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I Love Bees


It actually seems like we may have to get all the Axons first. If you take a look at the page. One of the Axons for 'My Aiden' has a new marking..


It's probably one of the locations that didn't have a phone or working phone. Nonetheless, the fact that they are marking it as such probably signifies that people should still be trying to make all Axons Hot. :(

It makes some sense.. as the AI said she would send out Communications to her crew, who could tell her how to repair herself ( I think. ) Thus, once all the Axons became hot she should be her full strength self.. brining on either the end or a new phase.


Just curious, but where does everybody get their ilovebees info and analyses? (Outside of ilovebees.com, of course)

I'd love to skim a few of the sites..



novery said:
Just curious, but where does everybody get their ilovebees info and analyses? (Outside of ilovebees.com, of course)

I'd love to skim a few of the sites..


Mainly www.unfiction.com - The Haunted Apiary section.

This is a site with a set of forums completely dedicated to all ARG's as far as I can tell. So, I imagine normally the site isn't very populated, but as of the Halo 2 game that is out.. it is getting totally flooded with people who are new to ARG's.



Hmm, well this definately doesn't seem related to our earlier stories. They mention a ship.. "one of ours".. the APocalypso. I wonder if that is the ship Melissa was on.

It seems to be important from the way they talk.. like it was missing or went rogue.


Yeah, there was a conversation between an ONI officer and someone else a few weeks ago found on the site that mentioned the glassing of Troy. It looks like the story is beginning to gel a bit, and from that progress meter there's still plenty of it coming.


Chili Con Carnage!
Deku Tree said:
Nice! I'm glad there is still more... it sounds like there could be alot more.

Well i only count 154 axons at the moment...no where near the 777 advertised.


Ghost said:
Well i only count 154 axons at the moment...no where near the 777 advertised.

The latest set didn't appear until all of the files were unlocked. When the next two on the recipie3 page are found, it may reveal more.


Chili Con Carnage!
12:16 PDT
38.898893 -077.039445
Pennsylvania Ave where it ends at the White House
Washington DC

13:19 PDT
33.850229 -117.998190
Beach Blvd in Buena Park,
Los Angeles? CA

(from unfiction)


novery said:
Just curious, but where does everybody get their ilovebees info and analyses? (Outside of ilovebees.com, of course)

I'd love to skim a few of the sites..

Actually, going to the Above Reality Gaming Network (ARGN) is a good place to start, since they have links to a variety of information sources. The fastest-moving updates seem to come from the Unfiction forums, though.


Chili Con Carnage!
Things keep ticking on....

the last 2 recipe3.html axons went hot yesterday...since then the status of the the first two pages went to "data archived" which i guess means those phones wont ring anymore...but not to worry because theres a whole NEW page of axons and coordinates..


(theres a lot, according to unfiction all the axons that were connected succesfully before are used again and ones that didnt work have been replaced....theres a lot of extra ones though so if there wasnt one near you before there might be now..)

http://forums.unfiction.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=6150 <--to find out where all the axons are.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Ghost said:
Things keep ticking on....

the last 2 recipe3.html axons went hot yesterday...since then the status of the the first two pages went to "data archived" which i guess means those phones wont ring anymore...but not to worry because theres a whole NEW page of axons and coordinates..


(theres a lot, according to unfiction all the axons that were connected succesfully before are used again and ones that didnt work have been replaced....theres a lot of extra ones though so if there wasnt one near you before there might be now..)

http://forums.unfiction.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=6150 <--to find out where all the axons are.

Damn, 4 more Austin locations. All downtown, I might check one of them out after my job interview.
Oh wow, there is actually an axon somewhat in my area (South Mall, Emmaus PA).... not that I have any way to get to it though.

Hrmm... maybe I'll call my friend who works at EB there to answer it.


I don't get much time on the PC anymore, with Verizon fucking us over.

Are there any new axons in PA, or old ones that haven't gone hot yet?


New Blog entry from Dana. She's becoming quite the cheerleader:


To all the axon-seekers: Go out in groups, get each others' backs. Fan out if you have to, but keep communicating — that seems to really help.

I know a lot of you are putting in heroic efforts... driving hours out of your way, going back to failed axons to try again. I'm speechless about it. I just wanted to let you know that I know, and it's truly awesome.

Keep going hot, guys.


