Yes, another Star Wars thread. So I'm seeing a lot of hate for SW on this forum lately, so here's a thread for all the haters (and lovers) to voice how they would improve the series.
So if you were George Lucas, and you were making the Special Editions Part 2 for the OT and a Special Edition series for the PT, what would you do?
So the rules of the game.
A) You can't use digital actors for more than a couple minutes, and you gotta be careful about it otherwise it'll look fake (so explain how you'll do it).
B) You can't re-hire any of the actors to re-film any scenes. (if their a digital character, you can have them re-voiced if you could get the actor)
C) You gotta make sure that it's generally the same length, give or take 10-15 minutes.
D) You can completly edit out scenes (like mitoclorians for example), but you gotta make sure to edit out any reference
So here's what I would change.
Episode I
- Edit out any yippee's from young anakin. Re-sample if neccessary.
- Do a little bit of editing and cutting to Jar-Jar's scenes during the beginning and the droid battle.
- Have Jar Jar and all Gungans re-voiced to something a bit more mellow.
- Have the trade federation re-voiced to something a bit more mellow.
- Have Yoda CGed over to fit both Episode II and III
Episode II
- Insert the deleted scenes regarding Padme's parents and room.
- If I had the material from the sand people massacre (not sure if Lucas had this), I would take it, touch it up, edit it a bit and throw that in.
- Edit and cut out a bit of the intial Yoda fight with the lightning and dropping rocks and such.
- Re-voice Jar Jar the same as I did in Episode I
Episode III
- Add a couple more shots of the space battle, less focused on just anakin and obi-wan.
- Cut out a bit of the buzz droids scene
- Cut out a couple of the R2-D2 scenes (it was a little too much)
- If it doesn't interfere with pacing, show a quick scene of grevious' fleet entering hyperspace (retreating)
- Add more misc battle shots to the Kashyykk battle.
- Add one more jedi death to Order 66 scene
- Add Yoda retreating to Dagobah scene after the Naboo scene.
- Re-edit the Nooooo scene to just have him open up his hands and drop to his knee's without the Nooooo (this one is for other people, I didn't mind the scene)
Episode IV
- Have Han Solo shoot first.
- Completly re-do the entire Obi-Wan/Vader fight. Dim the lights on the battle, have it last for 5 minutes more and try to find a Alec Guiness sound-a-like to add to the scene. I would spend all my focus on re-creating this scene exactly. Having it end the same though. Add more lines between James Earl Jones and the Guiness sound-a-like.
- Add a little bit more X-Wings to the battle over the death star.
Episode V
- More AT-AT's and Speeders and troops to the hoth battle. Add a couple more scenes of just random battles. Not too many, just a bit more.
- Show a bit of a space battle between the rebel ships fleeing and the star destroyers.
Episode VI
- Show the ewoks getting slaughtered a bit more, and cut out some of the scenes involving ewoks holding their own against the stormtroopers. Show more scenes of the rebel troops doing more. Just give the impression that it wasn't the ewoks that saved the day, but instead provided a distraction.
- Add more scenes to the space battle. Just more ships, more destruction.
- Have the super star destroyer (that gets destroyed by the A-Wing crashing into it causing it to crash into the death star) have more damage visible.
- Add a little bit more to the chase scene into the death star's reactor (more shots fired)
So if you were George Lucas, and you were making the Special Editions Part 2 for the OT and a Special Edition series for the PT, what would you do?
So the rules of the game.
A) You can't use digital actors for more than a couple minutes, and you gotta be careful about it otherwise it'll look fake (so explain how you'll do it).
B) You can't re-hire any of the actors to re-film any scenes. (if their a digital character, you can have them re-voiced if you could get the actor)
C) You gotta make sure that it's generally the same length, give or take 10-15 minutes.
D) You can completly edit out scenes (like mitoclorians for example), but you gotta make sure to edit out any reference
So here's what I would change.
Episode I
- Edit out any yippee's from young anakin. Re-sample if neccessary.
- Do a little bit of editing and cutting to Jar-Jar's scenes during the beginning and the droid battle.
- Have Jar Jar and all Gungans re-voiced to something a bit more mellow.
- Have the trade federation re-voiced to something a bit more mellow.
- Have Yoda CGed over to fit both Episode II and III
Episode II
- Insert the deleted scenes regarding Padme's parents and room.
- If I had the material from the sand people massacre (not sure if Lucas had this), I would take it, touch it up, edit it a bit and throw that in.
- Edit and cut out a bit of the intial Yoda fight with the lightning and dropping rocks and such.
- Re-voice Jar Jar the same as I did in Episode I
Episode III
- Add a couple more shots of the space battle, less focused on just anakin and obi-wan.
- Cut out a bit of the buzz droids scene
- Cut out a couple of the R2-D2 scenes (it was a little too much)
- If it doesn't interfere with pacing, show a quick scene of grevious' fleet entering hyperspace (retreating)
- Add more misc battle shots to the Kashyykk battle.
- Add one more jedi death to Order 66 scene
- Add Yoda retreating to Dagobah scene after the Naboo scene.
- Re-edit the Nooooo scene to just have him open up his hands and drop to his knee's without the Nooooo (this one is for other people, I didn't mind the scene)
Episode IV
- Have Han Solo shoot first.
- Completly re-do the entire Obi-Wan/Vader fight. Dim the lights on the battle, have it last for 5 minutes more and try to find a Alec Guiness sound-a-like to add to the scene. I would spend all my focus on re-creating this scene exactly. Having it end the same though. Add more lines between James Earl Jones and the Guiness sound-a-like.
- Add a little bit more X-Wings to the battle over the death star.
Episode V
- More AT-AT's and Speeders and troops to the hoth battle. Add a couple more scenes of just random battles. Not too many, just a bit more.
- Show a bit of a space battle between the rebel ships fleeing and the star destroyers.
Episode VI
- Show the ewoks getting slaughtered a bit more, and cut out some of the scenes involving ewoks holding their own against the stormtroopers. Show more scenes of the rebel troops doing more. Just give the impression that it wasn't the ewoks that saved the day, but instead provided a distraction.
- Add more scenes to the space battle. Just more ships, more destruction.
- Have the super star destroyer (that gets destroyed by the A-Wing crashing into it causing it to crash into the death star) have more damage visible.
- Add a little bit more to the chase scene into the death star's reactor (more shots fired)