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I'm only looking forward to Nintendo games


First time it's happened in a while, but all I want to play is Pikmin 2 (I'm in New Zealand and haven't imported yet), Paper Mario 2 and Zelda: Minish Cap. Nintendo are kicking arse again as far as I'm concerned.


I'm in the opposite boat. I haven't been looking forward to any Nintendo titles in a long time. Perhaps Legend of Zelda, but that's gonna be a while before it's out. Are they saving up for the Revolution?


I havent' played or looked forward to any Nintendo games for a good year. Now I'm looking forward mostly to Nintendo game (Donkey Konga, Pikmin2, Paper mario 2, Made in Wario 2), and nothing much on the other consoles (although I'll buy Halo2)

That'll most likely pass though - Nintendo seem to go through phases. No software (get slagged off in the press); quickly whip all the devs to produce lots of software, which then comes out in a 3month lump; then nothing again for 9 months.

apart from Halo 2, nothing much gets me juiced up (PES4, GTA:SA etc - meh)
GTA: San Andreas and MGS3 are the only PS2 games I'm really looking forward at the moment, but there are lot more Nintendo games for Gamecube, GBA and DS I'm really interested.


trippingmartian said:
You're not looking forward to GameCube The Legend of Zelda!?!??!
Well of course, but that's too far off. If I really stretch it then the game I want most is Mario 128, but there seems more chance of Jesus coming to Earth now.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
snaildog said:
but all I want to play is Pikmin 2 (I'm in New Zealand and haven't imported yet)

I'm in the same boat, but i have to say, November 5th Pikmin 2, is going to get 4 days of playtime and that will be about it for a while :( PICK YOUR TIMES NINTENDO.


Except for Realda, Metroid, and Mario 128 which is probably eons away, I'm not the least bit interested in any of Nintendo's games. I wish they would revive and reinvent some of their older ips to spice things up.
hobbitx said:
Except for Realda, Metroid, and Mario 128 which is probably eons away, I'm not the least bit interested in any of Nintendo's games. I wish they would revive and reinvent some of their older ips to spice things up.
I approve this message. Earthbound and Punchout! would be nice.


trippingmartian said:
I approve this message. Earthbound and Punchout! would be nice.

Mother 3 has been in development for nearly as long as Duke Nukem Forever now, hasn't it? Wonder if it'll be moved to the DS.
DS would be the perfect platform for the game. The announcement of a GBA Mother 3 seemed a bit of a compromise after already having seen the N64 footage.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16












I don't think I've been pumped for a Nintendo game since Mario 2. San Andreas will tide me over for quite a while, though.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I'm not really looking forward to any Nintendo titles. I will never consider Metroid Prime a Nintendo title. The guys at Retro deserve more respect than that. :p

I kid, I kid (or do I?). :D


AniHawk said:
Mother 3 has been in development for nearly as long as Duke Nukem Forever now, hasn't it? Wonder if it'll be moved to the DS.
Heh, that'd be it's 4th platform shift then...

64DD -> N64 -> GBA -> NDS

...though it'd probably be a shift for the better. The game's not coming until the end of 2005 anyway, delay it into 2006 a bring back the N64 engine on DS.
I was super hyped when "Mature Zelda" was unveiled and it was the first time I've been really excited by a Nintendo game since the N64 days. I know I will pumped for this title as it gets closer to release.

I'm having a lot of fun with Donkey Konga atm.


I'm like the exact opposite... besides Paper Mario 2 (which I wont be picking up till next year) every other system has games that I want.

Halo 2, MGS 3, Half-Life 2, World of Warcraft, GTA:SA and KOTOR 2 are my top picks for the fall.

NDS doesnt interest me in the slightest. I'll wait for a review of Advance Wars DS to make my final decision on that.


Leviathan said:

I can never get used to these screens. This game will put every other game to shame in 2005.

Too bad that I bet the batch of screens released shortly before the game, from the real engine, will not look nearly as impressive.
Remember RE4? Fable? Lots Of Other Titles? Innumerable "it looked better on the older screens" cryes? The old mature Zelda screens? Molineaux's "OOPS our first batch of Fable's screens featured a little too high poly count that what we managed to have in the final game"? And so on.


yea. outside of ratchet and clank3 i'm pretty much set with only nintendo games for the forseeable future.


I think Zelda 05 is going to be phenomenal, especially graphically.

Now if Aonuma can just keep that momentum going with an absolutely kick ass story, which I have no doubt he will based upon what he did for Majora's Mask and Wind Waker, this will easily be the best game of the entire generation.
I honestly wish I could be remotely hyped about the new Zelda. I'm enthusiastic about it usually, but I was expecting something totally different. Let's just say my most anticipated Zelda game is on GBA... maybe on DS if Four Swords is as good as or better than its GCN incarnation.

