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IGN Fable Review (GMR OWNED!!!)


Will I get banned again if I start posting swass pics?

ObFable: The tattoos in this game are cool, but they're not as cool as the all-over level three yakuza job on my Def Jam character.



Chili Con Carnage!
Disco Stu said:

I can't fathom why people are complaining about not being able to wander through expansive forests and meadows.

There are forests and meadows and places to explore. Yes, they're linked by paths. What's the big deal? Albion was not meant to be this vast uncharted land. It's pretty much medieval England, which was fairly well inhabited.

Wandering and exploration are both fine. But Fable has a focus -- and yes, it means you don't get to run through six hours of similar-looking fields fighting random monsters.

Actually i do distinctly remember them calling it free roaming at one point, but that was back before they really thought about the game and they still had the player planting seeds all over the land.

I agree though free roaming worlds are hardly something to be talked up, great for MMORPGs maybe but they lead to sparsley populated lands with nothing to do but roam...hardly contusive with an action orientated game.


Ghost said:
Actually i do distinctly remember them calling it free roaming at one point, but that was back before they really thought about the game and they still had the player planting seeds all over the land.

Ah, the infamous acorns.

I'm betting 95% of all the trouble with the Fable hype could have been averted if they just told Jeremy Conrad to shut the fuck up and stop asking stupid questions.



From IGN's Review: "I hate to say it, but Fable definitely offers greater rewards for evil as opposed to good."

That's the biggest disappointment to me.


Disco Stu said:

I can't fathom why people are complaining about not being able to wander through expansive forests and meadows.

There are forests and meadows and places to explore. Yes, they're linked by paths. What's the big deal? Albion was not meant to be this vast uncharted land. It's pretty much medieval England, which was fairly well inhabited.

Wandering and exploration are both fine. But Fable has a focus -- and yes, it means you don't get to run through six hours of similar-looking fields fighting random monsters.

I guess I'm worried there's not enough open land to explore. Something like PSO would feel too constrained.

But, tell us specifically, how does it compare to PSO, in terms of areas and landscapes?


Bad Art ™
Ha the hype about planting stuff and coming back YEARS later and to see the trees growing.


"If you plant 1000 seeds, and you come back later There is a big forest and it grows SO BIG YOUR XBOX EXPLODE"

-Jeffry McWild ( not a exact quote but you get the point )


digit said:
From IGN's Review: "I hate to say it, but Fable definitely offers greater rewards for evil as opposed to good."

That's the biggest disappointment to me.

Well, one has to have more reward than the other. There are only two. Of course they could be equal but that's not likely. I alike playing as good but I'll replay as evil as I did in Kotor.


I dunno. I'm cool with evil being rewarded. Making evil the only option (a la Manhunt) ain't necessarily fun, but giving evil an advantage is just realistic, IMO ^_^



WarPig said:
I dunno. I'm cool with evil being rewarded. Making evil the only option (a la Manhunt) ain't necessarily fun, but giving evil an advantage is just realistic, IMO ^_^


IAWTP :) <Always wanted to do that>

Anyway, you're right evil always reaps the largest reward, that his until you get caught.

MC Safety

IJoel said:
I guess I'm worried there's not enough open land to explore. Something like PSO would feel too constrained.

But, tell us specifically, how does it compare to PSO, in terms of areas and landscapes?

Here's the thing: If you're looking to explore aimlessly for hours upon hours, well, you're doing it in the wrong game. That's my point: Albion is a well-inhabited world -- it's pretty much all settled and you're not going to be wandering all that much.

Fable is about building a hero. It's not about being Lewis and Clark mapping uncharted territories.


PSO is an odd comparison, because that was self-contained dungeons. fable is like many/most RPGs of this generation -- you go from area to area connected by paths; it's not a world, per se. if you played FFX or star ocean 3 (which, erm, isn't out yet either, but) you have the general idea.


Disco Stu said:
Fable is about building a hero. It's not about being Lewis and Clark mapping uncharted territories.

Well, it's also not about being a trade baron or an interior decorator, but you can still be those things if you want.


Well, I think a lot of people were expecting a large, seamless world on the level of something like Grand Theft Auto. I guess I can't name names, but it seems like the press hasn't really been shy about hyping it up as the GTA of RPGs.

Is it sort of like Zelda: OOT? (edit: In terms of how areas are connected and strung together)

MC Safety

Redbeard said:
Well, it's also not about being a trade baron or an interior decorator, but you can still be those things if you want.

Come back to me with that statement once you've actually played the game.


border said:
Well, I think a lot of people were expecting a large, seamless world on the level of something like Grand Theft Auto. I guess I can't name names, but it seems like the press hasn't really been shy about hyping it up as the GTA of RPGs.

