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IGN Overload: Metal Gear Solid 3


Tag of Excellence
Yeah ok, I'm doing a media blackout on this title.

As long as I have confirmation that this game does indeed rock (ie: much much much better than MGS2) then I am a happy man and will gleefully await for Konami loving. This is one of those games where I genuinly want to be suprised and excited by everything instead of knowing what's ahead.
TekunoRobby said:
Yeah ok, I'm doing a media blackout on this title.

As long as I have confirmation that this game does indeed rock (ie: much much much better than MGS2) then I am a happy man and will gleefully await for Konami loving. This is one of those games where I genuinly want to be suprised and excited by everything instead of knowing what's ahead.

yup same here, I still haven't seen the TGS 2004 trailer and I only saw a part of the E3 2004 trailer :p

I want this game to be a total surprise!


Thanks for the link.



"I'm reviewing it next week and this demo has me scared. I'm with MGH's original post. The game is not only set in the sixties but also feels decades old. Fix this one up, pleeease Konami."

So it's more or less done? Review next EGM? That's good news, I don't like the way this guy talks though. It look like he is going into the review with his opinion already set, but I sure hope not. I respect honesty, but it's like he WANTS to give MGS 3 a low score. Well done. I'll reserve my opinion on his review though, if it's well written, then good, if it's not, I may have to say something about it :p


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The demo is perfect training...

The game is a bit more complex than MGS2, so having a solid understanding of the gameplay prior to the final release should make for a more enjoyable experience.

I can't understand those demo complaints, though...

This, for example...

Also in the demo you couldn't grab enemies in a choke, i'm sure that it is in the final verison, but when you try to grab them in the demo you just clip through them.

...IS FALSE. You can grab enemies in the demo and you can do much more with them than you could in any of the previous games.

MGS3 plays wonderfully and I'm as excited as ever. It just isn't quite as easy to handle as the last games...


The Pain
This Cobra commando (har) appears menacing in his bright orange vest and stylish ski mask. Normally Snake wouldn't think twice about cracking his neck and then dishing out fashion tips, but Pain can control swarms of bees, and perhaps other creatures. This means he might be a little harder to take down. Let's just hope he keeps the sappy speeches to a minimum. "Life is unending pain, Snake. Do you know the habits of the average Russian bee? They are always in Pain, Snake. It's like the ancient warrior Mao Feng always said, 'Bees are painful creatures.' I will teach you pain for I am in bee-pain, Snake."
haha, they do have the mgs dialog down. It's funny becuase it actually sounds like possible game speak.

evil ways

I got the OPM last night and I can't believe 4-5 minutes into the demo I fell into some quicksand and died. There I was all giddy trying to shoot some crocs and suddenly I get sucked into the quicksand.


Lakitu said:
Thanks for the link.



"I'm reviewing it next week and this demo has me scared. I'm with MGH's original post. The game is not only set in the sixties but also feels decades old. Fix this one up, pleeease Konami."

So it's more or less done? Review next EGM? That's good news, I don't like the way this guy talks though. It look like he is going into the review with his opinion already set, but I sure hope not. I respect honesty, but it's like he WANTS to give MGS 3 a low score. Well done. I'll reserve my opinion on his review though, if it's well written, then good, if it's not, I may have to say something about it :p

EGMShawn doesn't work at EGM anymore, actually....


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Marconelly said:
Those guys must have played some different demo than I did. Oh well.

Yeah, that's what I'm wondering...

When the guy claims that the animation is terrible and that Splinter Cell shows how it should be done I couldn't help but shake my head in disgust.

I guess he enjoys enemies that animate like a low budget 1998 PC game... :\


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
akascream said:
I can't imagine trying to enjoy a game after so much information and media. No way I'm going there. :p

Well, to be fair, if there is ANY series that you need not worry about seeing too much pre-release media, it's MGS...

Kojima went out of his way to fool people with MGS2 and even included lots of scenes in his trailers that did not exist in the final game. I doubt we'll have another Raiden suprise here, but I'm sure he has some big things in store for us.

I watched tons of pre-release media for MGS2 and played the hell out of the demo, but the final game was still a complete suprise for me.

Then again, the trailer for ZOE2 was nothing but a giant spoiler fest. :\

One good thing is that a lot of the content found in various trailers shows up in the demo, which only covers a very small portion of the full game. There is a lot of material in store for us, I think...


MarkMacD said:
EGMShawn doesn't work at EGM anymore, actually....

Whom does he work for then?

Also, which issue can we expect an MGS 3 review? But I doubt that you could answer that :p

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
EGMShawn doesn't work at EGM anymore, actually....
How is he reviewing it, then? o_O

Yeah, that's what I'm wondering...
What I don't understand is that grabbing enemies complaint. It's clearly not true, and it sounds like he's pulling things out of his ass.





Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Marconelly said:
What I don't understand is that grabbing enemies complaint. It's clearly not true, and it sounds like he's pulling things out of his ass.

Yeah. Not only is it present, it is actually EASIER to pull off and offers more possibilities in MGS3...

It's certainly eaiser than Splinter Cell, which he continues to claim "spoiled" him. It's really hard to take him seriously when he holds Splinter Cell's single player mode so high. It's about as linear and scripted as you could possibly get and is just loaded with tons of little flaws.
To me it's a wash. I'm not much of a fan of either anymore. MG had a bit of a been there done that feel. And I wish they would fix the control a bit especially when on the ground. But, I think the killer for me was they went straight into Soap Opera mode. I got bored of that halfway thru the first MGS and I don't think I can go thru it again (not for full price at least).


