I have no idea how anyone could like their burger medium rare


Neighbours from Hell
A steak? Maybe. Even then I scoff. But a burger? It’s fucking disgusting. I ordered a burger not too long ago, didn’t specify how I wanted it, and yeah that’s my own fault, but it came medium rare and half of it tasted like raw meat smells when you open a package of raw ground beef. That sour, gross taste. I had to toss it, it was absolutely fucking disgusting. Now maybe this particular burger was a little too on the rare side of medium rare, but still, I don’t see how anyone could like the taste of partially rare red meat it just tastes so fucking sour and bitter and awful.

Yeah, it was juicy, but the juice tasted nasty. Give me medium or well done any day. Well done is underrated. As long as it isn’t way over cooked, you can get well done and have it still juicy, but the taste is so much better and you get that grill/char flavor that you just don’t get from meat cooked rarer.

Yeah, I know this is blasphemous to grillmasters so come at me 😎
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I always tell ‘em just throw it on the grill and flip it over a couple times. If it ain’t almost still mooing it ain’t worth eating

no not really


Genuinely Generous
Yeah, I don't mind my steak pink, but that ground beef needs to be well done. I don't want any damn tartare.


I like rare to medium rare on steaks, but I just don't really trust burgers enough for some reason and prefer them done a little more.


Sounds like bad meat to me or something. And undercooked...it should be pink inside, not red.

Medium-rare is the way to go. You don't even need to season a medium-rare burger, it's so flavorful on its own. I will however send something back if I end up with a rare burger. That's just asking for trouble.

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
If it's good meat (i.e. not some garbage out of a meat packing plant), it should be rare-medium rare on the inside. Meat is only murder if you cook it beyond medium

Kev Kev

Sounds like your food preparer might not have done a good job in this instance. But. . . .

Your predisposition to not like medium rare in this case indicates to me that this is probably an issue not with the food itself, but with your own subjective tastes.

agreed. burgers can be well done because your lkely going to put cheese, toppings and condiments on them but a steak needs to have a little pink in it, medium rare is basically perfect. otherwise you overcook the steak and it loses too much flavor to even be worth eating the steak anymore, might as well have just gotten some ground meat and made burgers.

also, i have no idea what OP is going on about with sour, bitter tasting if it's pink. sour? what? i dont taste that at all
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Yeah, ground beef isn't very safe to eat rare or medium rare. The problem with meat and food poisoning is rarely contaminated meat. It's usually fecal matter and other bacteria from the kitchen/cooks' hands that gets on the food. With a steak that obviously can't get in the middle so you're good to go as long as the outside is seared to a high enough temperature. With ground beef if obviously can get in the middle when they make the patties, thus if it's not hot enough in the middle you can get sick from that cross contamination.

That said, I still get my burgers medium as I don't like them dry. But I can't do medium rare. Steaks I'll do rare or medium rare depending on the place. If I get drug to one of those chain places like Longhorn or Outback or Texas Roadhouse I'll do medium rare as the meat isn't as good and I don't trust them much. If it's a pricier place like Ruth's Chris, STK or a local steakhouse with better meat I'll go rare both for the bigger taste boost with the higher grade beef and trusting higher end places more. Grilling myself it just depends where I got the meat from. Publix/Kroger, I'm going medium rare. Nicer cut from a butcher shop, Whole Foods etc., I'll go rare.

Burgers I really only get from sit down burger spots I trust, so I'm ok going with medium. I don't like burgers enough to eat fast food versions or at sketchy dive bars etc. That said, I do love a good burger--so it's more just if I'm going to eat something that unhealthy I want it to be a quality one. Our favorite local spot happens to be the bar at a burger joint near us--though I more often get their chicken sandwich, one of the veggie burger options, or (before the pandemic put them on their base menu), their random specials when they had burritos, pasta etc. Try to be a tad more healthy since we were in there 1-3 times a week since it became kind of like our "Cheers" as we got to know the owner, bartenders and other regulars.
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It all depends on if I trust the patty.

