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I Love Bees


Ghost said:
I wouldnt say anything is obvious at this point, how could a teenage girl and a time travelling AI fit into the storyline of Halo 2?



Same model?

A few things. First, the latest wave of sound files occur in the immidiate aftermath of the glassing of Reach - much discussion about that. Cleary this ties into the Halo storyline.

Second, the backstory of several characters fits into the methodology used by Oni to create the Spartans. Oni snatched six-year old children from around the world and all colonies, replacing them with flash clones who could not speak and came down with illnesses, dying a week later. One character discusses at length a sister who went through that exact process - suddenly became ill one night, can't speak, and dies a week later. I suspect she is one of the female Spartans we meet in the Halo books.

Last, the AI (Durga) is likely the same one which was found and taken aboard a ship, the Apacalypso. A strange AI was wreaking havok on the ship after an artifact was brought on board. It disappeared when the ship came to earth. I don't think there is any time-travel involved.

There are litterally hundreds of other ties and touchpoints to the Halo universe for those who have been following, and the ties are becoming more explicit every day.


Chili Con Carnage!
GhaleonEB said:
A few things. First, the latest wave of sound files occur in the immidiate aftermath of the glassing of Reach - much discussion about that. Cleary this ties into the Halo storyline.

Second, the backstory of several characters fits into the methodology used by Oni to create the Spartans. Oni snatched six-year old children from around the world and all colonies, replacing them with flash clones who could not speak and came down with illnesses, dying a week later. One character discusses at length a sister who went through that exact process - suddenly became ill one night, can't speak, and dies a week later. I suspect she is one of the female Spartans we meet in the Halo books.

Last, the AI (Durga) is likely the same one which was found and taken aboard a ship, the Apacalypso. A strange AI was wreaking havok on the ship after an artifact was brought on board. It disappeared when the ship came to earth. I don't think there is any time-travel involved.

There are litterally hundreds of other ties and touchpoints to the Halo universe for those who have been following, and the ties are becoming more explicit every day.

Theres Halo unverse tie-ins, and halo 2 tie-ins, obviously the ilovebees story is based in the halo universe so the facts used are the same (I pointed out Kamals sisters story on the previous page), but none of those seem like anything that will obviously be in Halo 2.


Ghost said:
Theres Halo unverse tie-ins, and halo 2 tie-ins, obviously the ilovebees story is based in the halo universe so the facts used are the same (I pointed out Kamals sisters story on the previous page), but none of those seem like anything that will obviously be in Halo 2.

Okay, I understand what you are saying. I agree with you - my theory is that this is just a lead-in to both tease fans and flesh out the Halo universe. Whether it ties directly into Halo 2 has yet to be seen. Either way, I think it's a hoot.


Chili Con Carnage!
OK so Jan isnt Kamals sister, the very last wav file reveals shes the daughter of another prototype spartan (Maybe James James is the real dad after all)...i can only assume that the original spartans didnt have the same hormonal treatment to suppress their sexuality that MCs unit did.
So, tonight there is a "Training Excercise" being held in certain areas across the country. Word has it that you get some kind of DVD by showing up. I'm heading out...Anyone have any information? Anyone else going?
As of now, I can't find too much...The whole audio to the ilovebees saga is on there, a farewell message from the Operator is on there...Credits are on there, and a lot of other ilovebees related features like photos and stuff...I'm still sorting through it. The oddest part is that the disc has an Xbox Live logo on it, and the bottom says....

"Microsoft Confidential. Copyright 2001. Microsoft Corporation Unpublished Sofware. Pre-Release Software. All Rights Reserved. Not For Resale Or Trade."
In big cities like Chicago, and New York, tonight you can go and play Halo 2 on Xbox Live. At the place where I went, which was a Loew's Theatre in Vestal, New York, this is my story...

A friend and I found out about it earlier...We had been following ilovebees pretty closely, and today when looking on the list, we discovered Vestal, which is about half an hour away from where we live. So we took off.

