Your planned build: i5 3570k (210€
/ 2x4GB Corsair Vengeance LP 1600mhz DDR3 (68€
/ Asus p8z77-v lk (131€
/ asus 770 directcu 2 oc (400€
/ xfx 650 (85€
/ fractal define r4 (108€
/ WD Caviar Blue 1TB 64MB 7200 3.5 (60€
-> 1065€
Budget: 1100€ (without display) / Portugal
Main Use: Gaming - 5,General Usage (Word, Web, 1080p playback) - 5, Streaming games in HD - 2, programming - 3
Monitor Resolution: I wanna play at 1080p and I need a new display. I'm moving my tv which I use to play Xbox to another room and I currently have a laptop
List SPECIFIC games or applications that you MUST be able to run well: I'd like to run current games and 1st nextgen ones at 1080p with 60fps at least
When will you build? I'll order the parts today or next monday
Will you be overclocking?: Yes I guess, but this is all new to me
I would like to buy the SSD now but I think that spending those 100€ on the GPU is better in the long run, while I wait for the SSD to get cheaper. The hyper 212 evo is cheap but I dont know a thing about OC, so I was planning on buying him later with the SSD.
About the display, I like the Benq X2411T and the Asus VG23AH, 2 really different options. I'd like to use the display with both the PC and my console but I saw that the Benq has no speakers, so what would be a good solution? I have headphones but I dont like to wear them 24/7.