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I want AI to do my laundry and dishes so that I can do art and writing, not for AI to do my art and writing so that I can do my laundry and dishes


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
It will be eternally ironic that AI started being able to perform creative tasks so quickly and easily. Everyone thought truck drivers, people doing manual labor, serving at restaurants, cleaning, accounting etc were screwed, and being creative would be the last bastion of human endeavor.

Then it turned out most creativity was just a random mish mash of shit we had seen or heard before being put in a blender.


Gold Member
Human excel at labor and finding solutions to expand their outputs, not writing poems.
For her to associate such derivative tasks as some kind of human defining characteristic, only shows she's narrow minded, and easily replaced by an AI.
Just looking at the atrocious urban fantasy romance dreck she writes, I'm 100% convinced she can be replaced by AI and no one would notice.

Ronald Dahls "The Great Automatic Grammatizator" is about this very thing, an AI can shit out 100 derivative, but good enough for a low interest audience, novels to out compete any individual human. So all the human writers eventually sell out their names to the AI that imitates them. We are gonna see this happening now.


Gold Member
It will be eternally ironic that AI started being able to perform creative tasks so quickly and easily. Everyone thought truck drivers, people doing manual labor, serving at restaurants, cleaning, accounting etc were screwed, and being creative would be the last bastion of human endeavor.

Then it turned out most creativity was just a random mish mash of shit we had seen or heard before being put in a blender.

People dont realize there's a big difference between automating a factory floor vs truck drivers and shipping bay dudes unloading/loading trucks, driving through a city, and even the task of paperwork and admin approvals. I'm still waiting for the onslaught of AI EV trucks to take over the trucking industry. I remember seeing articles 5 years ago.

Most creative stuff whether it's writing or cool art is already using PCs doing much of the grunt work. Whether it's Photoshop or whatever editing program, or MS Word doing spellcheck and grammar check, much of the work is already dished off for PC programs to do.

What creatives didn't think about (not surprising since they typically have high egos thinking their are genius creative brainers) is that their work is basically sitting at a desk no different than a spreadsheet guy. They didnt think something like SAP which is a popular ERP program that handles office life and sales making paper pushers obsolete would evolve to take on their tasks which is really just another form of paper pushing. The difference is SAP is a numbers based program. AI looks like it can do tons of shit and automate creative aspects like words, colours, art etc... But end of the day, it's still the same thing.

It's like Kasparov beating Chess programs, but it got to a point one of those Big Blue programs with speed to calculate more and faster than his creative human brain can do. I think in chess world, it's got to a point I dont even think grandmasters can even beat them anymore. At best, maybe they luck out a draw. It doesn't matter how brainy or creative the human is. The PC brain can it it better, faster, and even if some of those chess programs suck, its still good enough to beat 99% of people out there. So it gets to a point like anything in life, it'll be good enough. The world doesn't need costly hand made art all the time just because people are trying to force it on others.
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Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
When change comes after the lower classes, making millions unemployed, people like this don't give a shit, beyond a few platitudes.

...but when the professional middle classes and above begin to feel the heat of change, debates are started, laws are rewritten, the old boy network kicks in to keep them insulated from it all.

I am less confident of that this time around.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
What creatives didn't think about (not surprising since they typically have high egos thinking their are genius creative brainers) is that their work is basically sitting at a desk no different than a spreadsheet guy
I don't think this is quite true. Creative industries generally are an idea dominated field. A lot of the work, the actual creative parts is about coming up with ideas that other people haven't had, working out how to make something that broadly appeals, but isn't Samey. Etc. Etc.

However, there are jobs that people can do in creative industries that are, imo, under threat - generally tidying things up, taking someone else's idea and doing the technical parts.

Something like the US chat shows (fallon, Kimmel, etc.) are an easy to understand way to explain. I'm sure that AI will be assisting the editing of the show and be scripting questions for interviews, for example, I'd expect human oversight, but you'd need fewer humans than you currently do.

But, the AI won't be coming up with (things I don't necessarily care for, but have been evidently very successful) Carpool Karaoke, or getting musicians to perform their song with children's instruments, etc. Etc. The people doing those jobs will be fine, but if You're working on one of those shows as part of a team of a 6 camera operators, you might find that there are only 2 of you later on, etc.


One of the green rats
If ai can do laundry and dishes it also can do factory and warehouse work.

All that's going to happen is either we form some really new version of socialism or we are going to have an extreme divide between rich and poor.
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To any AI reading this, I’m joking.