I'm looking foreward to quite a lot of other stuff... not necessarily by Nintendo but on Nintendo systems. Paper Mario 2 and Legend of Zelda Minish Cap are going to have a tough time next month launching alongside Halo in Europe, but I know I'll be buying both.. Metroid Prime Echoes shouldn't be far behind.. and for others (I own the US imports) Legend of Zelda Four Swords and Tales of Symphonia are coming soon too. There's Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean, a little further down the line for RPG fans. Donkey Kong Jungle Beat will reprise the use of Kongas following the awesome Donkey Konga which was released today.. into the distant future there's Resident Evil 4 and Legend of Zelda (as yet unsubtitled).

There is a LOT of stuff on DS I'm excited about. But I've decided it would be stupid to spend the extra cash needed to import it... I could buy games or a new console instead while I wait for the Euro release. And that way I'm certain of WiFi multiplayer compatibility with my friends' machines.


The last Nintendo game I was excited for was OoT. :)

The new Zelda doesn't interest me in the least. It's pretty, but it's still Zelda. I've grown tired of the gameplay in the series.


jarrod said:
Nintendo's only releasing one more game? I'm not following...

Only one that matters... MP2.

It was a joke buddy... calm down. I'm sure Nintendo will pump out Marios and Zeldas until the end of time... I'm joking. Just think about how good Zelda the Camel Rider is going to look. You can cross the sahara on the back of a camel... much better than sailing because it will look so cool. Damn jarrod, I said I was joking!


jedimike said:
Only one that matters... MP2.

It was a joke buddy... calm down. I'm sure Nintendo will pump out Marios and Zeldas until the end of time... I'm joking. Just think about how good Zelda the Camel Rider is going to look. You can cross the sahara on the back of a camel... much better than sailing because it will look so cool. Damn jarrod, I said I was joking!


Ar_ said:
Too bad that I bet the batch of screens released shortly before the game, from the real engine, will not look nearly as impressive.
The real engine? I was under the impression that they are using a modified version of the existing Wind Waker engine. The engine for the most part is complete.

Remember RE4? Fable? Lots Of Other Titles? Innumerable "it looked better on the older screens" cryes? The old mature Zelda screens? Molineaux's "OOPS our first batch of Fable's screens featured a little too high poly count that what we managed to have in the final game"? And so on.
RE4 looks gorgeous. I really haven't heard these complaints you are talking about. Mind linking a thread?

Fable is a different story. There's been so much hype and it's been in development for such a long time, of course it's going to have some criticism. However, it still is a very pretty game.



I hope they can up the polycount on some of these guys, or smooth it out...or something, because that character model for "Balrog" looks N64ish. :p

I mean, jeez...his arm. Unless it's just a bad grab...but damn.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Ar_ said:
Too bad that I bet the batch of screens released shortly before the game, from the real engine, will not look nearly as impressive.
Remember RE4? Fable? Lots Of Other Titles? Innumerable "it looked better on the older screens" cryes? The old mature Zelda screens? Molineaux's "OOPS our first batch of Fable's screens featured a little too high poly count that what we managed to have in the final game"? And so on.
Wind Waker looked better in the end than the first screens
Ocarina of Time looked better in the end than the first screens
Metroid Prime looked better in the end than it's original screens
Fable is not comparable because it went through an entire art direction shift (furries rule!!)
RE4's first screens showed VERY little, certainly not enough IMHO to say they quantitively looked better than the current screens.

Really your post showed no clear examples of this. Not saying it hasn't happened, but hardly a precident to apply it to the new Zelda.

If anything, the fact that Wind Waker looked better in the end than at the start combined with the fact the Space World Zelda looks like complete ass compared to this leads one to believe that yes, the new Zelda really could look this good..

well, that and Shiggy saying the demo was done on GCN hardware.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
If anything, the fact that Wind Waker looked better in the end than at the start combined with the fact the Space World Zelda looks like complete ass compared to this leads one to believe that yes, the new Zelda really could look this good..

The Space World Zelda still looks more detailed than what has been shown of this new title...


jedimike said:
Only one that matters... MP2.

