I posted this in the windows 10 troubleshooting thread, but that doesn't seem to be super active anymore, figured I'd try in here.
My new PC i built last month seems to have some kind of memory leak going on.
Out of the blue, something crazy is happening with my ram and I cannot figure out what.
I have 16GB of DDR4. For some reason, my committed ram just keeps climbing higher and higher until eventually I'll be playing a game and I'll get a low memory warning.
The thing is, in resource monitor, it doesn't add up. I don't understand.
Anyone have any ideas what I can do? As you can see in the screen shot, right now I have 8.5GB committed, and this is after my PC has been running for a little over a day. As you can also see, if you now add up my in use/available values, they don't come close to 16GB anymore.