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If you were George Lucas and you were making the "SE Pt.2", what would you do?

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Yes, another Star Wars thread. So I'm seeing a lot of hate for SW on this forum lately, so here's a thread for all the haters (and lovers) to voice how they would improve the series.

So if you were George Lucas, and you were making the Special Editions Part 2 for the OT and a Special Edition series for the PT, what would you do?

So the rules of the game.
A) You can't use digital actors for more than a couple minutes, and you gotta be careful about it otherwise it'll look fake (so explain how you'll do it).
B) You can't re-hire any of the actors to re-film any scenes. (if their a digital character, you can have them re-voiced if you could get the actor)
C) You gotta make sure that it's generally the same length, give or take 10-15 minutes.
D) You can completly edit out scenes (like mitoclorians for example), but you gotta make sure to edit out any reference

So here's what I would change.

Episode I

- Edit out any yippee's from young anakin. Re-sample if neccessary.
- Do a little bit of editing and cutting to Jar-Jar's scenes during the beginning and the droid battle.
- Have Jar Jar and all Gungans re-voiced to something a bit more mellow.
- Have the trade federation re-voiced to something a bit more mellow.
- Have Yoda CGed over to fit both Episode II and III

Episode II

- Insert the deleted scenes regarding Padme's parents and room.
- If I had the material from the sand people massacre (not sure if Lucas had this), I would take it, touch it up, edit it a bit and throw that in.
- Edit and cut out a bit of the intial Yoda fight with the lightning and dropping rocks and such.
- Re-voice Jar Jar the same as I did in Episode I

Episode III

- Add a couple more shots of the space battle, less focused on just anakin and obi-wan.
- Cut out a bit of the buzz droids scene
- Cut out a couple of the R2-D2 scenes (it was a little too much)
- If it doesn't interfere with pacing, show a quick scene of grevious' fleet entering hyperspace (retreating)
- Add more misc battle shots to the Kashyykk battle.
- Add one more jedi death to Order 66 scene
- Add Yoda retreating to Dagobah scene after the Naboo scene.
- Re-edit the Nooooo scene to just have him open up his hands and drop to his knee's without the Nooooo (this one is for other people, I didn't mind the scene)

Episode IV

- Have Han Solo shoot first.
- Completly re-do the entire Obi-Wan/Vader fight. Dim the lights on the battle, have it last for 5 minutes more and try to find a Alec Guiness sound-a-like to add to the scene. I would spend all my focus on re-creating this scene exactly. Having it end the same though. Add more lines between James Earl Jones and the Guiness sound-a-like.
- Add a little bit more X-Wings to the battle over the death star.

Episode V

- More AT-AT's and Speeders and troops to the hoth battle. Add a couple more scenes of just random battles. Not too many, just a bit more.
- Show a bit of a space battle between the rebel ships fleeing and the star destroyers.

Episode VI

- Show the ewoks getting slaughtered a bit more, and cut out some of the scenes involving ewoks holding their own against the stormtroopers. Show more scenes of the rebel troops doing more. Just give the impression that it wasn't the ewoks that saved the day, but instead provided a distraction.
- Add more scenes to the space battle. Just more ships, more destruction.
- Have the super star destroyer (that gets destroyed by the A-Wing crashing into it causing it to crash into the death star) have more damage visible.
- Add a little bit more to the chase scene into the death star's reactor (more shots fired)


Episode IV:
Han Shoots First.
Take out the Jabba scene. Adds nothing to the movie, and spoils his appearance in ROTJ.
Leave in the Biggs scene.
Take out the extended approach to Mos Eisley.

Episode V
Leave it the FUCK alone. Reverse all the changes, except perhaps the graphical changes to Cloud City. Those were all right.
No Luke scream.
No changed dialogue between Vader and Emperor, but maybe have McDirmond redo the original dialogue.

Episode VI
Take out the FUCKING CGI musical number.
Take out Hayden at the end.
Leave extended ending, but take out the Naboo celebration. Nobody cares about them :p


Tabris said:
That was taken out in the dvd trilogy.

Also what about EP1,2,3 or is your hate so strong you wouldn't bother? :p

Naw, just haven't thought much about what I'd change in the prequels, but I think I really like all the changes you've suggested.


