historical event I wanted to see.
The reliance on flashbacks was pretty much the biggest issue I had with the series.

The intro/ending music. Completely didn't click with me, especially the second intro. I didn't hate them exactly, but once was enough and after that it was skip time.

The reveal of the female titan.
Just didn't really make any sense to me. The reveal of Annie as the female titan just seemed to come completely out of nowhere. There'd never been any hints that it was her besides the vague resemblance, and the complete lack of explanation as to how or why really grated with me. Maybe it gets explained later on in the manga, or in season 2 of the anime, but until then this is going to be a sticking point with me. The Scouts seemed to make some pretty big leaps of logic to figure out it was her as well.

So what do you say Gaf? Is it worth continuing on? Is it worth reading the manga/watching season 2 of the anime when it comes along? Do the issues with so many fucking flashbacks get resolved and the reliance on them as a story telling device gets toned down? Do some of all the dangling threads like
how/why Annie and Eren can become Titans
and where the Titans originally came from ever get answered or even hinted towards?


Gold Member
I really enjoyed the first 10 or so episodes, after that the pacing changes dramatically. I agree that the season doesn't explain ANYTHING, it leaves you completely hanging which can be pretty annoying after watching 24 episodes and still don't know shit about what is going on.

Aside from Mikasa and Levi I really liked Commander Erwin, that dude was cool. Overall I think the show did a good job in introducing lots of characters but still managing to make you care for [most of] them.

Overall really cool show, surprisingly brutal to boot and legitimately tense because you never know who will die next.


Things to love,
The in-episode music, but not the intro or ending songs. The in-episode music was absolutely fantastic, especially during the action sequences. I found myself re-watching some scenes not just for what was happening but for the music since it just made everything feel even more huge and grand, somewhat impressive for an episode about fighting giants.
I feel exactly the same about the music. Hiroyuki Sawano has a way of making scenes just feel that much bigger. I also noticed that a lot in Kill La Kill.


it gets kinda emo at times

Worlds biggest understatement. I have generally hated pretty much all anime I have watched, this one was better than most though. I at least found the setting mildly fresh/interesting and the whole giant naked lawyers eating people humorous. But my god the emo...... its at 11 on a scale of 1 to 10. Insufferable.

I... think... I want to see the next season though perhaps? Not really sure.
I just couldn't' get over the main character's shtick. Scream at someone for not having the same point of view, cry after being called out or beaten up and then give inspiration speech that rallies everyone.
It's an enjoyable show.

I watched it at the time where there episodes were still airing, and read the rest after that. I do agree that the pacing can be sometimes off, and I'm not trying to come across as a manga purist, (because I'm not) but reading the
Annie reveal
chapter was much better than watching the episode due to the fact that it takes two minutes rather than twenty, and the twist isn't ruined.

The manga is quite far ahead of the show, and I really would recommend reading it as it's not far until you get to experience another few twists, (this time much more unexpected) but that's only if manga is your thing.

Though probably one of the things that I liked about it was the overall theme of helplessness that is throughout the show. Maybe it's because I am a huge GoT fan so the tension of no main character being safe, improved the show for me.


This show is way too melodramatic and goes nowhere.



I kind of agree on the pacing. It's kinda like, in order for the story to not move forward too fast, they decided to make flashbacks. But it's just boring. I also wish the protagonist was just a normal dude, don't like that things have to be complicated. I got kinda bored of the series and dropped it.


Though probably one of the things that I liked about it was the overall theme of helplessness that is throughout the show. Maybe it's because I am a huge GoT fan so the tension of no main character being safe, improved the show for me.

To me, that kinda went out the window as soon as main character
came back from the dead and had a shonen power up

Ein Bear

I really loved it during the first few episodes, where it was this bleak, grim last stand against a seemingly unbeatable enemy.

But then it went off in a dumb shonen direction of
people turning into Titans with magic powers
and I just lost all interest.
I remember working out who the female titan was nearly immediately because Annie was given focus in the second intro despite only having been in the first few episodes of the whole series.