Well what gets me is, many act as if, they know the game already, they know what it's gonna be about, they immediately think they have the right to judge it, and assume it'll be just like MGS 2. Don't you think Kojima listens to fans? Also, is there something wrong with having a plot? If you wanna go around the jungle, killing every mofo then you've got the wrong game. That would get tedious very quick. Just wait for the game, if you can't just wait for the reviews, don't judge it, don't be so quick to assume it'll have a "soap-opera" plot, this isn't MGS 2.
dark basically got it right. If you read 1Up's E3 round table, they basically seemed to want Konami to make Splinter Cell instead of Metal Gear.
Lakitu said:
Well what gets me is, many act as if, they know the game already, they know what it's gonna be about, they immediately think they have the right to judge it, and assume it'll be just like MGS 2. Don't you think Kojima listens to fans? Also, is there something wrong with having a plot? If you wanna go around the jungle, killing every mofo then you've got the wrong game. That would get tedious very quick. Just wait for the game, if you can't just wait for the reviews, don't judge it, don't be so quick to assume it'll have a "soap-opera" plot, this isn't MGS 2.

What I want to do is play a game and not listen to Snake pine away for 10 minutes about a forlon love lost and the cryptic meaning of loyality to the end. That is boring to me I want to get into the game.
Tommie Hu$tle said:
What I want to do is play a game and not listen to Snake pine away for 10 minutes about a forlon love lost and the cryptic meaning of loyality to the end. That is boring to me I want to get into the game.

Skip the cutscenes then.


Marconelly said:
How is he reviewing it, then? o_O

What I don't understand is that grabbing enemies complaint. It's clearly not true, and it sounds like he's pulling things out of his ass.

shawn is now at gamestar.
SolidSnakex said:
Skip the cutscenes then.

And risk missing out on play mechanics or plot points that are actually necessary for me to complete the game? That's retarded. How about the implement a new way of commuication where I don't necessarly have to get away from the "game" (you know the part where I actually get to use to control to make something happen?) I would like to see it where they can talk to me while I'm on the move. Killswitch and Manhunt are examples of a games that gave instructions like that I would like to see it implemented here.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
dark basically got it right. If you read 1Up's E3 round table, they basically seemed to want Konami to make Splinter Cell instead of Metal Gear.
Do you have a link to that. I'd like to read it. Not for the MGS vs SC, but to read it in general. I think I've missed their E3 recap.

And risk missing out on play mechanics or plot points that are actually necessary for me to complete the game?
That basically cannot happen because:
a) You get a codec call with quick explanaiton what you are supposed to do if you get stuck somewhere.
b) If you get tired of not being able to figure it out, you can give a call to whoever is in charge of the 'mission' and he'll give you a 5 second recap of what you have to do.

You seriously cannot get stuck anywhere in the game if you decide to completely skip codec sequences, at least you couldn't in the first two games.

Don't get me wrong, I too would like to have some kind of in-gameplay radio talk going on, but that again wouldn't work due to the sometimes long storytelling nature in those radio codecs.
Marconelly said:
Do you have a link to that. I'd like to read it. Not for the MGS vs SC, but to read it in general. I think I've missed their E3 recap.

Do a Google search for "E3 2004 Roundtable" and it should come up. They only talk about it for a bit.


Has problems recognising girls
Tommie Hu$tle said:
What I want to do is play a game and not listen to Snake pine away for 10 minutes about a forlon love lost and the cryptic meaning of loyality to the end. That is boring to me I want to get into the game.
Playing the wrong games by the wrong creator.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Tommie Hu$tle said:
What I want to do is play a game and not listen to Snake pine away for 10 minutes about a forlon love lost and the cryptic meaning of loyality to the end. That is boring to me I want to get into the game.

I really ENJOY those aspects of the MGS games. I want the story and I enjoy those lengthy codec scenes in addition to the actual cutscenes.

You don't like that? Guess what? The game isn't for you then. Go play something else.

There ARE fans of those aspects, even if you do not care for them. It's almost akin to whining about a random punk band not playing enough hip-hop or something. That's NOT what they do and you shouldn't be expecting it. If you are at all familiar with the way Kojima does things, you should know damn well what to expect and should not start crying about it when they actually show up!

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Isn't anyone going to comment on IGN's term paper?
That article seems like a spoiler city. No way I'm reading it. I didn't even watch the boss introductions in the trailer all that carefuly, just so that I don't spoil things too much.

I read their ending comments, though. They all pretty much seemed to cautiously optimistic, but worried that it could be MGS2 all over again (like that'd be such a bad thing...)

Who was the guy who reviewed MGS2 on IGN? I remember the game got a glowing review there, actually.
that was a pretty crappy write-up IGN did. there are no real spoilers by the way. justa bunch of specualtion and hear-say. and for them to say that the game is basically MGS2 is really missing the boat. and CQC is just a glorified choke-hold and three hit combo? gimme a break.......


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I read their ending comments, though. They all pretty much seemed to cautiously optimistic, but worried that it could be MGS2 all over again

Ha, I hope it's MGS2 all over again.


evil solrac v3.0 said:
i do hope that there are twists and turns like mgs2. haters will hate no matter what.
I hope so too, and I'm certain it will be twists and stuff. Don't give a damn about the haterz. The game will get awesome scores and sell very well. That's enough for me to ignore them :p
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