Diablos said:
Fuck revoicing Jar Jar Binks, GET RID OF HIM.

...but you couldn't do that unless you got Liam, Ewan, Jake, Portman, Knightly and all those other actors to re-film like half the scenes in the movie. i.e. it would never happen.


I'd start by putting all the contents of Episode 1 and 2 into the text scroll at the beginning of Episode 3.

I'd trim Episode 3 to show Vader born in the first act, then show Vader killing the Jedi rather than Anakin. Vader would be there helping the Emporer, thus giving Yoda a reason to lose that fight.


Episode III

Get rid of that hilarious "NoooOOOooooOOOOooOO!!" scene. Replace it with just Darth Vader totally desecrating the place with the force.


Flynn said:
I'd start by putting all the contents of Episode 1 and 2 into the text scroll at the beginning of Episode 3.

I'd trim Episode 3 to show Vader born in the first act, then show Vader killing the Jedi rather than Anakin. Vader would be there helping the Emporer, thus giving Yoda a reason to lose that fight.

Vader did kill the Jedi :p
call me crazy, but after watching ep3, having Hayden's ghost at the end of RotJ kinda makes sense now. Anakin never grew up to be that old, fat balding dude, so that doesn't really match up. IT would have to either be young Anakin, or burned, fubar'd anakin at the end.
Check myself before I riggedy-wrecked myself?

OK, not funny. There's a few things I would like to change, but only in Episodes I - III. Like I would completely excise the Gungan race. They dragged down Phantom Menace and had nothing to do with anything beyond it. Just a taster ...


Ninja Scooter said:
call me crazy, but after watching ep3, having Hayden's ghost at the end of RotJ kinda makes sense now. Anakin never grew up to be that old, fat balding dude, so that doesn't really match up. IT would have to either be young Anakin, or burned, fubar'd anakin at the end.

B-B-Bomba! said:
Check myself before I riggedy-wrecked myself?

OK, not funny. There's a few things I would like to change, but only in Episodes I - III. Like I would completely excise the Gungan race. They dragged down Phantom Menace and had nothing to do with anything beyond it. Just a taster ...

No, just no. The last thing I want is to be reminded of the crappy prequels when watching Star Wars.


This is probably been answered in countless threads in the past, but how did Anakin learn the ability to project himself after death? Yoda never taught him that and I doubt the Emperor taught it to him. In the EU does the Emperor ever visually project himself like Obi-Wan and Yoda did?
I'd cut the pod racing scene in Episode I by a few minutes. I remember seeing that in the theater, when I still thought the movie would be awesome (It's Star Wars!!!11), and looking at my watch repeatedly. I thought the damn thing would never end.


Episode IV

Short new scene of the Jawas taking off R2D2's rockets and stuff after they capture him (thus explaining why he never uses them in the OT).
Redo some of the CG monsters in Mos Eisley. They look sorta cheesy now considering the leaps and bounds in FX since then.
Have Han shoot first.
Remove the Jabba the Hutt scene, or if not, figure out a way for Han Solo NOT to step on Jabba's tail. It looks awful.
A short scene in the Senate with the Emperor disbanding it. The senate has been featured prominently throughout the PT and by adding it to Ep. IV it opens the film up a bit and gives it more scope.
Enhance all the space sequences with CG so as to better fit with the PT, especially the Death Star. Re-do the Death Star's laser and the Alderaan explosion...maybe show the cities of Alderaan in a state of panic just before the laser blows it up.
Add a little bit to the Vader/Obi-Wan fight. When Vader and Obi-Wan start fighting, Obi-Wan says "Only a master of evil, Darth!" as though that were Vader's first name. Remove the "Darth" at the end, make the fight a bit more in line with the PT fights.
Redo the whole Death Star battle at the end, add a few more fighters with CG, just make the whole thing a bit more polished and impressive-looking...the Death Star's surface looks really awfully cheesy (like something out of the original Battlestar Galactica) when seen today.

Episode V

Wouldn't mess with it at all, except maybe to redo some of the TIE fighter effects and AT AT effects with CG, and the explosions. Also, when Luke is going to Dagobah, show more of the surface of the planet as the ship is landing, so we get more of an idea of how BIG it is.