I've watched up to episode 11 I hate it so far, cant see what the hype was, it's generic mecha teen angst nonsense. None of the characters behaviours make any sense the situations make no sense, everything's over dramatic and extended for tension/money purpose's.

The monsters look cool and the idea seems cool but otherwise I just dont get it.


I've watched up to episode 11 I hate it so far, cant see what the hype was, it's generic mecha teen angst nonsense. None of the characters behaviours make any sense the situations make no sense, everything's over dramatic and extended for tension/money purpose's.

The monsters look cool and the idea seems cool but otherwise I just dont get it.

Yep to the bolded. And it doesn't change either in the rest of the episodes. The only reason I even consider looking out for the second season is because what you said at the end. "The idea seems cool". So Im mildly interested in where they go with it, but I expect that like a lot of anime the answers to the few mysteries will end up being shit, and Ill just regret the time wasted. lol


Attack on Titan was the show that people told me that would get me back into anime. End of the world, ultra violence, the last human city on earth?

I was completely on board with the whole show and all the training and prepping was awesome! I thought it was gonna drag out when they graduated from the academy but it totally didn't!
with the instant attack on the wall!

People were dying left and right, the risk to each character was very real. I thought the whole show was going to turn on its head and make the show about the blond character after
the main character got fuckin merc'd brutally.

But then
super powers from nowhere
. The show instantly became like every other anime.
What a complete waste. I honestly felt like I was watching the end days of humanity versus nature/unknown. Instead, its like every other anime out there :(


The reveal of the female titan.
Just didn't really make any sense to me. The reveal of Annie as the female titan just seemed to come completely out of nowhere. There'd never been any hints that it was her besides the vague resemblance, and the complete lack of explanation as to how or why really grated with me. Maybe it gets explained later on in the manga, or in season 2 of the anime, but until then this is going to be a sticking point with me. The Scouts seemed to make some pretty big leaps of logic to figure out it was her as well.

There were hints


They did a poor job showing that these giants were much of a threat. I just couldn't buy into it. Every time they show them, they're these slow, lumbering beasts. Only time they ever appear quick or dangerous is the battle where the main character gets hurt.
I enjoyed it. But yeah, the pacing is weird. The characters engage in untimely "to be or not to be" existential soliloquies while shit is blowing up around them.


I feel ya OP. It's a bit overrated. It was pretty good but the pacing really kills it. If it was 13 episodes instead with 40 minutes it would've been better instead of having to wait so long for the story to progress.

The part about the flashbacks though. I think they did so to actually start the show with a bang. It takes a while for the manga to start with all the backstory. The flashbacks you see in the anime later on actually happens in the beginning of the manga. So it is canon, but for some reason the director wanted the flashbacks shoe-horned in when they seemed to fit to the context.

Season 2 will be a real explosion, I can say. Sadly though, the manga later on turns extremely dull IMO. Way too political.


The second opening is the best one OP. What are you talking about?

I watched it subbed and really liked it. Nothing can have too many flashbacks after Shippuden.


I really loved it during the first few episodes, where it was this bleak, grim last stand against a seemingly unbeatable enemy.

But then it went off in a dumb shonen direction of
people turning into Titans with magic powers
and I just lost all interest.
I quit reading the manga around that point as well.

Plus, it kind seemed to turn into misery porn. I'm tired of the constant deaths.
It was enjoyable but not that great. Hope the 2nd season takes it down a notch with all the angst and shounen stuff.

Angst can be good if it's earned and interesting. That's why I personally really liked Flowers of Evil.

But from what I've seen of this anime, it's a bit annoying with no bigger point.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I really loved it during the first few episodes, where it was this bleak, grim last stand against a seemingly unbeatable enemy.

But then it went off in a dumb shonen direction of
people turning into Titans with magic powers
and I just lost all interest.

