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I Love Bees


Calm down guys, please.

Each one spend his time the way he likes it. Being "embarased" of the fun of others is no different from being "embarased" of your son for playing that "stupid and violent videogames" or that "worthless RPG games".

Is just a game, and I find it very interesting (I´m completely agree with brandonnn, now I´m more excited with Halo 2 than with that video of E3 2003).

Again, respect. There is no problem with saying "I don´t like this, is worthless", it´s a valid opinion, but you will upset people if you say things like "I´m embarased of what others do".
i downloaded the video two hours or so ago, and haven't even watched it yet (waiting on my bro so we can watch it on my tv via xbmc) and the past 2 hours of just knowing i have 20 minutes of clean footage is more exciting than the entire month of ilovebullshit


Although it would have been cool to try to hit one of the Los Angeles sites, I'm glad I didn't:

1) It sounds like people were struggling to say the right things to the phone, or that background noise interfered with the voice recognition.

2) Negotiating with people about WHO should answer the phone was probably an "interesting" discussion.

3) Judging by photos I've seen of other sites, I would have been WAY overdressed in my daily office wear. :)


The phone never rang at the 17:07 location. They tested with a cell phone and it did ring. A fair amount of people were there, I'd say at least 18 others of all ages and one gender. One guy got a picture of us all flipping off the phone. I took a photo myself.

HOWEVER, I drove by later around 5:45PM to get the phone number of it (Never did find it) and as I parked a girl walk buy and picked up the phone and hung it up. I got out and ran to it, it was ringing! I picked up and a voice asked me to deposit 50 cents. I didn't have anything to put in money, so I hung it up and walked away.

My brother was at the 16:07 location. Yesterday there were 4 phones. Today, 3 of them were RIPPED OUT and no call was ever made to the remaining one.

Those photos are the location I was at, the 17:07 location! Haha!
M3wThr33 said:
The phone never rang at the 17:07 location. They tested with a cell phone and it did ring. A fair amount of people were there, I'd say at least 18 others of all ages and one gender. One guy got a picture of us all flipping off the phone. I took a photo myself.

HOWEVER, I drove by later around 5:45PM to get the phone number of it (Never did find it) and as I parked a girl walk buy and picked up the phone and hung it up. I got out and ran to it, it was ringing! I picked up and a voice asked me to deposit 50 cents. I didn't have anything to put in money, so I hung it up and walked away.

My brother was at the 16:07 location. Yesterday there were 4 phones. Today, 3 of them were RIPPED OUT and no call was ever made to the remaining one.

Those photos are the location I was at, the 17:07 location! Haha!
Words can't express the look on my face after reading this. Now remember I haven't been keeping up on this ilovebee.com thing at all. So I just imagine some shadowy GAF lurkers with aluminum foil on their heads and webcams positioned at these geographical locations trying to capture some shred of proof of goings-ons.


St. Cornelius -- let us know if you come up with anything good!

I've been out all night and haven't been keeping up, but throughout the day at work I collected a few misc. wavs -- http://ilovem.ath.cx/ilovewavs/beefail_recording_of_failed_payphone_attempt.wav was, as you might guess from the filename, a recording of the actual phone conversation from earlier in the day. Apparently they were flying pretty blind -- the correct "answer" to her question would have been "operator", but at least you can hear what the payphone lurkers heard.

http://ilovem.ath.cx/ilovewavs/exci...ts_axon_silently_and_i_think_says_bueller.wav is another girl who recorded her attempt (rather breathlessly, I get nervous just listening to her). She didn't explain in her diary of the experience whether we're only hearing one side of the conversation, or if her call was somehow broken and silent. When she got back home her 'axon' had been marked as hot, so whatever happened, she apparently did it right.

I'm sure by now there's some recordings of a successful attempt -- I'll check the forums in a bit and stick anything worthwhile in that folder.

Where are those photos from, shuri? I'd read a report earlier where about 40 some odd people showed up to one particular site -- around 30% of them just there for the ARG aspect and totally disinterested in Halo 2 -- and that looks about the same size. On average it seems like 12-15 people was the norm. That nervous wav girl was there all by her lonesome, pacing around with a GPS and waiting for her call.


