The problem, of course, is you're incapable of forming a serious response. Probably best you continue making terrible attempts at jokes.
I know you're banned, but I will lay out my argument for you, because as antagonistic as I was, I do actually hope I can change your mind. I agree women deserve a safe space, and society is not at the point were men and women can be comfortably be unclothed in the safe place without undesirable consequences. Generally, I agree that it is a good idea to separate men and women at this point in time.
Consider this, however: although women deserve a safe space, who gets to decide the limitations of that safe space? A white woman, cannot, for example, take exception to a black woman in her changing room because she fears for her safety due to racial prejudice. A heterosexual woman can't take exception to a homosexual woman for similar reasons, and along the same vein, as uncomfortable as the idea may be right now, a cisgendered woman shouldn't take exception to a transgendered woman.
A transgendered woman is not male in gender, and do not think of herself as a man. Any presuppositions as to how men would behave around women in the nude does not apply. Lesbian transgendered women do exist, but lesbians are allowed in women's changing rooms. Anyway, there aren't any scenarios that I know of that transgendered women actually present an appreciable threat compared to cisgendered women, so we're operating on pure presumptive prejudice here. Again, I don't disagree that it might be uncomfortable, but it's one of those things society will need to grapple with to move forward.