Episode VI

Remove the CGI music number, or at least redo it and shorten it.
Redo the pit monster Luke fits in CG. It looks terrible.
Short scene of Boba Fett climbing out of the Sarlacc pit just after Luke and company leave.
Try to redo the speeder effects to make them look a bit better.
Add more ships and more destruction to the final space battle. This is the Rebel Alliance's last shot at freedom, so they should be throwing every single ship they've got at the Death Star. Add some of the Trade Federation's donut ships on the side of the Rebels, hehehehe. More explosions, more destruction!
A short scene of the Emperor having some sort of escape plan in case worse comes to worse and the Death Star is destroyed. As it is, Anakin's victory over the Dark Side is meaningless since the emperor would have been blown up five minutes after he was thrown into that pit anyway, since the shield generator was down. Make it clear that if Anakin hadn't killed the Emperor, the war would have continued.
Bring back the Ewok song at the end!


Ichirou_Oogami said:
Episode IV

Redo some of the CG monsters in Mos Eisley. They look sorta cheesy now considering the leaps and bounds in FX since then.
A short scene in the Senate with the Emperor disbanding it. The senate has been featured prominently throughout the PT and by adding it to Ep. IV it opens the film up a bit and gives it more scope.
Enhance all the space sequences with CG so as to better fit with the PT, especially the Death Star. Re-do the Death Star's laser and the Alderaan explosion...maybe show the cities of Alderaan in a state of panic just before the laser blows it up.
When Vader and Obi-Wan start fighting, Obi-Wan says "Only a master of evil, Darth!" as though that were Vader's first name. Remove the "Darth" at the end.

Episode VI

Redo the pit monster Luke fits in CG. It looks terrible.

Add these to my list. Especially the Senate bit.
Ichirou_Oogami said:
Episode IV

Short new scene of the Jawas taking off R2D2's rockets and stuff after they capture him (thus explaining why he never uses them in the OT).
Redo some of the CG monsters in Mos Eisley. They look sorta cheesy now considering the leaps and bounds in FX since then.
Have Han shoot first.
Remove the Jabba the Hutt scene, or if not, figure out a way for Han Solo NOT to step on Jabba's tail. It looks awful.
A short scene in the Senate with the Emperor disbanding it. The senate has been featured prominently throughout the PT and by adding it to Ep. IV it opens the film up a bit and gives it more scope.
Enhance all the space sequences with CG so as to better fit with the PT, especially the Death Star. Re-do the Death Star's laser and the Alderaan explosion...maybe show the cities of Alderaan in a state of panic just before the laser blows it up.
Add a little bit to the Vader/Obi-Wan fight. When Vader and Obi-Wan start fighting, Obi-Wan says "Only a master of evil, Darth!" as though that were Vader's first name. Remove the "Darth" at the end, make the fight a bit more in line with the PT fights.
Redo the whole Death Star battle at the end, add a few more fighters with CG, just make the whole thing a bit more polished and impressive-looking...the Death Star's surface looks really awfully cheesy (like something out of the original Battlestar Galactica) when seen today.

Episode V

Wouldn't mess with it at all, except maybe to redo some of the TIE fighter effects and AT AT effects with CG, and the explosions. Also, when Luke is going to Dagobah, show more of the surface of the planet as the ship is landing, so we get more of an idea of how BIG it is.

Episode VI

Remove the CGI music number, or at least redo it and shorten it.
Redo the pit monster Luke fits in CG. It looks terrible.
Short scene of Boba Fett climbing out of the Sarlacc pit just after Luke and company leave.
Try to redo the speeder effects to make them look a bit better.
Add more ships and more destruction to the final space battle. This is the Rebel Alliance's last shot at freedom, so they should be throwing every single ship they've got at the Death Star. Add some of the Trade Federation's donut ships on the side of the Rebels, hehehehe. More explosions, more destruction!
A short scene of the Emperor having some sort of escape plan in case worse comes to worse and the Death Star is destroyed. As it is, Anakin's victory over the Dark Side is meaningless since the emperor would have been blown up five minutes after he was thrown into that pit anyway, since the shield generator was down. Make it clear that if Anakin hadn't killed the Emperor, the war would have continued.
Bring back the Ewok song at the end!

