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Identity Crisis Remix!

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Identity Crisis Remix!

Not really all that funny or creative, but boy howdy did that fight scene suck. I know Slade's supposed to be this big-time badass, but come on... He takes down JLA and JSA members in less time than it takes me to eat a ham 'n cheese sandwich. And how? Some of the others I can understand, but Flash can freakin' run thru time, and Green Lantern, well... I mean, COME ON.

Oh yeah, I guess this can be an Identity Crisis discussion thread. I'm curious to see what others think. I'm not buying the book, but I have been glancing at it on the shelves and all I'm seeing is a bunch of "gritty realism" nonsense and sadistic violence against women. I'm not impressed.
Spike Spiegel said:


Not really all that funny or creative, but boy howdy did that fight scene suck. I know Slade's supposed to be this big-time badass, but come on... He takes down JLA and JSA members in less time than it takes me to eat a ham 'n cheese sandwich. And how? Some of the others I can understand, but Flash can freakin' run thru time, and Green Lantern, well... I mean, COME ON.

Oh yeah, I guess this can be an Identity Crisis discussion thread. I'm curious to see what others think. I'm not buying the book, but I have been glancing at it on the shelves and all I'm seeing is a bunch of "gritty realism" nonsense and sadistic violence against women. I'm not impressed.

i'm not thrilled about the violence against women but the whodunnit mystery is fantastic.
the killer is using mirrors to teleport in and out of places, he's using magic (that's why he can defeat the kryptonian, martian and thanagarian technologies) and batman's on the killer's trail. the killer is also able to copie techniques and powers from other heroes or villains. amazo? t.o. morrow? i wonder. luthor? he'sot money and connections nad he's holding a grudge buta petty murder like this? not his style. too complicated. it's not dr light.
his mind has been messed with 9and i dont mean zattana) i cant wait for part four.
Spoilers herein:

I love it. The violence against women upsets me, especially the force and contrived circumstances around issue #1. But then again, I think Jean Loring is going to be saved. It looks like she was on the phone to the Atom-- and he can jump through phone lines. So I tinhk he'll cut her down in time.

Unless he's the killer.

The characterization s are dead on, and the mystery is fantastic. I love the criminal network, and the new role for the Calculator.

Oh, and I think Luthor is behind it all.
Regarding the fightscene-- I mostly loved it. It was essentially a slowed-down version of the same types of fights Slade would get into with the Teen Titans.

Slade *is* supposed to be able to hand whole teams at once. And note that he lost and ran away-- he olny had the upper hand until he came to GL, and only then for a moment.


While we're on topic, the cover for Identity Crisis #7 was released today...


And here's the covers for #5 & 6:



I think DC has quite a few surprises left for us...
nomoment said:
While we're on topic, the cover for Identity Crisis #7 was released today...


And here's the covers for #5 & 6:



I think DC has quite a few surprises left for us...

and the mistery deepens. regarding what ham said, yes lutjor did say there was gonna be a reckoning... but wouldnt that be too obvious? i just don think this is luthor's style.
i think the cover for part #7 is taking it too far. or is it?let's think about this.

wally west A.K.A the flash, has a secret identity again

in superman and adventures of superman, lois lane was shot while covering a war and in the one year ahead azzarello story she's vanished. hmmmm.... would that be something that woulod cause superman to give up the custome for a while?

over in batman, batman has finally been exposed to the light so to speak. he's at odds wiht the police department and may not have them as friends anymore. by detective comics #800 he may be considered an outlaw.

kyle rayner? see GL: birthright

hawkman? i'm not sure wat's going on in his corner....

the atom? he always said he'd rather be teaching then being a superhero...

robin: tim drake gave up ebing robing for a bit and now has had to go back..... is his dad's life in danger? maybe... what about spoiler?

green arrow? i doubt it...


evil solrac v3.0 said:
hawkman? i'm not sure wat's going on in his corner....
Hawkman's new girlfriend, Dominia Paris, died in his arms in the most recent issue of Hawkman.

Things are going so well for ol' Carter, but I really doubt he'll hang it up.
nomoment said:
Hawkman's new girlfriend, Dominia Paris, died in his arms in the most recent issue of Hawkman.