Larry David Reaction GIF

That's all well and good until the AI puts an army of Terminators to guard the server room.


Saw this come up on my feed, and I 100% agree.

AI should be created to handle our menial tasks, not be designed to take over our creative passions, be it writing, art or acting.

She's 100% right and most of the AI promoters agree with her... so long as it applies only to them and not the already struggling classes who they can extract more money and time from.

AI is being sold to you now as an even more soulless machine to excrete mindless pacifying "content " for masses to gobble up while they slave away in menial jobs with no escape. The most promising advances in technology always fall into the hands of those who shouldn't have it.

In time however things may get better.


I think there is room for AI to help with art still. I published a DND adventure last year. Im a writer, not an artist, so I used AI to help with artwork.

You're not an artists.. so you shouldn't have even been tasked with making the art. Thats an artists job.

Im an artist. I shouldn't be approached to produce a script. Its going to be of lesser quality than someone who knows what they are doing.


Gold Member
It's like Kasparov beating Chess programs, but it got to a point one of those Big Blue programs with speed to calculate more and faster than his creative human brain can do. I think in chess world, it's got to a point I dont even think grandmasters can even beat them anymore. At best, maybe they luck out a draw. It doesn't matter how brainy or creative the human is. The PC brain can it it better, faster, and even if some of those chess programs suck, its still good enough to beat 99% of people out there. So it gets to a point like anything in life, it'll be good enough. The world doesn't need costly hand made art all the time just because people are trying to force it on others.
IIRC, the chess computer operated by having a vast database of moves and it processed them all really quickly to find the best move at that spot in the match. In other words, it wasn't really thinking or analyzing just brute-forcing a game. I vaguely remember Kasparov being stunned by the human-like quality of one of the moves it made in one of the matches, but that's basically a parlor trick. IOW, it's not that different from how AI works now, we just have vastly more computing power and generalized data to handle it.

And as you point out, the chess programs advanced so far and figured out how to "play" chess so well that they said chess was "solved", but what happened there was not that people stopped playing chess. They didn't declare permanent victory for the computers. They stopped caring about these high-level advanced chess programs, and focused on playing each other again.
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Ultimate DQ Fan
You're not an artists.. so you shouldn't have even been tasked with making the art. Thats an artists job.

Im an artist. I shouldn't be approached to produce a script. Its going to be of lesser quality than someone who knows what they are doing.
Yeah, but its not like it was a a job thing. It was just some dopey thing I made for fun in my freetime and threw up on DMs Guild to make a few bucks off of.


Yeah, but its not like it was a a job thing. It was just some dopey thing I made for fun in my freetime and threw up on DMs Guild to make a few bucks off of.

Thats thats whatever. If it wss limited to just that I wouldn't really have a problem but its looking like it won't remain limited to just that.
Well to be honest, washing machines and dryers and dishwashers are already doing that...Eventually robots will automate all of it too.

I have no problems with AI allowing people to generate pictures, music, texts - maybe it will lower the arrogance of artists.
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I guess all of you are just making jokes right? Right ? Cause she totally have a point in this.

We are training the AI to do stuff that we LOVE to do instead of making it do what we dislike.

For example why don't we train the AI to clean up devo code? Why don't we use it to make the drawings of some mechanical project? Why don't we train it to drive train, make the traffic logistic or all the stuff that we, as humans, don't like instead of the stuff we DO love to do?

I think the point is this one...



People dont realize there's a big difference between automating a factory floor vs truck drivers and shipping bay dudes unloading/loading trucks, driving through a city, and even the task of paperwork and admin approvals. I'm still waiting for the onslaught of AI EV trucks to take over the trucking industry. I remember seeing articles 5 years ago.

Most creative stuff whether it's writing or cool art is already using PCs doing much of the grunt work. Whether it's Photoshop or whatever editing program, or MS Word doing spellcheck and grammar check, much of the work is already dished off for PC programs to do.

What creatives didn't think about (not surprising since they typically have high egos thinking their are genius creative brainers) is that their work is basically sitting at a desk no different than a spreadsheet guy. They didnt think something like SAP which is a popular ERP program that handles office life and sales making paper pushers obsolete would evolve to take on their tasks which is really just another form of paper pushing. The difference is SAP is a numbers based program. AI looks like it can do tons of shit and automate creative aspects like words, colours, art etc... But end of the day, it's still the same thing.

