I have no fucking clue how to do that.
I don't live in a city with a good public transport system. I have no clue what number to call for a taxi. I wish I would've stayed at the bar till it closed all the way, maybe then one of the staff would realize I wasn't good and would've helped me out.
Fair enough, I'm sure. I only know someone who was arrested and convicted for sleeping in his car drunk. The keys in hand was just something i heard.You can get arrested. But good luck having a cop prove the DUI.
No one can really help him with that. Getting a job is going to be harder while he is on probation but obviously not impossible. I think just addressing and personal issues that put him in this situation is a great start, even keeping the same job. If he is a risk for this type of behavior, learning to avoid it is a huge part of turning your life around. It isn't as easy as don't do it again. The dude blew .13. That is high. .05 gets you an overnight with the cops and a DWAI in most places. If you get in a car at .13, you may be at risk of going in at .05 or .08 without even thinking there is a problem.Morality-GAF can be unbearable at times. He knows he fucked up. How about some suggestions for him to turn his life around?
Perhaps try looking for jobs somewhere, anywhere. If you got a nice pay raise, perhaps it would be worth the cost of moving.
How the heck can you get a DUI if youre not in the car?
Gotta put your keys in the tail pile.
It's also a mistake to think that simply being more confident or having more pride in your place in life will avoid these things. It happens to celebrities, rich people, successful people, happy people, etc.
What's a tail pile ?
lol, I meant a tailpipe.[/I]
Even if you're in a parking lot sleeping with keys out of the ignition?
You can get a DUI for being anywhere near your car with your keys, especially inside it.
Also, this is a pretty recoverable accident. Go find yourself a DUI lawyer. They'll make sure you get the minimums, which shouldn't be a problem given this is your first offense. A since the maximum penalty includes up to a year of jail time, getting the minimums is pretty important. In some jurisdictions they can even get the court to plea down out of the DUI into traffic infractions. Depends on the location and the lawyer.
For most states, if it can be reasonably proven you were drunk when you parked the car, yes. You had to get there somehow.
Still cheaper to grab a taxi. As i said, I do know a guy who was convicted sleeping in his car with keys out of the ignition. I met him in court mandated therapy for a DUI, which would be a bizarre place to lie about the details, but of course he could have been lying. I personally wouldn't risk itNo doubt. I'd take a chance with sleeping in the back seat too. I mean, worst case you get arrested sleeping in your back seat and spend some bucks on a good lawyer. I'm sure a good lawyer would have a long LOL while making that one go away.
Nah, the keys need to be in the vehicle. You can't get a DUI if you can't operate the vehicle.
Maybe move to Japan? You don't need to drive anywhere if you live even slightly close to a city; you can obviously practice your Japanese; and you can get a decent paying job teaching English while you figure out what you want to do with your life. If you have problems with depression you might need to be careful about such a big change though.
No sympathy here. That's one hell of a sob story to cover the fact that you pretty much did the same thing as pointing a loaded gun at every person you passed. I hope you're learning a lesson.
You can. Just don't tell anyone about it. You won't be able to get a JET job because they require you to request your own FBI record and give it to them but that's the only way they'll really find out. If he's convicted, something tells me his probation officer won't be approving a move to Japan though...If Japan is anything like Korea, he might not be able to teach English there since this would show up on a criminal record (I'm guessing). I know Japan is apparently harder to get a teaching job in then Korea, and in Korea if your record isn't spotless you're probably not getting a teaching job (due to visa requirements).
You can. Just don't tell anyone about it. You won't be able to get a JET job because they require you to request your own FBI record and give it to them but that's the only way they'll really find out. If he's convicted, something tells me his probation officer won't be approving a move to Japan though...
Probation for a 1st offense DUI is pretty unlikely.
I can only speak for my county up in the Pacific Northwest but this is not true at all here.
I don't know anyone who didn't get probation for a first offense. The states we're familiar with clearly have different perspectives on how to deal with this. OP says his state is pretty harsh so I would expect probation. Where I'm from you're looking at mandatory therapy as well and, with a .13, possibly track B or C, which can last 9 months or so.Probation for a 1st offense DUI is pretty unlikely. He's probably already served more than half the jail sentence he'll get. And there'll be a fine, and a temporary license suspension followed by a safety class and using the blow-and-go thing in his car for a while. But not probation.
Actual supervised probation where you have to go in and visit with the probation officer periodically for 1st offense DUI? Wow. (and I wish that happened here)
I don't know anyone who didn't get probation for a first offense. The states we're familiar with clearly have different perspectives on how to deal with this. OP says his state is pretty harsh so I would expect probation. Where I'm from you're looking at mandatory therapy as well and, with a .13, possibly track B or C, which can last 9 months or so.
Find a hobby. Lift weight and get swole. Good luck with the rest of your life.
Get swole is not the answer to every problem dude.
The worst is that once you're on Probation for DUI (or Neg 1st or Reckless) you have basically been found to be unable to use alcohol responsibly. So you are no longer allowed to drink, at all, for the duration of your probation. And this trips up so many people, they get caught on urinalysis tests or breath tests (the frequency that probationers actually come to probation or court legally drunk would astound you unless you have already given up on the human race) - and marijuana too - even though it's legal now in Washington once you're on Probation, nope, just like booze.
Errr? You're 25, not 10. How do you function as an adult like that? You can just ask the bartender and they'll either give you a number to call, or call one for you. Come on... :/
It's difficult to feel sympathy for you. It's clear from the way you describe yourself and your life that you feel pathetic, and you want us to pity you. But the fact is you put yourself and others at risk because you were uncomfortable, and didn't want to be perceived as socially awkward. Which you obviously already were. You could have refused a drink at any point. You chose to stay when you were ditched, and you decided to get drunk while doing it. The night didn't go as planned, but the girl asked you if you were okay. You went along with the misdirection instead of correcting course.
Be happy you aren't hurt. Be especially happy you didn't hurt anyone else. Be thankful to the cop for stopping you before something worse happened. And do your best to learn from this.
No matter who you are, I promise you, I guarantee you, you are not more interesting when you drink. It won't change who you are. It will just make you drunk.
Are you fucking serious? How many times have you witnessed it? How crazy was it? That sounds like some reality tv show waiting to happen.
Get swole is not the answer to every problem dude.
I think both? I don't really recall...I did some test at the scene, and then some other one back at the jail.
It was .13. .15 is when shit gets serious in terms of penalties, that's instant jail time in VA for five days iirc.
No sympathy from me what so ever, I dont care if your life is shit and what happened you could have killed someone out there, I have lost 3 very very very close friends to drunk drivers and shit like this pisses me off I dont care if your parents will be mad or worried that they have to pick you up, you're a damn adult grow up and start acting like one.
Going by OPs situation I think focusing on improving his physical self will benefit his mental state tremendously.
Just for future reference, you can just sit in your car and waiting hour or two to sober up. Or just sleep in your car. Don't attempt to drive until you've sobered up. It's not worth it, as you've now seen.