Shuri's location was the 17:07 PDT one in Redmond above the Redmond Town Center. I was there.
Redmond, behing the heart of Nintendo and Microsoft, it's expected to have fans there.
M3wThr33 said:
Shuri's location was the 17:07 PDT one in Redmond above the Redmond Town Center. I was there.
Redmond, behing the heart of Nintendo and Microsoft, it's expected to have fans there.
SHHHH!!! Don't shatter my perfectly innocent image!


cabel said:
It may be difficult to comprehend, but those glorious super-nerds out there on the streets actually accomplished something for the greater good of people who enjoy this kind of real-time fiction.


And what is it they accomplished? They made sound bits available for us all that make very little sense and will mean jack shit when Halo 2 is released.

I don't think this is a very good promotion from Bungie. It's only appealing to the super nerds.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Except for the Durga clip

"AI: I can't ask"
"kid: that sucks. ok, I'm gonna call you Durga"
"AI: But what if that's wrong?"
"kid: it's at least partly right"



Celicar said:
And what is it they accomplished? They made sound bits available for us all that make very little sense and will mean jack shit when Halo 2 is released.

I don't think this is a very good promotion from Bungie. It's only appealing to the super nerds.

Did it ever occur to you that that's who it's aimed at? And that if you are not one of them, perhaps you should tune out. I for one am loving it. It's a lot of fun to follow, especially since Bungie/Microsoft doesn't have to do jack squat to promote the game. I think of it as a fun bonus.


Celicar said:
And what is it they accomplished? They made sound bits available for us all that make very little sense and will mean jack shit when Halo 2 is released.

I don't think this is a very good promotion from Bungie. It's only appealing to the super nerds.

What we got were more pieces to a story (like a book or movie) that is gained via interactive means. Some people would call that a game...

Is it going to tie into Halo 2 somehow? It certainly seems likely.. we won't know until it's over. Obviously, there is a good chance the damaged AI is going to be critical in the game.

How does enjoying this game make people super nerds over the 1000's of other people here discussing games?


Chili Con Carnage!
Finally got a chance to listen to a few of these, sounds like its a story thats out of order (for example Nervous follows hey_dad) it seems to be based in the future (halo timeline maybe?) no idea how it all links together though.


Ghost said:
Finally got a chance to listen to a few of these, sounds like its a story thats out of order (for example Nervous follows hey_dad) it seems to be based in the future (halo timeline maybe?) no idea how it all links together though.

Yeah, it is all jumbled around. I hope we get the rest of the pieces, so it ties together a bit better. Although, as of now.. I still haven't figured out what we are supposed to do after this.


The father is Master Chief...

...or not... lol

I've been following this loosely and I really enjoy the attempt at doing something different. Will I visit phones? No. Will I visit the website? Sure.

I applaud Bungie/MS for trying something a bit different... it's certainly refreshing.


I've been perusing the unfiction forums and they did some internet searching on some of the names.. I'll post some here.

The most interesting so far..

Janissary (Jan) James -


A lot of stuff at the link but most notable..

Janissaries is a science fiction novel by Jerry Pournelle first published in 1979.

The book is about a group of aliens who come to earth at regular intervals, kidnap earth people and make them work as agricultural labourers in an extra-terrestrial civilization. They are made to cultivate plants which the aliens use as drugs. Although not used as soldiers, the captive and slave-like nature of their occupation is similar to the janissaries which is the probable explanation of the book title.


Durga (seems to be the AI?) -

Durga is an incarnation of Devi or the Mother Goddess, a unified symbol of all divine forces. For Shaivas Durga is the wife of Shiva. For Vaishnavas and Shaktas Durga is another form of Uma or Parvati.

The Hindu Goddess Durga manifested when evil forces threathened the very existance of the Gods. To destroy these demons, all gods offered their radiance to her creation and each formed part of Durga's body. Durga also obtained very powerful weapons, such as the chakra from Vishnu and a trident from Shiva.

Durga killed the powerful demon Mahish and all his great commanders. Demonic forces are self-destructive but very powerful. Divine forces are constructive but slow and efficient. When demonic forces create imbalance, all gods unite, becoming one divine force called Shakti or Durga.

credit to the unfiction forums people for finding this info.


