On this page, someone's linked to a cheap deal on a Zotac GTX 970. Otherwise, there are these two moderately higher end models, the MSI Gaming 4G and Gigabyte G1 Gaming. Both are $310 after rebate at Newegg. Both are factory overclocked and feature moderately higher speeds than the Zotac, but can still be overclocked a bit further if you wanna do some tweaking yourself. The MSI is somewhat quieter, being a twin fan model that can turn off its fans at low temperature to run silently. The triple fan Gigabyte model has a large cooler that has more headroom for handling heat from overclocking, but doesn't have that quiet fanless mode. Not to imply the MSI model can't handle more heat or the Gigabyte model is always loud, though. Look up some reviews if you want.
The R9 390 is the AMD competitor. Here's a list of them, the first bunch of cards on that list are quite good even being the cheaper models (except for XFX R9-390P-8BD6). AMD started a new promotion today that bundles the Hitman game with their R9 390 cards, and in general they come in somewhat cheaper than the GTX 970.
Awesome info. Thank you!