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I may have just lost a goddamn eye


aka IMurRIVAL69
Last night im chilling in bed with my wife and 1.5 year old daughter. Playing peekaboo with my daughter when she jams her finger and sharp nail directly into my eyeball. It hurts so fucking bad I can’t even put it into words. I somehow went to sleep hoping it would feel better in the morning and go to work but it’s now way worse. All swollen and I can’t see at all out of it. In the ER right now waiting for the doctor. Goddamn this sucks.


Gold Member
Last night im chilling in bed with my wife and 1.5 year old daughter. Playing peekaboo with my daughter when she jams her finger and sharp nail directly into my eyeball. It hurts so fucking bad I can’t even put it into words. I somehow went to sleep hoping it would feel better in the morning and go to work but it’s now way worse. All swollen and I can’t see at all out of it. In the ER right now waiting for the doctor. Goddamn this sucks.
I am sure you be ok
this can be fixed


Gold Member
Sorry to hear that. You should be ok after your eye has time to heal. Fighters get poked in the eyes all the time with no permanent damage.


Bunch of insensitive gaffers who keep posting this:


Hopefully it's nothing, I think it would have hurt a lot more if was very serious.


Gold Member
Oh man that sucks!

I got shot in the eye with a pea-shooter and it was the most painful thing I ever endured

I've been through multiple surgeries and even got a artificial lense inserted. I was told multiple times that luck was on my side


You will be fine. 🙂

I hope. 🤔

I don't want to start calling you BennyBlindco. 😵🥺

jk, you just need a bit of medicinal elbow grease and you will be enjoying those new 3D games that are all the roar lately as god intended, with full depth of field with two eyes. 🤩


Gold Member
Good luck buddy. I don't claim to know anything about eye health, but I think this may well be a case of feeling/looking worse than it actually is.
Damn Benny, I’m sorry mannn.
Once you have kids you realize you can actually be taking down by a toddler.

My first born gave my ex-wife a concussion when he was about that age, playing some type of peek-a-boo game with the blanket. He lunged forward with the force of a civil war cannon and head butted her… that was a trip to the ER


You should have got it checked yesterday . But knowing my self I would have probably done the same. It really depends on how bad and if there is a cut/ bleed out of it.

Sucks. As a father of 2. youngest is 3, I always have this fear as well so I try to be careful her not showing shit into my face / eyes.

I am sure you will be fine. It sure sounds like it got infected badly if it reached a point where you can't see.

Keep us updated.
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I hope you do not lose your eye or vision. Now you know to protect your eyes (and balls) when around kids.
Probably an actual cut on it. I did it two years ago and I couldn't use it for like a week. They say to keep using it like normal and put some eye drops in it to help it heal. The worst part was the eye drops, your eye naturally closes to protect itself. Was fucking horrid.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
A guy I know had a similar thing happen with his kitten. Took a while and some work to get it back to normal. Also - cut her nails.


You have Traumatic Optic Neuropathy (TON). Under trauma to the optic nerve it's not uncommon to loose eyesight for a day or two. Hang in their OP, the doctors will get you fixed up.


Gold Member
One time I was using an exercise device. The kind that help you do sit ups. It has a spring in the center and you put your feet into the harnesses. I did a sit up and my feet slipped. The device flew towards my face and smacked my eye. I couldn’t see out of it for a while. I thought I lost my vision. It eventually came back, but I swear I still have pain from it happening.


Last night im chilling in bed with my wife and 1.5 year old daughter. Playing peekaboo with my daughter when she jams her finger and sharp nail directly into my eyeball. It hurts so fucking bad I can’t even put it into words. I somehow went to sleep hoping it would feel better in the morning and go to work but it’s now way worse. All swollen and I can’t see at all out of it. In the ER right now waiting for the doctor. Goddamn this sucks.
Dr. Uhtred says: You may have a detached retina.
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You should have got it checked yesterday . But knowing my self I would have probably done the same. It really depends on how bad and if there is a cut/ bleed out of it it yesterday.

