Die Hard and Batman Returns qualify as "Christmas movies". Long Kiss Goodnight I don't think actually does, despite taking place on Christmas
Damn right it is. Die Hard is no.2 .Gremlins will always be the best christmas movie.
Long Kiss Goodnight is great, it blew me away when I discovered it once it came to DVD back in the day.
Although it's not widely regarded as good I also have a big soft spot for Reindeer Games.
You're right, I am overselling it a lot.
Views changed sometime early in this century. Die Hard took over when the people who liked Zulu and The Great Escape got too old to be writing articles on "classic" Christmas movies.
I always felt like Die Hard 2 was more of a Christmas movie than the first.
The best Christmas movie has to be Eyes Wide Shut.
Wasn't Die Hard 2 originally supposed to be a standalone film and then just reworked into a Die Hard sequel?
Definitely not the best Christmas movie.
But definitely the best movie in this thread.
Die Hard 2 is more fun than Die Hard 3 in my opinion. I also give it props because it's the only Die Hard movie that doesn't revolve around a goddamn robbery