This better be the last one of these, while the wav files are interesting this is jut becoming tedious.


I am ashamed to admit it but i'm really enjoying this nonesense. I only wish some of the axons would go hot in the boston area... :(


Chili Con Carnage!
Heres a site with all the axon locations (including maps for each)


Most of them are live already though, luckily not everyone is as bored with this as GAF (including me) seems to be.

Theres a couple of really interesting wavs though, namely one that seemingly confirms that Jan is some kind of spartan...


Other than that they also create the link between Durgas wavs and Kamal, she starts to listen in on him aswell without being asked to, and says shes "interested in him" but because she cant find out about herself, doesnt know why.


I have one stupid fucking college night class, and it's tonight right when the axon 10 minutes from my college is going hot.

Boo-urns. I'm having a friend head down and do it. If it's still not hot by the end of the night, I'll be going again tomorrow.

They'll call again tomorrow, right?


I've got one axon that's about an hour away, still isn't hot. It's tempting, but I'm gonna have to pass. Meanwhile, Matlock's got one within walking distance. I wish I had my copy of First Strike, I can't remember the name of
the Spartan that got kidnapped, but Jan sounds right..


So the two Madison sites are near the Red Gym right next to the beginning of State Street.. but that one isn't hot... the other one is at the west entrance of University Square... and this one IS hot. These are both high traffic areas...

so should I go check it out ???

what does the 9:13 PDT refer to?


Yeah, I've got an axon that's essentially in my back yard. Thought one would have been outside, but no dice. If it's any, it's a clunky little phone on one of the inside walls...10:09 AM!


can someone please summarize the events on the site from august 24th to now? i really havent been following and it seems like it might be hell trying to figure it out reading the internet threads.

Deku Tree

Is there a site that has the ordering of all the sound files?
I tried to look through unfiction last night but I didn't see anything...

In particular I guess I'm looking for an ordering for the files from hivekuts and recipe3.

I'd love to listen to them in order, but I don't have the time to try and figure it out. Thanks!


Chili Con Carnage!
The recipe 3 wavs are in the right order**...not like its hard to figure out for so few anyway

I ordered the first set (check back a page or three), ill try and do hivekuts when i get home tomorrow.

The 3rd set follow a week or so after the first** so you have half of the story to listen to.

**=As far as i know


Deku Tree said:
Is there a site that has the ordering of all the sound files?
I tried to look through unfiction last night but I didn't see anything...

In particular I guess I'm looking for an ordering for the files from hivekuts and recipe3.

I'd love to listen to them in order, but I don't have the time to try and figure it out. Thanks!

The full story, in order and with transcripts and comments as well as links to the original sound files is here:


Scroll down a bit. It's very intersting tale that's being told, and the connections to the Halo universe are becoming more and more explicit.


And not just the blog - there's 360 new axons up at the site. Looks like the final, or near-final, big push to get to 777 axons live. The past lists of sites were in groups of seven, these are in groups of twelve and there's more of them. That, and Dana alludes to this being the last big push as well.

Quite the tale they're spinning. Can't wait to see what happens when it hits 777. (random fact: 343 is 7*7*7 - coincidence or implication?)



Chili Con Carnage!
777, 343, its all part of the bungie mythos, those guys have some wierd things going on in their brains.

Hopefully this is the last set, wierd there are so many axons though, i make the total count 849 (i could have miscounted somewhere), not 777, maybe some of them were never meant to go hot ie. the phones never rang.


Ghost said:
777, 343, its all part of the bungie mythos, those guys have some wierd things going on in their brains.

Hopefully this is the last set, wierd there are so many axons though, i make the total count 849 (i could have miscounted somewhere), not 777, maybe some of them were never meant to go hot ie. the phones never rang.

I think they threw extras in to make sure people hit enough of them that they would get to 777. There's some talk on the unfiction forums that some of them even went hot when no one knew who helped them - perhaps a little nudging from Dana (as she implied).
GhaleonEB said:
I think they threw extras in to make sure people hit enough of them that they would get to 777. There's some talk on the unfiction forums that some of them even went hot when no one knew who helped them - perhaps a little nudging from Dana (as she implied).

I'm thinking a couple of axons might have been rerouted to the Bungie mailroom or to some of the programmer's parents to get them unlocked.

But that's just me.


