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IGN: DOOM III review

Mr Gump

Video Review up also.

10.0 Presentation
It's hard to imagine DOOM 3 could have been presented any better than it was. Everything about this game has style.

10.0 Graphics
I've never seen anything that looks this good. Both technically and artistically, this is a brilliant piece of work.

9.5 Sound
The sound was presented beautifully. If you've got the right system, you have to pump it up. Only thing keeping it down are some weak gun sounds.

8.0 Gameplay
Run to the next room and shoot stuff. Go to the next room and do the same thing. Wouldn't be any sort of problem if the enemies were more interesting to fight against.

8.5 Lasting Appeal
The single player game could easily draw you back in to try at a harder setting and see all of the sights again. Multiplayer adds some time but the inevitable mods are sure to keep this on your shelf.


8.0 Gameplay
Run to the next room and shoot stuff. Go to the next room and do the same thing. Wouldn't be any sort of problem if the enemies were more interesting to fight against.

Meh. Maybe I'll wait for the demo before deciding on this thing.
I want this game so badly. The fact that it's a remake of Doom 1 and it plays similarly to those titles excites me greatly. I really can't wait to do co-op with my friend over live this fall. Talking over the headset. Trying to coordinate our plan of action. All the stuff I did in Doom 2 on linked PSones only this time with 5.1 Surround, widescreen, prog scan and totally alone. And on my couch.

After watching all the movies on IGN my excitement has increased greatly. The creatures look brilliant in design. I can't wait to see it in action for myself.
10 for graphics, HL2 better get the same, as well at it's almost assured 9.5+ overall score.

And yeah, I am only on the second level, and it's pretty repetive so far.

~Black Deatha
xsarien said:
Meh. Maybe I'll wait for the demo before deciding on this thing.

You do realize games like Half-Life use the exact same conventions only they hide that fact with clever gimmicks. Find guy to initiate next narrative sequence, follow guy until he is attacked by face monster, grab tool...etc. Doom is simply a stripped down version and at its bloody core the same. You must first trigger something to activate the next sequence. I appreciate that just as much as the Half-Life method, which really isn't anything new. It just adds a more cinematic narrative structure. Give me my blasted imp-shooting craziness over fluff-exposition.

Edited for the critics below!


evilromero said:
You do realize games like Half-Life use the exact same conventions only they hide that fact with clever gameplay. Find guy to initiate next narrative sequence, follow guy until he is attacked by face monster, grab tool...etc. Doom is simply a stripped down version and at its bloody core the same. You must first trigger something to activate the next sequence. I appreciate that just as much as the Half-Life method, which really isn't anything new. It just adds a more cinematic narrative structure. Give me my blasted imp-shooting craziness over fluff-exposition.

That's a pretty big statement to write off


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Doom 3 is an amazing looking FPS with pretty typical gameplay with a healthy dose of cheesey scares. But I guess I'm not as cynical as some, or am just easily spooked, because when I play this game in the dark with surround sound cranked up, it has me constantly on edge, and that's just what I was expecting. I'm enjoying myself immensely.
evilromero said:
You do realize games like Half-Life use the exact same conventions only they hide that fact with clever gameplay. Find guy to initiate next narrative sequence, follow guy until he is attacked by face monster, grab tool...etc. Doom is simply a stripped down version and at its bloody core the same. You must first trigger something to activate the next sequence. I appreciate that just as much as the Half-Life method, which really isn't anything new. It just adds a more cinematic narrative structure. Give me my blasted imp-shooting craziness over fluff-exposition.

Give me a break, from what I have played, this game is nothing like HL, Half-Life had much more story for one thing, and the enemies I found to be much more intresting, and in the case of the marines, they figh with actual tactics.

And in the case of Hl2, there's much more stragity than what's in Doom 3 now.

~Black Deatha
teiresias said:
I do believe evilromero pretty much owned himself without realizing it.

