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If you went crazy, which video game would you blame it on?


...thanks to TToB, who came up with this idea.

For me, it'd be Wind Waker...because of that frigging Triforce quest. Gh.


Splinter Cell. I'm not known to get mad at games, but the last level of the first game almost got my TV set and Xbox a decent serving of sledge hammer.


The entire Mario franchise. I would just blame it on all the colors and muchrooms. It's the colors man.. the colors.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Kirby Air Ride.

"I thought I could just hold down the pedal without steering and still manage to get to where I was going." :(


From frustration/shitty AI? Definitely NBA Live 2004.

From weird/abstract/esoteric content? I'll have to think on that one...


I'd go to the mall and stomp and random people's heads, then perform cute slipping motions in their blood and brains

I'd blame it on Mario


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
My Hero on the Sega Master System. I damn near had a coronary attack at the tender age of 9.


FFXI made me do it. Damn those snippers and there magical abilities.

Lots of games have almost made me go nuts but none more than Tetris cause its freaking adicting.

OH and i'll agree SMB will get to you too and sonic.

White Man

I'd blame it on some Choro Q PSX RPG I played for about 5 minutes 5 years ago. I see those evil talking cars whenever I close my eyes. Choro Q Wonderful, was it?

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
The maze at the end of wonderboy in monsterland. Or all the times you drop the hookshot in Res Evil 0 only to find 2 hours later you need it again.


Junior Member

'Dang, paw, I's shot me a nigra'


Blast Corps had me ROTFF&S (Rolling Over The Floor Frustrated & Screaming) when I tried to get all platinum medals.

Also FF-X2, the lighting rod calibrating games...AAAAAAARGH I went nuts!!! Luckily they were optional to do, otherwise I would've been in a sanitarium by now.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
If Tingle appears to you and starts telling you where treasure is, are you considered crazy? This happened to one of my friends.


Guileless said:
If Tingle appears to you and starts telling you where treasure is, are you considered crazy? This happened to one of my friends.

OMG i cant even read teh screen crap man that is just freaking funny shit i'm at work and everyone is looking at me now thank you Guileless


Guileless said:
If Tingle appears to you and starts telling you where treasure is, are you considered crazy? This happened to one of my friends.

Yeah you sound pretty crazy... instead of the Jason "cha cha" echo, I'm sure he hears "Tingle-Tingle-KOOLOMPA!!!" in the distance.
Either I'm decapitatin' some people and blaming it on Ninja Gaiden, or running into cars turning corners, making them crash into poles, and blame it on PGR2.


Yoshi's Island is the best advertisment for drugs there is.

Yoshi looks so damn happy when he TOUCHES FUZZY to GET DIZZY
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