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I may have just lost a goddamn eye


First of all thanks for the kind words bros. I appreciate you.

Update: ER doctor put some dyed eye drops in my eye and looked at in under some kind of UV light. Said and I quote “this is bad”. Never something you wanna hear from a doctor. She recommends me to a specialist and gives me a cool guy eye patch. I immediately take an uber to the specialist and wait there like 3 hours in excruciating pain. He has me read a chart with my right eye and says I have 20/20 vision. Great. Now he says use my left. I’m like dude I can’t see anything at all. He puts my head in some apparatus and opens my eye manually to look at the damage. He said it’s a really deep cut, but it should heal. He puts some kind of numbing agent eye drop in and seconds later I can open my eye again. His plan is to ditch the eye patch and he put on a bandage contact lens. He said the reason it hurt to open my eye was because blinking was irritating the cut, which makes sense. The lens acts like a buffer between my eyelid and the lens. Now I can keep my eye open but I’m over here lookin fuckin crazy. My eye is completely red and all swollen. I look like a maniac. He said to leave the contact in until next Monday when he’ll reevaluate me, but the prognosis is good and he said I should get my vision back 100% or close to it. I can already see out of it again but it’s blurry as fuck. When I have both eyes open my vision is fucked. I have to drive every day so it’s gonna be a challenge.

TLDR - I should be fine
Excellent news man
That's got to be a scary situation to be in--the not knowing. Glad you're okay, OP. And even if you're not, losing vision in one eye isn't the end of the world. You might lose depth perception, but don't worry: VR porn still works in terms of head-tracking.

Dr. Suchong

Gold Member
First of all thanks for the kind words bros. I appreciate you.

Update: ER doctor put some dyed eye drops in my eye and looked at in under some kind of UV light. Said and I quote “this is bad”. Never something you wanna hear from a doctor. She recommends me to a specialist and gives me a cool guy eye patch. I immediately take an uber to the specialist and wait there like 3 hours in excruciating pain. He has me read a chart with my right eye and says I have 20/20 vision. Great. Now he says use my left. I’m like dude I can’t see anything at all. He puts my head in some apparatus and opens my eye manually to look at the damage. He said it’s a really deep cut, but it should heal. He puts some kind of numbing agent eye drop in and seconds later I can open my eye again. His plan is to ditch the eye patch and he put on a bandage contact lens. He said the reason it hurt to open my eye was because blinking was irritating the cut, which makes sense. The lens acts like a buffer between my eyelid and the lens. Now I can keep my eye open but I’m over here lookin fuckin crazy. My eye is completely red and all swollen. I look like a maniac. He said to leave the contact in until next Monday when he’ll reevaluate me, but the prognosis is good and he said I should get my vision back 100% or close to it. I can already see out of it again but it’s blurry as fuck. When I have both eyes open my vision is fucked. I have to drive every day so it’s gonna be a challenge.

TLDR - I should be fine
Man, I was sweating reading this.
Glad prognosis is good 👍


hide your water-based mammals
Hopefully everything turns out alright and the cut will heal. Definitely update to see the progress as it would be good to know the healing process in case some of us have something similar happen.

David B

An Idiot
Oh I was just searching posts and OMG. Wow. I lost my left eye currently. About 6 months ago anyway. It's pretty much due to a brain cancer forcing out my eye about 2 centimeters. It was odd, when I had both eyes open I saw things very oddly. Like right eye / and left eye \. So I saw two images with my eyes instead of just one. It was very wacko looking. I tried to push my left eye back in more. After a week my eye started going blind though. Pretty much right now I'm blind out of my left eye totally now, I can see with it but barely, it's just super blurry, I can't read or even make out doors or tables or TVs or anything. Plus that I can't open my left eye now, it's stuck close, I can open it about 3 cm. But barely. So your not alone. I lost my left eye. It sucks living with just one eye now, my right, that's it. Oh and I'm also deaf. So pretty much my right eye is all I have left to sensor anything at all.


I was a witness in something similar that could be way worse. My niece was drawing with a colored pencil and when her mother went to pick her up she tried to stab her in the eye with it. And i mean not holding back full force, as if she really wanted to hurt her. Thankfully her mother was quick enough to turn her head and got hit at the side.

If she was 1/10 second slower, she would have lost the eye. At a moment i thought she did and my blood froze.

So yeah, never give little kids hard pencils, that's what soft crayons are made for. But you know what, getting stabbed in the eye by a soft crayon sucks too so i suppose never be chill near kids when they are holding anything.

And clip their nails.

Now you have the patch like Snake or Pliskin, show it off.

I would like to wear a pirate patch.
Well, you are always free to do that, you don't need to lose an eye necessarily.
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Metal Gear Solid GIF

Glad to hear your ok.

Eyes are more resilient than people give them credit for, but it's always a scary place for an injury because of how much more sensitive they are to things in general.

I worked for an opthalmologist for a couple of years and I saw people come back from injuries and abrasions that I was sure would have left them blind or without an eye.


First of all thanks for the kind words bros. I appreciate you.

