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I miss being young


Gold Member
And I could sleep like this and not feel like a had broken all the bones on my body when I wake up.

Now I have to sleep on a proper position like an adult 😔

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
I'm mostly a side-sleeper but occasionally I unconsciously end up more on my stomach twisting my poor neck 90+ degrees and yeah that feels no good at all the next day.

I once fell asleep on my back over 20 years ago now when I had pneumonia and I was all drugged up. Every once in a while I try it in hopes of keeping my spine straight, at least in that particular plane, for once and it just never happens for me. Ya know what. Imma try that shit tonight.


When I was a kid, I remember the previous generations starting to call you old when you enter your mid-60s. What happened, and why is everyone thinking they're getting old so fast?


I'm 40 and I've never felt better apart from a small problem to an ear (no ear loss, just a strange sound from time to time).

Exercise 3/4 times a week

Eat well and try to stop eating while you are still a bit hungry.

Surround yourself by positive ppl (this is the most important)


The fact that I could once sleep on the floor and be okay blows my mind now. I'm mid-30s and slept on the floor next to my son's crib one night when he couldn't sleep. About an hour in I started having vivid dreams that I was being crushed in a vise and hit on my back with a sledgehammer. When I woke up I was in so much pain.

That said, I started working out regularly again about 4 months ago, and I've noticed that my daily aches and pains are almost completely gone now. Especially in my back. My core had become ridiculously weak, and working out has made it much stronger. I used to foam roll my back 3-4 times a day and roll around on a racquetball to get knots out. Now I never have to do either.


Well, you kind of have a youth obsessed culture. Your 40s and 50s are not really old.

It is when you start to feel the burn.

I am kind of fascinated how advanced and convenient things are now.
bruvs, y'all need to work out and eat healthy and move away from a sedentary lifestyle; I don't feel that much different from my early twenties, in fact I'm pretty sure I'm stronger than I've ever been, the only thing that's gotten worse is recovery; any injury takes about twice as long to heal as before.
But in terms of physical prowess and energy, I still feel like I'm unstoppable.

Take care of yourself, the body is very adaptable, but it needs your help.
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Yeah. I assume a lot of us on these forums need some kind of exercise routine.

I got this Switch exercise game that I need to use.


Ultimate DQ Fan
I miss being a teenager. My family went through a tough time during that period. We were homeless, so I had to kind of hide in the shadows at school so no one would ask questions. Because of this, I didn't really have friends and didn't date or anything. I got to miss out on the teenage experience.

But I much prefer my 30s and the amount of agency I have on my life over being a broke 20 year old. I miss the random trouble I'd get into with my friends, but I enjoy the stability and peace I have with my wife.


Well, I am 50 and I miss the days of being able to eat fried stuff or fatty ramen w/o feeling guilt or consequences... and also my vision (old eyes can't see stuff - nor night vision has gotten pretty bad that I don't want to drive at night at all). - Also occasional knee pain! :(

I was also in my best shape in my mid to late 30s. I think many get the urge to take care of their body around that time - and body is still young to catch up with all the excercises.

But other than that - I'm actually okay. I still look young enough that people think I'm in my 30s - and being able to think with my head rather than my balls, is somewhat liberating!


I never felt good about sleeping on a floor even when I was young, so dunno if thats a good metric to judge how old you feel.

One thing that has changed is I definitely cant stay up late anymore. Even on weekends, ten o clock rolls around and Im zonked.
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Turn 43 in a few days. Most things hurt, all the time…. But…. I now have the fortitude to work through any hangover. Also, old man strength is a thing. So yeah, there’s that.


Ya’ll need to start prioritizing your health and fitness. 37 here and feel way better than I ever did in my young days.
It’s true, it’s also super easy. I cut out booze and sugar and just do a 40 minute walk at lunch and lost 20 lbs since September. Every health metric jumped massively in a good way too. Getting healthy is easy if you want to do it.

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
When I was 40 I slipped on a tiny patch of ice on the sidewalk and my right calf was righteously fucked for 2 weeks.
When I was 10 I jumped from my 2nd floor balcony into a pile of leaves and barely got a sprained ankle.

We get old, it's part of the deal 😁

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
I eat horribly and don't exercise, I think the only thing keeping me young (some of you may have seen my pic) is that I don't drink or smoke and the occasional blood sacrifice.


Gold Member
I eat horribly and don't exercise, I think the only thing keeping me young (some of you may have seen my pic) is that I don't drink or smoke and the occasional blood sacrifice.
I do exercise and I can count the number of times I drink every year with a single hand. I was however a smoker. I just vape now. Yeah, it’s not ideal but I think it’s at least a bit better than actually smoking.

I might try the blood sacrifice.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
I do exercise and I can count the number of times I drink every year with a single hand. I was however a smoker. I just vape now. Yeah, it’s not ideal but I think it’s at least a bit better than actually smoking.

I might try the blood sacrifice.
I should add I walk at least 10,000 steps 5 days a week due to work that probably helps a little but I really do think it's the blood sacrifices.

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
I was however a smoker. I just vape now. Yeah, it’s not ideal but I think it’s at least a bit better than actually smoking.
I was a smoker since I was 15 and when I told my family doctor I was switching to vape he went " Fuck yeah gogogogo!"

I enjoy the gay fruity flavors like strawberry champagne, peach fuzz & blueberry delight which taste delicious when listening to Bette Midler songs.
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