hi guys, i'm looking into assembling this pc. I'm quite sure about CPU/GPU combo, but a little less about mobo, ram, cooling e psu. Can you tell me what do you think?
CPU: Intel i7-4790k
GPU: MSI - GeForce GTX 970 4 GB
Motherboard: MSI - Motherboard Z87-G45 GAMING (is it good? it comes at a nice price)
RAM: CORSAIR - Memory Dimm Vengeance Black 16 Gb (2x8Gb) ddr3 1866 MHz CL10 Unbuffered (what does "low profile" means? and "unbuffered"?)
HD: WESTERN DIGITAL - WD Blue 1 TB 7200 rpm
SSD: SAMSUNG - Solid State Disk 250 GB Series 840 Evo 2.5" Interface Sata III 6 Gb/s
DVD: SAMSUNG - DVD burner SH-224DB BEBE SATA 1.5Gbps Bulk
PSU: XFX - Power supply 750 Watt Core Edition ATX 80 Plus Bronze
HEATSINK; Coolermaster hyper 212EVO
Are you using PCPartpicker to get that build? If so post a link to it so we can see the prices.
hi guys, i'm looking into assembling this pc. I'm quite sure about CPU/GPU combo, but a little less about mobo, ram, cooling e psu. Can you tell me what do you think?
CPU: Intel i7-4790k
GPU: MSI - GeForce GTX 970 4 GB
Motherboard: MSI - Motherboard Z87-G45 GAMING (is it good? it comes at a nice price)
RAM: CORSAIR - Memory Dimm Vengeance Black 16 Gb (2x8Gb) ddr3 1866 MHz CL10 Unbuffered (what does "low profile" means? and "unbuffered"?)
HD: WESTERN DIGITAL - WD Blue 1 TB 7200 rpm
SSD: SAMSUNG - Solid State Disk 250 GB Series 840 Evo 2.5" Interface Sata III 6 Gb/s
DVD: SAMSUNG - DVD burner SH-224DB BEBE SATA 1.5Gbps Bulk
PSU: XFX - Power supply 750 Watt Core Edition ATX 80 Plus Bronze
HEATSINK; Coolermaster hyper 212EVO
Am I the only one who always thought PowerColor was actually PowerCooler? Like, PowerCooler would make sense. I don't even know what PowerColor is supposed to mean.
yeah, I made the same mistake for quite awhile. it's a pretty silly name.
edit: damn Smokey, you have the craziest issues. helps to offset my jealousy nicely.![]()
honestly, your rig is so far above anything I'm likely to be playing with in the near future, I wouldn't know where to begin with troubleshooting. so many more things to go wrong. but I always pay attention to your problems and solutions because it's a great way to learn about stuff i don't have tomess with.don't get to
hope Micro Center gets you sorted.
Looking to buy a headset, have around £60 ish to spend can go above or below that.
Any help?
Is there a decent sub $600 build available? Mostly looking to play the wow expac and ideally some new releases on medium settings.
"Usually ships within 1 to 2 months."
Having some weird behavior with my reference GTX 980. I've been playing bf3 campaign just to kind of test it out and my temps seem strange. Normally during idle, the card sits at about 38C. During bf3 gameplay, it hits 80C. My fan on the card usually idles at 1200rpm (26%) and during gameplay it spins at 1900 rpm (45%). I never even hear the fan during gameplay. Shouldn't the fan be working harder since the temps are getting so high?
This process is going to determine if I continue to give Asus my business or not going forward. I've had issues with their customer service in the past and it's not off to a good start today. I called the customer support line and was given another number to call for GPUs and motherboards. I called that number and have been on hold for 48 minutes. Then it kicks me off and auto routes me back to the original number that I called.
So that's strike 1.
I don't see why that would be a problem. I run HDMI for video and my speakers are plugged into my sound card for audio.So guys not sure where else to post this but here goes also sorry for any spell mistakes or whatever I'm using my phone.
So I got an 1080p HDTV Emerson TV for my ps4 but mainly the only reason was that it had a VGA port in the back so I could use it for my computer monitor. The tv worked fucking great for like 3 weeks it even looked amazing as a computer monitor but the remote died on me and I found out not one fucking button on the back worked. We'll probably one of the most aggregating times I had was last night I want and got it replaced with the same one come home the screen was totally fucked -___- go back to replace that one come home the motherfucking remote is dead out of he box rageface.