Update: ER doctor put some dyed eye drops in my eye and looked at in under some kind of UV light. Said and I quote “this is bad”. Never something you wanna hear from a doctor. She recommends me to a specialist and gives me a cool guy eye patch. I immediately take an uber to the specialist and wait there like 3 hours in excruciating pain. He has me read a chart with my right eye and says I have 20/20 vision. Great. Now he says use my left. I’m like dude I can’t see anything at all. He puts my head in some apparatus and opens my eye manually to look at the damage. He said it’s a really deep cut, but it should heal. He puts some kind of numbing agent eye drop in and seconds later I can open my eye again. His plan is to ditch the eye patch and he put on a bandage contact lens. He said the reason it hurt to open my eye was because blinking was irritating the cut, which makes sense. The lens acts like a buffer between my eyelid and the lens. Now I can keep my eye open but I’m over here lookin fuckin crazy. My eye is completely red and all swollen. I look like a maniac. He said to leave the contact in until next Monday when he’ll reevaluate me, but the prognosis is good and he said I should get my vision back 100% or close to it. I can already see out of it again but it’s blurry as fuck. When I have both eyes open my vision is fucked. I have to drive every day so it’s gonna be a challenge.

TLDR - I should be fine

Hope you get better soon! It's crazy what frail beings we are that such small incidents can hurt us so badly.
Oh I was just searching posts and OMG. Wow. I lost my left eye currently. About 6 months ago anyway. It's pretty much due to a brain cancer forcing out my eye about 2 centimeters. It was odd, when I had both eyes open I saw things very oddly. Like right eye / and left eye \. So I saw two images with my eyes instead of just one. It was very wacko looking. I tried to push my left eye back in more. After a week my eye started going blind though. Pretty much right now I'm blind out of my left eye totally now, I can see with it but barely, it's just super blurry, I can't read or even make out doors or tables or TVs or anything. Plus that I can't open my left eye now, it's stuck close, I can open it about 3 cm. But barely. So your not alone. I lost my left eye. It sucks living with just one eye now, my right, that's it. Oh and I'm also deaf. So pretty much my right eye is all I have left to sensor anything at all.

Hmm, I chose the Empathy-like, but it being an eye makes me feel like I'm a sarcastic asshole.

I hope things will get better with the cancer. It's also important for one's mental health to focus on what you can still do (or sense). :messenger_heart:


Gold Member
Oh I was just searching posts and OMG. Wow. I lost my left eye currently. About 6 months ago anyway. It's pretty much due to a brain cancer forcing out my eye about 2 centimeters. It was odd, when I had both eyes open I saw things very oddly. Like right eye / and left eye \. So I saw two images with my eyes instead of just one. It was very wacko looking. I tried to push my left eye back in more. After a week my eye started going blind though. Pretty much right now I'm blind out of my left eye totally now, I can see with it but barely, it's just super blurry, I can't read or even make out doors or tables or TVs or anything. Plus that I can't open my left eye now, it's stuck close, I can open it about 3 cm. But barely. So your not alone. I lost my left eye. It sucks living with just one eye now, my right, that's it. Oh and I'm also deaf. So pretty much my right eye is all I have left to sensor anything at all.

I can't imagine how frustrating that must be. Have you seen a vision specialist?

David B

An Idiot
I can't imagine how frustrating that must be. Have you seen a vision specialist?
I've already had 3 brain cancer surgeries in my life. Doctors won't do any other surgeries. I've had my right cerebellum taken out and about 10% of my left of brain as a cancer was there as well. So they don't want to operate to remove eye as it could damage my brain even more and cause me to lose contience of everything. So it's best just to leave it the way it is.


Gold Member
Thank God. Wish you well brother. I hope your daughter learned her lesson and try not to take it out on her. We all make mistakes especially at a young age.


A guy I know had a similar thing happen with his kitten.

Is the guy you know Nick Fury?

I was a witness in something similar that could be way worse. My niece was drawing with a colored pencil and when her mother went to pick her up she tried to stab her in the eye with it. And i mean not holding back full force, as if she really wanted to hurt her. Thankfully her mother was quick enough to turn her head and got hit at the side.

If she was 1/10 second slower, she would have lost the eye. At a moment i thought she did and my blood froze.

So yeah, never give little kids hard pencils, that's what soft crayons are made for. But you know what, getting stabbed in the eye by a soft crayon sucks too so i suppose never be chill near kids when they are holding anything.

And clip their nails.

Well, you are always free to do that, you don't need to lose an eye necessarily.

Sounds like your niece was just trying to show her mom a magic trick.



aka IMurRIVAL69
People look at me all the time with my left eye always closed as I can barely open it at all. I just get happy about it instead of feeling like ah no.

I recommend an eye patch for sure. I only wore mine for a few days but it’s definitely an attention getter. Might be a look worth cultivating.
Last night im chilling in bed with my wife and 1.5 year old daughter. Playing peekaboo with my daughter when she jams her finger and sharp nail directly into my eyeball. It hurts so fucking bad I can’t even put it into words. I somehow went to sleep hoping it would feel better in the morning and go to work but it’s now way worse. All swollen and I can’t see at all out of it. In the ER right now waiting for the doctor. Goddamn this sucks.

