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I watch BSG for the first time - join me if you haven't seen it before!

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It won't turn BSG into shit, it's just completely flat and unneccessary. It's a very not-good movie.

There's a cool little short film about Sam Anders in there, but it's surrounded by some REALLY questionable filmmaking/storytelling.

It's a little bit better than Blood and Chrome, at least. That's not really much of a thumbs-up, but it's got that going for it.
On season 3 right now. Alot of slow parts and fillers I didn't care for throughout. Although
boy that trial was great tv, its really picking up.
Looking back, Tricia Helfer was probably the best and most surprising actor on this show. And it's a same that she hasn't really gotten huge roles since the show's ending.
Everything was neatly concluded, every character arc finally coming to a satisfactory end, and the only thing left to a mystery was the sort of thing that would have been ruined by an explanation.

Best Sci-Fi series, and even with a bit of a dip in quality post S2, it held up until the very end.
I would rank the final episodes up there with 33 and the Mini series, and all the other top-tier episodes of the show.

Man, I was lucky to enjoy this series without getting spoilered.
Seconding whoever it was that said that the music keeps getting better.

By the end of Season 4, it was aural bliss.

End of line.

Yep agreed with what you said. I really enjoyed the show as a whole, and Bear McCreary is amazingly talented.
I repeadetly have heard now that Baltar would be one of the best characters. I can't understand why. In fact, I think he is one of the worst written characters I have seen in a drama series ever. Well played but really bad written. It's like he deliberately fraks things up for no reason whatsoever. Some examples:

He builds a - apparently working - cylon detector. He then finds out that Boomer is a cylon. He doesn't tell her because he thinks she might shoot him. OK. Why doesn't he call Adama the moment she walks out of the room?

On board of the cylon base ship he tries to start a centurion rebellion. WTF? God's creation in honor but I really was relieved when this centurion got destroyed by debris.

He then gets his cultic harem and just doesn't care that Caprica Six gets pregnant from Tigh.

How are these actions to explain by his (as I see them) primary motives: Guilt (for basically wiping humanity out), Fear (of someone finding out) and devotion (to Caprica Six / Head Six / God)

Also he gives the Pegasus Six a nuclear bomb. I repeat: He hands a known cylon that looks like but in fact is not his beloved Caprica Six a nuclear bomb after she was heavily abused by humans. Love can't make that blind, can it?

In the third season he was mostly ok with his obsession with the final five and then in his cell. And I really love the scene on New Caprica where he is forced to sign that list and he has to wipe yet another notable fraction of mankind.

On the other hand I think that Tigh and Roslin are both quite well written yet almost noone mentions them. Don't get me wrong, I don't like Roslin and I basically hate Tigh but they never act out of the picture previous episodes built up:

Roslin got herself way to deep into this dying leader / Pythia thing. This explains why she does manipulate elections and trys to silence political enemies. She has a people to safe, after all. The breakdown after earth turned out to be a wasteland was then a logical follow-up.

Tigh is extremely loyal to the old man. It's great how he gets teared apart between him and Ellen in the first two seasons. And even greater is his self doubt once he finds out he is a cylon.

These two make lots of mistakes but they always think they are doing the right thing. Their actions are within the characters logic. But I don't see most of Baltar's mistakes outside the third season caused by any motive. Every time he does something (objectively) unreasonable I'm just asking myself "WTF? Why?". Can anyone help me out here?
Baltar is one of the biggest trolls in the Battlestar universe. He embodies almost every negative trait that humans are known for. If you're looking for logic in a human being then you're looking at the wrong species. The writers intentionally made the smartest man in the universe prone to bad decision making.

On another note, to be fair, if Tricia Helfer spread her legs for me I'd sell out the human race in a heartbeat as well.


Baltar is one of the biggest trolls in the Battlestar universe. He embodies almost every negative trait that humans are known for. If you're looking for logic in a human being then you're looking at the wrong species. The writers intentionally made the smartest man in the universe prone to bad decision making.

On another note, to be fair, if Tricia Helfer spread her legs for me I'd sell out the human race in a heartbeat as well.
Couldn't be more correct with everything here.
I remembered the time where I watched the show and absolutely loved the music. I loved the music so much that I put the soundtrack on my iPod and listened to it in the middle of the night in my bed, and eventually falling asleep.

It is really 'THAT' good.
No shit, right? To think that a former underwear model could subtly play multiple variations of the same character and give them all distinctive personalities while maintaining an underlying core similarity...well, it was unexpected, to say the least.

