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I just got my first ever D.U.I...first time in jail, ever. :(

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Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
As much as I shit on NYC, it's nice to be able to drink a bunch late and just take the subway home. Never have to worry about stuff like this.

Same thing for me in Japan.

Just for future reference, you can just sit in your car and waiting hour or two to sober up. Or just sleep in your car. Don't attempt to drive until you've sobered up. It's not worth it, as you've now seen.

He could also sit at the bar and keep ordering water until he sobers up.
No sympathy from me what so ever, I dont care if your life is shit and what happened you could have killed someone out there, I have lost 3 very very very close friends to drunk drivers and shit like this pisses me off I dont care if your parents will be mad or worried that they have to pick you up, you're a damn adult grow up and start acting like one.

In the office we've discussed how it would make a great reality show - or faux reality show like The Office. People are messed up dude, it happens on a weekly basis, people that know they are going to be breath-tested come in and blow positive. People come into court in front of the judge basically wearing pajamas and blow like a .2 when it's obvious. And so many times they deny it! Like the machine lies, it's ridiculous. Oh it must be my mouthwash I used this morning!

And it's not just your stereotype of the homeless drunk. We have had many old ladies that could be your kindly grandma in the same situation. Dudes that look like they just came from a business meeting. Hot college girls that should know better. And yeah, people that look like, and probably did, sleep under a bridge last night.

Hahahaha oh man I want to subscribe to your newsletter. I figured there would be a few but not that much.


You can. Just don't tell anyone about it. You won't be able to get a JET job because they require you to request your own FBI record and give it to them but that's the only way they'll really find out. If he's convicted, something tells me his probation officer won't be approving a move to Japan though...

Ah, okay. Korea requires an FBI background check for any teaching position, so I assumed Japan would be the same.


You should probably not drink for awhile. If you find you're unable to do that you may have a more serious problem and should consider getting yourself into AA or a similar program before it goes any further.

That said, if this is your first offense and your record is clean it probably isn't a huge deal. DUIs are nothing to joke about but they aren't life ending, especially at your age. You'll have to go through probation, but you don't sound like a bad guy so it probably won't be that bad.

You sound depressed. Where I'm from its a very small town and every job is a dead end job. I've seen friends drink to forget about it and that progresses into something more. Get help if you need it, and start working to improve your life instead of being sad about it. Your life isn't over but it's good that you didn't end someone else's from a bad decision. Consider this a wake-up call.
If there's something you like doing on the computer, you could try to educate yourself in that in the hopes of maybe getting a job through that.

Also, regarding your age. When I started my education I had the same notion. "I'm gonna be almost 27, I'm gonna be old, its in such a long time." Etc etc. The thing is, you just need to get started with something. A lot of computer related jobs dont necessary require you to have an education in the field. It helps, but he you're good enough, you can get by on abilities. Its also something you can do from home so you dont need a car for it.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, try finding something you're interested in, that you can spend your spare time on while potentially building a future career. Maybe look into support groups as well, as a way of meeting some people who have had some of the same experiences that you've had. Could be both healthy and a good way to socialize.


I feel for you OP I've been there before. Don't be too hard on yourself, everyone makes mistakes. I know it sounds cliche but you'll learn from this big time and you'll be way more careful about who you hang out with and if you have a 100% guaranteed way to get home if you're intoxicated. Just remember I know right now it feels like the end of the world but you'll be ok.
OP you are not trash man, lotta people drink and drive and don't give a shit, you feel devestated over it. Just don't do it ever again.
I would never advise you to drive while under the influence but i have actually taken naps when i feel a bit buzzed or dizzy.

Right there in the parking lot , turn the ac on and lock my doors.

Next thing you know when i wake up i no longer feel buzzed and very alert.

people might think that is silly but getting a DUI is worse.

The Lamp

My friends cousin was sleeping in the passenger seat and kept the keys on the ground next to the car and still got hit with a DUI. It may differ, but its all about intent. Being near a car with keys and they can make anything stick.

Wow. That doesn't even sound legal. How can they charge him with a DUI for that? He is literally NOT driving in any way.