So sorry to hear about this OP.

Hope no major damage was done and wish you a speedy recovery.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Now that you’re ok I’m going to tell you: you should’ve trim the nails of your toddler man. At 1.5 years there’s no reason for you to leave sharp nails there it’s irresponsible and unsafe for both parent and child.

There a lil bit of scolding.
The eye can be shockingly resilient for how...squishy it is. A friend of mine was camping and a thin, sharp twig/branch punctured his eye ball and literally deflated it to a degree. It took time but he's back to full vision after a few months.

To really gross everyone out, he said he felt "blood" pour into his hand, looked down and it was clear liquid instead. The "eye juice".

K' Dash

Babies have really sharp nails, I always try to keep my daughter from playing with her hands or toys near my face.

I’m sure you’ll make a full recovery.
First of all thanks for the kind words bros. I appreciate you.

Update: ER doctor put some dyed eye drops in my eye and looked at in under some kind of UV light. Said and I quote “this is bad”. Never something you wanna hear from a doctor. She recommends me to a specialist and gives me a cool guy eye patch. I immediately take an uber to the specialist and wait there like 3 hours in excruciating pain. He has me read a chart with my right eye and says I have 20/20 vision. Great. Now he says use my left. I’m like dude I can’t see anything at all. He puts my head in some apparatus and opens my eye manually to look at the damage. He said it’s a really deep cut, but it should heal. He puts some kind of numbing agent eye drop in and seconds later I can open my eye again. His plan is to ditch the eye patch and he put on a bandage contact lens. He said the reason it hurt to open my eye was because blinking was irritating the cut, which makes sense. The lens acts like a buffer between my eyelid and the lens. Now I can keep my eye open but I’m over here lookin fuckin crazy. My eye is completely red and all swollen. I look like a maniac. He said to leave the contact in until next Monday when he’ll reevaluate me, but the prognosis is good and he said I should get my vision back 100% or close to it. I can already see out of it again but it’s blurry as fuck. When I have both eyes open my vision is fucked. I have to drive every day so it’s gonna be a challenge.

TLDR - I should be fine
Good to hear. All the best.

Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
Last night im chilling in bed with my wife and 1.5 year old daughter. Playing peekaboo with my daughter when she jams her finger and sharp nail directly into my eyeball. It hurts so fucking bad I can’t even put it into words. I somehow went to sleep hoping it would feel better in the morning and go to work but it’s now way worse. All swollen and I can’t see at all out of it. In the ER right now waiting for the doctor. Goddamn this sucks.
Never have kids!


Yeah, look on the bright side, your kid starts being an asshole, you can guilt trip them. "Remember that one time you blinded me? All I ask is you clean your room. Is that as bad as losing an eye?"
First of all thanks for the kind words bros. I appreciate you.

Update: ER doctor put some dyed eye drops in my eye and looked at in under some kind of UV light. Said and I quote “this is bad”. Never something you wanna hear from a doctor. She recommends me to a specialist and gives me a cool guy eye patch. I immediately take an uber to the specialist and wait there like 3 hours in excruciating pain. He has me read a chart with my right eye and says I have 20/20 vision. Great. Now he says use my left. I’m like dude I can’t see anything at all. He puts my head in some apparatus and opens my eye manually to look at the damage. He said it’s a really deep cut, but it should heal. He puts some kind of numbing agent eye drop in and seconds later I can open my eye again. His plan is to ditch the eye patch and he put on a bandage contact lens. He said the reason it hurt to open my eye was because blinking was irritating the cut, which makes sense. The lens acts like a buffer between my eyelid and the lens. Now I can keep my eye open but I’m over here lookin fuckin crazy. My eye is completely red and all swollen. I look like a maniac. He said to leave the contact in until next Monday when he’ll reevaluate me, but the prognosis is good and he said I should get my vision back 100% or close to it. I can already see out of it again but it’s blurry as fuck. When I have both eyes open my vision is fucked. I have to drive every day so it’s gonna be a challenge.

TLDR - I should be fine
I know we all fuck around on here a lot and argue over shit, but I wish the best life possible to you. Thank the heavens that this is most likely a conquerable setback, instead of a permanent future.


" He said it’s a really deep cut, but it should heal. He puts some kind of numbing agent eye drop in and seconds later I can open my eye again. His plan is to ditch the eye patch and he put on a bandage contact lens. He said the reason it hurt to open my eye was because blinking was irritating the cut, which makes sense. The lens acts like a buffer between my eyelid and the lens. Now I can keep my eye open but I’m over here lookin fuckin crazy. My eye is completely red and all swollen."



Glad you’re okay!

And since we’re sharing eye stories… My friend’s toddler got his cornea scratched very badly by their pet cat. As you can imagine, it ended up with a big infection, trip to the ER, specialists, the whole thing. Kid wore an eye patch and antibiotic drops for a few weeks. 10 years later and he’s perfectly fine and has perfect vision. Eyes are stronk 💪
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