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I played and finished all the mainline Gears game in two weeks and i have some thoughts


Gold Member
I don't think Gears was ever meant to have a oscar worthy type of story. Game was a stunner in every way when it came out. Multiplayer is tons of fun , so they kept the recipe intact to this day. I don't think Gears ever had any type of verticality for its gameplay design. In the end, it would only have been a gimmick. The foundation is strong enough without it and it's why so many other 3rd person shooter been inspired by Gears.

Not every genre defining serie have to continue innovating. They did their job, now new IP's inspired by older stuff gonna push it forward. Like it always been.
this is a bit too mean don't you think. gears games are fairly short and we are currently ona release drought. i also mentioned how much hate climbing sections in ucnharted but compare to the loop in gears they offer some level design.

i can't give up on things i started. like books and movies i have to see through the end. maybe thats is the reason why i want microsoft to kill the franchise because i am pretty sure i am going to play the next one when it releases due to my mild OCD

spending two weeks playing games you don't even like ain't mild


I played all the Gears game for the first time last year and i loved everything about them.
The story, the characters, the soundtrack, the addictive gameplay.
I love Delta Squad.
I respect your opinion OP but i disagree.

Kagey K

This thread only shows that having Game Pass allows for trying and playing games you otherwise probably wouldn't. At least there are hundreds of other games OP can play and possibly like.

OP got his 15.00 worth, even if he hated every minute of it. Now he has 2 more weeks to hate play through some other games. 😅


I mean he played through them so he can still give a rounded opinion on it hoping the titles that follow the first would be different. Fail to see the issue with him not liking the first but proceeding to knock out the rest with the benefit of the doubt given to the series.

There are many that play one game in a series, trash it, and forget devs can sometimes improve on their future release entries from feedback. Totally get the opposite sentiment too.


Gold Member

They literally defined/created this category of games.

Might seem generic because all the other games you've played after that copied the recipe.

Time travel and play them from launch.


spending two weeks playing games you don't even like ain't mild
I played 2,5 hours during day time and 2,5 hours durig night time with enough room to play warzone and finish bloodstained in the meantime. Gears games are not that long :)

OP got his 15.00 worth, even if he hated every minute of it. Now he has 2 more weeks to hate play through some other games. 😅
I have halo 4 and 5 on my next list. 1 to 3 are in my top 25 games of all time list and based on the reception halo 4 and 5 recieved, you may end up seeing a thread where i suggest MS to kill Halo. :p

I mean he played through them so he can still give a rounded opinion on it hoping the titles that follow the first would be different. Fail to see the issue with him not liking the first but proceeding to knock out the rest with the benefit of the doubt given to the series.

There are many that play one game in a series, trash it, and forget devs can sometimes improve on their future release entries from feedback. Totally get the opposite sentiment too.
Thanks for seeing the point in playing w/o necessarily enjoying mate. Peace!

I played all the Gears game for the first time last year and i loved everything about them.
The story, the characters, the soundtrack, the addictive gameplay.
I love Delta Squad.
I respect your opinion OP but i disagree.
I am planing on playing all the mainline yakuza games during ramadan. Do you think they are worth to try?


i know it sounds funny but lately i am triyng to play games which i don't specifically like to get more perspective in gaming. and gears is one of the most famous franchises that i wanted to give a fair chance.

also it is the best looking game on my series s.
Very fair.


Different strokes, I'd much rather play a Gears title than what Uncharted turned into, and Uncharted was what got me to buy a PS3 in the first place back in the day.

Co-op Gears with friends is a blast, Horde mode is a lot of fun, esp with real life friends. That's what I love the most about the series and what will keep me buying titles in the Gears universe.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
I played 2,5 hours during day time and 2,5 hours durig night time with enough room to play warzone and finish bloodstained in the meantime. Gears games are not that long :)

I have halo 4 and 5 on my next list. 1 to 3 are in my top 25 games of all time list and based on the reception halo 4 and 5 recieved, you may end up seeing a thread where i suggest MS to kill Halo. :p

Thanks for seeing the point in playing w/o necessarily enjoying mate. Peace!

I am planing on playing all the mainline yakuza games during ramadan. Do you think they are worth to try?
They are if you can handle it double foreign language, if you are non-English speaker. I couldn't....