I prefer puppet aliens to CGi aliens. They look more real.

More explosions, more destruction!

This sums up the whole business of remaking movies. It needs to be XtrEmE to the MaXx!!!! More Expl0Sions and Destruction! To the MaxX.


Ichirou_Oogami said:
Episode IV

Short new scene of the Jawas taking off R2D2's rockets and stuff after they capture him (thus explaining why he never uses them in the OT).
Redo some of the CG monsters in Mos Eisley. They look sorta cheesy now considering the leaps and bounds in FX since then.
Have Han shoot first.
Remove the Jabba the Hutt scene, or if not, figure out a way for Han Solo NOT to step on Jabba's tail. It looks awful.
A short scene in the Senate with the Emperor disbanding it. The senate has been featured prominently throughout the PT and by adding it to Ep. IV it opens the film up a bit and gives it more scope.
Enhance all the space sequences with CG so as to better fit with the PT, especially the Death Star. Re-do the Death Star's laser and the Alderaan explosion...maybe show the cities of Alderaan in a state of panic just before the laser blows it up.
Add a little bit to the Vader/Obi-Wan fight. When Vader and Obi-Wan start fighting, Obi-Wan says "Only a master of evil, Darth!" as though that were Vader's first name. Remove the "Darth" at the end, make the fight a bit more in line with the PT fights.
Redo the whole Death Star battle at the end, add a few more fighters with CG, just make the whole thing a bit more polished and impressive-looking...the Death Star's surface looks really awfully cheesy (like something out of the original Battlestar Galactica) when seen today.

Episode V

Wouldn't mess with it at all, except maybe to redo some of the TIE fighter effects and AT AT effects with CG, and the explosions. Also, when Luke is going to Dagobah, show more of the surface of the planet as the ship is landing, so we get more of an idea of how BIG it is.

Episode VI

Remove the CGI music number, or at least redo it and shorten it.
Redo the pit monster Luke fits in CG. It looks terrible.
Short scene of Boba Fett climbing out of the Sarlacc pit just after Luke and company leave.
Try to redo the speeder effects to make them look a bit better.
Add more ships and more destruction to the final space battle. This is the Rebel Alliance's last shot at freedom, so they should be throwing every single ship they've got at the Death Star. Add some of the Trade Federation's donut ships on the side of the Rebels, hehehehe. More explosions, more destruction!
A short scene of the Emperor having some sort of escape plan in case worse comes to worse and the Death Star is destroyed. As it is, Anakin's victory over the Dark Side is meaningless since the emperor would have been blown up five minutes after he was thrown into that pit anyway, since the shield generator was down. Make it clear that if Anakin hadn't killed the Emperor, the war would have continued.
Bring back the Ewok song at the end!

Let's keep you far away from Star Wars movies, mmkay?


I think these ideas are weak, otherwise the rest seem OK. (some I wouldn't do)

Short scene of Boba Fett climbing out of the Sarlacc pit just after Luke and company leave.

A short scene of the Emperor having some sort of escape plan in case worse comes to worse and the Death Star is destroyed. As it is, Anakin's victory over the Dark Side is meaningless since the emperor would have been blown up five minutes after he was thrown into that pit anyway, since the shield generator was down. Make it clear that if Anakin hadn't killed the Emperor, the war would have continued.


Setec Astronomer
Episode I, II, and III:
Ignore entirely. It doesn't tell the same story referenced throughout the OT so don't even bother trying to patch up continuity just so the stupid PT can have a place. It doesn't deserve it.

Episode IV:
Revert all scenes and scene editing to Pre-SE.
Clean up effects and effect gaffes.
Redo* Alderaan and Death Star explosions, sans shockwave.
Otherwise restore and polish video/audio.

Episode V:
Same, but keep* redone Cloud City backgrounds and possibly the emperor shot.

Episode VI:
Same, but put in* a less annoying tribal victory tune instead of keeping the SE ending as the idea that the entire galaxy suddenly erupts in jubulation immediately after the Death Star blows is bogus.

