IGN: How About Metal Gear Solid 4 in Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 2? ‘Stay Tuned,’ Konami Says


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?

Now, in a recent interview with IGN to discuss the upcoming Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater, Konami producer Noriaki Okamura teased Vol. 2 and its inclusion of Metal Gear Solid 4.

Asked directly about bringing Metal Gear Solid 4 to modern consoles, Okamura replied:

“We definitely are aware of this situation with MGS4. Unfortunately we can't really say too much at the moment with Vol. 1 containing MGS 1-3 dot dot dot… you can probably connect the dots!

“Right now we still are internally concerned about what we should be doing for the future of the series. So sorry, we can't really reveal anything at the moment. But stay tuned!”

A very non-answer answer, but I'm sure they're aware of how many people want MGS4 out of the PS3 purgatory.
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I’ll keep my rosy memories of it thank you very much. Thinking back, I don’t think it’s playable anymore with how long the cutscenes are. I’m just gonna remember it being amazing and leave it at that. Lord knows it’s got 3 hours of gameplay at the absolute most.
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I’ll keep my rosy memories of it thank you very much. Thinking back, I don’t think it’s playable anymore with how long the cutscenes are. I’m just gonna remember it being amazing and leave it at that. Lord knows it’s got 3 hours of gameplay at the absolute most.

I finished it in ~ 18 hours first time i played it. It has 7 hours of cutscenes.
You do the math.


I finished it in ~ 18 hours first time i played it. It has 7 hours of cutscenes.
You do the math.
Which part is gameplay? All I remember is the opening level, the city streets at night which sucked, the Shadow Moses part which was cool fan service, and then the crawl through the microwave. What am I missing?


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.

Wonder what Snake will tell Otocon to get a grip about in a re-release


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I finished it in ~ 18 hours first time i played it. It has 7 hours of cutscenes.
You do the math.
8 hours and the ending is 71mins and the "Guns Of the Patriot" scene is about an hour too
49% of MGS4 is cutscenes including codecs.
MGS1 had 5 hours of cutscenes, MGS4's are just fucking long.
Also the fact that your first playthrough you'll be slapped with the installation after those is another reason people think there's not much gameplay.
But other then those two scenes and having it installed it okay, just like another MGS
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I will say MGS4 does have special place in my library of games, it's probably the only game I actually felt connected to the character.
Revisiting Shadow Moses 9 years in Snakes & the players world was something.


MGS4 was quite the show when it released. Personally I liked it, though upon replays its visible how it becomes worse and more linear with every chapter. Still, I ended up doing a full stealth no kill/death run when trophies were added and this was very doable.

Game was GOTY twice on GAF boys.


Which part is gameplay? All I remember is the opening level, the city streets at night which sucked, the Shadow Moses part which was cool fan service, and then the crawl through the microwave. What am I missing?

What do you mean what are you missing? All the rest of course. Which is a lot. That's not to say i woulnd't have wanted double the gameplay time, who didn't, it was masterclass in stealth.

The immense replay value compensated though. I think i re-played it at least 20 times, it was that replayable. MGS2 was the only other game in the series i may have replayed more.


8 hours and the ending is 71mins and the "Guns Of the Patriot" scene is about an hour too
49% of MGS4 is cutscenes including codecs.
MGS1 had 5 hours of cutscenes, MGS4's are just fucking long.
Also the fact that your first playthrough you'll be slapped with the installation after those is another reason people think there's not much gameplay.
But other then those two scenes and having it installed it okay, just like another MGS

Mgs1 had under two hours. Maybe TTS had ~ 2 or a bit more.
Those installs were a drag, and that's on Sony not allowing the full install at the time of release.
Bet they will try to make a port with minimum effort and cut content but let's give Konami the benefit of doubt.

I really care more about Solid Snake than Big Boss. MGS4 is flawed but pretty good and very emotional if you played MGS1-3.