Gears of War was awesome when it first came out. It was one of the reasons I was so stoked for the Xbox 360, along with Halo and Mass Effect. The original was such a treat. I remember the feeling of dread moving from light source to light source so I wasn't swarmed by the kryll or trying to avoid making noise so a berserker didn't home in on me and one shot me. The storyline of the original trilogy gripped me and East Barricade Academy is still one of my favorite music tracks from a game. For its time, that original trilogy had great gameplay too. But after having played more recent entries like Gears 4, I feel like the gameplay doesn't hold up as well today and I can't put my finger on why. Perhaps it's too simplistic? Predictable? I really couldn't tell you. I just know it doesn't feel remotely as good as it did back then. Even when I go back and play the older ones. I still have a soft spot for the series though.

Kagey K

Different strokes, I'd much rather play a Gears title than what Uncharted turned into, and Uncharted was what got me to buy a PS3 in the first place back in the day.

Co-op Gears with friends is a blast, Horde mode is a lot of fun, esp with real life friends. That's what I love the most about the series and what will keep me buying titles in the Gears universe.
Yeah the games feel like 2 different experiences when playing solo and when playing coop.

Having a friend with you can add a bunch of different dynamics and strategies to the combat.
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The latest one was on sale for $10 and no one i knew was interested. but its been that way since 2. I will also say Judgement is not as bad as everyone says.


Gold Member
Gears was a good experience for me because of the coop and the combat (pvp and pve), at the time of the release on the 360 it was amazing and the sequels improved that, adding more stuff and making the pvp even better.

However, the story, characters and art style, for me, were always bad to terrible. After the third game, I kinda lost the interest on the series, they just stopped bringing new stuff. Then I skipped the Xbox One and now on this gen I started playing Gears 5 and I got extremely bored, it was almost the same Gears from the 360, but now worse... I only reinstalled because of the Hive Busters dlc, which is a step in the right direction.

I hope that the new game is more ambitious, trying new stuff and taking risks, rather than being more of the same. Gears has room for a change and improvements, it is a beloved series that shouldn't be killed off.


What time is it?
Gears has always been elevated by top notch visuals and playing in co-op. If you remove those elements, some of the flaws are more glaring. It still has great feeling, chunky weapons. The pop from headshots still feels great.


Augustus Cole is the best part of the series. Woo Woo
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this is a bit too mean don't you think. gears games are fairly short and we are currently ona release drought. i also mentioned how much hate climbing sections in ucnharted but compare to the loop in gears they offer some level design.

i can't give up on things i started. like books and movies i have to see through the end. maybe thats is the reason why i want microsoft to kill the franchise because i am pretty sure i am going to play the next one when it releases due to my mild OCD
I would just ignore those two. They are just being defensive of their favorite box. I think you explained very clearly why you feel the way you do.


I agree with almost everything you said. I played Gears because it's a fun coop shooter, the story is really bad and cliched and the character designs are also really bad. It has an aesthetic that says nothing to me.

Having said that, Uncharted story isn't anything special either. Being better than Gears is not saying much
Don't want to make this into a vs thing which some of you have clearly started but Uncharted has better characters that you grow to care about (plz, turn off that fanboy defense mode). You may feel otherwise but Uncharted has a soul which Gears unfortunately doesn't. Gears had a lot of potential with its setting but it never utilized it or took advantage of it.
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They literally defined/created this category of games.

Might seem generic because all the other games you've played after that copied the recipe.

Time travel and play them from launch.
I played them around launch and agree with him completely. He nailed the reasons for why Gears needs to be paused or reinvented. Unlike him, I couldn't put myself through the rest. The only one I managed to finish was the 3rd (almost finished the first one) and half way through the 4th before giving up on it. I thought I gave the series a fair chance (but OP has me beat there lol) and hoped that it improved but was disappointed each time to the point I just gave up on it. If I go back, it will be when there is nothing else.
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Gears was a good experience for me because of the coop and the combat (pvp and pve), at the time of the release on the 360 it was amazing and the sequels improved that, adding more stuff and making the pvp even better.

However, the story, characters and art style, for me, were always bad to terrible. After the third game, I kinda lost the interest on the series, they just stopped bringing new stuff. Then I skipped the Xbox One and now on this gen I started playing Gears 5 and I got extremely bored, it was almost the same Gears from the 360, but now worse... I only reinstalled because of the Hive Busters dlc, which is a step in the right direction.

