Hey Gaf, I've recently been playing a lot of sim games, chiefly Arma III and Star Citizen. I also stream and have simply come to realize my current CPU the I5 4670k just isn't cutting it for these games, much less both concurrently. I know Skylake-E isn't that far off, but I'm not sure I'll be able to afford that upgrade when it drops anyway. So in the meantime I'm currently looking at a newegg
bundle for a Intel 5820k. I tried to have them price match the CPU to Micro Center ($319.99 currently), but they declined. They did however offer my a $25 gift certificate as a trade off. Is this a good deal for me? Is there a better alternative I'm missing, or should I grab it?
Important Notes
*GPU Isn't the issue, I have a 970 and the games get next to no performance increase when lowering graphics settings, even to very low.
*I've got a healthy overclock of 4.6 ghz running at sub 45c temps when under %100 usage (Which I hit frequently). So Overclocking won't get me any farther.