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IGN: DOOM III review


Tenguman said:
But the thing is though, in Doom 3 the item based progression was "walk, grab card, open door". Finding the key-card was never a challenge because the game was so linear. It would just be lying on a desk with no challenge in getting it besides killing mindless monsters. Heck, there were many times that I've opened doors with key-cards that I didn't even know I picked up.

Metroid Prime item progression is A LOT different. You actually have to use your head to find these things. Like I said, if there were no monsters in Doom 3, the game would have sucked hard. Not the case with Metroid Prime.

I wasn't comparing the item based progression of MP to doom's unlocking of doors. I was saying people here seemed to not like the backtracking in Metroid Prime. The other aspect of MP that I enjoy (I do enjoy the backtracking), are the environments and atmosphere. Something Doom 3 simply does better.

Just because the very very basic core of the gameplay is the same, doesn't make them both comparable. That's like comparing basketball and baseball because all they both do is move a ball around to get points.

They are 2 completely different games.

I dunno if they are really THAT different. I mean.. you have a ball in both games.. they both have athletes. And generally, both tend to bore me.

Seriously though.. MP and Doom3 both are very strong in the atmosphere and art departments. You take away item based progression in MP (which everyone complains about) and you have similar gameplay (aside from no dual analog in MP).

Anyway, I think Doom 3 could have been better with different weapons dynamics, better AI and perhaps some neat physics that affected gameplay. But the atmosphere is so good, and the flashlight dynamic (not attached to a weapon) makes the graphics affect how I play the game. I'm probably only 6 or so hours in, but I am really enjoying the game so far.


Will start substantiating his hate

> Come on, have you even played the game?

I've played the award winning alpha.

> The gameplay is simple, but still quite enjoyable.

I realize that there are many ppl with incredibly low standards but noone can reasonably deny that Doom 3's core gameplay is essentially similar to that of the 1993 release Wolfenstein 3d (and that goes for any id game released since then for that matter). It's tired, unimaginative and not deserving of any praise.

> Considering the chance you gave Rebel Strike, I'm suprised you are being so harsh.

I fail to see the relevance. Sure I gave RSIII a chance if you want to call it that (bought it and kept it) but I also acknowledge its shortcomings.

> That game scored consistantly lower

Scores are irrelevant. Doom 3 only gets high scores because it's Doom and has pretty graphics.

> and had some serious gameplay flaws.

It also had some missions that were done to perfection. But whatever you think about RSIII it doesn't excuse Doom 3.

> What exactly did you want from the game?

It's not so much what I want from the game as what I want from those who play it: to admit that it's mediocre.


cybamerc said:

> Come on, have you even played the game?

I've played the award winning alpha.

The alpha wasn't even meant to be playable...it's no where near even an actual alpha...it just a fucking .demo file that lets you control your character

absofuckinglutely laughable


Will start substantiating his hate
The alpha was good enough to show off at E3. It was good enough to win an award. And I've yet to read anything that indicates that the retail version contains major gameplay innovations not present in the award winning alpha.


cybamerc said:
> The gameplay is simple, but still quite enjoyable.

I realize that there are many ppl with incredibly low standards but noone can reasonably deny that Doom 3's core gameplay is essentially similar to that of the 1993 release Wolfenstein 3d (and that goes for any id game released since then for that matter). It's tired, unimaginative and not deserving of any praise.

Same gameplay as Wolf3D? let me flip this on you: How is Doom3's gameplay similar to Wolf3D's? Anyone can reasonably answer this question in a clear and consise way, especially with all your knowledge on the Doom 3 alpha that plays nothing like the finished game :)

cybamerc said:
> What exactly did you want from the game?

It's not so much what I want from the game as what I want from those who play it: to admit that it's mediocre.

And how exactly did you come to this conclusion? Surely not from the alpha alone, as that would make you an ignorant troll


Gold Member
Gattsu25 said:
The alpha wasn't even meant to be playable...it's no where near even an actual alpha...it just a fucking .demo file that lets you control your character

absofuckinglutely laughable

It was also pirated. I see him admitting to playing a pirated game and thus discussing doing so.


cybamerc said:
The alpha was good enough to show off at E3. It was good enough to win an award. And I've yet to read anything that indicates that the retail version contains major gameplay innovations not present in the award winning alpha.

simple question: was there collectable ammo in the alpha?


Will start substantiating his hate

> How is Doom3's gameplay similar to Wolf3D's?

Walk - point - shoot - look for item to open closed door.

> especially with all your knowledge on the Doom 3 alpha that plays nothing like the
> finished game :)

Kindly elaborate. What makes it so different?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I've played the award winning alpha.

Which does not represent the game properly.

