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I think I have an alcohol problem.

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I used to tell myself it was ok if I just drank on weekends or nights that I don't work the next day but now I think that it's just an excuse so I can drink without feeling guilty. But lately every time I drink, I feel guilty and like shit the next day. In the last few weeks I said I'd quit drinking for a few months and I have failed each and every time, not toughing more than a week.

I know it could be worst, at least I don't drink on work days and I don't drink every day but I'm still kind of scared about it.

Anyone else ever felt like that? This time I'm gonna stop and I'm fixing myself a 2 months goal, if I fail that I don't know what to do, maybe seek help or something.


Unconfirmed Member
The only problem I have is:

2 hands, but only 1 mouth :p


That's not a drinking problem. That's you having a problem with drinking. A good friend of mine wakes up every morning to a bottle of Bacardi, downing it like a cup of coffee. He's moody, borderline intolerable and defensive--when he's sober. When drunk, he's a belligerent jerk. I can't even remember the last time I saw him without a bottle of rum. He needs help but none of us know how to really provide it. It's a sad state of affairs, and most of us feel guilty about his growing problem, but I think we're more guilty of enabling him since we all tend to drink a lot when we hang out.


Yeah like I said it could be worst, maybe you're right though.

I need to stop for a while and do it for good now, my stomach is killing me and I feel like shit most of the time, I think I'm killing my liver.


There's nothing wrong with drinking for fun just like there's nothing wrong with feeling guilty about it afterwards. It doesn't necessarily mean you have an addiction, though.


Junior Member
Drink when you feel like it, that's what we do in europe..

Oh sorry, i know phil and oprah disagree with me...


Yeah but the thing is when I start drinking, I don't stop. I should go with moderation but I really can't control it.
If you feel guilty about it, and if it makes you feel like crap, it may be a good idea to stop. If it makes you feel bad, there's no reason to continue. Drinking isn't really bad, but if you have issues with it, there's nothing wrong with stopping. I doubt you're addicted, and if you are, at least you're aware of it, and it hasn't gotten to a point where it's hurting others. If you still have problems stopping, try telling a few friends you know who don't drink much, and have them help you out; either helping you stop or drink more in moderation. You should be fine.


You have a problem, yes. There are good and bad news:

-You are not in the worse level of alcoholism and you can avoid going to worse levels.

-You could arrive there..so be careful.

I think than admitting the problem is the first thing to do and you have already done this. Asking for help to your friends would be the next step.


eh, drinking is only a problem after you're 25, unless of course you are kicked out of school/college because of drinking.


drinking alleviates boredom, especially here in the burbs where theres nothing to do until college =/


Two months is a really freaking long time. How about every morning when you wake up you tell yourself you won't drink today. See how well that works.


How much do you drink in an average night of drinking? How much do you drink on average per week? Do you have any alcoholics in the family - both past & present? While drunk, do you often do or say things that you regret the next day? Do you get agitated when going for long periods without alcohol? Do you drink alone - not just a beer or something, but like get bombed all by yourself?


Mau_Mau said:
How much do you drink in an average night of drinking?
12 to 16 beers.

Mau_Mau said:
How much do you drink on average per week?
About twice.

Mau_Mau said:
Do you have any alcoholics in the family - both past & present?
Yeah, one.

Mau_Mau said:
While drunk, do you often do or say things that you regret the next day?
Sometimes ;)

Mau_Mau said:
Do you get agitated when going for long periods without alcohol?

Mau_Mau said:
Do you drink alone - not just a beer or something, but like get bombed all by yourself?
Yep, happens when I have a day off during the week and my friends all work the next day.
I'm 18, legally im alowed to drink in the uk but through my use of cunning i've decided not to for my long tern MONIES!!!! plan


get a hobby or some other form of night entertainment where drinking isn't allowed. Just keep yourself occupied. You have to change your habits otherwise you'll be tempted to drink if you're still in that same "scene".

All of this advice is assuming you actually want to quit of course. Otherwise go for broke man!
If you truly feel that you have a problem, give these folks a call.