I've been told you can get those expunged if you play your cards right. I'd try to find a lawyer as soon as possible. Be happy you're still alive and that you still have a job. It's not uncommon to be fired for something like that.

Final note - it's still possible to live a successful life. I know people with government job who have DUIs. Just never do it again.


OP ...

You have a degree.
You are in good health.
You have loving parents who accept you in their house.
You have a roof over your head and you don't need to pay rent.
You have no criminal record.
You have a job.
You live in a first world country.
You have enough savings to pay the fines, the therapy and even hire a lawyer if needs be.
You're only looking at a bit of therapy and a temporarily suspended license. Buy a bike or use the public transportations like most people on this planet.

So what are you worrying about ? You have a few issues that can be dealt with but they have nothing to do with your DUI. I'd even say that your DUI is the least of your problems. It will teach you a good lesson and I'm sure you'll never do a dumb thing like that ever again.

What you're really going to need to work on are your personnal issues. You should start by loving yourself OP and accepting who you are and stop reeking self-pity. Whining will not get you anywhere. You're your own best friend.


I think this experience and its consequences are traumatic enough to make you realize what poor judgment can lead to. Just remember it every time you might do something foolish, but not so much so where you're afraid to act at all.


Seconding what someone on the first page said. If you have a Bachelors degree go and teach in Japan. You won't need your license, it sounds like you'd benefit from a fresh start and make yourself whatever you want to be when you get there.

You can do whatever you want, you don't have to be stuck in a shitty situation. Do something for yourself.
Take this one on the chin and move on, starting with some therapy.

We all need someone to talk too and some healthy advice you've had plenty in this thread btw.

Be strong op.
This DUI was a wakeup call about your lack of self-esteem and a cry for help about your mental health in relation to those suicide attempts. Go for therapy about both the drinking, self-esteem, friend making, and depression/suicidal ideation. A hit to your license should be the least of your worries compared to your mental health.


A drunk driver killed my great aunt one Sunday when she was driving on her way to church. Be glad you were stopped before you killed an innocent person and let it be a wake up call to you to prevent you from ever doing it again.

I have no sympathy for you or others like you.

way more

As it turns out, getting a bit tipsy and stumbling out of the house to sleep it off in the car may make you a felon. It happened to Daryl Fleck.

That he'd consumed about twelve beers is not in dispute. His felony conviction for drunk driving, even though his car was not running and legally parked, has earned him 48 months in custody and five years of probation.


They will screw you anyway they can when it comes to DUI's. Good luck.
So you put yourself in the worst possible position because getting a taxi home would freak out your parents?

That would have been the responsible thing to do.

A recurring theme to your post is a fear of confrontation and standing up for yourself, including your parents.

Take the DUI on the chin and be glad you didn't kill anyone and take ownership of your life.

The other recurring theme to your post was excuse making, lots of it.
A drunk driver killed my great aunt one Sunday when she was driving on her way to church. Be glad you were stopped before you killed an innocent person and let it be a wake up call to you to prevent you from ever doing it again.

I have no sympathy for you or others like you.

So what should OP do then? Commit suicide? No life turn around? I like you as a poster but c'mon give some directions for OP.


Ehm sorry OP but it sounds like you need to man the fuck up. You even considered taking a cab but did not because it would upset your parents? All of this could have been prevented if you decided to not be a pushover. Also you could have slept in your car. I cant even remember how many times i slept in a cold car messing up my back but atleast i didnt drive.


Hahahaha oh man I want to subscribe to your newsletter. I figured there would be a few but not that much.

I haven't even mentioned the Mental Health caseload. You've no idea how deep this rabbit hole goes.

Oh, and one of the benefits of my job is getting to read police reports. You would not believe the way certain citizens treat the police. Of course you see these high profile cases where cops straight up murder citizens, but the other side of the coin are police that endure ridiculous amounts of abuse and remain fucking pros. Defendants that spit, puke, shit themselves, say the most awful heinous things to officers - how they are going to rape their kids - this is no exagerration - and the officers maintain a a neutral demeanor and do things by the book - for every time a police fucks up, you don't see the thousand times they remained stoic and professional in the face of the most unbelievable, ridiculous situations. I read the reports daily, I know.
Well, you should feel like shit for getting the DUI. And you shouldn't ever stop feeling like shit about it.