Things are going so well for ol' Carter, but I really doubt he'll hang it up.

well, maybe he wont be affected. but there are other heroes who might stop playing the hero game for a while. certainly not batman. or supeman (but that's a maybe right now)
the flash? he has to find his wife first. where the hell did she go?the 64th century!?? did she
leave with iris west?
IDENTITY CRISIS TOPIC PEOPLE!!! *ahem* anyhoo, here are some interesting questions to ask....

So far all I've seen are a lot of "Out there" theories on the possible killer or killers, and while I mean no offense by this, you have to establish a line of logic,
or at least to lines ... Metzer's as a writer,
and the known DC universe.


Why Enlongated and The Atom's wives?
- Public identities, which could be used as a misdirection, giving the heroes a senses of false security.
- Both are warm hearted, well liked and passive heroes, so their losses would hit the heroes more then say Superman or Batman who you could honestly say "They had it coming".
- If you want the heroes off their guard and emotionally involved you go after the people they collectively like... everyone likes Enlongated Man, Sue and the Atom.

Why the focus on Lex Luthor?
- Metzer's misdirection?
- He's been mentioned countless times, his statelite was used, and his armor revealed.

Why Luthor?
- He hates metahumans, and feels humanity can take care of themselves.
- The heroes cost him his Presidency.. and while it was the Superman and Batman family who took him down, Hawkman and Shazam did not do their job, and the heroes let it happen.

Does Luthor have the means?
- President of the United States.. FBI, CIA, NSA the list goes on. Luthor's power is knowledge.

Who would know these small and hidden facts about the heroes?
- Dr. Light
- Lex Luthor
- The villains shown before like the Wizard.. perhaps their minds got "unwiped".
- The Caculator.

Who would've known that Sue was planning Enlongated Man's birthday a month early?

Why didn't Green Arrow bring in a Mystic Specialist for his "CSI" unit?

Notice how Sue's attention was drawn to the Shadows? Who can Shadow teleport, almost untracable?

How was Sue killed? it appeared to be one blow? but no physical damage?
- Telepath?
- Magic?

What does burning and hanging both victim represent?

What villain would get off on both woman being allowed to call their husband heroes before dying?

Why did the killer refer to Sue in an intimate and almost affectionate way before torching her?

Why was the Atom's wife blind folded? then hanged? does it represent "Justice"?

Was a villain ever wrongly accused, convicted or mistreated by the heroes?

What was the deal with The Bolt?
- Did he allow himself to get shot?
- Was someone suppose to arrive and prevent it from happening?
- Is that even the real Bolt?

If Dr. Light's memory was wiped of his indicident with Sue, how did he know to require Deathstroke's help? Why would he even think of it?

Why the tidbit pieces on Merlin, The bolt and Boomarang? Misdirection?

One thing is for sure, the whole concept is Misdirection..
so if you can answer all these with a connected element, then you have an idea.
Wait a minute... wait a minute... wait a minute! I've got it! I know who the serial killer mastermind is!

It's none other than
Yeah, I've got nothing. Sorry.


All I know is that if it ends up being Batman, or some clone/alternative universe Batman or disciple of Batman- screw it- if it ends up being another "This proves how Batman can own the DCU" type revelation, I'm giving up on DC.
Obsidian is mentioned, but how about Shadow Thief? He seems to have been driven nuts by somebody.

I'm personally backing Luthor as the mastermind, and using other villains to do the jobs. I think Bolt was picking up armor for him. Calculator giving him info and coordinating, perhaps Dr Moon restoring villains' memories, others as assassins.


I've just read issues 1-3. What a fantastic series. @_@ The art bothers me sometimes, but some of the panels have killer composition.
Preview of issue #4, courtesy of Newsarama:

So is it safe to say now that the next person to die will be
Robin's dad, Jack Drake?
That seems to be the general concensus among all of the Identity Crisis readers the comic-oriented message boards.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I Think we need to shift the topic back to how easily Slade was able to take down the JLA.. I mean come on, many of these JLA member's aren't exactly newbies, and yet Slade is able to get them to do exactly what he wants? And don't get me started on GL piece of the fight... simply put.. no. BTW that's a horrendous looking Superman. Don't get me wrong Slade is a kickass character... and while as a visual read him taking down each JLA member knowing their weaknesses looks cool... it sure as hell doesn't say much for this branch of the team... then again this is the... dare I say it... B team... ;) Isn't Slade about to get his own book? Too bad it looks like they are about to humanize him.... big mistake.
Slade did not take down the JLA. He won the first round, and then was overwhelmed by them, becuase he had to take too much effort to neutralize GL. Had light not flipped out, they would have bagged him.