Alcohol Abuse
(800) 356-9996

If you're skipping work to get drunk on a constant basis, you definitely have a problem. Coupled with loneliness or depression, it's can get really bad.


pollo said:
drinking alleviates boredom, especially here in the burbs where theres nothing to do until college =/

Nah that just means you're lame. I managed to enjoy my time in the suburbs without drinking until I hit the legal age.

way more

Malakhov said:
I used to tell myself it was ok if I just drank on weekends or nights that I don't work the next day but now I think that it's just an excuse so I can drink without feeling guilty. But lately every time I drink, I feel guilty and like shit the next day. In the last few weeks I said I'd quit drinking for a few months and I have failed each and every time, not toughing more than a week.

I know it could be worst, at least I don't drink on work days and I don't drink every day but I'm still kind of scared about it.

Anyone else ever felt like that? This time I'm gonna stop and I'm fixing myself a 2 months goal, if I fail that I don't know what to do, maybe seek help or something.

The fact that you feel guilty and have tried to quit are indicators that you have a problem. Not a serious problem but you are moving in that direction. So take some time and don't drink and try to find what it is that causes or allows you to drink so freely. I've never really thought I had a drinking problem, I have thought, "Damn, I've had been drinking a lot the past two months and maybe I should cut back." And my drinking has gotten out of hand and unchecked to the point where it has affected my life, but I usually kick my ass and get back on track.

Another alternative is you could just pop this pill. Naltrexone
"Alcoholism is a disease, but its the only disease you can get yelled at for having."

Oh how i love Mitch Hedberg.

As for you, i dont have much advice.


iced lightning said:
What defines an alcohol problem? Would having a beer or two a day be a problem?

No, and having a glass of wine per day may actually be healthy.


http://www.d12.com/Resources/Alcoholism Self-Test.htm

I'm not one to promote 12-step programs, but something like AA *may* be able to help you out before things really start going downhill, Malakhov.

(it's worth noting, though, that not all of the question on the above list are mush help. I've certainly been a lush in the past, and still enjoy booze, but I'm also able to ignore alcohol for months at a time, based on what I'm doing at the time.)

Jim Bowie

Drink Creme Soda out of a frosty mug. It looks just like a beer. Placebo effect.

And let me tell you, Creme Soda's not a bad thing to get addicted to.


Pffft.... loook at me, I get drunk because I CAN. Yeah, that's right. Neither you or my liver can stop me. WHATUGONNADOBOUTIT?

Ill Saint

The thing about alcohol is that most real addicts live in denial. At least you're at a stage where your body is telling you that what you're doing doesn't feel right, and you still have the opportunity to do something about it.


bob_arctor said:
There's nothing wrong with drinking for fun just like there's nothing wrong with feeling guilty about it afterwards. It doesn't necessarily mean you have an addiction, though.

Let me reassume: he said he is getting replaced on work to be able to get drunk, having stomach problems, feeling like shit all the time, and having difficulty to quit.
Having someone in his family with alcholism problems makes more likely for him to be susceptible to the same.

The only good thing about his situation, which not only sounds hard to sustain as it is, but could spiral into something worse, is that he feels guilty about it. Is an incentive to get out of it.

Your "advice" is the opposite he needs. You go talking of "Nothing wrong" and no addiction? A nice encouragement in thinking with reckless and unrealistic optimism, feeling justified and accepted, letting go, and ultimately wasting himself.
Reading more replyes as I type, and am really speechless.

Well I got another friend to join me in this so I won't be doing it alone, woot!

Poor choice imo. Teaming with another drinker is likely to reinforce your habit, and weaken your determination to stop. Will help things getting fastest to the worst.

My limited advice, start staying away from everyone who drinks or encourages it - including this board.
Kids loving of justifing themselves and making fun of others, without the maturity to admit their possible wrongs, are far from the best source of objective advice.
Keep yourself busy, without the time to even think about drinking.
If you can't stop now, seek help asap. Better earlyer than later.

PS: If someone is offended from my words can send me a PM.


That doesn't sound like a problem to me. I think you're just worried about drinking too much, rather than actually doing it. If you were drinking too much, I imagine you would be denying and ignoring it. Of course, my advice would be that you drink less alcohol. But I usually give that advice to people in general. :p

And yeah, I also have a problem with alcohol. It tastes horrible.
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