I was trying to come up with a suitable explanation but I couldn't quite find the correct words. I think rather than gameplay I should've said gimmicks. Hell, it's late and I didn't get much sleep. Owning myself is acceptable.
Black Deatha said:
Give me a break, from what I have played, this game is nothing like HL, Half-Life had much more story for one thing, and the enemies I found to be much more intresting, and in the case of the marines, they figh with actual tactics.

And in the case of Hl2, there's much more stragity than what's in Doom 3 now.

~Black Deatha

You really didn't read what I said did you? Did you miss my insertion about "fluff exposition (Half-Life)? Just because there is more "story" as you say, in Half-Life doesn't make the narrative more interesting. I would much rather go for the "less is more" approach when is comes to some games.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
evilromero said:
I want this game so badly. The fact that it's a remake of Doom 1 and it plays similarly to those titles excites me greatly.

It doesn't play similarly to them, not at all. The first 2 had the visceral excitement of fighting HORDES of enemies, non stop adrenaline rush. Doom 3 you are lucky if you find 3 enemies in the same area at once. Its slow, tepid and nothing special.

If your looking for something that plays like oldschool doom, give Serious Sam or Painkiller a go.
Schafer said:
It doesn't play similarly to them, not at all. The first 2 had the visceral excitement of fighting HORDES of enemies, non stop adrenaline rush. Doom 3 you are lucky if you find 3 enemies in the same area at once. Its slow, tepid and nothing special.

If your looking for something that plays like oldschool doom, give Serious Sam or Painkiller a go.

Still Doom 1 & 2 had a lot of atmosphere. And depending on what kind of player you were it was fast, quick action or slow carefully-paced steps. I was the latter, taking my sweet time and methodically clearing out each room. I understand Doom 3 didn't recreate that original experience but I like how they've updated the series to align it more with survival horror rather than a more adventure-type setting such as HL. I'm also judging this from all the impressions and reviews rather than my own hands-on experience. I'm waiting for the XB version.


I just hope they realize that Cyberdemon > Spider Mastermind... why they chose the stupider looking, doesn't hurt you as much but gets killed way easier Spider to be the final boss of the original doom instead of the Cyberdemon will always bug me. Dunno why.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
If your looking for something that plays like oldschool doom, give Serious Sam or Painkiller a go.

Once again, those games DO NOT play like Doom. I can't blame people for thinking that, as it has likely been a while since many of us have played the older Doom games...but I have just played through Doom 2 and can safely say that those other two games really do not play like Doom 1 & 2.


8.0 Gameplay
Run to the next room and shoot stuff. Go to the next room and do the same thing. Wouldn't be any sort of problem if the enemies were more interesting to fight against.
So, rate it 2.0 instead of 8.0 (idiots!)
dark10x said:
Once again, those games DO NOT play like Doom. I can't blame people for thinking that, as it has likely been a while since many of us have played the older Doom games...but I have just played through Doom 2 and can safely say that those other two games really do not play like Doom 1 & 2.
I think I'm really just going for an extension of the Doom aesthetic, which can only be fully realized with a new Doom game. And from what I've seen of the D3 videos they have recreated that sense of dread and all-consuming darkness from the first game. And one thing they can do now is slowly develop the whole "everything is going to shit" scenario through each level by making it more demonic or chaotic. That's why I enjoyed the Doom novels as a kid, because they were like supplements to the game. And one thing I mostly enjoyed from Doom 1 was the co-op mode, which brought to life a part of the game previously dormant. Tag-teaming the Cyberdemon and planning our evasive attacks on the Spider Minds.

And the Cyber Demon was ALWAYS easier than the Spider Master Mind. At least you could easily dodge the CD's rockets, whereas the Master Mind shot impossible-to-dodge bullets from his chain gun.

And I'll give Serious Sam a look, not because of its similarities to Doom but because it looks like pure-FPS action.


Meh, Spiderminds were weak. All you gotta do is continually ram it with the pulse gun and strafe around it. It will keep trying to re-adjust itself instead of shooting you. Or just hide behind the pillar in the middle and pop up to shoot. I dunno, maybe it was just me.