I realize that there are many ppl with incredibly low standards but noone can reasonably deny that Doom 3's core gameplay is essentially similar to that of the 1993 release Wolfenstein 3d (and that goes for any id game released since then for that matter). It's tired, unimaginative and not deserving of any praise.

While it is certainly somewhat basic, the gameplay is certainly beyond Wolfenstein 3D. The game is more of a Half-Life clone, if anything (remember, Half-Life was primarily a shooter infused with lots of special sequences). Doom 3 does not present room after room of similar enemy placements and maze like environments. There are many unique scenarios present throughout which are very similar to what you might have found in Half-Life. You have tram rides (which you control), you operate pieces of machinery (full control), take part in escort missions (which are well designed), etc. Half-Life offered similar types of sequences throughout its gameplay. Doom 3 is full of interesting segments which deviate from standard shooting, just as HL was. Wolf 3D featured NONE of those elements. Doom 3 is a scenario/experience based FPS extended by some repetitive sequences. The claims you make against Doom 3 are not representative of the entire game by any means. There is much more variety than you have been led to believe.

There is also more interaction with the environment and lots of additional information to digest (whether you find that interesting or not is subjective...but its inclusion can not be ignored). Once again, Wolf 3D failed to present anything of this sort.

I will not ignore the flaws, however. There are plenty of segments that involve simple shooting, similar to many other FPS games (though still much more complex than Wolf3D simply due to varying tactics per enemy and the variety of situations in which you encounter them). In Wolf3D, enemies would often be standing in a room awaiting your arrival. This is not necessarily the case with Doom 3.

I would also suggest that it is unfair to ignore the intensity of each encounter. The enemies attack in a fashion that is quite rare in the world of FPS games. They do not act as cannon fodder. They move and attack in perhaps the most brutal methods possible and require you to react very quickly.

Placing Doom 3 in the same category as Wolfenstein 3D suggests that, in your opinion, the vast majority of FPS titles fail to differ in any significant ways. The only FPS games that could stand apart from your stereotype would be those that offer signifcantly different options (such as RPG-like elements ala System Shock 2 or wide open vehicle based combat ala Halo or Far Cry).

Doom 3 is clearly attempting to copy Half-Life, and it really doesn't quite compare, to tell you the truth. However, it is an enjoyable attempt despite the flaws. A clone of Wolf3D this is not, and your suggestion that it is only proves that you really have no idea how Doom 3 actually plays out.

I would never classify Doom 3 as a AAA game. It has some major shortcomings, but that doesn't mean I am not still enjoying it. You want people to admit that the game is crap when it is, in fact, not a bad game...it's just average (well, a bit above average I'd say). Half-Life 2 and Halo 2 will both crush Doom 3 from a gameplay standpoint, but that does not mean one can't enjoy Doom 3. I mean, I enjoyed and played games like RtCW, Red Faction, and Undying. They each had their "themes", but they were very simple games (more so than Doom 3).

I fail to see the relevance. Sure I gave RSIII a chance if you want to call it that (bought it and kept it) but I also acknowledge its shortcomings.

You are bashing people who are enjoying Doom 3 and have accused them of having bad taste. Is this not the case? The point is that YOU have pimped RSIII many times before despite the fact that it is even more average than Doom 3! The fact that you enjoyed an average title does not mean you have bad taste...and that should extend to those enjoying Doom 3.

Scores are irrelevant. Doom 3 only gets high scores because it's Doom and has pretty graphics.

I agree. However, I feel that RSIII recieved the scores it did as a result of the visuals...who's to say I'm wrong? I believe it would have scored less without the visual impact, just like Doom 3.

It also had some missions that were done to perfection. But whatever you think about RSIII it doesn't excuse Doom 3.

As does Doom 3. You would not know that as you have not played it, however...and that's part of the problem. You judge a piece of work without having the proper experience. Why do you do that?

It's not so much what I want from the game as what I want from those who play it: to admit that it's mediocre.

It is somewhat mediocre. There ya go! It's a mediocre game that I am having some fun with...just as you did with RSIII.


Will start substantiating his hate
Gattsu25 said:
simple question: was there collectable ammo in the alpha?
IIRC yes. But you don't have to administer it which I'm sure is what you're trying to get at. From what I've read ammo is not in scarcity in the retail version. Nor does managing ammo make an unfun game fun.


cybamerc said:

> How is Doom3's gameplay similar to Wolf3D's?

Walk - point - shoot - look for item to open closed door.

> especially with all your knowledge on the Doom 3 alpha that plays nothing like the
> finished game :)

Kindly elaborate. What makes it so different?

Well. It isn't always about how things get done to reach your objective (I.E. Doom finding key cards to move on. Well, in this game PDA downloads to let you access new areas.), but about the experience the game brings in the journey to get there.


