Hey guys, so I got my system finally:
i7 5820K@4,3GHZ 1.250V
ASUS X99 Deluxe
Gigabyte Windforce GTX 970 SLI
Samsung 840 Evo 250GB OS
Samsung 840 Evo 1TB
4TB WD Black
Windows 8.1 Pro
I'm however having an issue, watching movies and doing benchmarks the system is fine, however when I play a game, it runs at a high fps and very smooth, then all of a sudden drops then back to smooth again.
It is very annoying, for example the first area in Shadow of Mordor everything max@1080P besides ultra textures I'm running 90-100FPS with the force alternate frame rendering 2.
What gets me is all of a sudden I start hitting 45-55FPS with a couple of orcs(led by a captain),however then I go to anther place with 3 times the amount of orcs(stronghold) and its smooth.
I don't know my PC doesn't seem to be perfoming the best, could it be an APP or some software conflict in Windows 8.1?
It seems to me there is quite a bit of bloatware with Pro that I have Installed, could it be that my cards are not running at full efficency?
Nevermind: It is only Shadow of Mordor with its broken SLI and Black flag that did it, rest of the games like BF4 at max settings is running 120+FPS,fraps shows nothing falls below 140, so far on 64 Player map with explosions everywhere.(My fraps showing 180+ is glorious)