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IGN Fable Review (GMR OWNED!!!)


10.0 Presentation
A true storybook game, the fresco-painting cut-scenes are a perfect idea and the controls are very intuitive. Albion is a very dense world that has a rich history.

9.0 Graphics
Beautiful environments and great details on your character. The bloom lighting is a nice touch of the fantastic and the magic looks great. Occasional framerate drops and repetitive NPC skins hurt.

9.0 Sound
Beautiful opening score from Danny Elfman and plenty of great voice dialogue. Some of the sounds get repetitive and I wish a few of the creatures sounded a bit more varied.

9.0 Gameplay
It's lost a lot of what would have made it revolutionary, but the combat is good and the game is still a lot of fun. Some of those NPC reactions are priceless. Great humor.

10.0 Lasting Appeal
Sure, the main adventure is short for an RPG, but there's reason enough to play again. Plus, the world is dense with secrets and fun stuff. It's great to just fool around for a while.

(out of 10 / not an average)


Buggy Loop

Gold Member

Long review, i'll read it soon, but poor GMR, western games are an offense to their eastern wannabe tastes.


LOL. It's like they were in a race to get their reviews up before each other. Let's star the Gamespot Score Guessing Game

Me = 8.6
10.0 Lasting Appeal
Sure, the main adventure is short for an RPG, but there's reason enough to play again. Plus, the world is dense with secrets and fun stuff. It's great to just fool around for a while.

I was expecting MUCH, MUCH higher given Hil's constant pumping of this game. If the #1 fan only gives it a 9.3, I'd imagine it will end up averaging less than 9.0


Just Kidding.

Awesome review and it will be mine in two weeks :)




10.0 Lasting Appeal
Sure, the main adventure is short for an RPG, but there's reason enough to play again. Plus, the world is dense with secrets and fun stuff. It's great to just fool around for a while.

did they really say that ? :lol :lol

Kon Tiki

Shiggy said:
9.0 Graphics
Beautiful environments and great details on your character. The bloom lighting is a nice touch of the fantastic and the magic looks great. Occasional framerate drops and repetitive NPC skins hurt.



Well that kills Cubivore 8 crown.


A 9 in graphics? Heh. For reference btw, Morrowind got a 9.4 from IGN Xbox (well deserved at least on the PC, never played the Xbox version). I'm still looking forward to Fable regardless of GMR's 8 (which is a good score), but I'm more inclined to trust them than 9.2 for Full Spectrum Warrior IGN (GMR scored it an 8 also -- a bit high IMO).

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Is there a list anywhere of what was dropped from Fable? I didn't follow it that cloesly from Project Ego, I'd like to hear what's been dropped.
Ahaha, seriously, this review is more like : "This is why I really like this game" than "Here's my review of Fable"... really.

king zell

Shiggy said:
10.0 Lasting Appeal
Sure, the main adventure is short for an RPG, but there's reason enough to play again. Plus, the world is dense with secrets and fun stuff. It's great to just fool around for a while.



Littleberu said:
Look who's talking about Damage Control. Har har har.
You're control damaging his damage control! And look at me! I'm control damaging yuo! Teh craziness!
So, are we going to officially have a seperate thread for each and every single Fable review? If so, I'll just have to do the same for MGS3, GTA:SA, Killzone, R&C 3, Jak 3, blah, blah, blah. :D


I'm happy enough now. Just waiting on Gamespot. It obviously isn't the masterpiece Monyloux blabbed it would be, but it seems to have delivered for the most part.
6.8 said:
You're control damaging his damage control! And look at me! I'm control damaging yuo! Teh craziness!

You're damage controlling your own damage control in trying to make it teh funny. OMG.
Floyd said:
I'm happy enough now. Just waiting on Gamespot. It obviously isn't the masterpiece Monyloux blabbed it would be, but it seems to have delivered for the most part.

You know ... like an 8, or something! SHOCK!


I wonder what IGN/XBOX are smoking these days.

10.0 Lasting Appeal
Sure, the main adventure is short for an RPG, but there's reason enough to play again. Plus, the world is dense with secrets and fun stuff. It's great to just fool around for a while.

Couldn't they at least describe the numerous ways to interact with NPC's?
There was a turtle by the name of Bert

And Bert the turtle was very alert

When danger threatened him he never got hurt

He knew just what to doooo...

He'd duck! And cov-er...


IGN Xbox scale:

Hype Level*0.15 + Quality


God, I hope a PC version comes down the pipeline so I can play this game.
I have a feeling this and TXB will be the highest Fable's score will go.
Based on what was said in some of the text, there's gonna be some scathing reviews out there.

C- anyone?


The review sounds like the reviewer is TRYING to like Fable despite the multitude of flaws in it. Its quite disconcerting when he mentiones that the balverines monsters provide an "insane challenge" and then immediately follow up with "(yet, I challenge you to die fighting them)" or something along that line. How the hell can fighting creatures be an "insane challenge" when its difficult to die fighting them...........



God forbid you play the game and discover something cool for yourself.

WTF??? It wasn't like I was trying to bash the game. You'd think IGN would add more positive comments to the summary of the review instead of just saying "Plus, the world is dense with secrets and fun stuff. It's great to just fool around for a while."


ElyrionX said:
The review sounds like the reviewer is TRYING to like Fable despite the multitude of flaws in it.
well, it's quite a likable game. it's the kind of game that just inspires that sort of feeling.

but it also has problems. but we all know where i stand on this by now ... (has anyone actually read the review yet? =)
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