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I think a girl's hitting on my son but he either doesn't give a fuck or is avoiding. Should I do anything?


At the end of the day it’s his life. You have helped give him the tools he needs to be successful and it’s up to him to decide how to use them.

He’ll make some mistakes along the way but he clearly has more support than you did as a child. Seems set up for success to me - don’t beat yourself up too bad!


At 11 I had no balls with chicks that liked me too. People usually pushed on both sides for me to have a girlfriend when I was younger. At 13-14 is when I started to make moves.

As others already said, let him be a kid and worry about girls as late as possible. You don’t want him to deal with heartbreak either.
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Im not trying to be provocative. In 5th grade, my daughter had a group of girls in her class come out. My wife and I were surprised. We thought we had a couple more years before kids started thinking about that stuff.

Dark Star

11 year olds shouldn't be worried about things like that, or even dating. He should be investing his time in school, making friends, hobbies, sports, etc. Whatever interests him. When I was 11 all I cared about was watching TV, playing video games, riding bikes, skateboarding, etc. I don't think I really cared about talking to girls like that until I was in middleschool, or at least a teenager.

Give him a couple years. If making friends is the real issue, maybe you could give him some honest tips/advice, like replying to texts is actually a good way to become better friends with people lol. But yeah, he's a kid, let him do his thing. It must definitely be hard being a kid these days with smartphones and social media apps being so popular and ubiquitous. I didn't even have a basic Nokia cellphone until I was like 15 haha, much less an iPhone until I was a senior in high school.
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He ain't tryna waste time on these hoes



Every time he walks into a room. Pretty embarrassing while at school & church, but damn is his father proud of him.

lol, I think he has the potential.

Maybe I could've done more damage but I ran on shitty software... the hardware goes only so far.
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Reminds me of when I was 9 and a new girl was starting at our school and in my class. I was thirsty as fuck asking her to be my girlfriend repeatedly.
this is what’s kids do let them be
He's 11, still young and all, but that's kind of where it begins, I want him to have self confidence.

His girl classmate keeps sending messages to him on his phone, lot's of giggles and all that, but he's like "yeah, whatever, I don't wanna answer"... he doesn't like answering his friends on the phone as well, although he talks to them normally live or on online games... So I don't know..

I was a fucking weirdo growing up, I was afraid of girls for the longest time, I was afraid of talking to people... It sucks, I don't want my son to follow these same steps, it took me too long to overcome (and even only partially so far).

My fear is that he's afraid of answering, and I notice he gets anxious sometimes, but maybe that's just the fucking weirdo teenage loner in me seeing things where they don't exist... Maybe I should just let him handle however he sees fit, but I don't know...

I look back and I notice I let too much stuff slide growing up... I've attributed a lot of my self-doubts and low self esteem to the conditions I grew up in: fucking poor in a rich kids school, depressed indifferent mother, saw my father once or twice a year, bullying, etc, (none of which my son goes through), but I'm worried he's showing the same insecurities I had, and I'd like to help (which I don't even know if is possible)...

My wife thinks I should just let him be and says I'm projecting (and maybe I am), but guys, I see the handsome cool kid my son is, I want him to fucking thrive.
You're his father, explaining things he doesn't know or understand and giving him the advice he doesn't know he needs is your job.

Honestly, everyone saying an 11 year old should be left to work things out by themselves or make their own decisions is going to be a terrible parent or was raised by some. Until your kid leaves home, they're your responsibility to mold into the best person they can be, and that takes a fuckton of work.
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11 year olds shouldn't be worried about things like that, or even dating. He should be investing his time in school, making friends, hobbies, sports, etc. Whatever interests him. When I was 11 all I cared about was watching TV, playing video games, riding bikes, skateboarding, etc. I don't think I really cared about talking to girls like that until I was in middleschool, or at least a teenager.

Give him a couple years. If making friends is the real issue, maybe you could give him some honest tips/advice, like replying to texts is actually a good way to become better friends with people lol. But yeah, he's a kid, let him do his thing. It must definitely be hard being a kid these days with smartphones and social media apps being so popular and divisive. I didn't even have a basic Nokia cellphone until I was like 16 haha, much less a smartphone until I was a senior in high school.

Well, he's not worried at all, lol.

He has friends and has no difficulty in talking to them live or in online games (like Fortnite, he plays almost daily with his friends), his friends invite him to do stuff, birthday parties, sleep-overs, paintball matches, a friend has a ranch where he's been a couple of times... they're always together as a group... but I don't know... in some situations he seems to be very insecure of himself, stuff like online classes, group chat, talking to girls (at least online)... I worry, but maybe that's just who he is (my wife says she was similar), but yeah, I don't know.
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You're his father, explaining things he doesn't know or understand and giving him the advice he doesn't know he needs is your job.