But, you didn't kill anyone and you're not dead, so this is the perfect time to start getting it together. So, you don't have my sympathy, empathy, or understanding... but at least you're not dead.


OP you are not trash man, lotta people drink and drive and don't give a shit, you feel devestated over it. Just don't do it ever again.

Not to sound like an unsympathetic asshole, but I didn't get the vibe that he really felt all that devastated over the DUI so much as it was just another in a long list of depressing things that are taking a toll on his mental health. Note the order of the list of complaints near the end, the DUI isn't mentioned except for how it will possibly take away his license. Not so much devastation over possibly putting people in harm's way.

As others have said in here, the DUI is a symptom of a much larger mental health issue. For example, feeling the need to drink more to cover up perceived embarrassment. I know it feels to not want to be embarrassed (I suffer from horribly bad anxiety and panic as well) but one of the things therapy could help him learn is that, frankly, most people just aren't going to give a shit. The vast majority of the people in the bar probably didn't know or care that his friend left, certainly not enough to justify drinking to hide embarrassment.

The silver lining here is that: A) no one was injured or killed and B) this should provide ample time and reason for therapy. I genuinely hope OP can get the therapy he needs. It may not seem like it right now, but it may just turn out that this incident ends up being one of the best things that happens in his life, especially if it helps get things turned around for the better.
Should have taken your licence away for three years and jailed your ass.

People who drive drunk are scum and deserve no sympathy after they are caught. You made the choice to drive knowing the potential for you to kill someone is much higher than when you're not drunk.


Could have been much worse. You're clearly a smart guy who knows how to rationalize all his problems but this is rock bottom. Log off of Gaf and get a therapist.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Sorry to hear that you messed up. A lesson for the future - don't try to do something illegal or wrong just because you think you can get away with it. Especially something with ramifications as serious as a DUI.

way more

Should have taken your licence away for three years and jailed your ass.

People who drive drunk are scum and deserve no sympathy after they are caught. You made the choice to drive knowing the potential for you to kill someone is much higher than when you're not drunk.

Well, he was in jail and he faces more jail time. Learn how the damn system works before you start issuing sentences.


This forum is the worst to its members no community aspect at all the way some of you respond.

OP please feel better and feel free to PM me even if you would just like to talk and blow off steam
Kid made a huge mistake and gaf gonna put him through the coals. OP if you end up in jail stick with your race. Jail don't care about who you rep just your skin, county is a walk in the park compared to prison anyway.
Well, he was in jail and he faces more jail time. Learn how the damn system works before you start issuing sentences.

First offence and not killing anyone likely means he won't face real jail time, when he should.

There should be mandatory sentences for people like the OP. The risks of driving drunk are too well known to pretend this is an honest mistake.

way more

First offence and not killing anyone likely means he won't face real jail time, when he should.

There should be mandatory sentences for people like the OP. The risks of driving drunk are too well known to pretend this is an honest mistake.

Oh, "real jail time." How much "real jail time" till people are made good?

And it's refreshing to see someone stand up for mandatory minimums, it was becoming a real echo chamber here.


For reference, since people are bringing up the punishment angle:

In Virginia (Virginia Beach resident here) a first offense DUI can be punished by:

Up to 12 months in prison (most or all of which can be suspended);
- Depending on BAC at time of arrest:
No mandatory minimum for 0.08-0.14 BAC
5 day mandatory minimum for 0.15-0.19 BAC
10 day mandatory minimum for 0.20+ BAC

Mandatory Minimum $250.00 fine (up to a maximum of $2500.00 fine);
Mandatory enrollment into state alcohol counseling;
Suspension of License for up to 12 months
- If the defendant was cooperative (aka, not charged with refusal to submit to testing), the court may allow a restricted license for work/school.
If the BAC was higher than 0.15, an interlock system is required to be installed before the restricted license will be issued.

Edit: I know this entirely thanks to one of my neighbors, who is a third time DUI loser. And he still drives (illegally). Pisses me off every time I see him behind the wheel. Call the VBPD on him at least a half dozen times and nothing's been done.


This forum is the worst to its members no community aspect at all the way some of you respond.