It was a joke buddy... calm down. I'm sure Nintendo will pump out Marios and Zeldas until the end of time... I'm joking. Just think about how good Zelda the Camel Rider is going to look. You can cross the sahara on the back of a camel... much better than sailing because it will look so cool. Damn jarrod, I said I was joking!
Whoops, guess I just missed the funny. Anyway, Minish Cap + Advance Wars DS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Halo 2 > MP2... and I'm not joking. :)
Matlock said:

I hope they can up the polycount on some of these guys, or smooth it out...or something, because that character model for "Balrog" looks N64ish. :p

I mean, jeez...his arm. Unless it's just a bad grab...but damn.

He's got an animated texture though and there's a fire effect around him when he moves... it doesn't look as bad as that still.

I don't like the way it looks regardless.


borghe said:
Wind Waker looked better in the end than the first screens
Ocarina of Time looked better in the end than the first screens
Metroid Prime looked better in the end than it's original screens
Fable is not comparable because it went through an entire art direction shift (furries rule!!)
RE4's first screens showed VERY little, certainly not enough IMHO to say they quantitively looked better than the current screens.

Really your post showed no clear examples of this. Not saying it hasn't happened, but hardly a precident to apply it to the new Zelda.

If anything, the fact that Wind Waker looked better in the end than at the start combined with the fact the Space World Zelda looks like complete ass compared to this leads one to believe that yes, the new Zelda really could look this good..

well, that and Shiggy saying the demo was done on GCN hardware.

You're incorrect for both RE4 and OoT.
The first screens of OoT had extremely detailed environments (the Lost Forest was actually a forest with lots of trees and not just walls and warp tunnels like in the final game) and RE4 was visually quite better before it made the switch to the South American theme (see the original Capcom 5 unveiling trailer).


jarrod said:
Whoops, guess I just missed the funny. Anyway, Minish Cap + Advance Wars DS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Halo 2 > MP2... and I'm not joking. :)

The Handheld Emperor

...I guess for you, it would be. You'll be happy to know that I'm days away from getting a GBA:SP. Have to go to Hawaii for a couple days and need something to do on the plane.


jedimike said:
The Handheld Emperor

...I guess for you, it would be. You'll be happy to know that I'm days away from getting a GBA:SP. Have to go to Hawaii for a couple days and need something to do on the plane.

save your money

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Ar_ said:
Too bad that I bet the batch of screens released shortly before the game, from the real engine, will not look nearly as impressive.
Remember RE4? Fable? Lots Of Other Titles? Innumerable "it looked better on the older screens" cryes? The old mature Zelda screens? Molineaux's "OOPS our first batch of Fable's screens featured a little too high poly count that what we managed to have in the final game"? And so on.

Uhh, that is the real engine...nice troll.

And RE4 looks just as good now, if not better, than ever.


Insertia said:
You're incorrect for both RE4 and OoT.
The first screens of OoT had extremely detailed environments (the Lost Forest was actually a forest with lots of trees and not just walls and warp tunnels like in the final game) and RE4 was visually quite better before it made the switch to the South American theme (see the original Capcom 5 unveiling trailer).

The first screens of OOT shown in magazines did not even have a texture map on Link.


Insertia said:
You're incorrect for both RE4 and OoT.
The first screens of OoT had extremely detailed environments (the Lost Forest was actually a forest with lots of trees and not just walls and warp tunnels like in the final game) and RE4 was visually quite better before it made the switch to the South American theme (see the original Capcom 5 unveiling trailer).
Er, the first screens of Zelda 64 were laughable (SD Link fighting a shiny Iron Knuckle). And the forest shots which came later (with the red Octoroks) had pathetically simple models, with the 'forest' amounting to a few scattered tree trunks on a flat plane. The final game really does look way better (though I would've liked a "real" forest too, like the one seen in Majora's Mask's opening).

RE4, it's debatable. I'd say the outdoor environments of the current version are probably more impressive all around, though the lighting was insane in the first version revealed. But both were running on GC hardware, the shift was made due a change in the core team and game direction... I'm not sure what your point is here?

jedimike said:
The Handheld Emperor

...I guess for you, it would be. You'll be happy to know that I'm days away from getting a GBA:SP. Have to go to Hawaii for a couple days and need something to do on the plane.
I trust you'll be picking up AW2 to go along with that SP? :)


I don't think the pics from the new GC Zelda are that impressive, technically. Link is very detailed yeah, the effects are nice...but not the superblurry ground for example, the plain surroundings...and textures being used instead of modelling certain things.

With that said, I still find it damn impressive, simply because it's a "mature" Zelda game. That fact alone makes it interesting for me. Now, I loved Wind Waker and wouldn't mind seeing a Zelda game made in a similar style, but with this new Zelda game...maybe we will finally get an in-depth, epic and serious storyline too, or at least a more cinematic-like feeling. That would rock so very much.
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