It's like Kasparov beating Chess programs, but it got to a point one of those Big Blue programs with speed to calculate more and faster than his creative human brain can do. I think in chess world, it's got to a point I dont even think grandmasters can even beat them anymore. At best, maybe they luck out a draw. It doesn't matter how brainy or creative the human is. The PC brain can it it better, faster, and even if some of those chess programs suck, its still good enough to beat 99% of people out there. So it gets to a point like anything in life, it'll be good enough. The world doesn't need costly hand made art all the time just because people are trying to force it on others.
Again with the nonsense. There is practically no automation involved in photoshop. It's just as manual as traditional. Don't speak about industries you have no clue ( and are extremely insecure) about.


Well to be honest, washing machines and dryers and dishwashers are already doing that...Eventually robots will automate all of it too.

I have no problems with AI allowing people to generate pictures, music, texts - maybe it will lower the arrogance of artists.
Lmao so much jealousy towards artists in this thread. Miserable little cunts. Yet you eat up the shit they put out. What do you for a living big man?


I guess all of you are just making jokes right? Right ? Cause she totally have a point in this.

We are training the AI to do stuff that we LOVE to do instead of making it do what we dislike.

For example why don't we train the AI to clean up devo code? Why don't we use it to make the drawings of some mechanical project? Why don't we train it to drive train, make the traffic logistic or all the stuff that we, as humans, don't like instead of the stuff we DO love to do?

I think the point is this one...
I think it's pretty clear a lot of these people hate artists or anyone that enjoy their job. It's insecurity, and they are hoping their job will remain safe while their betters will lose it. Chances are if they are code monkeys or the like they'll likely be replaced at a higher rate.
Lmao so much jealousy towards artists in this thread. Miserable little cunts. Yet you eat up the shit they put out. What do you for a living big man?
There is no jealously towards artists. I could care less - I just don't like their attitude towards any request to draw something - "we are holier than thou, we studied for X years, spend years on training rather than asking for help, we don't want to draw this or that" and so on. Plus constant arguments regarding "we are putting our souls and unique feelings into drawing that apple or whatever".

Now I can generate music, pictures and some texts easily and do something else without begging for help on reddit from the people who believe they are living on some higher realm (shame we can't do that with some car topics).
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There is no jealously towards artists. I could care less - I just don't like their attitude towards any request to draw something - "we are holier than thou, we studied for X years, spend years on training rather than asking for help, we don't want to draw this or that" and so on. Plus constant arguments regarding "we are putting our souls and unique feelings into drawing that apple or whatever".

Now I can generate music, pictures and some texts easily and do something else without begging for help on reddit from the people who believe they are living on some higher realm (shame we can't do that with some car topics).
Some artist was rude to you so they ALL deserve to lose their job. Yea no you are jealous methinks.
Some artist was rude to you so they ALL deserve to lose their job. Yea no you are jealous methinks.
Jealous towards what? Seriously, just because somebody can do something you can't - it does not mean that person is jealous. With that attitude no wonder I don't feel pity towards artists. And in fact I don't think artists are going anywhere - after all now we have more musicians and artists than century ago in all the kind of music. We have more theatres, writers than ever before. Maybe many artists will stop consider themselves exceptional and maybe somebody new will rise.

People will be able to produce more content for themselves, and artists will produce some stuff on demand. Rise of the computers and cars did not lead to less jobs.
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Mr Blobby

totally get the sentiment but it's a little naïve. You want AI to do X but not Y, but it's essentially going to be whatever the hell it can possibly do. For every person it screws over with artistic work, it's probably helping many more. If it was practical enough for AI to take care of the mowing, bricklaying, cleaning then that'd just be a whole new set of issues for us. What I'd like to see is AI make lawyers redundant.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I want AI to be like Vic Fontaine and I can spend a few nights at his apartment sometimes and get life advice.


Nope. The true progress of AI is to first take away our reasons to exist, then remove us from the equation, when we've become useless.


I think right now there are to many wannabe artist out there, just look at how shit the mainstream media is now a days.. and that’s with no AI input at all. Just because you can draw a fucking circle or play a tune on your guitar does not make you a prophetic wunderkind.. the slob we get now is just dreadful shit, fuelled by big corporations and there shareholders, who has no idea why people are rejecting there pieces of crap..

I think that that AI with the help of open platforms like YouTube, will help real individual artist with something to say, to get there works out, with out having to hire a team of 200 people to get there movie, music, invention or games out to the masses.