If I ground it with my super sanitized grounder with beef chunks that I know it's fresh and safe to eat - then I would have no problem eating medium rare...
but if it's some sort of mass-produced burger like McDonalds or whatnot - I would rather eat well done.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
So you guys actually make burgers outside of ordering fast food?

I dont think i have ever eaten a burger that wasnt from McDonalds or Hesburger or whatever.

Yes, of course.

Yeah, ground beef isn't very safe to eat rare or medium rare. The problem with meat and food poisoning is rarely contaminated meat. It's usually fecal matter and other bacteria from the kitchen/cooks' hands that gets on the food. With a steak that obviously can't get in the middle so you're good to go as long as the outside is seared to a high enough temperature. With ground beef if obviously can get in the middle when they make the patties, thus if it's not hot enough in the middle you can get sick from that cross contamination.

That said, I still get my burgers medium as I don't like them dry. But I can't do medium rare. Steaks I'll do rare or medium rare depending on the place. If I get drug to one of those chain places like Longhorn or Outback or Texas Roadhouse I'll do medium rare as the meat isn't as good and I don't trust them much. If it's a pricier place like Ruth's Chris, STK or a local steakhouse with better meat I'll go rare both for the bigger taste boost with the higher grade beef and trusting higher end places more. Grilling myself it just depends where I got the meat from. Publix/Kroger, I'm going medium rare. Nicer cut from a butcher shop, Whole Foods etc., I'll go rare.

Burgers I really only get from sit down burger spots I trust, so I'm ok going with medium. I don't like burgers enough to eat fast food versions or at sketchy dive bars etc. That said, I do love a good burger--so it's more just if I'm going to eat something that unhealthy I want it to be a quality one. Our favorite local spot happens to be the bar at a burger joint near us--though I more often get their chicken sandwich, one of the veggie burger options, or (before the pandemic put them on their base menu), their random specials when they had burritos, pasta etc. Try to be a tad more healthy since we were in there 1-3 times a week since it became kind of like our "Cheers" as we got to know the owner, bartenders and other regulars.

It's not just the hands of the cooking staff you need to worry about. E Coli lives in the GI tract of all animals, and it will get into the ground beef even before anyone from the restaurant handles it.
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Gold Member
My burgers always come out pink in the inside and I sous vide them for like 2 1/2 to 3 hours or more at 145 degrees. Taste good to me. All in the method I guess.


A steak? Maybe. Even then I scoff. But a burger? It’s fucking disgusting. I ordered a burger not too long ago, didn’t specify how I wanted it, and yeah that’s my own fault, but it came medium rare and half of it tasted like raw meat smells when you open a package of raw ground beef. That sour, gross taste. I had to toss it, it was absolutely fucking disgusting. Now maybe this particular burger was a little too on the rare side of medium rare, but still, I don’t see how anyone could like the taste of partially rare red meat it just tastes so fucking sour and bitter and awful.

Yeah, it was juicy, but the juice tasted nasty. Give me medium or well done any day. Well done is underrated. As long as it isn’t way over cooked, you can get well done and have it still juicy, but the taste is so much better and you get that grill/char flavor that you just don’t get from meat cooked rarer.

Yeah, I know this is blasphemous to grillmasters so come at me 😎
Well done is the way to go for me... it brings out the "caramel" of the burger, specially with onions. I remember the first american burger I ate was very well done. I hate this rare bullshit.
I always ask for my burger well done.
Yeah, ground beef isn't very safe to eat rare or medium rare. The problem with meat and food poisoning is rarely contaminated meat. It's usually fecal matter and other bacteria from the kitchen/cooks' hands that gets on the food. With a steak that obviously can't get in the middle so you're good to go as long as the outside is seared to a high enough temperature. With ground beef if obviously can get in the middle when they make the patties, thus if it's not hot enough in the middle you can get sick from that cross contamination.