I hope that the new game is more ambitious, trying new stuff and taking risks, rather than being more of the same. Gears has room for a change and improvements, it is a beloved series that shouldn't be killed off.
100% agree on this. The series is garbage now but coop and the pvp makes it worth playing new entries


Unconfirmed Member
I played them around launch and I think he nailed the reasons for why Gears needs to be paused or reinvented.
Exactly, ikbalCO ikbalCO just wants what's better for the franchise, as should anyone who's a fan of it. Defending mediocrity is what gets us another Gears game just like the last.

Forget the fact that he mentioned Uncharted and look at the larger picture here, this series has been coasting for the past few games and it needs to shift gears(no pun intended).


I would say it’s time to move on with any franchise after playing 3-4-5 games in that short of a time. I couldn’t do it. Even my favourites. I’d never want to touch another Zelda after playing 2 games of them back to back. Uncharted, Final fantasy, MGS, halo etc. Also you must of enjoyed them for putting that time in. If I don’t like a game I drop them quick nowadays.


Gears of War definitely need to evolve. Like Halo going open world, Gears need something similar. I'd say hub world structure with rpg elements and squad customisation would be great. They're selling the same outdated "cinematic" campaigns every time and it's boring af.
When was Uncharted “defining story driven games”? It was Indiana Jones with different characters. It was Dude Raider. What the fuck, lol.

Also your complaint about nothing ever going right is a legitimate one but one that most action games fall under, including Uncharted.

I also played through the entire series recently. I agree the story was mostly nonsense and served only to get you to more stuff to kill. But Gears never really presented itself as anything more than that until Coalition took over, and I think 4 and 5 have the better writing of any of them. But again, that’s good writing for a Gears game. Same as I would say Uncharted 2 had the best writing for an Uncharted game. It’s still not much compared to other games.
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Gears has always been elevated by top notch visuals and playing in co-op. If you remove those elements, some of the flaws are more glaring. It still has great feeling, chunky weapons. The pop from headshots still feels great.

Augustus Cole is the best part of the series. Woo Woo
What he said about cole was sacrilegious. OP is from Turkey so he doesn't have much experience around black folks. Let me tell you though, I have definitely met some black people that are crazy fun like cole. Just not as awesome and badass.

Gear 1-3 are fucking awesome and the rest are just meh. I can live without the franchise continuing but the first three are classics.


Lol you sound crazy to me, I love gears.

But everyone has preferences and games they think are trash that other love. I think metal gear solid is corny, uncharted is boring, final fantasy is garbage 💁 doesn't mean they should be canceled because I don't like them
I don't like your opinion but I love the way you served it; therefore I give you thumbs up.
Yeah don't care about your opinion coz its wrong in every way.

When he started bashing cole train, i immediately stop caring about his long ass poorly written post.
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I believe the word you're looking for is 'bland'.

This is what you get for buying a Series S. If you bought a Series X you'd have gotten a better story 😛
I’ve played all uncharted games and only gears 1 and 2 all the way through. But this rant is ridiculous - first they are completely different types of games - gears was the first shooter to really do a cover mechanic well and the gunplay was unmatched at the time. Take into account that it was waaaaay more fun to play co op than single player - I dunno it feels like you missed the boat on this franchise. Was always about co op for me.


Your playing through every title speaks louder than your claim that the series should die.
Not really. Lots of people play games one time through, maybe just for the sake of seeing what all the hub bub is about, or maybe for some other reason. Does it really matter?


Garbage series. I enjoyed the first one when it came out but good lord, the last couple are awful.
People say you had to be there when it first released...

What about games that can stand the test of time? I never was a Halo fan, only played MP in high school. When the XB1 was released, I bought the MC collection and played through all of them and the earlier entries are the best.

Not to mention tons of old shitty (graphically) 8bit and 16bit games that are still classics and can go back and play whenever for a good time.

Gears is garbo


Wow, that's a lot of ducking behind waist high walls.

I like Gears games every now and then but towards the end I usually start getting a little bored and I'm good for like a year when it's over.


Don't want to make this into a vs thing which some of you have clearly started but Uncharted has better characters that you grow to care about (plz, turn off that fanboy defense mode). You may feel otherwise but Uncharted has a soul which Gears unfortunately doesn't. Gears had a lot of potential with its setting but it never utilized it or took advantage of it.
Haven't said uncharted doesn't have a soul or that it isn't better than Gears for me. What I said is that for me it's not the pinnacle of stories in games. That's all


Can’t Git Gud
After reading the spoiler part in the ot, can you really tell me that the return of certain character in form of certain someone wasnt a major fuck you to the player and to logic?
4 and 5 don't exist to me... In my mind there is only the trilogy. I agree that 4 and 5 is bullshit


you are welcome mate. you should have seen me playing and finishing FF7R and hating it. that was something.

