Lightning struck and kissed my girlfriend's PC goodbye. The damage was calculated at 620€ (what's been damaged might be worth half of that - funny how that works...) and she'll get that amount from her insurance. Now she's not sure if she should get the PC repaired or if she should just take the money and buy a new one.
Her current PC:
GTX 660 Ti
i5 3570
GPU, RAM, HDD and SSD are still working. The PSU, motherboard and CPU got killed. The repair service offers her to replace the broken parts with:
ASUS Z97-P 1150 motherboard
i7 4790 @ 3.6Ghz
Cooler Master G650M 650 Watts
And now she's not sure if she should go for that or if she should rather invest an additonal ~350€ to replace the whole PC. It'd be a good opportunity, after all, since she'll get the 600€ anyway. She'd want to buy a complete system and not individual components, though. She's fond of
this offer since she has made good experience with the store's service in the past:
GTX 970
She's afraid that the lightning strike might have actually damaged the other hardware - that's supposedly still working - as well and wonders if it wouldn't be best to just replace everything. She fears that otherwise everything else would just start to fail in the next couple months.
On the other hand, though, she could also just accept the repair offer, buy an additional GTX970 and benefit from a better CPU compared to the new PC she'd buy (and maybe ask for a i5 4690 instead of the i7 4790 to save a couple bucks). I'm not sure if it's even a good idea to upgrade the GPU right now, since I vaguely remember the controversy that surrounded the 970 earlier this year. So... maybe just get the PC repaired right now and replace the GPU in a year or so?
So, GAF, any advice for her? Because I don't really know. I'd just get her PC repaired and upgrade it sooner or later (and with the motherboard, PSU and CPU getting replaced, what other components could fail in the near future anyway? The GPU she would like to replace anyway? The dirt cheap RAM?), but she's not sure and would like to hear what you have to say.