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IGN Fable Review (GMR OWNED!!!)


CrimsonSkies said:

Oh what the hell.

lollers. but admit it, you made that three days ago.



Sounds like they cut out half the fucking game to ship it on time.

Short on quests? After all these years and it's short on quests? WTF?

Other heroes don't compete with you anymore? I love it how only now with the game about to release it's revealed that one of the big things that PM used to harp on about isn't in the game anymore.



I don't see how GMR was pwn3d for a 1 point difference.

If anything, they've been somehow vindicated that it didn't turn out to be the end of all games, as some might want to make others believe.

I'll still be getting it for certain. In a way it's good all these reviews came out to give everyone's expectations a bit of reality dose.


So they are owned because a site that's notorious for over-rating Xbox exclusives gave a score that is roughly 1 point higher?


10.0 Lasting Appeal
Sure, the main adventure is short for an RPG, but there's reason enough to play again. Plus, the world is dense with secrets and fun stuff. It's great to just fool around for a while.

"She ain't pretty, but she's got a great personality."

Dave Long

This guy should have used his instincts to score the game.

Fable opens a door for you, lets you see this wondrous treasure that the idea of an open world, competing heroes, and NPC interactions can offer -- but it doesn't let you through. There's a lot of great notions in the game that aren't fully realized. As I played, I kept thinking, "Why didn't they do this or that," but in the end I still had a blast playing Fable and to me that makes all the difference.

I don't see how you can write that and turn around and hand the game such a high score. I guess having "fun" is part of a review but when you're asking yourself questions like that, maybe the game isn't so good as the number you're stamping on it?

Of course, if he had put it lower than a 9, the IGN forum people would have eviscerated him.

Also, EIGHT PAGE REVIEWS MUST DIE! Thank god you can just change the page number in the URL.


This reminds me of that thread where Blazing Sword talked about how much he enjoys wearing women's underwear and thinks Hitler was totally misunderstood (don't deny it, I have it right here).


MarkMacD said:
This reminds me of that thread where Blazing Sword talked about how much he enjoys wearing women's underwear and thinks Hitler was totally misunderstood (don't deny it, I have it right here).

Yeah, he's totally biased now. I've been reading his stuff since he was in grade school, and boy oh boy did his mind get corrupted by lies with time.


Black and White redux.

This game is gonna get hated on like no other in a couple years. Overinflated initial reviews which reviewers regret a couple years down the road, and then they bash the hell out of the game in a "WHAT WERE WE THINKING?" article.

I'm still buying this game. I bought Black and White. I'll buy this. My expectations were never that high, and they definitely aren't after reading some of these texts in the reviews. But the premise still seems intriguing.


Dave Long said:
I don't see how you can write that and turn around and hand the game such a high score. I guess having "fun" is part of a review but when you're asking yourself questions like that, maybe the game isn't so good as the number you're stamping on it?

Actually, this could be an indication of its quality. Unfortunately it seems to have no ushered in a new age of RPGs itself leading the way, but it seems like as the review said it has opened the door to that. I'm sure the concepts and ideas that Fable introduced initially will definitely be found in RPGs in the next gen. A game that just does everything "right" that leaves you NOT wanting more has done a very poor job of pushing the boundaries of gaming, not to say those are bad games, but they're different.


Dave Long said:
This guy should have used his instincts to score the game.

I don't see how you can write that and turn around and hand the game such a high score. I guess having "fun" is part of a review but when you're asking yourself questions like that, maybe the game isn't so good as the number you're stamping on it?

Of course, if he had put it lower than a 9, the IGN forum people would have eviscerated him.

Also, EIGHT PAGE REVIEWS MUST DIE! Thank god you can just change the page number in the URL.

You know, maybe he really liked the game for what it was rather than what it could've been.


Best. Review. Ever.


With that said, the epic single player side of Black & White is wildly imaginative, elegant, charming, and a lot more action-packed than I thought it would be. Words like "ground-breaking" and "revolutionary" are sure to be attached to this title, and I can already state with confidence that Black & White is assured "classic" status in the annals of PC gaming. While micromanaging the shear number of things to do may be overwhelming for some players, Black & White is like stepping into a breathing, living world, and although it took a lot of patience for the release, the final creation was certainly worth the wait.

Dave Long

rastex said:
Actually, this could be an indication of its quality. Unfortunately it seems to have no ushered in a new age of RPGs itself leading the way, but it seems like as the review said it has opened the door to that. I'm sure the concepts and ideas that Fable introduced initially will definitely be found in RPGs in the next gen. A game that just does everything "right" that leaves you NOT wanting more has done a very poor job of pushing the boundaries of gaming, not to say those are bad games, but they're different.

That's fine to say that but as a reviewer, you shouldn't score games based on potential.


IJoel said:
You know, maybe he really liked the game for what it was rather than what it could've been.

That could be the case. It's sad they cut out so much stuff though. I mean multiplayer is one thing, that's a whole new set of gameplay, but I'm sad to find out other Hero's dont compete against you! :(

Dave Long

Mrbob said:
Black and White redux.