After analyzing Dana's instructions, we went into Loew's, and told the guy up front that "The Operator left a message for us". The guy had no clue what we were talking about, and said..."He did?" And I was like yeah...He's like Idk, go ask the Manager if he took any messages. So we go over to the managers' desk...Wait for like 5 minutes, and he comes over...

Manager: Can I help you?
Me: The Operator left a message for us

Now, the manager bends over, picks two discs, which I posted above, off the floor, and tosses them on the counter. We take them, run out of the place, and race home.

As you can see, the disc says ilovebees, but also has a Halo 2 logo, Xbox Live logo, and messages about containing unpublished, pre-release software....We're still digging through the disc as we speak.

Kon Tiki

ToyMachine228 said:
As of now, I can't find too much...The whole audio to the ilovebees saga is on there, a farewell message from the Operator is on there...Credits are on there, and a lot of other ilovebees related features like photos and stuff...I'm still sorting through it. The oddest part is that the disc has an Xbox Live logo on it, and the bottom says....

"Microsoft Confidential. Copyright 2001. Microsoft Corporation Unpublished Sofware. Pre-Release Software. All Rights Reserved. Not For Resale Or Trade."
Does it have an xbe?
The Faceless Master said:
so are any of these places at all in NYC?

Dude in half an hour, Halo 2 multiplayer is playable in NYC. Get there! Here is the exact location...

570 2nd Ave, New York City

I will continue to search the ilovebees disc...
ToyMachine228 said:
Dude in half an hour, Halo 2 multiplayer is playable in NYC. Get there! Here is the exact location...

570 2nd Ave, New York City

I will continue to search the ilovebees disc...
more like 90 minutes ago... but will they have the ILB disk?!?!


ToyMachine228 said:
No, it's at 8:00 Pacific Time. Which is 10:00 Eastern Time. Go, go go.

Dude, you were there? I was there too!

Remember when the woman said to turn off the camera? That was at me! :lol


Unconfirmed Member
Finally got back from the NYC training session.

Here's how it worked. We all got I Love Bees DVDs and these kinda cool lanyards/badges.



Supposedly the first people there got some extra goodies, but those suckers arrived at 2 pm and it's not like they received a copy of the game so I really don't care.

Anyway, they take everybody into the theater and start off by playing the final clip of the I Love Bees saga, which nobody really gave a damn about. There was also some code they gave us (New York's was "x squared over a squared plus y squared over b squared equals 1" in case you were wondering), which again nobody gave a damn about. And than they finall fired up Halo 2.

There were four TVs with Xboxen hooked up on system link in the front and there was one TV and Xbox in the back of the room that was hooked up to Xbox Live. This is the TV that was shown on the movie screen, and the sound (including microphone chatter) was piped through the theater's sound system. Two people would play on the Live machine at once, and it was basically New York vs. Austin vs. Chicago vs. San Francisco (except for CTF matches which were obviously 4 on 4). Of course, this Xbox needed an Xbox Live update which brought all kinds of laughing and jeers from the crowd.

Unfortunately, the New York team was completely disorganized, resulting in about only half of the people in the theater (and I'm being generous) getting an opportunity to play. Needless to say, I was not one of the lucky ones. But it was fun as hell to watch and cheer. New York really rocked out, probably winning about 2/3 or 3/4 of the matches on the big board, and it was tons of fun to cheer on the good players and heckle the bad ones. :D

They also told us that in some of the other locations, prizes were being raffled off. Apparently in SF they gave away a ticket to E3 as well as a few sets of the Halo 2 Communicator headsets.

They also unfortunately refused to play any multiplayer maps aside from Ivory Tower, Lockout, Zanzibar, and Midship. Still, I got to learn the stages pretty well, despite not even playing. I also seem to remember the Austin guys saying they had some players who had never even played Halo before.

So, overall, still a fun night, even if it was a bit disappointing that I didn't get to actually play. I'll be playing it in a few more days, so it's no big deal. :(


MetatronM said:
Finally got back from the NYC training session.