Soo my main question is about my card my PC is getting old 5 years, I have a R5870 I've only ever used the VGA in the back but it has an hdmi port. Could I use that but just for video and just use my regular speakers for sound. I heard it has problems sometimes and I'm not really sure. I really don't want to get another tv just for one reason and not get to use it as a monitor. It seems HDTVs don't really have VGA ports anymore. Also stay fucking away. From the Emerson brand fucking worst tv company ever :*(
Any help would be great thanks guys
This process is going to determine if I continue to give Asus my business or not going forward. I've had issues with their customer service in the past and it's not off to a good start today. I called the customer support line and was given another number to call for GPUs and motherboards. I called that number and have been on hold for 48 minutes. Then it kicks me off and auto routes me back to the original number that I called.
So that's strike 1.
I'm looking for a 1080p 60Hz monitor to go with my build currently as I'd rather wait until higher resolution/refresh rate displays become a bit more affordable. The consensus seems to be to go with an IPS panel and I've been eyeing up the Asus PB238Q. Does anyone have an particular recommendations?
Also, are the Corsair CX range of power supplies good? I did have the EVGA G2 in my list but it seems like overkill for what I'm getting.
Corsair HX is probably more of what you're looking for.
This process is going to determine if I continue to give Asus my business or not going forward. I've had issues with their customer service in the past and it's not off to a good start today. I called the customer support line and was given another number to call for GPUs and motherboards. I called that number and have been on hold for 48 minutes. Then it kicks me off and auto routes me back to the original number that I called.
So that's strike 1.
Just checked them out and the UK prices are even higher than the G2 for 100w less.
I swore off Asus for years after having a bad experience with a failed MB that never did get replaced via warranty. Like an idiot, I finally came back this year and was immediately burned again. I've never had such bad customer service. Had I not used a contact that reviews their products for a major website, I'd still be screwed.
Just checked them out and the UK prices are even higher than the G2 for 100w less.
Is there a decent sub $600 build available? Mostly looking to play the wow expac and ideally some new releases on medium settings.
It's definitely irritating. I didn't even get to talk to anyone and I know they are open on the weekends. Their site has their hours. Nearly a hour of wasted time only to be thrown back to the original number in the first place is poor service.
I think more so now than ever probably. The Pentium Anniversary and something like an R9 270 represents a ton of value for the money....and is pretty damn capable for 1080p gaming.
Like this:
PCPartPicker part list: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/vLxNsY
Price breakdown by merchant: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/vLxNsY/by_merchant/
CPU: Intel Pentium G3258 3.2GHz Dual-Core Processor ($69.99 @ Newegg)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($29.99 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: MSI Z97 PC MATE ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($89.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill Ares Series 4GB (1 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($39.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Crucial M500 240GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($115.98 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Green 1TB 3.5" 5400RPM Internal Hard Drive ($54.99 @ Newegg)
Video Card: Asus Radeon R9 270 2GB DirectCU II Video Card ($165.38 @ Newegg)
Case: Corsair 200R ATX Mid Tower Case ($49.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: Antec Basiq 430W 80+ Certified ATX Power Supply ($44.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $641.29
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-09-28 16:00 EDT-0400
I went a little over $600, really wanting to get a decent SSD in there....
Sounds like your PSU may have died.This morning my ~2 month old computer suddenly stopped booting.
When I press the ON button on the case the LED surrounding it lights up for a couple seconds, turns off for a second, turns back on for a few seconds, etc.
Inside, the computer seems to be turning on but unable to boot. The rear fan doesn't turn on but the other 2 case fans and the CPU fans do turn on. They rev as if the computer is trying to boot but can't. Nothing appears on the monitor. This keeps going until I turn it off by pressing the power button on the case.
Case: Define R4
Board: Gigabyte z97x ud3h
Any thoughts?
Doing a new cheaper build.
What are the potential problems with going AMD? Im thinking of getting a 270x
Is it just driver support is slower?
Inside, the computer seems to be turning on but unable to boot. The rear fan doesn't turn on but the other 2 case fans and the CPU fans do turn on. They rev as if the computer is trying to boot but can't. Nothing appears on the monitor. This keeps going until I turn it off by pressing the power button on the case.
Case: Define R4
Board: Gigabyte z97x ud3h
Any thoughts?
Noob question -
I have a GTX 760 output via DVI to my ASUS monitor now. I have a spare Samsung 32" tv that isn't being used; can I dual monitor with these 2 (Asus through DVI as primary and Samsung through HDMI as secondary?)
Does the card have 2 DVI ports?
It does, but the TV does not have a DVI port, just HDMI