I always felt the Cyberdemon "make one mistake and your dead" feels more like a final boss than "get hit but not as bad".
Not to take away from the game,its a good score,Doom is always going to be Doom take that as you will. I'm just happy this game is coming to my good old trusty Xbox in a few months. I really can't wait. I had many nights staying up late playing Doom on the hardest settings,and having some truely frightening moments. Good for the folks who are enjoying the game on their PCs,I simply wish that the Xbox version were already out.


Will start substantiating his hate
The IGN review is just another case of a fanboy trying to convince himself that the game doesn't suck through inflated scores.


Still Tagged Accordingly
cybamerc said:
The IGN review is just another case of a fanboy trying to convince himself that the game doesn't suck through inflated scores.
heh, fight the good fight cyba.
I don't understand the complaint listed in the gameplay section...it wouldn't be Doom without the kind of play D3 has. Sure, it's simplistic compared to some other FPS games, but damn it works so well. After tweaking the shit outta the settings, this game actually runs well on my shit computer...great stuff! Now, I eagerly await all of the great maps and MODs that are certain to be released. That said, I'm still going to get the XBOX version for playing co-op w/ my bro on Live...he hasn't any intention of upgrading his (even shittier than my own) computer.


LakeEarth said:
Meh, Spiderminds were weak. All you gotta do is continually ram it with the pulse gun and strafe around it. It will keep trying to re-adjust itself instead of shooting you. Or just hide behind the pillar in the middle and pop up to shoot. I dunno, maybe it was just me.

I always felt the Cyberdemon "make one mistake and your dead" feels more like a final boss than "get hit but not as bad".

I agree, the Cyberdemon by far the best enemy in Doom.
But that's not what was said...just that it could have been better. Which is true of basically any game. 8.9 is a great review and completely on the money, though, I'd personally give it a 9.0 because it's great fun and is totally Doom while still modernizing it a bit.


Will start substantiating his hate
Read between the lines. The sugar coating is just there because the reviewer won't face reality.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
cybamerc said:
8.9 is not fair when the reviewer pretty much says the gameplay is teh suck.

Come on, have you even played the game? The gameplay is simple, but still quite enjoyable. There is value to be found in simplistic gameplay polished to perfection. The game does not rely on the "enter room, fight three enemies, leave" cliche that I keep hearing. You will find areas like that, but that is the exception. Solid mechanics combined with high intensity can make for a good experience.

Considering the chance you gave Rebel Strike, I'm suprised you are being so harsh. That game scored consistantly lower and had some serious gameplay flaws. I have rented and played the game (simply to see the beautiful visuals), and the gameplay just isn't very good. The flight portions are solid, but dated...while everything else is just broken. It also has some of the worst transition problems I've seen in a recent game and (once again) crap "MIDI-esqe" music, which leaves you with good looking visuals and not much else. The game is simple, but unpolished and boring. Doom 3 is a bit simpler, but polished to perfection and exciting to play.

What exactly did you want from the game? You comment poorly on it in every thread, so I assume you must have some attraction to it. ;)


8.0 Gameplay
Run to the next room and shoot stuff. Go to the next room and do the same thing. Wouldn't be any sort of problem if the enemies were more interesting to fight against.

i don't understand why they give 4.0 to P.N 03 then ...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
fr4nz said:
i don't understand why they give 4.0 to P.N 03 then ...

...because that literally IS how PN03 plays. You have singular, almost random feeling rooms connected to each other and you clear them out, one at a time (with a pause between EVERY room), while moving forward. The way the described Doom isn't quite accurate...

Oh, and I actually DO like PN03. Sure, it can get a bit repetitive...but I actually had a good time with it. My only complaint involves the framerate (why is this NOT 60 fps when 98% of the Capcom games on PS2 are 60 fps).


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
fr4nz said:
i don't understand why they give 4.0 to P.N 03 then ...

I'd bump it up to 5.0 for the hypnotic booty-shaking alone.
What exactly did you want from the game? You comment poorly on it in every thread, so I assume you must have some attraction to it.