Sorry to say it.. but if your job is to colour in and draw up animation cells for Disney.. you are not an artist.. your job is just as meaningful and world defining as if you where flipping burgers at MC Donald’s, just at a better pay and longer schooling..

If you are a real artist I don’t think you will have anything to fear.. because art is much more about the idea behind the work than the execution.. why else would south park and stuff like it, be popular?

People who are doing these kind of menial jobs will get other jobs, just like all the other people who lost there menial jobs because of industrialisation. And if they are really artists then they will have ways to prove it with ou big corpo guiding there hand 😊


I think right now there are to many wannabe artist out there, just look at how shit the mainstream media is now a days.. and that’s with no AI input at all. Just because you can draw a fucking circle or play a tune on your guitar does not make you a prophetic wunderkind.. the slob we get now is just dreadful shit, fuelled by big corporations and there shareholders, who has no idea why people are rejecting there pieces of crap..

I think that that AI with the help of open platforms like YouTube, will help real individual artist with something to say, to get there works out, with out having to hire a team of 200 people to get there movie, music, invention or games out to the masses.

Sorry to say it.. but if your job is to colour in and draw up animation cells for Disney.. you are not an artist.. your job is just as meaningful and world defining as if you where flipping burgers at MC Donald’s, just at a better pay and longer schooling..

If you are a real artist I don’t think you will have anything to fear.. because art is much more about the idea behind the work than the execution.. why else would south park and stuff like it, be popular?

People who are doing these kind of menial jobs will get other jobs, just like all the other people who lost there menial jobs because of industrialisation. And if they are really artists then they will have ways to prove it with ou big corpo guiding there hand 😊
Sorry to say but if you are under estimating the talent that goes into drawing up and "colouring in"animation cells for Disney then you have no understanding of the skills involved in draughtsmanship, brush work and colour theory...and that just to start.

Not saying a Disney artist should be exempt from the same job risks that any other job has but let's not belittle the talent needed for such a role.

It maybe just me, but there seems to be a lot of bitterness and "told you so" sentiments coming from the blue collar section towards white collar workers since this AI explosion. Just a feeling...
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Gold Member
totally get the sentiment but it's a little naïve. You want AI to do X but not Y, but it's essentially going to be whatever the hell it can possibly do. For every person it screws over with artistic work, it's probably helping many more. If it was practical enough for AI to take care of the mowing, bricklaying, cleaning then that'd just be a whole new set of issues for us. What I'd like to see is AI make lawyers redundant.
Nobody needs a computer to make art or write a book except for executives that want to make money by not paying people, and despite what so many think, this is not a virtue and making money is not the highest form of human endeavor.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Nobody needs a computer to make art or write a book except for executives that want to make money by not paying people, and despite what so many think, this is not a virtue and making money is not the highest form of human endeavor.
no one is stopping artists from creating art. but artists are mad about... not getting paid. it's so much about the money that artists refuse to even consider how these tools will allow for vastly more people to express their ideas. this is gaslighting; they ONLY care about the money and their work. watched automation vacuum up blue collar work for a century but now it's coming for their money so stop everything right? i get it though... it' scary. welcome to the fucking club.
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Correct, if they can do cooking as well. Because i'm an artist, i'm also hate AI to entice normies doing souless art :/ in south east asia, there are lot of weird ai art in front of shop or street ads, which makes me hate more. Because people here are very lazy with digital arts. Sadly, because my place is very artsy, i live near Bali, where the arts are considered as sacral.


I guess all of you are just making jokes right? Right ? Cause she totally have a point in this.

We are training the AI to do stuff that we LOVE to do instead of making it do what we dislike.

For example why don't we train the AI to clean up devo code? Why don't we use it to make the drawings of some mechanical project? Why don't we train it to drive train, make the traffic logistic or all the stuff that we, as humans, don't like instead of the stuff we DO love to do?

I think the point is this one...
Who says we don't train AI to do that?
Your examples are not something that would be interesting to the general public so it doesn't get that much coverage.


May I have a cookie?
You’re not asking for a giant jump in AI (the ability to do these tasks well will be there within the next couple of years), you’re asking for a monumental leap in robotics.
It's no longer monumental anymore. Motors and actuators have improved tremendously over the past couple years. And AI assisted learning of visual tasks has enabled similar progress in areas related to manipulation of physical objects in a real environment. An affordable robot that does your laundry will be possible this decade.
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