Update #2: Bright lights in sky on my way home.
Update with video: Here's the video I took this morning at 1 a.m. right after I parked at work. I noticed this thing at first while driving down SR 56 and it followed me and flew right over my building. It's the exact same thing from the other night that followed me home after I parked under it as it sat still in the air and waved at it like an idiot. My co-workers saw it as well and you can hear a couple of them comment in the video that it looks like a plane and that's it's really low. It was also completely silent, the noises in the background is a car passing and a truck idling, this was 1 a.m. in a parking lot, very echoey. Whether it's a drone or not It's the fact that I keep seeing this thing that has me worried. If it's someone fucking with me, It's a fucking good one.
At the very beginning of the video is the top of a street light in front of the building I work in so that should orient you as to how big this thing was, which is why I feel it can't be a drone unless it's military. It was probably 200-300 feet up in the air I know it's too dark too see but but it looked like a large plane with two bright lights on the sides and a bunch of other lights on the body.
If you notice, the "wing" lights are straight when coming head on but look like they're shaped like a V at the end of the video as it flies away. Anyway, here's the video, I posted it on the Youtube channel I just created because of all this crazy shit:
My name is Kyle, I'm 32 and live in Tampa, Fl. I saw a big orange light about two months ago right above my neighborhood and as soon as I stopped my car to look at it, it went out. But tonight legitimately shook me. I was leaving my Uncle's apt. around 9:30pm and I saw a bright white light right above the neighborhood down the road. As soon as I got close to it it started to move and look just like a plane with the blinking lights but moving much too slowly. I was amazed but after giving it a wave hello after stopping right underneath it I went on my merry way. This thing ended up following me all the way home. It literally creeped up right in front of me at an intersection and then kept flying towards me straight on and as soon as it reached my driver's side would fly backwards keeping right alongside me. I get to another intersection right near my house and I see a few objects in the sky with glittery lights flashing over a large area in the sky, almost like morse code. I finally pulled in my driveway and got out, looked up and saw it fly by me one last time. I was always on the fence about all this stuff until tonight but now I'm a legit believer.
I had to check YT to see if others have had this same experience and at least two videos I watched described my experience to a T. I haven't even told anybody I actually know about it because I think they'll think I'm crazy. I've never seen anything until I started researching this stuff on YT and talking about it with my Uncle (also a believer) for the past year or so. The orange light now feels like maybe it was a test to see if I'd notice it because it was 3 a.m. (I go to work early) and I was the only one in my neighborhood outside at that moment. I'll be really curious now to see if this becomes a constant thing. I mean it was so obvious that it was letting me know that it knows that I know. Just crazy!
Update with video: Here's the video I took this morning at 1 a.m. right after I parked at work. I noticed this thing at first while driving down SR 56 and it followed me and flew right over my building. It's the exact same thing from the other night that followed me home after I parked under it as it sat still in the air and waved at it like an idiot. My co-workers saw it as well and you can hear a couple of them comment in the video that it looks like a plane and that's it's really low. It was also completely silent, the noises in the background is a car passing and a truck idling, this was 1 a.m. in a parking lot, very echoey. Whether it's a drone or not It's the fact that I keep seeing this thing that has me worried. If it's someone fucking with me, It's a fucking good one.
At the very beginning of the video is the top of a street light in front of the building I work in so that should orient you as to how big this thing was, which is why I feel it can't be a drone unless it's military. It was probably 200-300 feet up in the air I know it's too dark too see but but it looked like a large plane with two bright lights on the sides and a bunch of other lights on the body.
If you notice, the "wing" lights are straight when coming head on but look like they're shaped like a V at the end of the video as it flies away. Anyway, here's the video, I posted it on the Youtube channel I just created because of all this crazy shit:
My name is Kyle, I'm 32 and live in Tampa, Fl. I saw a big orange light about two months ago right above my neighborhood and as soon as I stopped my car to look at it, it went out. But tonight legitimately shook me. I was leaving my Uncle's apt. around 9:30pm and I saw a bright white light right above the neighborhood down the road. As soon as I got close to it it started to move and look just like a plane with the blinking lights but moving much too slowly. I was amazed but after giving it a wave hello after stopping right underneath it I went on my merry way. This thing ended up following me all the way home. It literally creeped up right in front of me at an intersection and then kept flying towards me straight on and as soon as it reached my driver's side would fly backwards keeping right alongside me. I get to another intersection right near my house and I see a few objects in the sky with glittery lights flashing over a large area in the sky, almost like morse code. I finally pulled in my driveway and got out, looked up and saw it fly by me one last time. I was always on the fence about all this stuff until tonight but now I'm a legit believer.
I had to check YT to see if others have had this same experience and at least two videos I watched described my experience to a T. I haven't even told anybody I actually know about it because I think they'll think I'm crazy. I've never seen anything until I started researching this stuff on YT and talking about it with my Uncle (also a believer) for the past year or so. The orange light now feels like maybe it was a test to see if I'd notice it because it was 3 a.m. (I go to work early) and I was the only one in my neighborhood outside at that moment. I'll be really curious now to see if this becomes a constant thing. I mean it was so obvious that it was letting me know that it knows that I know. Just crazy!