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If you could tell the whole industry what to improve?


Gold Member
Stop releasing broken games thinking you can fix it later with a patch.

That’s something that‘s universal but also existed before. I don’t think that’s such a tall order.

King Dazzar

Stop releasing games that are unpolished and technically janky and unfinished. If you fix it after numerous patches, then you released it too early.

Allow refunds on all digital purchases, if playtime and purchase date are within a set criteria - PlayStation need to be doing this!
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RaZoR No1

Focus on gameplay and physics instead of graphics.
I mean a beautiful game is nice to look at, but games are there to be played and not watched.
We already have graphics which almost look real.
I dont care if the character has 1mill polygons or 1.5mill. ...
Just deliver good games.
Hire people who actually likes playing the types of games you're making to make your game. No more writers who hate video games, or level designers who don't play your games, etc.
And just a hint, if your development team is 50% female, it probably means you aren't doing this. Because your target audience is around 70-80% male.
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I would like more attention to physics and environmental interactivity. I would like a shift from games looking real to games feeling real. I would also like more unique art styles and rendering techniques. I see a lot of cool Grease Pencil Blender Projects and 3D art with painted textures and think it looks more expressive and more readable than hyperrealism. I also think a more expressive style would allow for more gameplay ideas. Lastly, I would want games to be a lot shorter and less bloated.


Sex sells ignore the idiots who say it doesn't, put in nice babes and you don't even need microtransactions to make money.

No more walkie talkies, I wanna play a game not play a cutscene.
Nothing, really. There are more quality titles available than time to play them. On the whole, when I step back from individual failings of given titles, the quality and breadth of content currently available is unparalleled.


Weeb Underling
Actually advance engine technologies for proper next gen gameplay and graphics rendering. Better environmental destruction and NPC AI/interactivity.

Actually pay attention to level design and tight combat mechanics.

Fire all modern^(TM) writers who are incapable of separating the dialogue and worldbuilding from their understanding of the current world as seen through social media echo chambers and liberal arts college programs.


aka IMurRIVAL69
- enough with the slow walk and chats
-f2p games if they must exist should follow the PoE model
- preorder bonuses should die in the age of games launching broken all the time. It’s a 2 way street. I’m not paying for something that has a good chance of being broken at launch and shouldn’t miss out on things because I’m being a smart consumer.
- improve physics and AI. Outside of a few examples like BOTW/TOTK, Teardown, and BeamNG.drive it feels like physics and AI are stuck in the PS360 era.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Destruction. Hopefully once global illumination becomes the main form of lighting we might see destruction return to mainstream games.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Create what you envision, don't refer to tick boxes, don't listen to outside sources
Don't think
"will this offend someone"
The beauty of creating something is seeing people react and enjoy something YOU created.
Not something you made with guidelines to suit other people's needs.
Because if you do that, did you really create it?
or did you paint by numbers.
Create what you envision, don't refer to tick boxes, don't listen to outside sources
Don't think
"will this offend someone"
The beauty of creating something is seeing people react and enjoy something YOU created.
Not something you made with guidelines to suit other people's needs.
Because if you do that, did you really create it?
or did you paint by numbers.
Golden State Warriors GIF by NBA
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Fire anyone with unnatural colored hair dye and piercings beyond the ear lobes.

Make worlds feel alive. Half Life 2 and FEAR are good examples. Doesn't matter how fancy your world looks if I can blast a wicker basket with a powerful spell and it does not move or change condition. Immortals of Aveum, I'm looking directly at you.
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Reactions: TGO


Hire people who actually likes playing the types of games you're making to make your game. No more writers who hate video games, or level designers who don't play your games, etc.
And just a hint, if your development team is 50% female, it probably means you aren't doing this. Because your target audience is around 70-80% male.
Around 45% of Playstation and Xbox owners are female and over 50% of Switch owners are.

So if your development team is 50% female, you're fairly representative of the market.


I'll tell them to go back and not improve something for once.

Games have become to expensive, and with each console generation we see to many high tier developers trying to make high end AAA games, and they ether make them to safe and,/or plant micro-transactions in then to make additional money.
In addition whatever better graphics we are supposed to see become less and less noticeable.

Lets sleep a generation so that Devs/Games will be able to catch up with the current firepower.
Around 45% of Playstation and Xbox owners are female and over 50% of Switch owners are.

So if your development team is 50% female, you're fairly representative of the market.
Show me a real study that back this. And not some survey, because if I bought an Xbox, my wife and I would then both answer yes to a survey that asks “do you own an xbox?”, and idiots who make surveys would then point that as proof that 50% xbox owners are female.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Don't do crunch.
Not every game needs to be a 100 million AAA project.
Share optimization techniques with other studios on the same hardware.
Have sale windows early after release to entice more people to look into your projects.


Get the corporate management types out of it, or at least scale back their involvement to a minimum. Give control back to the creative types -- you know, the people who actually care about the game.


Tell devs to follow their heart and make the kind of games they want to make instead of listening to what gamers or investors or woke or antiwoke people want them to make. When something is a labor of love you can feel it.


Optimize your game around the platform you're developing on.
It's ok if PC version looks better, just make sure you game is 60fps even if it means graphical cuts.

If it looks too bad graphically, then redesign the game to better fit the hardware.
Shoehorning just to get it to barely run is the absolute WORST!

If you have to use a certain framerate, at the very least, make sure it's locked without any frame pacing issues.
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Show me a real study that back this. And not some survey, because if I bought an Xbox, my wife and I would then both answer yes to a survey that asks “do you own an xbox?”, and idiots who make surveys would then point that as proof that 50% xbox owners are female.
It's from the annual study done by NPD, here are a couple of links:


Your wife would only be included if she had played games on the Xbox within the past 30 days. if she doesn't play games, she wouldn't be counted.
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Sex sells ignore the idiots who say it doesn't, put in nice babes and you don't even need microtransactions to make money.
Not only that. More beautiful ladies in games no doubt means more games sold, because as you say sex sells. But more microtransactions that highlight the beauty and add more sex appeal would also mean more microtransactions sold. Zero doubt about that. It’s a win-win scenario for the developer and publisheri. Might get more screaming on X/Twitter but who cares there will always be noise there. And as a gamer not scared about pretty wumben/wimpund/woomud it’s a win too since games would be more pleasant to look at.

Just saw a clip from FF7 Rebirth. Tifa is still Tifa! Good to know japanese devs hasn’t abandoned us yet! 👌


Show me a real study that back this. And not some survey, because if I bought an Xbox, my wife and I would then both answer yes to a survey that asks “do you own an xbox?”, and idiots who make surveys would then point that as proof that 50% xbox owners are female.
Are you really gonna sit here and say girls on have an xbox because their husbands have one? Bro what year you think it is?


Hire people who actually likes playing the types of games you're making to make your game. No more writers who hate video games, or level designers who don't play your games, etc.
And just a hint, if your development team is 50% female, it probably means you aren't doing this. Because your target audience is around 70-80% male.
This is a lot to unpack... Where on earth do you think people would hate video games but work as video game writers and designers lol. Also you think your development team should match the demographic of the consumer base!? Even if your estimations were remotely correct what kind of thinking even is that my guy
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