Holy crap! :lol :lol :lolbelgurdo said:Hit it with fury, then kick Ripclawa out of the bed in the morning and run home
PotatoeMasher said:![]()
But you two make a great couple!
Please reconsider!
element said:my gf and i have vast differences in political views. thank god the election is over.
Willco said:Still, political differences are nothing to get completely bent out of a shape about, unless she starts saying that the government should round up all the poor people in concentration camps.
xsarien said:This isn't a "political difference," this is "I think homosexuals should have the same, basic rights as everyone else and you apparently don't."
If I met a girl like that, I'd find the issue insurmountable. There are certain beliefs we hold that may be political in nature, but not necessarily political by definition. This particular one is cultural, nothing more, nothing less.
So you can't tolerate someone being intolerant?xsarien said:This isn't a "political difference," this is "I think homosexuals should have the same, basic rights as everyone else and you apparently don't." If I met a girl like that, I'd find the issue insurmountable. There are certain beliefs we hold that may be political in nature, but not necessarily political by definition. This particular one is cultural, nothing more, nothing less.
Willco said:Eh, maybe. Some people can't handle their beliefs being challenged, and that's unfortunate, because discussion and debate is a good thing.
Lathentar said:So you can't tolerate someone being intolerant?
Hit it with fury, then kick Ripclawa out of the bed in the morning and run home
xsarien said:There is nothing to discuss on this particular issue, because it's so patently offensive to be on multiple levels (religious institutions trying to dictate government direction, denying people rights based on something they have no control over, rather ignorant beliefs that homosexuality is a "choice," as if people *choose* to be a pariah in a society where people are more comfortable conforming...)
Willco said:Stepping into any kind of situation with the belief there is nothing to discuss is almost as ignorant as the people you're trying to condemn.
xsarien said:Who should and should not have rights in a country where they're supposed to be guaranteed is one of those rare exceptions, unless you'd like to put forward an argument as to why women shouldn't have been given the right to vote or join the military, or, perhaps, why slavery should've just been left alone.
Willco said:We're not talking about rounding up homosexuals and having them shot in a line. We're talking about the right to marriage, something that a lot of people contend is something reserved for heterosexuals. I'm not saying they're right, but to ignore them because you flat out disagree with them is pretty ignorant yourself.
xsarien said:I ignore them because their arguments are 100% pure, not-from-concentrate ad hominem bullshit. No logical, realistic argument has ever been put forward as to why gay marriage is harmful to society, to others, or to, well, anyone.
Willco said:We're not talking about rounding up women and having them shot in a line. We're talking about the right to vote, something that a lot of people contend is something reserved for men. I'm not saying they're right, but to ignore them because you flat out disagree with them is pretty ignorant yourself.
Willco said:Your concept of what is bullshit and completely wrong is different than other people's. Who are you to say that your perception of reality is 100% fact?
xsarien said:You ignored an entire sentence. Kudos.
Willco said:No, I did not. Right now you're tring to bait me into an argument I have no rhyme, reason or want to go into. I'm not going to get into an argument with you about the prospect of gay marriage being right or wrong, but I will contend that your ignorance of other people's opinions is just as wrong as their so-called "ignorance".
xsarien said:No logical, realistic argument has ever been put forward as to why gay marriage is harmful to society, to others, or to, well, anyone.
xsarien said:Why should people who are making no claims beyond religious ones dictate what's right and wrong with society?
Willco said:That said, many people exist who oppose gay marriage due to certain beliefs and are completely reasonable people. You can sit down and talk to them.
mac said:It's not like she's got man hands.
brooklyngooner said:I'm 100% with xsarien on this one and Wilco, you're being annoyingly self-righteous.
The debate over gay marriage isn't one of simple "policy" in the way that fiscal restraint vs. higher federal spending on social programs is, nor does it take the form of a "who's better, Joe D or Teddy Ballgame?" argument. Being against homosexual marriage means denying rights to a minority group, rights equal to your own, based PURELY on an opinion that homosexuality itself is wrong, deviant, or morally reprehensible. In addition, those who side against it aren't paying any penalty themselves for this so-called 'conviction', only others; like being for the war in Iraq, it's easy enough when you ain't on the frontlines.
To me, it says a great deal about someone who feels she has the right to deny someone equal rights based on her blind prejudice, and as much that she felt comfortable vocalizing it in the way that she did.
Cool said:Yeah, well, what if JC10001 had like a homosexual sibling or something personal like that?
FortNinety said:That being said, I really choose not to talk about politics at all in real life. It's easy to do so on an internet forum where no one can see each other's faces and the such, but in real life, I tend to stay away from debates, even with those that I generally agree with. It's like abortion... if I meet someone with a differing view, almost nothing is going to change the mind of the other side, so I just don't bother. And on that note, I don't like to argue about it with certain friends because I don't want to mortally offend the other person. Perhaps this is defeatist, and it is, but I'm just being honest.
Overseer said:Yeah so what. It isn't like she came out and said "Kill all the homosexuals" She was simply stating that she is against gay marriage. Now maybe if she said something more violent it would be worth getting upset about.
brooklyngooner said:My point is that being against gay marriage isn't "simple."
Nameless said:Theres always a flaw when you think you've met the "perfect" girl. In your case, atleast from my perspective, the flaw is minor. From what I've observed, some of the strongest and most succesful relations ships occur between two people with some sort of religious,political, or racial differences. Hell, take my parents; My mom swings is from New Jersey and swings towards the left, while my dad is from mississippi and swings towards the right. They've been married 21 years and i've detected no major problems what so ever....ever..
You're 25 for gawd's sake, its not like your 35 where its pretty much marriage or bust. This is the time to experiment..Honestly, what do you have to lose? Worst case scenario the chick offends the hell out of you with every other sentence, so what, move on. Or perhaps, everything else that you have in common makes for a wonderful relationship. And from the sounds of things, you'll never be short of intellectual conversation or debate. Juding soley from your post, the positives atleast on paper out weigh the negative, so at very least its worth giving it a shot.
Overseer said:And being for gay marriage is?!?!?!?!
Archaix said:This isn't a political opinion. It's an opinion that some people are inherently less deserving than you are.
DopeyFish said:In general, chosing if you like someone based on their political preference is retarded.IAWTP
Uh, when a girl blatantly invites me to come to her place, not once, but twice, then I'm not going to be watching the news. But hell, what do i know?
:lol :lol
Archaix said:I am entirely against Willco on this one, too. I do think that political views are an extremely important part of whether I can get along with a woman, but some things I'd be able to deal with. If you are economically conservative, I can generally overlook it. If you're a bigot though, you're out of consideration. That's the case here, and there's no dancing around it. I don't give a good damn what the many or even the majority believe.
This isn't a political opinion. It's an opinion that some people are inherently less deserving than you are.