Sounds amazing, great soundtrack
Locations; Middle East, Shadow Moses or South America
Gameplay; Octocamo, plenty new tricks and weapons
Cutscenes; questionable length ok but some are just awesome like in the Middle East or the Microwave sequence
I like the characters in here, Old Snake, Ultimate Raiden, Liquid Ocelot or Drebin

faction mechanic was pointless same with the weird PMCs ads in the beginning
B&B unit were not that interesting
Meryl and Johnny thing is very irritating with long cutscenes. Same with stuff in the Nomad
Some clunky moments like Eastern Europe level
Nanomachines plot device

Replayed the game many times. Plus i was addicted to MGO at the time.
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who knows what they finagled to get this on modern consoles. i wonder if its emulated or a shitty chinese port, but i bet they wont touch the code


Gold Member
Drugs probably.
Considering Season 3 GIF by Portlandia


if they ever port it, I wonder if they port it without any changes. that would almost require emulating a PS3's functions in a way. which would be weird.

so they almost have to do a full remaster or even remake to decouple the game from the PS3, and to not make it come across like a bothed port.
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It would be nice if they could open up the Peace Walker multiplayer for a modern matchmaking system.

Back in the day you had to change your PS3 region to Japan, language back to English, set up a new account, then download something called AdHoc Party then you could play non local multiplayer.

There was no voice chat and I kept my flip phone plugged in for so long the plastic melted around the plug.


What do you mean what are you missing? All the rest of course. Which is a lot. That's not to say i woulnd't have wanted double the gameplay time, who didn't, it was masterclass in stealth.

The immense replay value compensated though. I think i re-played it at least 20 times, it was that replayable. MGS2 was the only other game in the series i may have replayed more.
Which section did a I miss? I’m legit asking because I don’t remember. Only play through was at launch. Love MGS. The way I remember it, the only area that you really have all your tools available is the first section in the middle eastern country.


No it wasn't, and most probably the most "showcase" you remember were part of those 30 gb prerecorded cutscenes lol.

Except for two cutscenes, (impossible to do on ps3) all others are rendered fully in realtime, and yes they are the best realtime rendered cutscenes ps3 ever saw (Re5 came close but...no match).
Also the entire game is under 30 gb.


Which section did a I miss? I’m legit asking because I don’t remember. Only play through was at launch. Love MGS. The way I remember it, the only area that you really have all your tools available is the first section in the middle eastern country.
Best way to refresh your memory is to either replay it or watch a long play. Here:


Best way to refresh your memory is to either replay it or watch a long play. Here:

Ah, I forgot the first section becomes that grassland part. Man just scrubbing through, I think you're right. I could totally play this again.
Live action scenes in the beginning were a trip back in the day especially seeing David Hayter. Obviously everyone had goosebumps when you first enter the snowy Shadow Moses and the music plays. ACTUALLY controlling Metal Gear was fun. Raiden not only looked and sounded cooler but he surpassed Grey Fox as the ultimate cybernetic ninja. Imagine if we got to play as Raiden in MGS4?! The final fight with Ocelot is basically the entire Yakuza franchise in terms of cinematic style.

I would really love to hear the original Japanese voices and experience MGS4 for the true anime that it is. I saw a comment on youtube that stated the actor who played Big Boss was the real father of Akio Ōtsuka (Solid Snake). That's pretty cool.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Imagine if they include functioning mgo with it but not need a Konami ID.

Wouldn’t have to play bootleg pc version people put together.


No shit, as soon as the last collection was announced as 'Vol 1', we knew this was coming. A collection of PW, Rising and V would be lame as fuck.


How would Snake disable his octocamo on Xbox? Their controller doesn’t have gyro.

The Mantis and Sorrow dolls use gyro as well.

You could also jiggle Rose’s boobs during the codec by moving the controller.
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I’ll keep my rosy memories of it thank you very much. Thinking back, I don’t think it’s playable anymore with how long the cutscenes are. I’m just gonna remember it being amazing and leave it at that. Lord knows it’s got 3 hours of gameplay at the absolute most.
Yeah in retrospective as a game, MGS 4 does not hold up well.
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