Escape Goat
Starring the wonderful Gina Davis of In a League of Their Own fame.
And the bombastic Sam Jackson of too many movies to list.
"I'm always frank and earnest with women. Uh, in New York I'm Frank, and Chicago I'm Ernest."
My favorite line in that movie is when Charlie and her daughter are locked in the freezer and Charlie has used gasoline to blow the door:
Caitlin Caine: Mommy, am I gonna die?
Charlie: Oh, no, baby, no. You're not going to die. They are. *drops the match*
Or maybe this one:
Mitch Henessey: [singing] Putting the keys in my left pocket. Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm. Gun in the right-hand side.
Samantha Caine: It makes a bulge, people can see.
Mitch Henessey: Ya want me to stick it in my pants and shoot my damn dick off?
Samantha Caine: Now you're a sharpshooter?