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(IGN) Madden NFL 2005 - 9.5




The newspapers and PDA system are brilliant ways to keep track of your franchise. If only there was a SportsCenter show or its equivalent.


Improved player models, from the shoulder pads to the uniform matching cleats are a nice touch, but not up to the models in ESPN.


Tony Bruno's radio show is a kick to listen to, even if Al and John aren't.


There are two D's in the word Madden for a reason. This might just be the smartest sports game ever shipped.


Lasting Appeal
Franchise, online leagues, and an All-Madden mode that's actually a challenge. This game could have a lifespan longer than Ricky Williams career... without all the smoke.

Overall: 9.5


There are two D's in the word Madden for a reason. This might just be the smartest sports game ever shipped.


If you have $70.00, buy a copy of each game and be thankful for owning both. If you only have $20.00, beg someone for $30.00 more and buy yourself a copy of Madden.



keep your strippers out of my American football
Obviously the haters in this thread will be the ones that don't play football games at all or haven't played since Madden 64. But will come out the woodwork to hate on Madden. I have seen even ESPN fans turn on their game this year. If Madden is as good as they are saying, or even looks that good in comparison to ESPN, I am down.

Given everything I have read from players, not reviewers who have Madden already, this game is incredible.


Awesome, especially since anyone who knows their shit and has played ESPN knows by now....the AI sucks in that game. Ruins the game.

As Dskillz said, the haters are the ones who haven't played a football game in years, or people who are seriously deluded. I wanted every game to be great this year, but I was let down.
stupid americans..

This is starting to look like Europe a few years ago where every fifa would get 9+ ratings until they realised that the game actually was average at best..



"They are coming..."


Justin Bailey

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Cold Shadow said:
stupid americans..

This is starting to look like Europe a few years ago where every fifa would get 9+ ratings until they realised that the game actually was average at best..
You managed to troll Madden fans AND Americans in the same post. Nice.


"If you have $70.00, buy a copy of each game and be thankful for owning both. If you only have $20.00, beg someone for $30.00 more and buy yourself a copy of Madden."

Great line lol!

I always planned on getting Madden anyway, but this just makes it even easier :).

Wish I had XBL though :(.
I think this years Madden, is setting the stage for the next gen. 2006 or 2007 where everything will well balanced. Visual, Gameplay, and Presentation etc.

Right now this year is my most anticipated.
bishoptl said:
I don't give a shit what any of these reviewers say. The only guy I need to hear from is FMT!

Seriously, FMT is the ONLY guy who can analyze a football game here, and that includes the GA reviewer slated to review Madden 2005. It's no knock on Brian, but FMT lives it, breathes it, and will make you cry tears of joy with his wise words. Aside from the Niners being rated too low.


In all honestly, many sports games that get stellar reviews turn out later to have different bugs, exploits, etc. than previous iterations that quickly reduce the quality of the title and hamper its longevity.

Some sports games with above average reviews turn into timeless classics because they have a very even, comfortable feel that ages nicely, along with having few glaring issues.

Time will tell, but it's always fun to get excited and optimistic and this is a glowing review. It looks to be my first EA sports title for the Xbox.


Sure, keep it on Pro level and you can still run up the score and throw off of your back foot 40-yards to a streaking receiver.

Far too often in the past, and even in ESPN this year, you'll throw a spiral over the middle and watch the linebacker just stand there as it whizzes by his helmet. That doesn't happen when playing All-Madden.

I don't get how ESPN gets raped for being horrible on default settings, yet this is fine w/ Madden. Will everyone online just play All-Madden then, including tournaments and such?

I definitely don't get the big riff on defensive hot routes since, in the description, it sounds exactly like what ESPN has been doing. What is the difference exactly? I assume the biggest one is that it's easier to QB Spy?

The Hit Stick sounds like it will get abused once people get the timing down (not by anyone here in particular but by the "general" online cheezer). Also, sounds damn arcadey, but only time will tell.


not an idiot
bishoptl said:
I don't give a shit what any of these reviewers say. The only guy I need to hear from is FMT!
Seconded. (EDIT: I mean thirded).

Cold Shadow said:
stupid americans..

This is starting to look like Europe a few years ago where every fifa would get 9+ ratings until they realised that the game actually was average at best..
You seriously should be banned for that comment.
Haha, ok, DM, thanks to your bet from the official Madden thread, you must wear that badge of shame for the ENTIRE NFL season. Don't break your bet or else!


And ironic that after one year, ESPN NFL fans are bitching about ESPN just getting crapped on with default settings, while when FMT used this defense last year for Madden, everyone went off on him because of damage control. And also, can you apply these settings to online play?

In another thread, go ahead and post your sliders for ESPN NFL so people can experience what you experience. Perhaps it will change the minds of people like Fifty and Wellington.


It doesn't matter. I play online with the big boys and there are no online sliders. ESPN sucks, case closed. Sorry. I'm really not being unfair, because we all went into it with high hopes. Madden will save us!


This is weird: ESPN gets a lower score?
10.0 Presentation
Quite simply, a sports game has never been this well-presented. This is the poster child for exemplary use of a license.

9.0 Graphics
This is one handsome football game. Great animations, excellent player models, and cool ESPN integration make this a looker.

9.0 Sound
Excellent contextual commentary utilizes the ESPN talent to the fullest. On-field sounds and music make it even better.

9.0 Gameplay
Realistic and fun, packed with modes and features, this is a very complete game. Default difficulty is still too easy.

