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(IGN) hands-on with xbox live arcade



available november 3rd. disc can be ordered from xbox.com ($5 for shipping and handling).

A $10 minimum for something like the Namco Arcade package seems a little steep. The thought that the package could end up as much as $20 makes me wonder who came up with this price point? Will gamers lay down that kind of cash for old school arcade games, board games, and newly-created mini-games? That remains to be seen. I do know that most expected the price to be $5 a package, but that's not happening.
i agree.

its a good idea and i'd pay $5 for a package of 3 classic games but thats about it. microsoft has been pretty good with listening to fans and trying to comply, let's see how it plays out.
Watch the prices 'magically' lower to a more reasonable level once they find they cannot sell... I'm all for this, but it has to be worth it...
They say AT LEAST $10 for the set of Pac-Man, Dig-Dug, and Galaga? Plus the $5 shipping charge for the disk? Don't think so. $5, maybe. I think this will be a dismal failure. Now let us never speak of Xbox live arcade again.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
So you have to buy a $5 launcher disc even BEFORE you get access to be able to purchase the games?

#1 Yes it's only five bucks... but..
#2 That's still pretty funny.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
MightyHedgehog said:
I think that's just for S&H. Wasn't the launcher disc supposed to be available for free at B&M retailers?

Yes that's just S&H the article doesn't say anything about stores, I sure as hell would hope it's available in stores....
Yeah. At first, I wasn't too excited about XBL arcade, but after seeing that it will offer up online-play for some (or maybe most) of the games as well as some games that I want, I changed my mind. However, now, they are looking like they'll be releasing small packs for prices that seem completely unjustified... Hopefully, they'll wake up and understand exactly what they're trying to sell to people by looking at more fairly-priced packs and games. The lack of any real confirmation about the launcher disc availability is worrying. Wake up, dudes...there's still time to prevent this thing from starting off very slowly or just outright failing.


This is from jesiatha who is one the XBL Arcade team...

Discs will be available via mail, in Xbox Live starter kits, possibly via OXM, possibly sent out to current subscribers.

I'll also agree that the games seem overpriced. I'm sure I can find a copy of Namco arcade for less than $20 with more games.

However, I expect the free trial versions to be just as robust as their internet counterparts. The free XBL Arcade version of Zuma should be just like the one on the internet.

Hopefully games like Hamsterball will be cheaper on XBL aracade than they are on the internet. I think Hamsterball is about $17 on the internet, so if XBL Arcade sells it for $10 than that's good... but I'm guessing it will be $20, which isn't worth it.


Quotes from this thread have been forwarded on to the people who make the pricing decision :)

I agree with you all - at a $20 price point, I'm going to go buy a platinum title. The business people disagree.


Also - has anyone in this thread every purchased any downloadable content? I'm not sure what all has cost money - PGR2 packs, Links course, MechAssault pack?


Not bitter, just unsweetened
i've bought all the pgr2 and mechassault packs and i find this to be way too expensive.

$5 and $10 i can live with, but when I'm faced with hamsterball vs over half the Xbox gamesbase at the same price... I would rather sift through the hard copies of games.


Jesiatha said:
Also - has anyone in this thread every purchased any downloadable content? I'm not sure what all has cost money - PGR2 packs, Links course, MechAssault pack?

I've paid for 2 PGR2 packs and 2 Links courses. I know that some people will argue that the Paris PGR2 pack was a rip-off, but I haven't regretted buying any of them. I certainly wouldn't have paid more than $5 though.


Yeah, these prices are too high. Too many hawt new games for cheap where 20 dollars is extravagent for older titles.

Hey Jesiatha, you should also pass along info that the Marathon series should be available on Xbox Live! Arcade someday. Perhaps someday soon. :D


Put it like this.....

With the current crop of games they are offering, I don't think I'm going to buy it at all.

However, if they manage to put up Super Puzzle Fighter II available for download, I shit you not I would pay up to $100 for an Xbox Live version of that game! Puzzle Kombat is no substitute!


Quotes from this thread have been forwarded on to the people who make the pricing decision

I agree with you all - at a $20 price point, I'm going to go buy a platinum title. The business people disagree.


Also, let them in on "the iTunes effect." When something is attractively priced, you don't hesitate at buying it. By this I mean "$.99" just is a really special price point. One that allows people (like me) to buy about 6-7 songs and feeling like I got a good deal. If songs on iTunes were $2.00 or even $1.50 I probably wouldn't buy them.

Something like $4.99/game and none of these "Packs" of games would be much better. I could justify $5 for dig dug. I could justify $5 for pac-man, and $5 for Galaga. But $15-20 for all 3...even though it's so close in price, doesn't really make me wanna buy.

I have a feeling where Xbox Live Arcade could excel is impulse buys when people are in the mood for something new or different. Much like how my iTunes purchases work. I hear a catchy song on the radio, I go buy it for a buck. Making $15-20 purchases just requires so much more motivation than a small $5 one.

Just my $.02..


(more a nerd than a geek)
Aren't all the "classic" arcade games ones already available for purchase in compilations for $20?

I suppose the online element is supposed to be appealing, but most of the older games I've seen mentioned aren't really all that much fun as two player games today.

Does Midway's Arcade Treasures 2 support online play on the Xbox?


DavidDayton said:
Does Midway's Arcade Treasures 2 support online play on the Xbox?

No... they (both Arcade treasures) support uploadable scoreboards though. Essentially that's all your doing by playing head-to-head arcade classics. Just seeing who has the better score.

Really, I don't even think the Namco arcade classics on XBL arcade have head-to-head play. I think they just have uploadable scoreboards as well.

The real problem I have with XBL Arcade is that it is one of the best ideas for Xbox Live, but it is getting fucked over by bad management.

Fact: XBL Arcade should reside on the dashboard. If I have to put in the disc everytime I want to play on XBL Arcade, what's the advantage of it versus the Namco compilation disc.

Fact: XBL Arcade should not be so expensive. fugimax was dead on. These games should be at most $5. I know of several games I would buy for $5, but I honestly can't think of one I would buy for $20... especially given the method we have to use to play them.


Shit, I was thinking something like you'd buy a $20 disc, and after that, as long as you had Xbox Live, all the games would basically be free.

Screw these prices. I won't even consider Arcade. I mean, paying anything for old or overly simple games is kinda sucky, but at those prices, I won't even think twice about it. It's just not happening.


Is there an official game list of whats coming out in the future?
Can we expect games like Strider, Wrestle War, and/or R-Type1 coming out on this thing?

I only want good arcade games that are 100% exact to their arcade counter part. I will pay 20 bucks for a online version of Street Fighter Alpha 2 or Killer Instinct any day!


seismologist said:
$10 - $20 is laughable. These games should be free just to give people a reason to stay on Xbox Live.

Would you not pay $10 for a perfect port with online play of Final Fight, Forgotten Worlds, Cadash, Nam 1975, etc.?


WordofGod said:
Would you not pay $10 for a perfect port with online play of Final Fight, Forgotten Worlds, Cadash, Nam 1975, etc.?

but that's the problem....we aren't getting those great games :(


jedimike said:
Fact: XBL Arcade should reside on the dashboard. If I have to put in the disc everytime I want to play on XBL Arcade, what's the advantage of it versus the Namco compilation disc.

You nailed it.
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