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I just bought Cyberpunk 2077. What should I expect?


Hey Gaf,

So recently I’ve been replaying the Witcher 3 on PS5 (already platinumed the game on ps4)

I loved every second of the Witcher 3 and its expansions. Now that I’m replaying it on PS5, I’m having a blast.

So I said to myself why not try Cdprojekt Red’s newest release and see if the game can be as good as Witcher 3. I bought the game new and I don’t even know what I’m getting myself into.

Are there any people who’ve bought CP2077 based on their enjoyment of Witcher 3?

I’ll be playing on PS5.
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Stephen A Smith Eye Roll GIF by ESPN

The Witcher 3 that OP loved so much is known for its open mission design, right?

The game is amazing, OP. The prologue of the game is very linear, but the presentation is stellar.

Right after the prologue the game opens up and you can tackle the main story how you want.

The gameplay is sublime now after update 2.0. There are many different builds, and all of them are fun in different ways.

The bulk of the game is present in sidequests. Open your map and look for side missions, they are mostly very rewarding with great story beats.
Gigs are also fun, but they are like monster contracts in TW 3: light on story, mostly focused on ganeplay. But if you enjoy the gameplay, you'll love them.

Also, leave the Takemura missions for last. They trigger the endgame when you finish them. So you can finish the game early on without enjoying most of what it has to offer if you focus on them (there'll be a prompt about the point of no return, dont worry too much)

Also I HIGHLY recommend the DLC. Its fantastic, and well worth the price.


Hey Gaf,

So recently I’ve been replaying the Witcher 3 on PS5 (already platinumed the game on ps4)

I loved every second of the Witcher 3 and its expansions. No that I’m replaying it on PS5 I’m having a blast.

So I said to myself why not try Cdprojekt Red’s newest release and see if the game can be as good as Witcher 3. I bought the game new and I don’t even know what I’m getting myself into.

Are there any people who’ve bought CP2077 based on their enjoyment of Witcher 3?

I’ll be playing on PS5.

I bought it because i 100% witcher 3 and loved that game.

It's different tho, but just play the game for a few hours and u will get a hang of it. It's a visual showcase most of all but combat is pretty fun. DLC is great however.


OMG, I would love for the game to have the same structure of the Witcher 3. Same quests quality etc…
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fantastic gunplay and since 2.0 patch fantastic melee combat. Decent main story some good side missions and a couple of great ones ( not witcher 3 level but still better than most games ). Excellent graphics a great open world to explore and some really interesting characters .
That bad stuff are visual glitches are still there but far from been distracting ( flickering textures, wonky physics etc ) and it is linear for the first few hours till you finish the prologue and the A.I. can be hit and miss more so than Witcher 3


Gold Member
You are jumping in at the right time with the 2.0 update. Skill trees have been massively improved.

Explore the city. Easier to do with a motorcycle tho so you can get between traffic.


I love Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk is fantastic aswell. Just take your time, immerse yourself in the world and really enjoy the game.


Gold Member
I really good game, not perfect, and not what we thought back in 2020 (I believe), but a really good game nonetheless.
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I’m not planning to buy the expansion (yet). Need to play the base game and see for myself first.
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Gold Member
Great ride. Playing again with the Phantom Liberty DLC. Started at level 20 and replaying a bunch of the base game quests. Such a great game. Have fun.


Great soundtrack (lot of radio stations with some quality stuff), the best open world city ever in a video game (visually), some great voice acting, not best in class combat, but still very solid. Some of the quests/story in the base game are mixed with highs being some incredibly well crafted narratives and depth (a quest called Sinnerman, for example) then the next can feel like filler. The expansion does this better where all the main and side quests have a level of quality.

The only real negative, for me: Ragdoll physics. They're awful.


Being a PlayStation fanboy, I prefer to play in third person perspective, but I’ll make an exception because it’s the studio behind Witcher 3.
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Expect to play the game at your own pace and discover what type of approach fits more your playstyle(aways carry a ranged weapon though). My suggestion is find a better auto to help you transitate and once you find just stop spending money on it.
Netrunner build is cool, not sure how much of it was nerfed though. Preference to skills that has percent of chance of happen, even at level 1.