10.0 Lasting Appeal
Can you make $20 stretch further? Online head-to-head and league play, an excellent Franchise mode, the collectible Crib, and cool VIP feature means you'll be playing this one 'til the cows come home.


Madden 2005
9.0 Presentation
The newspapers and PDA system are brilliant ways to keep track of your franchise. If only there was a SportsCenter show or its equivalent.

8.0 Graphics
Improved player models, from the shoulder pads to the uniform matching cleats are a nice touch, but not up to the models in ESPN.

7.0 Sound
Tony Bruno's radio show is a kick to listen to, even if Al and John aren't.

9.0 Gameplay
There are two Ds in the word Madden for a reason. This might just be the smartest sports game ever shipped.

10 Lasting Appeal
Franchise, online leagues, and an All-Madden mode that's actually a challenge. This game could have a lifespan longer than Ricky Williams career?without all the smoke.



It's not an average, so the sub scores don't affect the final score. Also, the gameplay score could equal 9.4 for Madden & 9.2 for ESPN. It's just rounded off, so it's shown as basically even.


And ironic that after one year, ESPN NFL fans are bitching about ESPN just getting crapped on with default settings, while when FMT used this defense last year for Madden, everyone went off on him because of damage control. And also, can you apply these settings to online play?

As far as I know, ESPN was always crapped on about the default settings, even when it was NFL2K series (though ironically, a couple of reviews have said Pro was actually good this year). I've heard that complaint for a while. What I was getting at was that the review seemed to imply All-Madden was the best way to play, particularly for the defensive AI, so how would this affect tourneys/leagues etc. As far as sliders, I don't have any since it would just become an obsessive side track that will take away from actually playing--I usually just leech off the OS Forums.


MaddenNFL64 said:
It's not an average, so the sub scores don't affect the final score. Also, the gameplay score could equal 9.4 for Madden & 9.2 for ESPN. It's just rounded off, so it's shown as basically even.

They're also from different reviewers.

Still, he has a point... it is pretty damn stupid, especially when the games were released so close to each other, and ideally, both games should have been reviewed by the same person. It's one of those things that reeks of laziness and/or lack of planning.


Its hilarious how people talk about it being a rehash or whatever,I wanna know where the fuck they are in the online forum if their such huge football players and know everything.Meh...

I assume the biggest one is that it's easier to QB Spy?

Maybe its the fact that Madden actually has a QB Spy,I dunno what that shit is in ESPN,even if you do get a spy,any QB will just speed by your defender like the roadrunner.I've out ran people with Tommy Maddox just to see if he could do it too,and he can,pathetic.

Bring on Madden,w00t
bob_arctor said:
What I was getting at was that the review seemed to imply All-Madden was the best way to play, particularly for the defensive AI, so how would this affect tourneys/leagues etc. As far as sliders, I don't have any since it would just become an obsessive side track that will take away from actually playing--I usually just leech off the OS Forums.

In 2004, All-Pro, which is below All-Madden, is used for online AI, and it's not easy at all. But All-Madden IS the best way to play if you're playing Franchise mode, which is what this reviewer covered in the 7 page piece. Franchise mode, which is the STAPLE of Madden, is the way to play.

Anyway, there is no way that ESPN NFL, from what I have read, can compare to Madden 2005. You can essentially create your own play if you're fast enough. Create mixed zone and man plays ON THE FLY. Last year's offensive audibles are still there, so you can't really create the perfect play to shut down every offensive move. QB Spy built in, and not only that, you can make 4 QB spy if you really wanted to, and on the fly. Suck it down, Michael Vick.


Ramirez said:
Its hilarious how people talk about it being a rehash or whatever,I wanna know where the fuck they are in the online forum if their such huge football players and know everything.Meh...

Yeah, we could use some more hardcore players.


WasabiKing said:
In another thread, go ahead and post your sliders for ESPN NFL so people can experience what you experience. Perhaps it will change the minds of people like Fifty and Wellington.

No way. Like Fifty, I approached this year's football season wanting to like all of them, hell I spent my hard earned money on both NCAA and ESPN so far, and have pre-ordered two copies of Madden. ESPN is a fun, but it's so horribly flawed it merely serves as a diversion until Madden arrives. If Madden somehow, someway turns out to suck, it's back to 2004 for me. I'm only out here to play the best representation of my favorite sport available. No amount of slider tweaking will fix the problems ESPN has.

Wasabi said:
Anyway, there is no way that ESPN NFL, from what I have read, can compare to Madden 2005. You can essentially create your own play if you're fast enough. Create mixed zone and man plays ON THE FLY. Last year's offensive audibles are still there, so you can't really create the perfect play to shut down every offensive move. QB Spy built in, and not only that, you can make 4 QB spy if you really wanted to, and on the fly. Suck it down, Michael Vick.

That's what I fuckin love. On offense, with playmaker and hot routes last year, you could play entire games and never have the same play twice. Sure you can pick the same thing from your playbook, but there are so many options at the line of scrimmage that it's just a budding QB or offensive coordinator's dream. I've always enjoyed playing the deIt's all going to be completely reactionary, deepening the feeling of a master strategy being played out on the grid-iron. That scrub at E3 was my first of many victims in Madden 2005. ;)


seems like a very biased review to me. Each category is rated lower then ESPN yet the overall score is higher? Also I didnt like his sly comment on if you dont have $50 borrow $30 cuz madden is so much better then ESPN. They should have the same reviewer review all the sports games of the same category. It makes it to hard to judge the reviews when a different review rates ESPN then Madden.
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