Honestly, everyone saying an 11 year old should be left to work things out by themselves or make their own decisions is going to be a terrible parent or was raised by some. Until your kid leaves home, they're your responsibility to mold into the best person they can be, and that takes a fuckton of work.

And don't you think I know that, man? Of course I advise my son and take action where action is needed.

But it's a different thing here, maybe it's a personal trait of his. That's what I meant by "letting him handle" or "letting him be who he is". Have you even read the whole thing?

I observing and thinking of how I can help him and if help is needed.
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Just don't pressure him. It will come naturally. He doesn't want you to get involved, believe me.

If he's handsome, as you say, he will get more than enough girls/boys, especially in this day and age where everything is connected.
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You're his father, explaining things he doesn't know or understand and giving him the advice he doesn't know he needs is your job.

Honestly, everyone saying an 11 year old should be left to work things out by themselves or make their own decisions is going to be a terrible parent or was raised by some. Until your kid leaves home, they're your responsibility to mold into the best person they can be, and that takes a fuckton of work.

OP has made it clear he’s a very involved parent. Pretty sure no one in this thread is advocating to throw the kid to the wolves. I know I’d give different advice if I was talking to a parent that was struggling to engage with their kid in the first place.

If you keep solving your kids’ problems you’re not giving them a chance to gain independence and confidence. OP if you’ve got a boy that you trust and you’re proud of, you know you’re doing a fantastic job. It’s ok to trust the job that you’ve done and let him figure things out, and if he falls you’ll be there to support him as needed.

Astral Dog

You are projecting and you should let him be.

However, if you are really worried you can talk to him and ask what he thinks about this girl, he is your son and has only 11 hears, whatever it is should not be a big deal.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Maybe just drop the hint that maybe she wants to be his girlfriend, and see what happens.


Give him condoms with her name on it.

Aka let him be. He give zero fuck because he's a chad in school.
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At his Age I would’ve been more interested in gaming, but he should still have the girl though. I wouldn’t be too worried.


Growing up as a kid I would straight up just ignore the girls I didn't think were cute, that might be what he's doing if he gets enough attention. I was still too shy at that age to respond to the girls I think were cute though lol


Puberty hits around 8-14 years old, girls normally go through puberty first so it would be normal if the girl is interested in him but not the other way around. The only thing I would worry about is if he is socializing succesfully: making friends and not getting bullied.
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I don't have kids but I can tell you what my dad taught me while I was growing up. Please note that things are different in Cuba.

I was even younger than 11 when my dad started teaching me and encouraging me to have a girlfriend/s. If there was a group of girls playing in the neighborhood he used to ask me which one I found cute, once I answered he used to make me go over and ask her out (in front of the other girls). And believe me there was hell to pay if I chickened out. He also had my older brother take me to parties with him and my brother did the same thing to me. I had to ask the girls I found pretty to be my girlfriend for that night until I found one that said yes. Those are only 2 things, there were many other lessons on how to express myself, what to say, what to do once they said yes.

What I just said might sound crazy to many but I'm insanely grateful to my dad for that. He did his job as a father and taught both of his sons how to get girls, how to be confident, out to be outgoing, how to stand up for ourselves, how to fight and many other things. My brother and I are both very good with women. This isn't me bragging, this is me actually thanking my dad from the bottom of my heart for all he did.

I think one of the biggest reasons for the decline in our culture is that fathers have completely failed their sons. Look at all the incels and soft men that we see on the news every day. Behind all of them is a father that failed at their job. If I ever have a son I'm going to teach him what my father taught me from childhood. It might not be the right way but it's the one I know and the one I feel works best. Obviously the USA is not Cuba, things are different but the underline lessons remain the same.


What I just said might sound crazy to many but I'm insanely grateful to my dad for that. He did his job as a father and taught both of his sons how to get girls, how to be confident, out to be outgoing, how to stand up for ourselves, how to fight and many other things. My brother and I are both very good with women. This isn't me bragging, this is me actually thanking my dad from the bottom of my heart for all he did.
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Perhaps he prefers boys, and he feels youre pressuring him to hook up with girls. Could be mentally scarring him

Hope this helps


I saw my youngest brother going down the same path so I hooked him up with my Girlfriends slutty younger sister so he could easily lose his virginity. I just told her he liked her (He didn't even know her) at a party one time she asked "Is he a virgin?" I said yes and she replied "I've never had one of those before" then she made a direct line for him, so easy.
You're a good bro :messenger_fistbump:


Dude he is ELEVEN OP thats not at all what I expected when I clicked this thread. Back WAY the fuck off this issue and examine your own motives because this is not healthy.


Perhaps he prefers boys, and he feels youre pressuring him to hook up with girls. Could be mentally scarring him

Hope this helps
Maybe, but I don't think this is the case I work in the school system, and nowadays kids are showing they're homosexuality a lot earlier, even in elementary school. I've seen a lot of younger gays more comfortable in their skin than young straight men.
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