I think, say, Grace Park started out much shakier, but improved as the show went on esp. wrt distinguishing between variants of her model, whereas Helfer was just rock solid with whatever was thrown at her. Like, selling the steely, sexy, fickle attitude of Head Six just as much as the tragic plights of Gina & Natalie or the series-spanning growth of Caprica Six.

Not only is she not getting enough roles, I feel like she never even got enough recognition in the first place for her talents as the show was airing.

I really, really, really thought that she should have landed the role of Cersei Lannister in Game of Thrones. Not only does she look the part more, but she's a better actress than Headey by a long shot. I'm pretty positive she read for the role.
Yup, Helfer was fantastic. In fact, all the women on BSG were rock solid - it's one of the few shows with strong, multidimensional women that are on par with their male counterparts.


Oh man, y'all are really on my level here with Tricia Helfer. Totally agree with everything, super fine and talented. Would love to see her in more stuff.
I gasped, and then laughed my ass off.

Watched Season 4, episodes 1 to 10, which I think pretty fairly concludes the entire series if one were to ignore the last 5 minutes :p

The show kinda got silly with the final fives being that rag-tag bunch of dislikeable characters, but there were some excellent moments so far that I think is easily up there with the best of S1-3.

Such as episode 9&10 - that had both of the Adama's best moments so far (Lee finally manning up properly, and Bill finally breaking down completely). They were tight-paced, rich in mythology without pulling too much shit out of the ass (which they did, to a degree, but it was forgiven), and had some excellent space-action going on!

Anyway, now I'm kinda left wondering where they'll go next with the remaining 10 episodes. I guess make it clear whether or not Kara really is the final Cylon (I mean, she did technically lead them all to their doom by guiding them to radioactive barren-wasteland Earth), and what the heck is that special about the Final Five. I guess they gotta deal with the remaining Cylon models as well, and perhaps Gaius little Centaurion rebellion that he might be brewing. I was pretty pleased to see some of my earlier predictions strike true (the cylons splitting up over fundamental philosophical differences and have a little civil war), but I really underestimated just how awesome of a Cylon Cavill really was.

Top-tier Cylon right there.
At this point now....Edward James Almost is a BEAST! Early on season 4 sucked but it's starting to pick up in the last couple of episodes.


Watched the mini-series and will now dig in on the series itself, the lack of sci-fi shows with this quality is kind of sad.


I watched it all live when it originally aired. A couple of weeks ago, I decided to rewatch it on Amazon Prime. I remember being less than thrilled with the finale when I watched it originally. It works MUCH better as one long, three-part episode. I'm at peace with the end of the series now.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
I'm SO JEALOUS of OP for watching this show for the first time! BSG is my #1 favorite TV show ever, and I highly doubt anything will ever replace it (not even GoT can do it)
I have no idea how people could hate on this ending.
It's absolutely magnificent in its perfection!

Thank you for letting me know that, I started watching a couple of months ago, but have taken a break midseason 3.
Did not want to ruin it by going through it so fast, plus I wanted to rewatch Breaking Bad before the new episodes.

Now it's time to finish BSG, and it's great that not all think it was a clusterfuck.
That's just a theme with all shows, games, movie trilogies, so on and so forth.


I found some of the l;ate seasons had a bit of a slump for me, the story got unfocused., but all in all I'm glad I pushed on through.

It's a production in-joke. During the miniseries, when there was a budget crunch, one of the prop-guys started "cutting corners" as a way to goof on the situation.

When the show was picked up for series - they had to maintain continuity.

It got annoying real fast :)

I think this is bull, the original series had the corners cut off paper too.


Looking back, Tricia Helfer was probably the best and most surprising actor on this show. And it's a same that she hasn't really gotten huge roles since the show's ending.

Not for lack of trying. She was in a couple tv shows that looked like they were going to go places and didn't.

the original series had the corners cut off paper too.
Ya the original series had that kind of design in many places.


I love this show, I'm so ashamed of myself for not getting into it earlier, I figured since it was on Sci-Fi it might be crap since I hate pretty much all their shows. Damn was I ever wrong, it's already in my top 5 favorite series ever and I'm in season 2, the music is just incredible too.

The scene when this started playing was just perfect


I started watching this and it's satisfying to have sci-fi that seems to be more grounded in the mechanics of it's universe.

Only problem is netflix seems to have issues with audio on some of the episodes. Couldn't watch 33 because it was completely silent :/


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Hey guys, just also wanted to chime in. I just finished the whole series a few hours ago for the first time ever. Awesome show and I like the ending. Haters gonna hate :p
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