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IGN Entertainment acquires Eurogamer, GI, VG247, Rock Paper Shotgun and more

OK, this might actually be anticompetitive. Isn't Eurogamer alone a major weight in Metacritic scores? So now them, VG247, RPS and some of these others are all owned by the same entity.

And if you thought their reviews were already similar before, we haven't seen shit yet. Reviews and discourse around them are about to get significantly worst, as if that were even possible :/

Horrible. A single master controlling information is never a good sign.
Gaming journalism is already a joke.

Yeah. This is, like, dangerously bad. MetaCritic is already heavily flawed; this is going to break it unless they change their aggregate process.
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Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Don't care, anything of relevance is on GAF.

Consolidation and buyouts suck on all levels every time, except for the ceos and main company doing the buying.

That being said, these sites usually all think in group think with their woke cult shit anyway. Nothing of value will be lost, outside of Digital foundry (those guys better not get the chomping bock) although if they do, they have the audience they could split and go independent on youtube/rumble easily.


World’s Biggest Weeb
I remember when DailyRadar used to be the laughing stock of online gaming journalism. By 2024 standards they would tower over the competition.


Yeah the legacy gaming media has proven their total irrelevance. It’s amazing they even lasted this long.

Some people better start learning to code.
I somewhat disagree with legacy media being irrelevant. The reason is that it all looks self-inflicted to me and something that could potentially be reversed.

I was not being facetious when I asked how many of the companies that were acquired failed to review Hogwarts. Some of these outlets have completely lost touch with the actual gaming audience. Just think about the absurdity involved when a gaming news outlet decided to boycott the biggest game of the year (one of the biggest ever). If the gaming media cuts ties with these dumb as rocks yet holier than thou types, there is plenty of money to be made covering games. Of course, there will be growing pains because they will also need to condition the companies paying for advertisements that normal people are ok again. But they can get through it if they have a spine.
I was employee number four at Eurogamer back when we just ran LAN events, they already "sold out" and the founders left about 8 years ago in the traditional sense, so this is just it being passed around to someone else.

To me the site died when they ditched the forums because they didn't want to migrate it from PHP5, but I do hope this doesn't impact digital foundry too much. Ideally John would take his retro show solo and start a Patreon or something.
Are they owned by eurogamer? I see conflicting reports in this thread. They definitely have the audience to do an independent run, and it would be for the better.
Oh goodness. I know IGN is far and away the largest publication in the industry, but I don’t see anything positive about this acquisition. The video game industry is in a really weird, bloated, and upside down state right now.
Video game journalism industry is a completely redundant industry and should just go out of business.
Have not read an article or watched a video from them in a decade, there are enough indie outlets on YouTube and other outlets and gives all the coverage that I need, and their coverage is almost always superior to the official stuff. Because they generate revenue through viewers and need to cater to the taste and concerns of the viewer, who are the consumers. Whereas places like IGN generate revenue through ads and have to please the corporations paying those advertising fees.
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I hope they breakout and leave. Some of their measuring tools they engineered themselves and I'd be damned if I let some global conglomerate take what I created.
I'm not even sure what the exact relationship is between Eurogamer and Digital Foundry. Other then Digital Foundry content getting posted on Eurogamer they appear to have nothing to do with each other.


Alternative media is the new norm, stuff like Last Stand

The legacy stuff is just going to continue dying
No, alternative media as everywhere is a code word for “I’m too crazy to be employed by a regular company, let me try to grift of my imaginary persecution complex”.

Gaming media has a big problem - I don’t think the business model is sustainable or companies are interested into having impartial opinion. There is a reason you cannot name anyone the size of Roger Ebert reviewing videogames, and he was not alone. So you end up with grift aka paid marketing.
Traditional gaming outlets have largely abandoned traditional gamers, who have to go to Youtube to get news and views they like. Totally unsustainable situation.

And it's not just gaming websites, there's this entire online infrastructure of media sites that have dwindling audiences, employing the kind of people no one wants to listen to anymore. Look at the engagement sites like Wired and Rolling Stone get now.
Traditional gaming outlets have largely abandoned traditional gamers, who have to go to Youtube to get news and views they like. Totally unsustainable situation.

And it's not just gaming websites, there's this entire online infrastructure of media sites that have dwindling audiences, employing the kind of people no one wants to listen to anymore. Look at the engagement sites like Wired and Rolling Stone get now.
It’s a vicious cycle, as readership dwindles, the publications are increasingly dependent on advertising instead of copies sold to generate revenue, which forces them to parrot the voice the advertisers want to have said, which leads to further erosion of the audience. Until the audience is so small the advertisers loses interest and the publication dies.
The solution is that when readership drops, figure out why so you can bring them back up again, that’s how things used to work. Now they go for the easy solution by trying to make it up by catering to advertisers.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I'm not even sure what the exact relationship is between Eurogamer and Digital Foundry. Other then Digital Foundry content getting posted on Eurogamer they appear to have nothing to do with each other.
Fwiw, I recently sold a design to DF, and I had to register as a contractor through ReedPop, who is at the center of this current sale.

So it’d be my understanding that IGN does own DF now, but my evidence is anecdotal at best.
Keep glorifying and making threads about game reviews gaf, im sure they are legit and not owned by big corpos and made to garner clicks and attention. If it were up to me id ban review discussions. Just like politics its a cesspool of console warriors and whatnot.
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Now its easy to call them all turd since they are all one now.
Honestly I just wish DF disassociate from them sooner. They either do that or they gonna be fired regardless.
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Gold Member
I stopped reading RPS and Eurogamer years ago, and don't know what IGN saw in them (although going by the layoffs, not much).

I know people may think this is a bad take but I think IGN in general is pretty good overall, their game reviews are decent and they report on the news. I just avoid most of their non-game stuff because it's mostly pretty embarrassing. It's like they gone full circle. Anyway considering how long they've survived and thrived I fully expect IGN to survive a nuclear war along with the cockroaches.
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World’s Biggest Weeb
I somewhat disagree with legacy media being irrelevant. The reason is that it all looks self-inflicted to me and something that could potentially be reversed.

I was not being facetious when I asked how many of the companies that were acquired failed to review Hogwarts. Some of these outlets have completely lost touch with the actual gaming audience. Just think about the absurdity involved when a gaming news outlet decided to boycott the biggest game of the year (one of the biggest ever). If the gaming media cuts ties with these dumb as rocks yet holier than thou types, there is plenty of money to be made covering games. Of course, there will be growing pains because they will also need to condition the companies paying for advertisements that normal people are ok again. But they can get through it if they have a spine.
There’s plenty of money to be made covering games, but I’ve give up hope for the legacy gaming media long ago. The future is independent YouTubers and podcasts.

Nowadays an independent reviewer/journalist can connect directly with their audience, the successful ones can develop an audience of millions. No middleman needed.
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