Chili Con Carnage!
Thought id bump this as the whole thing is seemingly winding up to climax now, 777 axons are hot and what is presumably the last bunch of Axons are going hot

http://www.ilovebees.com/humptydumpty.html <---For the first three pages of wavs, put into order and seperated by storyline

http://www.ilovebees.com/recipe1.html <---For the new ones

Story So far (please forgive minor errors, im trying to focus on what could be in someway relavent to halo 2):


Jerseys and Jans Storyline mention the attack on reach so it is safe to assume all conversations caputred in these wavs come from a month or so before and up to the glassing of reach (i forget how long that is before Halo 2 and the attack on earth, not that long, someone please remind me)


So this kid who has a dad in the military gets home one day to find a new AI called Durga has somehow found its way onto his system, it seems to be a military AI capable of "things you couldn't imagine" it has strong emotions and seems to take a liking to Jersey, it helps him out with his audit (by killing the auditer). Durga will do anything for Jersey, but she refuses to transfer his dad to a 'safe' post back on earth after he narrowly avoids the attack on reach. Durga clearly has a somewhat skewed sense of duty.

The only thing durga cant do is find out about herself, though she does spy on people and she doesnt know why, suggesting that somewhere deep in her subconcious (AIs in the halo universe are scanned in from actual (normally deceased) people) she is capable of finding out about herself, she is spying on Jan and Kamal.


A computer genius/doctor with dating troubles, gets involved with a crook who deals in illegal immigrations between Coral (Kamals homeworld) and Earth, he's basically great at listening in on other peoples 'chatters' (read mobile phones) and manipulating them in other ways. Only interesting thing from a Halo 2 point of view was that his little sister who seems like she was gifted (smartest, fastest, strongest) died at the age of 6 from a 'genetic abnormality'. In the first halo book it was said that the Spartans were taken from their homes at the age of 6 and replaced with quick clones who were designed to die soon after (before anyone could realise), the normal cause of death was genetic abnormalities. This suggests kamals sister was either a 'spartan 2' (one of MCs unit, maybe even a surviving member, ie Linda or Kelly) or a new wave of spartans.

Jan James:

A curious young woman, 'daughter' of James James (not a typo), who is a member of ONI (Halo universe secret service) and claims to have been a spartan, Jan is also special to say the least, and her dad tells her that she has been 'tweaked'. Theres some clues that James James isnt Jans real dad which maybe suggests that she is in fact Kamals sister, that would also seemingly fit in with the timeline.

Unanswered Questions

If Jan a spartan, why is she leading a normal life and not in training? (Jan is a civillian)

Theory: She could be some kind of new breed of Spartan, the Spartan 2's were Dr. Halseys project, a military affair, that project was chosen above a similar ONI project, it could be that the Spartan 2 project was scrapped in favour of a new ONI lead project that would give Spartans the instincts and training they need without having to actually train them (Jan shows evidence that she is already adept at surveying battle situations and handling them with ruthless efficiency), this would seemingly save money and mean that the only limit to the amount of spartans they could produce was how many they could keep track of while they grew up

Could James James really be a spartan (he says he was himself)?

Theory: There was a set of spartans before MC, a prototype set of millitary volunteers, though my understanding was that this set was a failure as the bodies could not handle the augmentations, hence future spartans were selected via genetic screening to ensure they were the pinnicle of human evolution

The big question is Durga, why is she so interested in Kamal & Jan?

Theory: Cortana is a scan of Dr Halseys brain, and she didnt have to die to create her, maybe Jan was that extraordinary as a child that ONI thought that she already matched the criteria to be scanned (only the most gifted humans are used), this seems unlikely though as she was only 6, so seemingly the personality gained from the scan would also only have been 6.

What the fuck is the point of ilovebees.com?

I have no fucking clue


It's pretty obvious by now. It's all leading up the explain the backstory behind the single player of Halo 2, which Bungie has tried to so hard to avoid discussing.

That, or they're complete screwballs and took single player out of it.


Yeah, I was especially thrilled to hear the mention of the space elevator, since there has been rampant speculation that one is visable on back of the LE case.


Story details, bit by bit..... :)


Chili Con Carnage!
I wouldnt say anything is obvious at this point, how could a teenage girl and a time travelling AI fit into the storyline of Halo 2?



Same model?
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