* Alternate angle/audio track DVD features to be used here.


galeninjapan said:
You are correct. The OT will suck along with the PT. It will match.

Sigh, so adding continiuty is a bad thing now is it? Some of those are quite silly I agree (i.e. the Emperor's escape plan, he's too arrogant for that) and the majority of his ROTJ changes, but they wouldn't destory the movies or make them such as much as you think the PT does.
And re-reading the thread, I see I'm not playing by the rules. Let me say then, that I don't have a huge problem with Jar Jar himself in Episode I, and am happy for him to play the role he does. You could even successfully over-interpret his presence, to the effect that the youthful Anakin magnetised silly characters as well as those with power and wisdom. However I would leave out the Gungan city from the early stages of the film; just do something else instead, or move on. It's been a while since I saw it so I'm probably leaving spare implications left right and centre ... Of course I would also remove the Gungans from the closing battle sequence, and instead have the Naboo resistance, and our gang of heroes, do a bit more. Once again I'm transgressing the rules of the game, but ... this is the film I would like to have seen, minus the redundant midichlorians, of course. It should end 15-30 minutes sooner. Good thread btw :) I like Tabris' suggestions and Boogies so far; I'd go with most of those.

Episode II is my least favourite of the six, and doesn't give me much to work with in terms of making improvements, unfortunately ... A lot of it comes down to the over-familiar gripes with acting and dialogue, which I won't go into. Overall, I didn't think the film - any of the new films, tbh, but I gave Phantom Menace a break as it was setting the scene - really exposed the nature of the force well enough, nor that of the Jedi creed. It's a difficult balance between Lucas' intentions and our interpretations of course; maybe the point was supposed to have been that the Jedi themselves weren't paying enough attention to what it was that made them Jedi? Unfortunately that's all I've ever really been interested in: that, and plenty of enormous, kickarse spaceships zipping around and having intelligent battles, and there was a crippling deficit across the prequels in that department too ('Sith' fared better than the others in this regard, but was still flimsy compared to each of its ancestors). Overall I can't think of many tweaks I'd make to the film we ended up with, and there were bits of it I really liked. I'd probably alter the battle between Dooku and the Jedi, however: give Anakin and Obi Wan more of an opening shot, and make Yoda arrive later, and do more with less. By this I mean that, in the light of his wisdom and knowledge of the force, his encounter with Dooku wasn't logically resilient. I don't have a problem with him being a master swordsman; I just wish that more thought had been put into this encounter. One last thing: redesign those cows so that standing on top of one is a moderately believable feat?

In drawing together the wildly flailing threads, Episode III contains all the best bits of the trilogy; yet this merely makes it the triumphant end to a nosediving symphony. Again I would make wider changes than the structure of this experiment really permits. Within its bounds, I'm firmly in accordance with the sentiments of -=DoAvl=- on the subject of 'Nooooo', and would rather not have literally seen Vaders 'birth' at all. Call me a cheese-merchant, but I'd have far preferred a camera shot, running along the floor of a starship, gradually being overtaken by big, black boots, and the painful strangle of Vaders breathing. I'd also sympathise with any call for this to take place sooner, and for Vader himself (yunno ... Vader!) to do more ass kicking. Having him assist Palpatine with Yoda is another idea I'd like to see, although I've thought none of this through properly. What I am certain of is that Lucas attempted to place the ringbolts of Episode III far too close to those of Episode IV, and should have continued granting us the liberty of speculating about much of what was yet to take place. The most glaring example of this is the fashion in Imperial uniforms, which we are invited to believe became frozen in time for the next twenty or thirty years; however this really applies to the whole tone of the ending, which was needlessly unsubtle. Returning to the beginning of the film, I generally approve of the space battle, which was one of the most visually arresting things I've witnessed in my life, as well as being a heartbreaking reminder of what I've wanted from these films all along; however it was clogged with sillinesses such as the wannabe-squiddie droids, and was begging for a more serious, militaristic treatment.

Sorry this turned into a parenthetical review; I just finally felt like dropping my facts! The only changes I would make to the original films would be to unfuck them. Cheers!