Yep, pretty much sums up my feelings. I can sorta see the appeal during the first few episodes when the show defies your expectations but then it just loses steam for me. And some of the episodes are terribly animated, you can tell the production was a total rush job.

I'm honestly shocked by its popularity, without hyperbole I put it in the same area as stuff like Sword Art Online, personally. Some cool concepts that the writing just never fully capitalizes on.
I have no hope for the anime giving how the Manga is developing. I fell like I haven't seen a titan in a year.
How does this make it bad?

The current storyline is interesting and is adding tons of answers to the mysteries of the series.

Next season is going to be ridiculously good.

As for you OP, I get what you're saying. The author relies heavily on foreshadowing to tell his story, and sometimes it gets so ridiculous with every little vague hint that flashbacks are neessary for some people who get upset because things "don't make sense" when they are revealed.

Annie will be explained a bit better later on, to answer your question.


I started watching this awhile ago after so many people recommend it and I'm with you on this one. The action scenes are really cool but the characters and story are painfully dreadful. I honestly got to the point where I couldn't take another episode.

Bold One

Its good but drowns itself in so much angst and most of the pay off aren't as satisfying as they should be.

Levi is cool and some of the side characters are well done too like the female scientist who's a bit loopy.

Everyone seems to like Mikasa but I found her OP badassery to be grating and tropey.

Its good overall but yeah, I can't help feel like its got a DBZ pacing that I have outgrown.
I really loved it during the first few episodes, where it was this bleak, grim last stand against a seemingly unbeatable enemy.

But then it went off in a dumb shonen direction of
people turning into Titans with magic powers
and I just lost all interest.

Ah the exact point I dropped out, maybe it was unfair of me and my friends keep saying I should truck on but this combined with the to and fro pacing killed things for me fast.
Still I'm willing to give it another go at some stage.


I was into it at the beginning, but the after it took what felt like 20 episodes to move the damn boulder, I got bored with it


Angst can be good if it's earned and interesting. That's why I personally really liked Flowers of Evil.

But from what I've seen of this anime, it's a bit annoying with no bigger point.
Yeah in Aku no Hana it was important for characterization purposes. But here it's just your average teen shit you see in every other shounen anime.
I tried to watch for Annie but not even Annie could make keep watching it.

But i guess it was worth it just for them to blow all of their profit on the first episode of Rolling Girls.


I think that beyond all else the art is what really bothered me about the show. Why are the outlines so thick? It looks bad, not like Bleach levels of bad but on that path. Also, the Monster dudes are out of place and just creepy fer creepies sake. Also very emo and grimdark.. Eh, not the animu fer me. But then again i can't stand most modern animu.


I guessed Annie was the female titan before it was revealed the thing that made me question it being her was the hand to hand combat scene during training not sure about anyone else.

I loved the first intro music it was fantastic, the second one was okay but I'd have prefered if they stuck with the first one.


Great idea for a show, I loved how goofy the Titans were, but I hated most of the dialogue. At least in the English dub a lot of the emotion seemed ridiculous and unreasonable. I imagine the emotions exhibited in the English dub are not far from the Japanese dub, though.

I still have a lot to watch on the show, but it got silly pretty fast.


Neo Member
I'm surprised more characters didn't get killed in the heat of battle when they decided to stop and give an emo monologue.

Shut up and fight already there isn't time to stop and give yourself an emotional speech about how you're going to be great in revenge of so and so.


I thought the reveal of Annie as the female titan was really obvious? The show continually hit you over the head with foreshadowing as far as I remember.


One thing that gets me about Eren's character is that I can't figure out why he's such a psychopath. If it had only happened after his mum was killed then I could understand, but in yet another fucking flashback you see he was always a psycho. Despite being raised in a normal, loving household by loving parents, he was no problem just stabbing a guy in the throat before murdering another guy.
Mikasa I can understand, she snaps after seeing her parents both killed right infront of her then presented with a kill or be killed situation, but for Eren it just comes out of nowhere.
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