I felt the same about FF7R too.

Wait until you play Halo - that’s a spoof of meat head FPSs but for some reason a lot of fans haven’t realised yet.


I've been playing Gears 1 to 5 a lot since May 2020. Doing the campaigns with friends in co-op, playing through them alone.

I have to say, I don't understand why people say 4 and 5 are shit. Gears 1-3 are good, but I like 4 and 5 even more. Graphics are insane and frame rate is so good and smooth in 4 and 5 on One X or Series X. Gears 5 is still unmatched visually, in my opinion.

I understand why people say it feels like the same old gameplay, but that's one positive point in my opinion : don't fix what ain't broken. Having tried the Outriders demo a couple of day ago, I promptly deleted it and ran back to Gears 5. It kinda has similar gameplay, but in may ways so inferior, it's almost not comparable.

Also, I have to note that me and my friends are always playing Gears in at Insane difficulty and I feel that might have something to do with why we enjoy it so much. When you play lower difficulties, you can pretty much shoot anything while being shot, no problem. While playing Insane, you will HAVE to start thinking strategically. Not just running and gunning. One small error and you're done. Also, if they get your partner, you can't just bring him back up, you start back at the latest checkpoint. Not kidding, there are times when we re-do the same part a hundred times... before figuring out the best strategy. It's not for impatient people, but I feel like without the challenge, Gears doesn't deliver exactly the best experience you can have. When you're hiding with almost no bullet left and you must try to think of a way to get past the battle, it's a very different game and so much more enjoyable.
Gears 1 for its time was something refreshing and new. The gameplay mechanic was unique and fun. But it got old quick with the other games in the series. They found magic with the first one. They should have ended it with the trilogy.


Yeah, Mario and Zelda are so fresh. smh
but they are though. wind waker, ocarina of time, twilight princess and breath of the wild look and play almost entirely like a different game.
and while mario odyssey is a mechanic base sandbox heaven, galaxy 2 is an acid trip dream land

You lost me when you started to compare it to Uncharted.
what was i supposed compare it to. they are both cover base shooters that drived their console sales in their respective way.

OP, my recommendation is you try out the Halo series (both MP and SP).
Wait until you play Halo - that’s a spoof of meat head FPSs but for some reason a lot of fans haven’t realised yet.
i played and love the first three halo games. and i played them very recently too, 3 years ago on PC. the gameplay is tight and polished and open areas are fantastic to explore. also secretly, it is one of my favorite podcast game, closely follow souls bourne games.

Augustus Cole is the best part of the series. Woo Woo
What he said about cole was sacrilegious. OP is from Turkey so he doesn't have much experience around black folks. Let me tell you though, I have definitely met some black people that are crazy fun like cole. Just not as awesome and badass.
When he started bashing cole train, i immediately stop caring about his long ass poorly written post.
maybe it is because i don't live in states but hearing Cole yell woo hoo, yeaaa babbyyyyy while the world is burning made me understand the joke of watching a movie with african-american crowd in theaters.

poorly written hurts since i wasn't trying to win a pulitzer price :,)
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They literally defined/created this category of games.

Might seem generic because all the other games you've played after that copied the recipe.

Time travel and play them from launch.

Gears 5 is a new game though and it's as generic as it gets.

I think it's pretty ridiculous that they still have the same old "trigger enemy waves by entering room with cover walls".

What's even the point of slowly walking through gloomy corridors in Gears 5? You know there are no enemies waiting behind the corner since it's not a room with cover walls.


I felt the same about FF7R too.

Wait until you play Halo - that’s a spoof of meat head FPSs but for some reason a lot of fans haven’t realised yet.
Funny thing is, to me (and to many others who have played through the series), parts 1-3 in both Halo and Gears were well mapped and mindless fun. Parts 4-5 in both killed both of the single player campaigns for me, especially when Gears 4-5 started introducing stupid ass robots and drones into the series!


What time is it?
poorly written

The writing in Gears has always been trash. The more they try to make you have empathy for the cast of characters and their motivations, the worse it becomes.

The only reason that Cole Train work is that he is basically a ripoff of Terry Tate the Office Lineback who is inspired by Lawrence Taylor (greatest linebacker in American Football history but also a drugged up lunatic).

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