That said, I still get my burgers medium as I don't like them dry. But I can't do medium rare. Steaks I'll do rare or medium rare depending on the place. If I get drug to one of those chain places like Longhorn or Outback or Texas Roadhouse I'll do medium rare as the meat isn't as good and I don't trust them much. If it's a pricier place like Ruth's Chris, STK or a local steakhouse with better meat I'll go rare both for the bigger taste boost with the higher grade beef and trusting higher end places more. Grilling myself it just depends where I got the meat from. Publix/Kroger, I'm going medium rare. Nicer cut from a butcher shop, Whole Foods etc., I'll go rare.

Burgers I really only get from sit down burger spots I trust, so I'm ok going with medium. I don't like burgers enough to eat fast food versions or at sketchy dive bars etc. That said, I do love a good burger--so it's more just if I'm going to eat something that unhealthy I want it to be a quality one. Our favorite local spot happens to be the bar at a burger joint near us--though I more often get their chicken sandwich, one of the veggie burger options, or (before the pandemic put them on their base menu), their random specials when they had burritos, pasta etc. Try to be a tad more healthy since we were in there 1-3 times a week since it became kind of like our "Cheers" as we got to know the owner, bartenders and other regulars.

If we're talking about good to very good quality ground beef, medium/medium well is the way to go IMO. Yuo get the mix of the nice char on the outside while still staying super juicy. If you're using lower quality that shit needs to be well done.


Burguers should always be well cooked, they are not safe like steaks meium rare since all the meat could be expose to parasites or bacteria instead of just the surface.

Regardless of that, yes, i agree with you, medium rare is disgusting, even on steaks.
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Only caucasians(carcass asians) like blood in their meat.
This reminds me when I was working in a restaurant when I was 18 and one of the Mexican workers (only been in the states for a few years at this point) was talking to me about the BBQ they had over the weekend with their family and she looks at me and asks, "Why do white people love their steak bloody?"

I didn't have an answer for her


This reminds me when I was working in a restaurant when I was 18 and one of the Mexican workers (only been in the states for a few years at this point) was talking to me about the BBQ they had over the weekend with their family and she looks at me and asks, "Why do white people love their steak bloody?"

I didn't have an answer for her

I'm white and like my meat actually cooked. To me any pink in meat is not cooked.


No no no no no. Crispy Burger for me please.

Hate steak but like a good burnt to a fucking crisp burger.

My mates dad years back used to eat raw sausages knocked me fucking sick.
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Yeah, ground beef isn't very safe to eat rare or medium rare.


Issue to consider
When you have a steak, bacteria are on the outside which gets cooked, even if it is rare, the outside has been heated enough to kill anything. There is no bacteria inside the steak.

When you have ground beef, pieces of ground beef create essentially one huge surface area which increases your risk

When beef is ground, far more surface area is created on all the minute pieces of meat than existed on a single hunk of meat. Combine this increased surface area with the extra handling and equipment that the ground beef has had to go through, and the ground beef gets lots more chances to pick up bacteria during processing. The cow may have already had E. coli in its intestines, but the processing increases the chances of bacteria coming in contact with the meat.

Consequently, ground beef must have no pink inside when cooked. Colour alone, though, isn’t an indication of safety: sometimes hamburger can appear browned before it is safe to eat. It must reach an internal temperature of 71 C (160 F). If you’re nervous about this, instant-read meat thermometers are very inexpensive now.

You can eat undercooked ground beef ONLY if you just bought the beef, washed it and ground it yourself. Anything else and you are going to experience a nice E. coli infection eventually.


When I go to any burger place (except McDonalds) I always tell them that I want my burger well done, and probably 80% % of the time I have to send it back because there is pink in the center.

I must say though since people are not s**tting blood left and right it must be reasonably safe.
Food irradiation probably kills most of the bacteria in the meat.

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