Is it sort of like Zelda: OOT? (edit: In terms of how areas are connected and strung together)

I wasn't really expecting massive areas, but I was hoping there would be some open spaces in the forest/desert/whatever (rather than being just a path to get somewhere.)


Disco Stu said:
Come back to me with that statement once you've actually played the game.

Oh man. I don't want to know. :(

Well, from the stuff that was described (not too long ago) you could influence trade and market values for various items to your advantage, buy things for your house, etc...

My point was more that they provide distractions that aren't tied specifically to being a hero.


border said:
Well, I think a lot of people were expecting a large, seamless world on the level of something like Grand Theft Auto. I guess I can't name names, but it seems like the press hasn't really been shy about hyping it up as the GTA of RPGs.

ding ding ding!


FWIW i certainly didn't have that preconception. i think i had a lot fewer preconceptions about fable than the people who are hating on my review =)


They talked Fable up as being free-roaming, but I had a feeling there would be "paths" through forest and fields and shit like that. To be honest, I prefer that, since I have some odd fascination with collecting everything and I end up spending hours upon hours in one area just to make sure I got it all. It's just more focused and better, all around, for enjoyable gaming.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
i think xian nailed it when he cited FFX. like an RPG, there are areas to explore, and roads(basically outdoor dungeons with off the beaten path chests strewn about) that connect one big area to the next. but it's hardly vast -- morrowind this is not. and thank god for that.

i think my disappointment with fable came when i discovered that the process of aging is artificially induced through finishing chapters. i mean, i wasn't crushed, but it basically reset my expectations.


chespace said:
i think my disappointment with fable came when i discovered that the process of aging is artificially induced through finishing chapters. i mean, i wasn't crushed, but it basically reset my expectations.


Jesus. The more I hear the less I like. :|
Well, you also age a lot faster if you use magic often. From the IGN review: "In the span of 20 game days, when using magic heavily, you will easily reach the max age of 65 (at which point you just stop growing older). It's meant to represent the strain of using magic, but it's far too severe and could keep some folks from using magic as much as they should, which is a shame."
I didn't live up to everything my parents expected, but I bet they'd give ME a 9.3 :D

I think at some point, you have to stop thinking about what could have been there and just enjoy what IS there. If you like what is there, it gets a high score. Seems simple to me.


Culex said:
With everything this game didn't live up to, how the hell did it get a 9.3?

lol too much hype now. Although i wouldnt expect anything other than a very high score from IGN or TXB anyway.
Please don't tell you're saying this game's world is as linear as the one in FFX, a game likely to be the most pathetically linear and limited Japanese RPG ever to be released(as far as the world/fields/dungeons go).

Damn has this gen ruined exploration in RPGs forever or what?

MC Safety

Wellington said:

Jesus. The more I hear the less I like. :|

Why is the absence of real-time (or even accelerated) aging such a big deal?

Watching someone grow old isn't particularly fun. It's like the ultimate in sandwich gameplay gone wrong.

It seems as if a lot of people are inventing things to dislike about Fable.
Hmm, I'm not too sure about Fable. I think with a game this hyped, I'd be better of waiting to hear the impressions from those who buy it on this and other boards. On the other hand, it DOES sound like the reviewer enjoyed the game immensely, after getting over the fact that it has had so many features dropped. But I'll have to wait until I hear first hand impressions before I decide whether that's the case. I hope it is. I need me a good action rpg.

As for the linearity...it's a bit of a disappointment, but disco stu put it into perspective. I don't like the sound of those load times, though.


Would be interesting to see all the features initially promised or at least hinted at in Project Ego, and compare it to the end result that is Fable.


Disco Stu said:
Why is the absence of real-time (or even accelerated) aging such a big deal?

Watching someone grow old isn't particularly fun. It's like the ultimate in sandwich gameplay gone wrong.

It seems as if a lot of people are inventing things to dislike about Fable.
i agree. i certainly didn't care that my character was aging. who wants to age?

i just want to play a fun-ass RPG with interesting shit to do and a cool story. fable has most of that stuff. just some of it isn't as fully executed as it should be.


buy/rent and play the game. otherwise move on with your life right now. these threads are getting mega-redundant now.
They were mega redundant three years ago. It's just like watching the same thread in reruns for the last three years.

"MolYElynx sux!11", "The fftaures are dropped!1", "even though I have no intention of buying this game, I'm disappointed!", "I own a Nintendo system, and the rpg genre is non existent! I must FITE the praise rpgs get on other systems!!". etc.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.



ferricide said:
these threads are getting mega-redundant now.

Just wait until the new console hardware hype gets into gear. Pana and others will flood the forum for several months. It is bad enough with the DS/PSP blather and schematics and technowankerisms.


Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
Well, you also age a lot faster if you use magic often. From the IGN review: "In the span of 20 game days, when using magic heavily, you will easily reach the max age of 65 (at which point you just stop growing older). It's meant to represent the strain of using magic, but it's far too severe and could keep some folks from using magic as much as they should, which is a shame."

Now THAT is the nail in the coffin for me. No Fable for me. You can have your dim witted warriors. Magic users are my thing in RPGs. (... and action RPGs. Give me a Zelda with Zelda as the protagonist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


I think a 9.3 is closer to how much I'm going to enjoy Fable. Seems that way. I like practically everything I hear about the game.

But how is GMR owned? That doesn't make any sense. For one, I thought we couldn't "trust" IGN, let alone Hilary? What if GamePro were to give Fable perfect 5s? I suppose GamePro would therefore own IGN. Or are we cool with IGN again?
Wow, it looks like Fable's quickly becoming the Matrix Reloaded of the Video Game world. I just hope that the die hard fans can at least get some joy out of it and take the game at face value. Also keep in mind that games like this happen every generation toward the end of a platform's lifetime, you know those games that push current hardware to its limit.

We saw this with Super mario 3 on Nes, we saw it with Donkey Kong Country on Snes, Gunstar Heroes on Genesis, and on and on......

This game is mainly a prelude for things to come next Gen. and I, for one, am all for it (Random turn-based style battles can go straight to hell as far as I'm concerned)
P90 said:
Now THAT is the nail in the coffin for me. No Fable for me. You can have your dim witted warriors. Magic users are my thing in RPGs. (... and action RPGs. Give me a Zelda with Zelda as the protagonist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The nail in the coffin is that your character will look old if he uses magic? OH NOS THE GAME IS TEH BRokEN!111 Hahahahaha, get the hell out of here.
Kcerrid 31 said:
Wow, it looks like Fable's quickly becoming the Matrix Reloaded of the Video Game world. I just hope that the die hard fans can at least get some joy out of it and take the game at face value. Also keep in mind that games like this happen every generation toward the end of a platform's lifetime, you know those games that push current hardware to its limit.

We saw this with Super mario 3 on Nes, we saw it with Donkey Kong Country on Snes, Gunstar Heroes on Genesis, and on and on......

This game is mainly a prelude for things to come next Gen. and I, for one, am all for it (Random turn-based style battles can go straight to hell as far as I'm concerned)

The difference of course being that I think we can all agree that each of the titles you've listed above were indeed among the best of the best.
And from all reports Fable sounds like it's at least a very good action rpg. Even though many of the features originally planned have eben left out, it's still doing more than any other console rpg yet, in terms of innovation and originality.
Speevy said:
It's doing different things, unique things. More things? Not from the reviews I've read.

OK that's it!! It's quotes like this one that make this thread become more and more silly, like someone said, trying to find something NOT to like about the game. For everyone posting here, it should be mandated by all mods that everyone at least try this game out and post a short review.

I remember a poster a while back was claiming he owned an Xbox, but was owned to high heaven so badly by a mod, he now resides in an insane asylum (poor soul). So, if you're going to judge, you gotta play the game as well (It's gonna be BIG FUN once GTA SA is released)


Two things came to mind after reading this:

1: After hyping up this game so much the past few years, how could IGN be expected to give it less than a 9.x score?

2: The people here on gaming-age are so psychologically weak that they need to do anything they can to convince themselves that this game is good. I.E. this review negates the "negative" (as if an 8 is a bad score, but after being hyped up for years they couldn't expect anything less than a 10) GMR score. For most people I'd say this rhetorical war over whether Fable is a "good" game or not won't even affect anyone who plays the game but is only used as fodder in this rhetorical console war on the internet. This goes not only for Fable but for all big games and systems ever released. Seriously people, if you want to convince yourself that this is a good/bad game then you can do it to yourself and not have to start pointless threads on a videogame forum. But I suppose that there must be so many people out there with this condition that, as they say, "birds of a flock fly together" and that if you repeat anything long enough, it will become the truth. I'm not pro or anti-Fable but I'm sick of all these stupid Fable threads in which people are using the words of gaming publications as ammunition in some lame war and what people should be doing is reserving judgement until they play the game for themselves and then they can see what it's like for themselves.


P90 said:
Now THAT is the nail in the coffin for me. No Fable for me. You can have your dim witted warriors. Magic users are my thing in RPGs. (... and action RPGs. Give me a Zelda with Zelda as the protagonist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
what are you talking about? the magic system is probably the most fun part of the combat system. so enjoy it. does it fucking matter if you age? o_O
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