IDENTITY CRISIS TOPIC PEOPLE!!! *ahem* anyhoo, here are some interesting questions to ask....
So far all I've seen are a lot of "Out there" theories on the possible killer or killers, and while I mean no offense by this, you have to establish a line of logic,
or at least to lines ... Metzer's as a writer,
and the known DC universe.
Why Enlongated and The Atom's wives?
- Public identities, which could be used as a misdirection, giving the heroes a senses of false security.
- Both are warm hearted, well liked and passive heroes, so their losses would hit the heroes more then say Superman or Batman who you could honestly say "They had it coming".
- If you want the heroes off their guard and emotionally involved you go after the people they collectively like... everyone likes Enlongated Man, Sue and the Atom.
Why the focus on Lex Luthor?
- Metzer's misdirection?
- He's been mentioned countless times, his statelite was used, and his armor revealed.
Why Luthor?
- He hates metahumans, and feels humanity can take care of themselves.
- The heroes cost him his Presidency.. and while it was the Superman and Batman family who took him down, Hawkman and Shazam did not do their job, and the heroes let it happen.
Does Luthor have the means?
- President of the United States.. FBI, CIA, NSA the list goes on. Luthor's power is knowledge.
Who would know these small and hidden facts about the heroes?
- Dr. Light
- Lex Luthor
- The villains shown before like the Wizard.. perhaps their minds got "unwiped".
- The Caculator.
Who would've known that Sue was planning Enlongated Man's birthday a month early?
Why didn't Green Arrow bring in a Mystic Specialist for his "CSI" unit?
Notice how Sue's attention was drawn to the Shadows? Who can Shadow teleport, almost untracable?
How was Sue killed? it appeared to be one blow? but no physical damage?
- Telepath?
- Magic?
What does burning and hanging both victim represent?
What villain would get off on both woman being allowed to call their husband heroes before dying?
Why did the killer refer to Sue in an intimate and almost affectionate way before torching her?
Why was the Atom's wife blind folded? then hanged? does it represent "Justice"?
Was a villain ever wrongly accused, convicted or mistreated by the heroes?
What was the deal with The Bolt?
- Did he allow himself to get shot?
- Was someone suppose to arrive and prevent it from happening?
- Is that even the real Bolt?
If Dr. Light's memory was wiped of his indicident with Sue, how did he know to require Deathstroke's help? Why would he even think of it?
Why the tidbit pieces on Merlin, The bolt and Boomarang? Misdirection?
One thing is for sure, the whole concept is Misdirection..
so if you can answer all these with a connected element, then you have an idea.