Chili Con Carnage!
Ok check this out, the story is split into what i think are 3 or maybe 4 mini-arcs the most interesting one is the Janissary James story, which is mostly all there, listen to these wavs in the following order...
	*missing a file*

And i think Janissary is a reference to some kind of soldier, need to google it...

here we go http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Janissary

The Janissaries (or janizaries; in Turkish: Yeniçeri, meaning New Troops) comprised infantry units that formed the Ottoman sultan's household troops and bodyguard. The force originated in the 14th century and disbanded in 1826.

The first janissary units comprised war captives and slaves. After the 1380s Sultan Selim I filled their ranks with the results of taxation in human form called devshirmeh.

Janissaries trained under strict discipline with hard labour

Spartan mk 3?


Yes, It's almost positive Jan is a Spartan, herself. Her father (who isn't really her father, or at least there have been hints) is an ONI protector? I don't know much about ONI's.


ONI's are Demons in Japanese, but it could also be a reference to Oni, the game with the same name also originating from the Bungie studios.

Isnt it so that the story from Oni revolved around that cyborg girl? Janissary is a girl, and her father (who has a secret background according to Durga) protects her. What's more, Janissary said something about her boyfriend (or somebody else's) being so 'Earth'.... Maybe Janissary is indd a Spartan like being. Also, she jumped from a 3 story high building while on military grounds, and gets up (Cyborg)!...Suddenly, she is at the policestation with that popquiz, and later on that thing is on fire.. Which started slowly, and the sensors didn't even notice it (shut off?)

There is also the certain kind of trouble they can't get in. I find You Knew very very interesting...

Alright: Durga

1: Dizzy
2: Escape
3: Jersey
4: Reflected
5: Durga

Only 5 of them at the moment, and they seem to fit quite well.. No missing parts. What do you think?!

In You Knew, her 'father' said this: 'People don't even know you exist!' I think that says enough about Janissary, she IS a cyborg soldier... She has to be...


Chili Con Carnage!
Vashu said:
ONI's are Demons in Japanese, but it could also be a reference to Oni, the game with the same name also originating from the Bungie studios.

Isnt it so that the story from Oni revolved around that cyborg girl? Janissary is a girl, and her father protects her. What's more, Janissary said something about her boyfriend (or somebody else's) being so 'Earth'.... Maybe Janissary is indd a Spartan like being. Also, she jumped from a 3 meter high building while on military grounds... Suddenly, she is at the policestation which is on fire later on....

Oni is like the secret service in the Halo universe, the 'above the law' type group, they are mentioned in the books.

Is the woman in the Aiden wavs, the one asking the other guy to spy on him for her Jan? I think thats something else entirely, but no they arent from earth, they mention they are from 'coral' (listen to 'beer' and 'you could') he says he's going to coral for a date his mum set up.

Listen to hey_soldier, after she jumps she gets up and is caught by an MP (military police) thats how she ended up at the police station, i assume Oni burnt the station down to keep her PQI off the records.

Thing i cant work out is how the Jose (Durga) part fits in with the Kamal (Aiden, dating) part, the Jan stuff seems to be what Durga shows Jose when he asks for pictures of Jan and she says "i can do better than that", maybe the last two will clear things up.


Azih said:
come on pillow and four_goats.

Four_goats is already out there.

Listen to hey_soldier, after she jumps she gets up and is caught by an MP (military police) thats how she ended up at the police station, i assume Oni burnt the station down to keep her PQI off the records.

This is definately what happened. He says something like "Don't worry. I'll take care of it" In one of the recently released .wav's.


Ghost said:
really? link? its still down as 1/2 on the site :(

Much like 'Dizzy', Bungie let it slip for a little while.. I'll try to find it for you.

edit: Can't find the actual audio clip.. here is the transcript:

Hiroyuki: did her parents have to pay to get her set up with a handsome medical resident?
Kamal: Yes. Four goats, or maybe three.
Hiroyuki: You're Joking
Kamal: Of course I'm joking, you moron.
Hiroyuki: What's her name?
Kamal: Sophia, Sophia Bosseneau
Hiroyuki: Someone who needs her dates arranged from 42 light years away, I'm sure she has a Great Personality.
Kamal: Look at the picture.
Hiroyuki: Oh man. Aww Man, you are so out of your league.


