AstroLad said:
Any girl that said "fag" or "nigger" or any number of hateful terms for a group of people anything like that in such a mean-spirited way I would literally be repulsed by. I don't even think it would be a big "choice," I would just see her as trash.
Agreed. True story:
Things were going splendidly with this girl I was dating for a couple of months back when I was 19. She had a slight temper at times, which was somewhat off-putting, but eh, we all have our faults. So one day we're in the local mall, which is in a primarily black neighborhood (Kings Plaza for those in Bklyn.); we were in some girly store that I got reluctantly dragged into-- I think it was Express or some such. Anyway, to make a long story short, we're waiting on line to purchase some clothes, and some black woman-- I'm almost certain in ignorance, but perhaps purposely-- decides to try to cut into the line a couple of people ahead of us. Now, it was near the holidays, and we had been shopping a while, so there was obviously some tension there about just wanting to get the heck out of the mall and go home to relax.
All of a sudden, she just flips the hell out, talking loudly into the air, "f'ing nigger this" and "f'ing nigger that", going on and on (loudly, in a store where there were dozens of black people, mind you, though obviously it's wrong anywhere) about how "these niggers think they can do whatever they want". Needless to say, I was appalled, and pretty much grabbed her by the arm and ushered her out of the store after trying to calm her down verbally. So we get outside the store, and I try to tell her how I felt that those comments were indefensible, though I sorta candy-coated it because she was visibly pissed, and I'm not one for confrontation in public places, and besides, I knew I'd have to be with her for at least another half hour until I dropped her off home. So later that night, when I dropped her off, I told her flat-out that I didn't want to be with someone who harbored such virulent racist sentiment (I didn't use those words, obviously-- she wasn't the brightest bulb

). She started apologizing, saying how she just got caught up in the moment, and how she realizes that not all black people are "like that" etc., but I would have none of it.
Much like the "fag" comments above, it was more the intense nature of the sentiment the specific epithets conveyed than merely fact that she may not like black people. If she had phrased it differently, or had been less insistent/aggressive about vocalizing it in a crowded store (which is just unbecoming, regardless), perhaps I would have had to think about it for more than a split-second. But, to my mind, when "f'ing nigger" flows so readily from someone's mouth-- even when they're angry-- it really betrays a deep hatred and wickedness. Hell, I don't think I'd say that word if I were held up at gunpoint or beaten up by a group of blacks-- it's just not in my nature to do so; being so close to someone who DID do so was unsettling. It never would have worked out.
I imagine I'd have done the same had someone used the word "fag" in such a manner (or in any context, really). Though I personally disagree with homosexuality, I really can't see insulting someone so harshly, and I wouldn't want to be with someone who felt that it was their place to call people "dirty fags" either. It's just a disgusting sentiment; these sorts of comments and intense hatreds spring from a terribly warped mentality.
Crazy world.