It's obvious from his behavior he has an agenda. Of course I'm sure you realize this on your own, but still it's fun to point out. I think it's interesting how much Doom3 hate is on the board currently. It's as if people here want id (not to mention other devs) to fail.

I don't quite understand all the "oh it's too simple" "oh the AI sucks" "just play Serious Sam or Painkiller if you want Doom!!11" Just because we have games like Half-Life and Halo, it doesn't suddenly make Doom 3's style obsolete. It'd be like me shunning all my favorite 2d shmups because they aren't Radiant Silvergun or Ikaruga. I don't want every fps to be another Half-Life or Halo. I swear to God, the people on gaf can never be pleased.


dark10x said:
Once again, those games DO NOT play like Doom. I can't blame people for thinking that, as it has likely been a while since many of us have played the older Doom games...but I have just played through Doom 2 and can safely say that those other two games really do not play like Doom 1 & 2.

I agree. Serious Sam is NOTHING like doom (haven't played Painkiller). People should really go back and play Doom 1 and 2 again.


[edit] Wanted to add that I'm loving Doom 3. Some people just love to hate things that are hyped up, cause it makes them cool, or so they think.



Doom 3 is a great game, I think 8.9 is about right.. maybe a bit low.

It does many of the things Metroid Prime did, but better. And without backtracking. I would have thought this board would love it!


And even i am moderately surprised
"Wanted to add that I'm loving Doom 3."

same here.

playing in a darkened room with headphones on certainly adds to it.

it looks CRAZY
Yeah. The animation is quite possibly the best I've ever seen in any game ever...
I mean, the scripted anims seamlessly blending in with the dynamic stuff and then, there are those awesomely animated cut-scenes...finally, NOLF2 facial anim is topped in a released game.


akascream said:
It does many of the things Metroid Prime did, but better

Uh what?? Doom 3 is nothing like Metroid Prime :p

Take out all the monsters in Metroid Prime and you'll still have an awesome game. Do the same for Doom 3, and well, it would be shit. The gameplay of both games is totally different.

The only thing similar is reading boring computer logs. Doom 3 does it better (System Shock 2 does it better than Doom 3...years ago), but it's still boring.


I feel immersed in MP and Doom3 for the same reasons. From the Hud/PDA to interfacing with computers and my environment. Both have great atmosphere and art. In Metroid Prime you do have item based progression.. but that seemed to be a major complaint here (how do you have a world with item based progression and no backtracking). The controls in MP were also a major complaint with the lock on feature instead of dual analog. Weapons aren't particularly a strong point of either game from a mechanics perspective, and the AI of both games is comparable. Both are dx7 featureset games.

Just seemed like a good comparison to me.


akascream said:
In Metroid Prime you do have item based progression.. but that seemed to be a major complaint here

But the thing is though, in Doom 3 the item based progression was "walk, grab card, open door". Finding the key-card was never a challenge because the game was so linear. It would just be lying on a desk with no challenge in getting it besides killing mindless monsters. Heck, there were many times that I've opened doors with key-cards that I didn't even know I picked up.

Metroid Prime item progression is A LOT different. You actually have to use your head to find these things. Like I said, if there were no monsters in Doom 3, the game would have sucked hard. Not the case with Metroid Prime.

Just because the very very basic core of the gameplay is the same, doesn't make them both comparable. That's like comparing basketball and baseball because all they both do is move a ball around to get points.

They are 2 completely different games.


Great graphics let the reviewers forgive bland gameplay and atrocious level design. No surprise here. But is it me or does IGN always inflate their "Lasting Appeal" score? Kinda of silly that a harder difficulty mode can justify replay value, but they seem to do it with plenty of other games.
And depending on what kind of player you were it was fast, quick action or slow carefully-paced steps.
Play Doom 1&2 again. When you are frequently thrown into an area with 15-20 enemies in it, I don't think you can play the game with slow carefully-paced steps.

What Doom 3 has in common with its predecessors is the atmosphere, the darkness, and the simplistic "Find the key" objectives. That's about where the similarities stop. Pacing, combat, and level design are all entirely different.
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