The alpha was just a walk from point A to point B with nothing to do but move onto the piece of ground that would trigger the next scripted event, kill the enemy that appeared, then move on to the next area of ground that would trigger a new scripted event. Now scripted events and enemies are still in the final game, but the alpha didn't include puzzles, missions, human NPCs, logs, escort scenarios, or even refined gun combat...

this brings us back to the questions I asked you:

How is Doom3's gameplay similar to Wolf3D's?

Was there collectable ammo in the alpha?

Edit: thank you for answering...the correct answer is no

Thank you and have a nice day


6.8 said:

pretty much sums up cybermac's argument

Hell, RSIII and Freespace II both feature space crafts and fighting but that doesn't mean that RSIII comes close to Freespace...the difference between Doom III and Wold3D is much much larger...but some people are too ignorant to see that


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Gattsu25 said:
pretty much sums up cybermac's argument

Hell, RSIII and Freespace II both feature space crafts and fighting but that doesn't mean that RSIII comes close to Freespace...the difference between Doom III and Wold3D is much much larger...but some people are too ignorant to see that

Oh, I'm sure he is quite aware of the differences...but is attempting to play ignorant in order to force others to explain how they differ. I believe he was hoping that people would be unable to present a compelling argument as to WHY they are different.

Of course, I have many other points I could present to prove that his point is incredibly invalid.


Will start substantiating his hate

> You can generalize any game to such lower denominators.

The point is that Doom 3 is fundamentally similar to any other id game since 1993. Yes, it's a different experience because of the fancy graphics and an increased focus on presentation but the gameplay itself hasn't significantly changed.


> The game is more of a Half-Life clone

You say that because of the presentation but if you think about it are you really doing anything significantly different from id's old games? Would you disagree that the gameplay is structured similarly if you look past how it is presented to you?

> The point is that YOU have pimped RSIII many times before

I only pimped RSIII at a time when I honestly believed that it would be the ultimate SW game. I was wrong and that honor still belongs to RL.

> The fact that you enjoyed an average title does not mean you have bad taste

Well, I enjoyed some of it. The (admittedly few) good parts. RSIII is quite varied you see.


not an idiot
cybamerc said:
The alpha was good enough to show off at E3. It was good enough to win an award. And I've yet to read anything that indicates that the retail version contains major gameplay innovations not present in the award winning alpha.

^^^ winner of the complete asshat award. Are you fucking serious? Holy shit you're fucking dumb.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
You say that because of the presentation but if you think about it are you really doing anything significantly different from id's old games? Would you disagree that the gameplay is structured similarly if you look past how it is presented to you?

Yes. I will explain this to you if you are able to explain how Half-Life differs...

What was it that made HL so unique and different from those older id titles?


Will start substantiating his hate

> OK, what first person shooters have you played which you feel differ from id style FPS titles?

That's a trick question. Just explain to me what it is about Doom 3's gameplay that makes it so unique. Not the overall experience, just the gameplay.


Will start substantiating his hate

> So how would you say RS2 differs from RS1?

Haven't played enough of RS1 to make such a comparison. I will say however that RS1 didn't really capture me at the time because the level I played at least didn't feel particularly like Star Wars and the lack of proper scale annoyed me.


Haven't played enough of RS1 to make such a comparison. I will say however that RS1 didn't really capture me at the time because the level I played at least didn't feel particularly like Star Wars and the lack of proper scale annoyed me.

Well I have played both and I consider RL to be a graphical update. Ironic you would prefer it to the sequel that actually progressed (or tried) in terms of actual gameplay.

Also.. is it fair to say you don't like the first person shooter genre?


Will start substantiating his hate

> Well I have played both and I consider RL to be a graphical update.

Perhaps. RL seems to focus a lot more on action though.

> Ironic you would prefer it to the sequel that actually progressed (or tried) in terms of
> actual gameplay.

I fail to see the irony considering that I don't have RS1 as reference. Also, what RL did it did well. F5 tried some new things with RSIII but with mixed success.

> Also.. is it fair to say you don't like the first person shooter genre?

Why ask when you already know the answer?


Eh, just to chime in on Star Wars issue:

The original Rogue Squadron had all land-based missions, which was somewhat disappointing. True space battles didn't appear until RSII. The scope of battles in the orginal RS wasn't as grand either, throwing far less enemies at the player. Still, RSII was a graphical upgrade more so than anything else.


I fail to see the irony considering that I don't have RS1 as reference. Also, what RL did it did well. F5 tried some new things with RSIII but with mixed success.

So, if somebody hadn't played doom1/2, or any other ID game, and enjoyed doom 3, you wouldn't say they have low standards? Isn't a game good on its own merits? I may stop buying THPS games because they are all very similar, but that doesn't make the newer versions suck.

Why ask when you already know the answer?

Because it is relevant to the discussion. Do you like them?

