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IGN Fable Review (GMR OWNED!!!)



Unconfirmed Member
ferricide said:
what are you talking about? the magic system is probably the most fun part of the combat system. so enjoy it. does it fucking matter if you age? o_O

Good question, although you'd have to answer that for us, does it matter if you age?

Beyond the cosmetic that is, does aging affect anything other than your appearance? such as strength, abilities etc.?


ferricide said:
what are you talking about? the magic system is probably the most fun part of the combat system. so enjoy it. does it fucking matter if you age? o_O

If being a magic user messes you up visually or otherwise, then I want no part of it. I guess you are impying I MUST buy it and rate it an 8? I'd rather finish FF I and II.
P90 said:
If being a magic user messes you up visually or otherwise, then I want no part of it. I guess you are impying I MUST buy it and rate it an 8?

8.0: too high for haters; too low for fanboys.

For twice the hate, make yours an eight! (tm)


P90 said:
If being a magic user messes you up visually or otherwise, then I want no part of it. I guess you are impying I MUST buy it and rate it an 8? I'd rather finish FF I and II.

LOL wtf... man there are some sad people on this forum.


GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Freeburn said:
Good question, although you'd have to answer that for us, does it matter if you age?

Beyond the cosmetic that is, does aging affect anything other than your appearance? such as strength, abilities etc.?

Yeah I was wondering about that too.


Chili Con Carnage!
I havent played anything other than a combat demo for this game but seems the people who have arent talking so bare in mind this might not be right :-

they always said that being a magic user would just make you less able to be a fighter and make you more frail (as in any rpg if you think about it). I dont think it actually makes you weaker its just, with the way fable works (more you do something better you get) you dont get stronger, you dont gain as many hit points etc etc...only difference fable (compared to any other RPG where you groom your own character) is that you actually start to look like a wizard.


Freeburn said:
Good question, although you'd have to answer that for us, does it matter if you age?

Beyond the cosmetic that is, does aging affect anything other than your appearance? such as strength, abilities etc.?
not so i noticed.


this thread is the mirror image of the gmr fable thread. Now everyone is complaining that the reviewer rated it too high instead of the to low in the gmr thread.
Also there is less backlash to all those people assuming things about a game they have not played in this thread. I think in a poll of gaf there would be more people hoping fable will fail to people wanting to be the next aaa title. The largest % of people polled though probably dont give a crap though either way.


Flatbread said:
this thread is the mirror image of the gmr fable thread. Now everyone is complaining that the reviewer rated it too high instead of the to low in the gmr thread.
Also there is less backlash to all those people assuming things about a game they have not played in this thread. I think in a poll of gaf there would be more people hoping fable will fail to people wanting to be the next aaa title. The largest % of people polled though probably dont give a crap though either way.

I don't know if GMR is legit or not but XboxIGN was is and will always be ridiculous. They're the absolute hype whores and this is what I always hated the most in a mag/site. I'm waiting for the Gamespot review since it's always the site I trust the most (although the Doom3 review dissapointed me a little).


Honestly, the review reads more like an 8-8.5 game, but after dubbing that 16 page preview "the greatest of all-time" and the massive outrage against GMR's 8/10 I think Hilary was a tad bit apprehensive against giving the game lower than a 9. anything.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
as promised, i've been banging away at fable since friday (about 6 hours into the game now) and i'm pretty hooked. so far, there hasn't been a deluge of quests to choose from at the hero's guild, as most of the missions i've done are from the story core, but i'm really enjoying myself if that means anything.

my favorite parts of fable right now is definitely character customization stuff. you don't spend a lot of time fretting over every personal detail of course, but after each mission, when you've got a ton of experience points and money, it's really fun to deck out your guy with new hairdos, tattoos, clothes, facial hair, etc.

also fun is interacting with all the NPCs... whether it's gesturing to them in the form of sneers, flirts, farts, belching, laughter, etc. or running around town trying to impress them with your war trophies (which is an innovative mini-game in and of itself). it's an interesting world dripping with character and soul.

combat is a love/hate thing. i love it because you really do feel bad ass and it's ultimately a FUN action RPG. the gameplay can get pretty tense when you're surrounded by enemies. the hate stems from the fact that the controls/UI is cumbersome in the heat of combat. trying to juggle combos (to sustain your combat multiplier for more exp. rewards), block, roll, and cast spells all with the 4 face and 2 shoulder buttons is definitely an acquired skill -- and one that doesn't come easy. but combat here is deeper than your standard 3D zelda affair... if only because you can do so much more than just lock-on, throw stuff, and slash.

i wonder if i'll finish the game by this weekend. :) not if my wife could help it, i guess.

edit: oh, i forgot to mention, the first two hours of the game is -shit- ... one of the most boring tutorials ever. once they let you loose into the world, however, the game picks up immensely. also, my character specializes in melee AND magic... like i said, this game IS kind of an ego trip. :)


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
MightyHedgehog said:
Cool, does the game seem as easy as the two reviews posted online say?

i've only died once in about six hours, and i had a "phoenix down" that kicked in so .... yeah i guess you can consider it easy, although i've had a few close calls and, at times, fear at the prospect of dying and having to do the quest all over again.

that said, i'm having a blast with fable. there's definitely something very molyneux about this game. probably the way you communicate with people via signs and gestures (actually very Sim like in some ways).

i started off as kind of a not-very-attractive 'spellwarrior' with dark leather armor and leggings, but after a shave, a haircut, some brighter chainmail and a change in public perception (from "druid" to "the liberator"), i'm now the hit of oakvale. whereas before, i'd be publically shunned everywhere i went, now i'm equally praised wherever i go.

i love standing in the middle of a crowded square and pulling out my trophies for all to go googoo gah gah over. i've never had this much NPC interaction in a console RPG. rather than each townsperson saying the same two lines over and over again, these folks say actually very little -- but they react in interesting and dynamic ways because your protagonist is always changing.

i had my first fling with some random chick in a town. got her "heart meter" all filled up but then accidentally belched, which made her run off in disgust. (also, i had no presents to give her).

in the end, who cares what this game gets as a score. it's a fun, innovative action rpg.
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