Sucks. As a father of 2. youngest is 3, I always have this fear as well so I try to be careful her not showing shit into my face / eyes.

I am sure you will be fine. It sure sounds like it got infected badly if it reached a point where you can't see.

Keep us updated.
Every strong as fuck GAFman 💪🏻 checks dangerous shit one day later than he should. 😤

Once I was bitten in the ankle while cutting grass in the summer. Could have been a scorpion, could have been a snake, could have been a scorpion riding a snake, who cares. I think it was a snake because I saw something moving in the tall dry yellow grass.

Well, it didn't exactly hurt, more like a low itch and the kind of dull pain when u hit something not hard, so I didn't care that much. And in fact, it went less and less itchy and less dull.

It blew up, literally.

One day and a half later, at 2:00AM, I'm telling my bro to take me to the ER to check my ankle, mainly because I'm losing feeling in it and I can't use the clutch very well in that state.

I get there and the usual medical front desk dumbo is there to check you in, probably half to three quarters to deep sleep. I wake him up and I explain what, when and how, and he asks me if it's painful, and I said no.

Next thing, the man says in an uppity tone:

'If it isn't painful, why did you come here?' 😒

I then proceed to slam my leg and my ankle the size of a handball on the desk and ask him in a strong tone of voice:

'Do you think THIS not being painful at all IT'S FUCKING NORMAL?!?!?!?' 🤨

He took a look and next thing he's coming out to grab a wheelchair, sit me and checking me in. Two young girls at the general ER that night, one Doctor and the other girls is a Nurse and I know her.

She asks me what's up and I show her, she goes

WTF did you do!!! 😱😱😱

It wasn't me I swear, it was the snake!!! 😱😱😱

So after a bit of checking, the Doctor says here, and pokes me with Methylprednisolone and that's that. It goes flat during that night and next morning i just have a bit of rubbery skin in thay spot, and descaling during years in the ankle. Like real scale flakes forming and coming down. I think that mutated snake 🐍 wanted me to become part of hiSsSs Clan. 😄


Hope everything goes well for you op.
Though if you lose the eye I suggest getting one like madeye moody from Harry Potter. Can really fuck with people then


Corneal abrasions hurt like hell, my dog kindly gave me one a few years back. Lots of prescribed eye drops and an eye patch for a few weeks sorted it.


Jesus dude that's awful, I'm sorry. I remember my daughter elbowed me in the eye once when she was young, and it hurt but thankfully an elbow is too wide to really hit the eye proper, hell of a shiner out of it though. That's a horrible situation, I hope it heals well so that one day you can tell your teenage daughter that she almost obliterated your eye when she was an infant. Could make for a hilarious thing to hold over her head if all goes well, but if you lose the eye then.....maybe that'd be too awkward. Hoping for the best for ya bro.
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Good luck. Hope it all goes well.

My father's ex girlfriend once almost lost an eye. She was filing paperwork and when she went to throw a piece of paper behind her head, she ended up papercutting her eyeball. That's worse than a finger poke and she didn't lose the eye or her sight, so take comfort in that.


Working on my truck several years ago I felt like I got something in my eye...I tried everything I could to flush it to no avail. I went to work and a director adjacent to mine stopped by to shoot the shit and he was like dude, you got pink eye or something! My director wasn't there so he just said get outta here go to the doctor. So I went and prior to the exam the doc numbed it and my god, the sense of relief once those drops hit...turned out a tiny metal shard had lodged itself in my eyeball, doc plucked it out and gave me some drops to use for a few days. I can still see fine OP, you'll be fine.
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That sucks. Hope everything turns out okay!

I was literally laying with my daughter last night and she scratched my eye with her nail as well. Fortunately, it was just a slight scratch, but it came out of nowhere. She wasn't even facing me. Now I know to be extra careful.
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