Also don't expect to be like W3. Cyberpunk in terms of story and dialogue is amazing at start and bad at middle and end-game.
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It was already good when 1.5 dropped, but its better now. Very atmospheric game you can kind of play at your own pace. They kind of threw the RPG mechanics out of the window, no more need to equip retarded pieces of gear because they have great stats, and enemies scale with your level so some stupid punks aren't invincible just because they're 10 levels higher than you. I think its for the best.

Right now is a good time to jump in. They reworked the skill tree to the point its an entirely new thing, you have car combat and you can hack from your car as well as hack other cars. You can also dash and air dash which elevates its gameplay massively.

The open world is still a lot of window dressing, there isn't much to do besides missions, but for me its a joy to drive or run through it. Some story missions and side missions are legit good, others are so so. And for the first time, I'd say its playable on consoles. I have no more issues with the aiming and I even dropped Smart weapons.


Snake Oil Salesman
There's too much positivity in this thread. Allow a critic to share his thoughts...

+ It does some pretty interesting things with narrative presentation.
+ The story is decent...for a videogame.
+ The world & IP is rife with potential.
+ A+ art direction

- Extremely linear mission structure.
- The open world looks nice but is just set dressing. Lacks depth + interactivity.
- You've gone 42 seconds without story jammed down your throat? HERE COMES A PHONE CALL!
- AI is dog****. How this gets a pass is beyond me.
- The "Gimme Danger" mission represents everything wrong with AAA. I let out a blood curdling scream the entire time I sat through that.
- Still buggy.

I definitely see it as a "NeoGAF" game though. If it came out today, as is, it's likely winning NeoGAF GotY. Just not my type.


Gold Member
2.0 is good. I've been enjoying it. Haven't played the DLC yet. Will probably get into that sometime soon.


Gold Member
There's too much positivity in this thread. Allow a critic to share his thoughts...

+ It does some pretty interesting things with narrative presentation.
+ The story is decent...for a videogame.
+ The world & IP is rife with potential.
+ A+ art direction

- Extremely linear mission structure.
- The open world looks nice but is just set dressing. Lacks depth + interactivity.
- You've gone 42 seconds without story jammed down your throat? HERE COMES A PHONE CALL!
- AI is dog****. How this gets a pass is beyond me.
- The "Gimme Danger" mission represents everything wrong with AAA. I let out a blood curdling scream the entire time I sat through that.
- Still buggy.

I definitely see it as a "NeoGAF" game though. If it came out today, as is, it's likely winning NeoGAF GotY. Just not my type.

Didn't you already share your thoughts in this thread, though?


Also, member tag checks out...
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GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Its a really good game that is definitely worth playing. The biggest negative is the illusion of choice. It doesn't have near the variety that Witcher 3 had in terms of how things play out.

Where it excels is the build variety and all the tools it gives you to play with. Never has killing enemies been so fun know I can kill by slicing them up, gunning them down or hacking into their cybernetics to do god knows what.


One of the green rats

um huh? almost every mission has differrent paths and outcomes based on your abilities and what you choose.

for instance:

One of the first missions to the Flathead. You a bunch of choices during that whole thing.

- Do you go to militech before hand? what do you choose if you go to millitech?
- If you go straight to mission? do you pay them again or do you say no way?
- If you did go to militech and choose to use their creds to buy it do you use militechs creds insteads?
- if you didnt go to militech and didnt pay you just fight your way out and go home.
- if you did go to miliitech and used their creds you fight Royce on your way out and then get one of 3 militech endings to the mission. depending on what you did with them earlier.

Even small nothing missions have multiple ways to finish the mission dpending on your stats and abilities.

Like theres a hospital you need to get into and steal something.
- if your tech is high enough you can use some locked doors and disable cameras.. sneal through.
- you can just flat out sneak through the long hard way
- if you have double jump and a high tech you get ont he roof and basica enter the room you need to be in.
- or you can shoot your way through the place. lol

It snot really that linear of a game. i mean yeach some main story elements have to play out sequentially bnut it they didnt the game would be a lesser game.
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You'll be thankful you waited to play it.

The game is not without its flaws, but it's been a very immersive game for me so far.

I'd personally recommend playing most of the game in first-person , including the vehicle gameplay.
Goes a long way in raising the immersion with better seamless transitions between gameplay and scripted scenes.
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