Chili Con Carnage!
Cool, thanks.

so its the clip after 'beer' and its Sophia not Jan in that part of the story...hmmm


Ghost said:
Cool, thanks.

so its the clip after 'beer' and its Sophia not Jan in that part of the story...hmmm

Yup. It's sophia. I'm beginning to think this is going to end up being filler backstory for Halo 2. Somewhat akin to the Animatrix, or something.


Chili Con Carnage!
Pillow is out, all the wavs are now available.

Heres the correct order (at least in reference to the 3 different stories that can be heard), im still not sure how exactly the third one links with the other two




Still no clearer as to how this links to the AI being sent back in time, or how it will help fix her.


Ghost said:
Still no clearer as to how this links to the AI being sent back in time, or how it will help fix her.

I was kinda hoping when all the Messages were released it would initiate a change in the website, but maybe we have to get all of the Axons Hot.. that would take a long time :(


Ghost said:
If they did that Halo 2 would be out before story concluded :)

heh, that's kinda what I thought. Like I said, maybe there isn't a lot more though. I'm getting the feeling when this "game" is over.. we won't have a real solid idea of what the story means. It'll probably be a background filler tie-in thing to the Halo 2 games story.

Ala Animatrix


SyNapSe said:
How does enjoying this game make people super nerds over the 1000's of other people here discussing games?

Because those people probably discuss video games on forums too, AND they go and wait for a phone call at a phone booth at 6:15 in the morning.


Ghost said:
Pillow is out, all the wavs are now available.

Heres the correct order (at least in reference to the 3 different stories that can be heard), im still not sure how exactly the third one links with the other two




Still no clearer as to how this links to the AI being sent back in time, or how it will help fix her.

Fixed a few so they work on transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound.


Unconfirmed Member
aerofx said:
so uuh.. what happend on August 24th?
Payphones rang at designated coordinates and times across the country for the dedicated nerds to answer. Disappointed?

That said, this is a pretty cool game Bungie has put together. I'm not prepared to put all this effort into listening to all the files and trying to piece together the story points, but I wouldn't mind somebody putting together a full summary when it's all done.


MetatronM said:
Payphones rang at designated coordinates and times across the country for the dedicated nerds to answer. Disappointed?

That said, this is a pretty cool game Bungie has put together. I'm not prepared to put all this effort into listening to all the files and trying to piece together the story points, but I wouldn't mind somebody putting together a full summary when it's all done.

It looks like it will be ongoing, as well. The meter at the top of the links page has a meter partly filled, and a score of 103/777. I suspect the endgame will come when that gets filled up.


I wonder if this'll end up being the (or at least a) link that ties the Marathon and Halo continuities together, considering how greatly time travel and alternate universes figured into Marathon Infinity. The story elements are fascinating to me, and it's a shame I don't have time to do much more than watch this unfold from the sidelines, but I'm following it all with interest.


MetatronM said:
Payphones rang at designated coordinates and times across the country for the dedicated nerds to answer. Disappointed?

That said, this is a pretty cool game Bungie has put together. I'm not prepared to put all this effort into listening to all the files and trying to piece together the story points, but I wouldn't mind somebody putting together a full summary when it's all done.

Oh. That's lame. I'm not going to play that stupid game, give me some single player details sheeeeeeeeeeit.


Celicar said:
No offense, but this whole thing was really, really lame. And I feel embarassed for the people who actually went to a payphone to listen to some lame message.
Celicar said:
Because those people probably discuss video games on forums too, AND they go and wait for a phone call at a phone booth at 6:15 in the morning.
OK, that's about enough from you. We get it already -- you think people who enjoy the "I Love Bees" game are stupid. Fair enough...ARGs aren't for everyone. I am personally sorry that free copies of Halo 2 weren't handed out at a Wal-Mart near you on the 24th.

Of course, now that you've come to the conclusion that "I Love Bees" is stupid, it should be a good enough reason for you to stop posting in this thread, right? (Hint: Don't post in this thread anymore.)


GhaleonEB said:
It looks like it will be ongoing, as well. The meter at the top of the links page has a meter partly filled, and a score of 103/777. I suspect the endgame will come when that gets filled up.

Well, something's still going on. That meter is up to 113/777, though I didn't see any changes.


Chili Con Carnage!
thats just how many Axons are hot, as i said before i really doubt they are waiting for all 777 till they update, more than a few phone boxes at the locations have been reported broken. Think they just wanted to get 777 in the site somewhere :D
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