OP please feel better and feel free to PM me even if you would just like to talk and blow off steam

This forum is incredible to it's members in times of need, but drink driving is abhorrent and many here have lost people due to it.

It's not so easy to say "aww m8 get well soon and try to learn from this" if you've lost your parents, kids, family or friends to some inconsiderate fuck who decided that the best thing to do after drinking was to go driving despite everyone knowing the dangers. There are no excuses. None.

OP, you know what you did and you know how people feel. My only suggestion is that you treat this as your second chance since you didn't kill anyone.
I feel ya OP. I wasn't busted with a DUI but got something arguably worse even though I didn't spend a day in jail, a lifetime federal misdemeanor. All because I was super depressed and felt like garbage. Honestly, what I can tell you to do is find a support group somewhere(for anything), it really helps. Practice some DBT(google them) skills and meditate a lot. I hope you can find some happiness, just know that it wont be easy and quick, but itll be worth it.

The mob mentality here on making the OP feel like shit is disgusting.
Oh, "real jail time." How much "real jail time" till people are made good?

And it's refreshing to see someone stand up for mandatory minimums, it was becoming a real echo chamber here.

For people who knowingly drive drunk? I'd say five to ten years.

And why not? You think driving drunk should be dealt with on a case by case basis? So this guy drives drunk, kills someone and we're supposed to just coddle him because he's having issues?

Or do you consider driving drunk a harmless crime until the person kills or seriously injures someone?

Have you ever lost anyone to drunk driving? Watched as the person who killed them tried to play the sympathy card in court? Had people come from their community to talk about how active they are in church and how this one mistake, as tragic as it is, shouldn't dictate the rest of their life? How they are fundamentally good people and should be allowed to continue to do good?

I have no sympathy for the scum who drive drunk and put innocent people's lives at risk and then feed up some bullshit story after they are caught.

And then to see people lap it up. Ugh.

way more

For people who knowingly drive drunk? I'd say five to ten years.

And why not? You think driving drunk should be dealt with on a case by case basis? So this guy drives drunk, kills someone and we're supposed to just coddle him because he's having issues?

Or do you consider driving drunk a harmless crime until the person kills or seriously injures someone?

Have you ever lost anyone to drunk driving? Watched as the person who killed them tried to play the sympathy card in court? Had people come from their community to talk about how active they are in church and how this one mistake, as tragic as it is, shouldn't dictate the rest of their life? How they are fundamentally good people and should be allowed to continue to do good?

I have no sympathy for the scum who drive drunk and put innocent people's lives at risk and then feed up some bullshit story after they are caught.

And then to see people lap it up. Ugh.

You mean vehicular homicide? That's different from a DUI.

Yes, I think a DUI is different from murdering someone, primarily because nobody is dead or injured.
You mean vehicular homicide? That's different from a DUI.

Yes, I think a DUI is different from murdering someone, primarily because nobody is dead or injured.

So we should just ignore the aspect that his choice to drive drunk, knowing how dangerous it is and knowing how much higher the risk of killing someone is, when it comes to sentencing?

DUI sentencing should be just as aggressive as if you kill someone while driving drunk.


And why not? You think driving drunk should be dealt with on a case by case basis? So this guy drives drunk, kills someone and we're supposed to just coddle him because he's having issues?

Actually, yes. That's why each incident is its own court case. There is a happy medium between "no meaningful jail time" and "throwing the book at him for the next half decade". For some people, a short jail time, counseling, and a suspended license is enough punishment to prevent recidivism. Simply throwing them in the can for 3 to 5 years is just outright punishment with no thought for future prevention.

Taking away the ability for Judges and Prosecutors to evaluate individual cases on their merits and force mandatory sentences does a disservice to all of us.


DUI sentencing should be just as aggressive as if you kill someone while driving drunk.

This is ridiculous because the law can't punish a "what if" - that's just not how our justice system works nor should it. DUI sentencing is serious, and part of it is attending a Victim Impact Panel, where a defendant hears from people who have lost loved ones to drunk driving - the point is to drive home how serious the offense could potentially be, but at the end of the day we can't sentence cititzens based on potential outcomes.
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