He *did* get in several effective, crippling blows.

Oh, and thanks to the opening of this issue, I'm holding onto the idea that Jean Loring may be alive (perhaps still unconscious).


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Ignatz Mouse said:
Slade did not take down the JLA. He won the first round, and then was overwhelmed by them, becuase he had to take too much effort to neutralize GL. Had light not flipped out, they would have bagged him. He *did* get in several effective, crippling blows.

Ok christ it's nitpicking time regardless of whether you call it winning a round, taking down, etc... the fact of the matter is Slade made the JLA look like newbies each lining up for the individual attacks instead of taking him like a team. Some of these members have been around for eons... that is simply not well written... even though as I said it makes a great visual.
The only reason it looks that way is time dialation. Slade is very scary, and I would *expect* him to beath this crew minus GL. Flash is the only real big hitter, and Slade has a lot of experience against him, as well as prep time.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Ignatz Mouse said:
The only reason it looks that way is time dialation. Slade is very scary, and I would *expect* him to beath this crew minus GL. Flash is the only real big hitter, and Slade has a lot of experience against him, as well as prep time.

Hawkman isn't a big hitter?
DarienA said:
Hawkman isn't a big hitter?

of course he is. but bear in mind that slade has been soldiering for a long time. and he has sided and fought a lot of these heroes. he can teach batman a thing or two about prep time and he's a meta-human too. some more speculation (read flash#214)

Everyone has been asking "Who killed Sue?" "Who attacked Jean Loring?" "Is Jean Dead?" "Was Batman there for a reason in Light's flashback?" Well in Flash #214, we see Captain Boomerang talking to Heatwave, asking for money to get to the satelite and being all "I'm going to redeem myself as a formidable for to heroes," and all that crap. This all happens right before we see reports of Sue Dibny having been murdered. It's seems to me that he's the one that killed Sue, since prior to the murder, he talked to Heat Wave, possibly nicked a heat gun off of him, and went to the satellite with all of the villains. There he procured some miraclo (which we see him hocking "later" in IC #1), pops a miraclo pill, gets in the satellite teleporter, teleports into the Dibny's residence to kill Sue, beats her down until she dies, flash fries her, and finally teleports back to the satellite.

The "Batman memory" of Doctor Light's seems to be that Batman was there, but the memory was removed by Zatanna. Possibly a mental block was put in, which would explain the "world's greatest detective's" absence in the series. Presumably, Batman is trying to crack this case to no avail, due to mental tampering.
I dunno about Hawkman, but Zatanna's definitely a heavy-hitter. And I didn't necessarily like the idea of Deathstroke being able to cover what appeared to be considerable distance and take her down (rather humiliatingly, I might add) before she even finished uttering a single magic world.
Spike Spiegel said:
I dunno about Hawkman, but Zatanna's definitely a heavy-hitter. And I didn't necessarily like the idea of Deathstroke being able to cover what appeared to be considerable distance and take her down (rather humiliatingly, I might add) before she even finished uttering a single magic world.

nobody ever thought of actually just smacking zattana to shut her up. if she cant talk, she cant fight. brilliant.
People tend to underestimate Slade's abilities. He's basically Spider-Man style in terms of agility, super-strength, and reflexes (perhaps faster on the reflexes). He can leap several stories. That, and he had the whol team off-guard to begin with-- they were expecting Dr Light (a joke) rather than somebody who regularly handles several super-heroes at once.

Hawkman < Green Lantern or Flash, the only top-level power characters here.


evil solrac v3.0 said:
i love how morales draws superman. i wonder if he knows about ther pact but is choosing not to say anything.

