So I've been playing around with SuperSampling, and something doesn't look quite right. I think it has something to do with LOD bias.. but I'm not positive.
I've been following the settings advice in this topic
Currently, I've been playing left4dead2 with 8x SGSS. It looks smooth as heck, but I feel like the textures are blurry or not quite as sharp. But now I've spent so much time staring at it I don't know whats what. It might just be the mist effect that l4d has coupled with the film grain or it might be that l4d2 in general has lower res textures than episode2 which I just played with supersampling and it looked great.
What the hell does LOD bias do? I know LOD stands for level of detail, which is why I think it has something to do with the texture blurriness I've been perceiving. I was looking at a street sign and walking forward and backwards and watching the writing get blurrier and then clearer depending on my distance from it. But that might just be how the game works anyway. AHHHH. How do I get the best image quality? I've just restored defualts on the nvida inspector and am going to restart the game to see if it looks better/different.
Read this, hopefully it helps explain the difference between sgssaa and ogssaa and the blurriness that happens.