This game is gonna get hated on like no other in a couple years. Overinflated initial reviews which reviewers regret a couple years down the road, and then they bash the hell out of the game in a "WHAT WERE WE THINKING?" article.

I'm still buying this game. I bought Black and White. I'll buy this. My expectations were never that high, and they definitely aren't after reading some of these texts in the reviews. But the premise still seems intriguing.


I was very tuned into Black and White and followed that entire saga. This is the story of games that Molyneux has a hand in lately. He promises the world and delivers something that doesn't quite leave the big city.

I'll wait to say more about the game itself til I play it. (I'm getting an Xbox. Can you believe it, Bob?!) But I don't particularly like when reviewers point out potentially major issues and kind of push them aside for the scores. I'd be lying though if I didn't have a game or two where I did this myself. But you have to qualify it better than just saying "I had fun" which is what he seems to have done there.


Why does everyone complain? Even if it isnt the end all be all of games, it still sounds like fun. I mean, I was never ever expecting Fable to be better then GTA:SA, Halo 2, Ratchet and Clank and Jak 3...and now it sounds like it wont be. Besides, with all the great games coming out this season Im glad I can play Fable and be done with. Then i can slide into Star Ocean 3, Half-Life 2, Dawn of War, Pikmin 2, etc etc etc. Jesus fucking christ kids, it not like your going ti have nothing to play. Complaining about how long it takes to beat, pftt, find a new hobby you sorry noobies.

Anything 8-9.5 is a great score for a game considering the over amount of shit that usually floods the market. Who cares if the game took 4 years to make and its light on content, the programming alone and everything for this type of stuff probably takes awhile. I mean, its not like its being done by EA or Sony who have 10 billion dollars in the bank and own several Automatic Video Game factories that pump out sequels like clockwork every 5 months.
AeroGod said:
I mean, its not like its being done by EA or Sony who have 10 billion dollars in the bank and own several Automatic Video Game factories that pump out sequels like clockwork every 5 months.


Uhhh... It was bankrolled by Microsoft who pretty much has more money in the bank than any other 10 companies combined.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
Deepthroat said:
When will Gamespot review this? I can't stand IGN's 10 pages.
I think Gamespot has a clause that states they can't post a review of a game until IGN does.

Or maybe they just play it longer, who knows.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Justin Bailey said:
I think Gamespot has a clause that states they can't post a review of a game until IGN does.

Or maybe they just play it longer, who knows.

Now thats a zinger. How else could they subtract points from the IGN review? I joke, I joke.

But seriously, I don't expect Gamespot to give Fable above a 9.0. Does anyone know who is doing the Fable review for Gamespot?




sonycowboy said:

Uhhh... It was bankrolled by Microsoft who pretty much has more money in the bank than any other 10 companies combined.

So. That has nothing to do with anything. Totally irrelavant!!

Somebody cut this guy's microphone.


pilonv1 said:
Haven't you heard? It's GA law now, you can't buy this game and enjoy it. GMR has spoken.

More like, 'Haven't you heard? It's GA law now, you can't buy any major release that gets a mere 8 and enjoy it. The asshats have spoken.' :p


Justin Bailey said:
I think Gamespot has a clause that states they can't post a review of a game until IGN does.

Or maybe they just play it longer, who knows.

Or maybe they're doing that just so they can consistently give lower scores to games when compared to IGN.........


i think IGN has the online exclusive, actually. explaining why the TXB review got yanked (yes, they're the same company, but you don't see gamespy with a review up either.)


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Redbeard said:
Other heroes don't compete with you anymore? I love it how only now with the game about to release it's revealed that one of the big things that PM used to harp on about isn't in the game anymore.

damn, that was one of the big things I was looking forward to.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
all this talk about fable has -really- gotten me in the mood to play it. i suspect i'll be engrossed (or not) this weekend. hell, maybe i'll even finish the game by monday. :)

btw, xian, you and your mag got MF pwn3d.


ferricide said:
i think IGN has the online exclusive, actually. explaining why the TXB review got yanked (yes, they're the same company, but you don't see gamespy with a review up either.)

TXB's review is there.

But yeah, Gamespot will probably put up their review much closer to release date.

I still can't believe they released this review 2.5 weeks away from the release date. Perhaps this was damage control for GMR's review score.


ElyrionX said:
Or maybe they're doing that just so they can consistently give lower scores to games when compared to IGN.........
Hmm. Have to maintain that notion of being a "tougher" review site eh?

Dave Long

IJoel said:
I still can't believe they released this review 2.5 weeks away from the release date. Perhaps this was damage control for GMR's review score.

I dunno... I still haven't gotten the new issue of GMR with the Fable review in it. Has anyone actually received theirs? It's more like IGN screwed GMR on the exclusive and then made a big deal out of their review score being low to boot!
ElyrionX said:
Or maybe they're doing that just so they can consistently give lower scores to games when compared to IGN.........
Or maybe they're waiting to publish it closer to its September 14 release date!
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