At the end of part 3 when Ollie was telling The Flash about all that went down, he said "people hear what they want to hear". In the same frame they showed a close up of Superman's ear, so maybe he does know what's happening.
karasu said:
At the end of part 3 when Ollie was telling The Flash about all that went down, he said "people hear what they want to hear". In the same frame they showed a close up of Superman's ear, so maybe he does know what's happening.

hmmmm... yeah i forgot about that. but what about batman? where the bloody hell is he?


Now I don't really have any information or have read the books yet, but this seems remarkably similar to the Justice League series where someone(I believe it was Ra's Al Hhul's daughter) stole a ton of information that Batman had kept on his fellow league members in the event that he would be forced to take them on in the future.

Just seems the same basic concept.
Tamanon said:
Now I don't really have any information or have read the books yet, but this seems remarkably similar to the Justice League series where someone(I believe it was Ra's Al Hhul's daughter) stole a ton of information that Batman had kept on his fellow league members in the event that he would be forced to take them on in the future.

Just seems the same basic concept.

not even close. one more day....


Everybody's already heard of the Kyle Rayner/Evil GL ring theory, right?

Anyways, here's text excerpt from an old Lying in the Gutters:

The rumours doing the rounds is that Kyle Rayner (I actually just typed Kyle Baker there... ouch) is to be identified as the killer in "Identity Crisis." Apparently there's a flaw in his ring that has turned him crazy.

Apparently the new Kyle Rayner action figure has been cancelled, or renamed Black Hand, and the character's situation in "Green Lantern: Rebirth" has been shied away from at convention panels...

nomoment said:
Everybody's already heard of the Kyle Rayner/Evil GL ring theory, right?

Anyways, here's text excerpt from an old Lying in the Gutters:


that's so dumb and crazy. besides, kyle has already been seen in the series. figting slade i might add. and it doesnt fit with what has happened in the green lantern books and what's going down in rebirth. let this rumor die already. and he's not gonna become black hand.....


evil solrac v3.0 said:
that's so dumb and crazy. besides, kyle has already been seen in the series. figting slade i might add. and it doesnt fit with what has happened in the green lantern books and what's going down in rebirth. let this rumor die already. and he's not gonna become black hand.....
But... why, WHY did he try to take Slade hand-to-hand? That's just dumb, and Kyle can't fight, anyway.

Maybe it's all part of the plan!
nomoment said:
Everybody's already heard of the Kyle Rayner/Evil GL ring theory, right?

Anyways, here's text excerpt from an old Lying in the Gutters:


While I certainly think something is up with Kyle-- I've heard the Black Hand thing before, and it is an old GL villain name/concept that could be revived-- I don't see how he fits in Identity Crisis. Unless events in his current book are supposed to be a key (no spoilers here).

Nope, I think bad things for Kyle are in store in his own book and Rebirth, not in ID Crisis. ID Crisis seems to be too tightly knit a story not to have some hint or clue suggesting Kyle by this point.
nomoment said:
But... why, WHY did he try to take Slade hand-to-hand? That's just dumb, and Kyle can't fight, anyway.

Maybe it's all part of the plan!

maybe because he has the most powerful weapon in the universe? i know he cant fight but he can make a milion and one things to beat slade... or try to. meltzer always has a point to his stories.. a set pattern. we just havent seen them yet.
OK, I'll play along. Let's suppose that Kyle is the killer. Let's also suppose that he's hanging back because there's something between Slade and Kyle at this point. And perhaps Slade turns on him by trying to go after the ring. Hmmm....
Ignatz Mouse said:
OK, I'll play along. Let's suppose that Kyle is the killer. Let's also suppose that he's hanging back because there's something between Slade and Kyle at this point. And perhaps Slade turns on him by trying to go after the ring. Hmmm....

why did dr light hire him?

If somebody's playing this whole thing, they may have sent Light there specifically to "run into" Slade, who was waiting.


Knows the Score
nomoment said:
Everybody's already heard of the Kyle Rayner/Evil GL ring theory, right?

I think Kyle's been humiliated enough recently.
Major Force killing his mother and putting her head in the oven was a bit much
. Also, the Black Hand figure doesn't seem to resemble him very much.


Mind you, he doesn't really look like anyone, let alone the original Black Hand.

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