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I'm A Little Worried About Viewtiful Joe 2...


I loved the first Viewtiful Joe, but after seeing all the new movies on VJ2, it doesn't look like there are any new moves/gameplay. I really could care less about playing as Sylvia (could do that in the first one). What's new in VJ2 other than new stages? Seems to be more of an expansion than a sequel. I really hate these expansions that companies want to call sequels.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.


Why would the avail. media give away all the potential suprises anyway?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Well the only new move I have seen is "Replay." You record a move and then hit replay to make it happen again and again. Other than that I agree with you, seems like just an expansion. Which is why so many people aren't really excited about it, despite being big fans of the first game. Oh yeah, and there are more sections with the Six Machine. And of course the co-op mode.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Meh, I don't really care one way or another. The first game wasn't bad, but it didn't live up to my expectations at all. I finished it, but it was not always compelling...

I think I will skip the sequel.


I’m a bit worried about Halo 2… you are still master chief, he is still green, you still kill the same enemies, you can still drive that hume, it's still a FPS, it still uses the name Halo… same old same old
my anticipation of love for VJ one = 9/10

my anticipation fo love for VJ two = 5/10

don't know what went wrong.. oh wait. I can't finish the title cause of Fire Leo. :| VJ is coolcats though and deserves more sales.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Deepthroat said:
I'm trapped in VJ1. Is Episode 6 supposed to be this hard? I mean, c'mon :|

Ah yes, The Magnificent 5. I went through that part quite a few times. After awhile you can do the boss battles in your sleep. I actually noticed how much I had improved, I no longer took any damage from Charles, Hulk, Gran, or Another Joe. I know it might suck, but my only advice would be try to remember the patterns and strategy you used to beat them before. They haven't really changed that much, they're just a bit stronger.


VJ2 is VJ.
There's almost nothing new moves-wise and it plays exactly the same.

That being said, from what I've played of it at E3 & TGS the level designs are AAA just like VJ and since the core gameplay is already fantastic, VJ2 is an extremely fun and well designed game just like VJ1. It might not be innovative, but it was probably the most fun I had playing a game at E3.


Tag of Excellence
There is one confirmed brand new move and I think there's another one that hasn't been shown. There is co-op mode and the levels will be more focused on puzzles this time around.

Pretty much it's comparable to an expansion pack but if they rework the formula enough this could be a killer sequel.

If none of that interests you then you always have Okami and Viewtiful Joe DS to look foward too!


Viewtiful Joe is one of my favourite games of all time, and even if VJ2 is just VJ with new levels and enemies, i'll still get it, and love it. It looks like what an old school sequel would be. Most likely if they add new stuff (which they are, obviously), i'll like this more than Viewtiful Joe.

Viewtiful Joe = GOTY 2003
Viewtiful Joe 2 = GOTY 2005 (damn i hate being PAL :p)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
nubbe said:
I’m a bit worried about Halo 2… you are still master chief, he is still green, you still kill the same enemies, you can still drive that hume, it's still a FPS, it still uses the name Halo… same old same old

Yeah, but your joke is factually incorrect. :p

You know some of that stuff isn't true.


oh yeah, forgot about the co-op mode. I guess that's a pretty big addition if you have gamer friends.

The new move is useless though. I tried it a bunch and really it's like EXACTLY THE SAME as zoom in. Just a more powerful attack. It's also used for puzzles but outside of puzzles I don't think you'll really use it much.


Queen of Denmark
I'll be getting it for the co-op mode, but if that wasn't included the game would be a no-sale for me; although I liked the first VJ (never did get past the Magnificant Five on adult, though...because I suck), I don't think I liked it quite enough to play an expansion of it.

But yeah, I'll be buying it anyway, because of co-op. That should be a mandatory feature in all games -- it can make the mediocre fun, and the fun fantastic.
Deepthroat said:
I'm trapped in VJ1. Is Episode 6 supposed to be this hard? I mean, c'mon :|
SlowZ-RHOH* does wonders on the bosses

*Slow+Zoom, then press and hold the punch button (Red Hot One Hundred)


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
The problem, like with most sequels now a days, is that it's coming out way too soon. Most sequels in the last 5 years have come well before I or most gamers wanted them to.

I kind of like how Halo 2 has taken forever.
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