True space battles didn't appear until RSII.

Just because those levels look like space, doesn't make them play any different. There isn't free movement.


akascream said:
Just because those levels look like space, doesn't make them play any different. There isn't free movement.

No, there isn't completely free movement, but the movement available is far less restrictive. You have wide open areas to dogfight (and only dogfight) without concerning yourself with mountainous terrain, obtrusive facilities, and most importantly, constant attack from a large contingent of slow-to-stationary enemy ground forces which could not be ignored since they usually pertained to important objectives (or they'd simply kill you, given enough time).

So, in short, I disagree. While the core gameplay and controls were nearly identical, the environment makes the levels feel/play quite different.


Well sure, there is obviously no ground to run into.. but the control is still the same. It feels especially akward, and was rather irritating to me.


cybamerc said:
I fail to see the irony considering that I don't have RS1 as reference. Also, what RL did it did well. F5 tried some new things with RSIII but with mixed success.

You don't have Doom3 as a reference, either...but that hasn't stopped you from making yourself a complete ass


Will start substantiating his hate

> So, if somebody hadn't played doom1/2, or any other ID game, and enjoyed doom 3,
> you wouldn't say they have low standards?

Another trick question! Well, it wouldn't make the game more or less fun IMO but certainly you can't blame someone for not having played a particular game.

> Isn't a game good on its own merits?


> Because it is relevant to the discussion.

No it isn't.


A question you cannot answer without conceding your argument is not always a trick question.

No it isn't.

You feel you have enough experience with the genre to anylize it? Your oversimplification of the game has really already answered the question for you, but it would be interesting to hear your response. And no, this isn't a trick question either.

You don't have Doom3 as a reference, either...but that hasn't stopped you from making yourself a complete ass



Will start substantiating his hate

> You feel you have enough experience with the genre to anylize it?

To acknowledge the similarities to previous id titles, sure. I mean so far noone has bothered to prove me wrong. All this talk about the gaming experience is pointless. I'm not disputing that graphics and presentation makes a difference. But when a person says something like: "DOOM 3 is a great game. Not necessarily for the gameplay aspects,..." and "Without the atmosphere, DOOM 3 is a plain shooter that hearkens back to those of the '90s." or "Run to the next room and shoot stuff. Go to the next room and do the same thing. Wouldn't be any sort of problem if the enemies were more interesting to fight against." and still give it an 8.0 for its gameplay I have to question his motives.
Did it ever occur to you that to some people gameplay involves more than just the stripped down basic premise of the exact way the game is played?

To some people immersion, atmosphere, and all that is part of gameplay, because it impacts the way they play the game.


Except with the flashlight dynamic, the atmosphere IS gameplay. Not to mention that while the AI isn't going to win any awards, it is better than other ID games.. especially previous doom titles. The same goes for physics, though maybe not so much for weapons.

And believe it or not.. most people play games to enjoy themselves. It is perfectly legitimate to be immersed in the atmosphere of the game. To enjoy finding PDA's.. reading email, listening to voice logs and watching videos. Toying around with computers and machinery to complete puzzles or just for fun. Nothing about this means somebody has low standards.

The game isn't God incarnate, but its a pretty fun game nonetheless. Your oversimplifications reek of some kind of bias for real. You can boil any game down to the one liners you keep repeating. You don't even own the game. Hell, you hate the genre period. One almost wonders what you are doing here in the first place. :p


Ugggh, can't we all just agree that Doom 3 and Rogue Squadron are ultimately hollow gameplay experiences....devoid of any kind of innovation.....that are only propped up by their superlative graphics and license?

Doom: Walk - point - shoot - look for item to open closed door.
Rogue: Fly - point - shoot - protect allies - kill enemies
akascream said:
A question you cannot answer without conceding your argument is not always a trick question.
Hahahaha.....nice one.
dark10x said:
There are many unique scenarios present throughout which are very similar to what you might have found in Half-Life. You have tram rides (which you control), you operate pieces of machinery (full control), take part in escort missions (which are well designed), etc.
Cybamerc's argument that the alpha demo represents the final game is absurd, but I think you are overstating the variance in Doom 3. There is only one controllable tram ride (pretty flagrantly lifted from HL). There is only one escort section. There is only one puzzle based around machinery (ie; not just finding a switch to activate a bridge). The rest really is "Find the key/switch" tedium. id tried to imitate Half Life on a few brief occaisions but those moments are very very rare.

The rest of what you said is more or less fine though ;) There are obvious differences between Doom and Wolfenstein. If someone can't see that, then obviously they are going to see the whole FPS genre as homogeneous and should stop playing FPS games and (better yet) stop trying to discuss/troll them.

Doom 3 is definitely different from its predecessors, but I think it is highly debatable as to whether or not the series has actually progressed...
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