Here's how it worked. We all got I Love Bees DVDs and these kinda cool lanyards/badges.



Supposedly the first people there got some extra goodies, but those suckers arrived at 2 pm and it's not like they received a copy of the game so I really don't care.

Anyway, they take everybody into the theater and start off by playing the final clip of the I Love Bees saga, which nobody really gave a damn about. There was also some code they gave us (New York's was "x squared over a squared plus y squared over b squared equals 1" in case you were wondering), which again nobody gave a damn about. And than they finall fired up Halo 2.

There were four TVs with Xboxen hooked up on system link in the front and there was one TV and Xbox in the back of the room that was hooked up to Xbox Live. This is the TV that was shown on the movie screen, and the sound (including microphone chatter) was piped through the theater's sound system. Two people would play on the Live machine at once, and it was basically New York vs. Austin vs. Chicago vs. San Francisco (except for CTF matches which were obviously 4 on 4). Of course, this Xbox needed an Xbox Live update which brought all kinds of laughing and jeers from the crowd.

Unfortunately, the New York team was completely disorganized, resulting in about only half of the people in the theater (and I'm being generous) getting an opportunity to play. Needless to say, I was not one of the lucky ones. But it was fun as hell to watch and cheer. New York really rocked out, probably winning about 2/3 or 3/4 of the matches on the big board, and it was tons of fun to cheer on the good players and heckle the bad ones. :D

They also told us that in some of the other locations, prizes were being raffled off. Apparently in SF they gave away a ticket to E3 as well as a few sets of the Halo 2 Communicator headsets.

They also unfortunately refused to play any multiplayer maps aside from Ivory Tower, Lockout, Zanzibar, and Midship. Still, I got to learn the stages pretty well, despite not even playing. I also seem to remember the Austin guys saying they had some players who had never even played Halo before.

So, overall, still a fun night, even if it was a bit disappointing that I didn't get to actually play. I'll be playing it in a few more days, so it's no big deal. :(

Damn, sounds likeyou had an awesome time! Are there any pics of Halo 2 on the movie screen?? It would be even better if there was a video??? Someone somwhere HAD to have brung a camara I hope. :)
Wellington said:
Dude, you were there? I was there too!

Remember when the woman said to turn off the camera? That was at me! :lol

Nah, I was at the one in Vestal, NY, just to get the disc. NYC is too far away for me.


Hitler Stole My Potato said:
This is going to fuck up the page, but here's some pics from the New Yawk event:







wow, just WOW man. Thanks for the pics! Were the graphics still good blown up that big?
I was trying to take some screen captures using the PrtScn button through Windows Media Player, but it won't do it. Anyone else have another way? I don't have a digital camera either...


MrparisSM said:
wow, just WOW man. Thanks for the pics! Were the graphics still good blown up that big?

They were fuckin UNBELIEVABLE.

I will post my pics when I get home, but they are horrible. :lol Had my camera inside my jacket trying to get shit off, and the woman was keeping an eye on me since she knew I had a camera. Ugh. I'm such a disappointment. :(

Deku Tree

ToyMachine228 said:
I was trying to take some screen captures using the PrtScn button through Windows Media Player, but it won't do it. Anyone else have another way? I don't have a digital camera either...

Are they wmv files?

Deku Tree

Hitler Stole My Potato said:
Did you download them or just try to play them from the link? I had to download them to make them work.

I downloaded them too. They freeze right away one me. I'm using a Mac, but I can always get other avi files to play with my Mplayer program.
Has anyone gone back to check on the Ilovebees.com main page? There's a new countdown that reads:


Control has been yielded to the

seeker > !attach Princess
fail "msg: SPDR-5.14.3

evade evade evade

!probe extern proc 1
rogue proc

!bite rogue proc 1 recurse
clean !splotch confidence 100

Mission Log MIA Recruits


Make your decisions accordingly.

It's official. Only 200,156 more days until Halo 3! 548 years of hype.

I'm placing my pre-order today.
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