I meant the aliens on the way to the cantina, not the aliens within the cantina.

Anyway, that's just my wish list so as to make the original movies to flow more seamlessly with the prequels...the films are fine the way they are but Lucas has been trying to link them more closely to the prequels and I think this would help.

I don't want the films to be more EXTREME, but the PT just looks way more "epic" than the old films do.


Oh, and BTW, the reason I had the idea of the Emperor's escape plan is simply to add some more danger/tension to the whole confrontation between Vader and Luke, which is IMO missing from the movie the way it is.

In the original story outline, the final battle between Luke, Vader, and the Emperor took place on the capital of the Empire (except it wasn't called Coruscant back then). After rewrites (maybe due to budget concerns of having to do another entire planet?), it was moved to the Death Star. Thus, the two battles are separate and the outcomes of both battles are equally important. The way it is now, even if the Emperor isn't defeated by Luke and Vader, he would be blown up five minutes later by the Rebel Alliance....which renders Vader's redemption a bit meaningless, IMO.


...If the emperor wasn't distracted by Luke/Vader, I don't think the rebels would have succeeded.

Say Luke wasn't there at all. Vader would be planetside, killing Solo and his gang with ease. The emperor would be continueing to plan his moves after the trap (he ignored it after the trap was sprung, assuming it would be taken care of)


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Even with all the imperfections found in the original trilogy, I wouldn't want to change a thing. None of these changes ever jive with the rest of the film. It screws up pacing, internal consistency of visual quality, etc.

The only thing I'd do is return to the original versions of the films and digitally enhance them.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I'm not a fan of Episodes 1-3. I agree with Federman, but I will say that I found episode 3 far more enjoyable a film than the first two movies.

Episode 1- Get rid of it. Seriously, apart from the Jedi finding Anakin, Anakin building C3P0 (ugh), and meeting Padme as a kid, there's little else in the film that really pushes the plot forward; it's like Lucas made the movie (and its sequel) just to make a trilogy rather than just one film.

Episode 2- Same. The movie felt like filler after seeing Episode III.

Episode 3- Take 1, 2, and 3, and make one large movie out of them, let's say around the 3 and a half to four hour length, or make two movies out it, combining Episodes 1 and 2 into one movie and then moving onto episode 3. I'd rather just see all the main characters meet, then skip ahead to when Anakin is older and is struggling with the dark side, which I thought was incredibly rushed when he finally did turn. I would have like to have seen more of an inner struggle over it with more events occuring beforehand, but then again, Christianson isn't the right actor for that, and Lucas sure as hell isn't the right filmmaker for it anymore. :p

I really don't care about any of the other crap; the prequels are all about the origin of Darth Vader. I really dislike Lucas's "need" to put so many familar characters from 4,5, and 6 into the prequels, too. We don't need to see Chewbacca. We didn't need to see Jango Fett as the base for the clone troopers. It's okay if Boba Fett just showed up as some bounty hunter, which is what happened BEFORE episode 2 was made anyway.


Episodes 4-6: First of all, give us the ORIGINAL UNEDITED FILMS ON DVD.

Okay, with that said, take away all the added storyline crap Lucas decided to add into the film. Instead, work on cleaning up the special effects (make the laser blasts look better for one), and perhaps go back and redo some of the "muppets" as CG. Anything enhanced would of course be an OPTION to go along with the original unedited versions. And yes, Greedo should NOT be shooting first.
Mashing said:
Sigh, so adding continuity is a bad thing now is it?

The idea is fucking retarded. Leave the good movies alone. Let me ask you this. Don't you think Lucas should have worried about continuity before he made the prequels? its a little late to be worrying about that kind of shit.

If anything someone needs to remake the prequels and make them Star-Wars-worthy.

Lyte Edge, you are awesome!


galeninjapan said:
If anything someone needs to remake the prequels and make them Star-Wars-worthy.

OK. We get it. You hate the prequels. MOVE ON!

This thread wasn't titled "Everyone who hates the prequels and wants to contribute nothing to the thread, post here". It was what would you change (in a realistic "SE" kind of way) with them.


