I love to do it, and I primarily do it for myself, but over the past two weeks I've just been getting so frustrated. It doesn't have to do with a lack of ideas or any particular difficulties coming up with material. Those aren't problems at all. I typically put out 15-20 pages of text a day, whether I work my job or not, and a lot of it is usually useful.
I'm just frustrated because at this point it's becoming increasingly clear that I will never reach an audience and will likely never even get published. I lack the connections I would've developed in college, via classmates going on to work in publishing and profs that know people that could help me out. Like any other art, it's a popularity contest, and a weasely 23 year old that can barely talk to his friends isn't going to make it far on his own.
I guess I just have to do it for myself. I just hate the thought that the thing I love above all else will never have a major opportunity to reach or help people out. I truly believe I've got interesting things to say; it's getting anyone to pay attention that is the hard part.
I see all the Saturday nights I've wasted sitting around writing outlines and sketching things out, and I wonder whether it's worth it. Yeah, I enjoy doing it, but I've enjoyed a lot of things that were detrimental to my development. At the point I'm at, I'm wondering if I should just hang up the notebooks, I guess. What's the point? With this week's news concerning funding, it's increasingly unlikely I'll get back to school. I don't think there's any opportunity in the cards. I just don't know the people I need to know.
I'm just frustrated because at this point it's becoming increasingly clear that I will never reach an audience and will likely never even get published. I lack the connections I would've developed in college, via classmates going on to work in publishing and profs that know people that could help me out. Like any other art, it's a popularity contest, and a weasely 23 year old that can barely talk to his friends isn't going to make it far on his own.
I guess I just have to do it for myself. I just hate the thought that the thing I love above all else will never have a major opportunity to reach or help people out. I truly believe I've got interesting things to say; it's getting anyone to pay attention that is the hard part.
I see all the Saturday nights I've wasted sitting around writing outlines and sketching things out, and I wonder whether it's worth it. Yeah, I enjoy doing it, but I've enjoyed a lot of things that were detrimental to my development. At the point I'm at, I'm wondering if I should just hang up the notebooks, I guess. What's the point? With this week's news concerning funding, it's increasingly unlikely I'll get back to school. I don't think there's any opportunity in the cards. I just don't know the people I need to know.