Setec Astronomer
I really don't care about any of the other crap; the prequels are all about the origin of Darth Vader. I really dislike Lucas's "need" to put so many familar characters from 4,5, and 6 into the prequels, too. We don't need to see Chewbacca. We didn't need to see Jango Fett as the base for the clone troopers.
Pretty much. The PT never bothers to establish its own roster, and fills space with cameos and throwaway/boss characters.

And yes, Greedo should NOT be shooting first.
Greedo shouldn't be shooting at all, he should be lying dead on the table. ;)

OK. We get it. You hate the prequels. MOVE ON!
How about you just deal with it.
Tabris said:
This thread wasn't titled "Everyone who hates the prequels and wants to contribute nothing to the thread, post here". It was what would you change (in a realistic "SE" kind of way) with them.

so here's a thread for all the haters (and lovers) to voice how they would improve the series

Remaking the prequels is the only thing that can be done to make the series better.


galeninjapan said:
Remaking the prequels is the only thing that can be done to make the series better.

...but the whole point of the thread was about "special editions", not remaking the movies.

So why bother coming into this thread? you hate the movies. We get it. Understood. There's many other threads to voice your opinions on the PT. This was a fantasy "make your own special edition" thread, not a "bash the PT" thread :p

Now the thread is lost, cause either it'll turn into a "bash the PT" thread or will be ignored cause people who might find the subject interesting, don't want to argue the "PT sucks" point anymore (which pops up in EVERY star wars thread)


Hollywood Square
galeninjapan said:
Get in line buddy.

What? I started the line! Okay, new deal. Whomever kills Lucas first gets to remake the prequels first!

R-rated prequels too. With hawt sex.
Episode 1
-get rid of Medicholorians
-Introduce anikan at a much older age (15-16)
-Keep darth maul alive
-Keep Qui-gon alive

Episode 2
-Count dooku who?
-Get rid of the whole Jango fett bobba fett orgin thing. Its lame knowing that bobba fett is some crappy clone
-Have annikan abandon the Jedi here

Episode 4
-Have the begining of the movie be about the fall of Vader
-No general grevius and no lizard monster
- have the middle to end of the movie be about the rise of the empire (something I felt the PT did a terrible job on)
-Have Padme survive

What? I started the line! Okay, new deal. Whomever kills Lucas first gets to remake the prequels first!

R-rated prequels too. With hawt sex.

I want Jabba on ewok on Droid action.


Mashing said:
What's wrong with what he said Boogie? Those look like reasonable additions and some add cotinuity to the PT.

That's the problem. I've said it before about what Lucas is doing, and it applies to his changes as well.

He's trying to change the OT to be consistent with the PT, which is a completely ass backwards way of doing things. Why would you want to change the superior OT to better fit with the inferior PT?

It's better to change (or rather, create) a PT to be consistent with the OT.


Ichirou_Oogami said:
I meant the aliens on the way to the cantina, not the aliens within the cantina.

Anyway, that's just my wish list so as to make the original movies to flow more seamlessly with the prequels...the films are fine the way they are but Lucas has been trying to link them more closely to the prequels and I think this would help.

I don't want the films to be more EXTREME, but the PT just looks way more "epic" than the old films do.

Yeah, like I said, why would you want the OUTSTANDING, AWESOME OT to "flow more seamlessly" with the subpar prequels? (which I still enjoyed, don't accuse me of just being a prequel hater).


Boogie said:
Yeah, like I said, why would you want the OUTSTANDING, AWESOME OT to "flow more seamlessly" with the subpar prequels? (which I still enjoyed, don't accuse me of just being a prequel hater).

Personally, I think it would be neat to go through the whole six movies and be able to say about the PT and the OT - "Yes, these are two parts which make a whole." The Special Editions are flawed, IMO - some CG effects that looks completely out of place next to some old special effects.

Anyway, the thread's title is "If YOU were George Lucas, what would YOU do for the SE Pt.2"...the changes I pointed out are things that have bugged me about the movies since the first SE theatrical releases - "If he changed this, why didn't he change that too?" You may disagree with my list of changes, but it's just a wish list which will never happen...and I'm not defending the SEs completely (you'll notice two of my proposed changes are restoring the Han shoots Greedo first scene and removing the Jabba scene).
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